
# Create a new environment in order to namespace variables that hold the package state
promote <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

# Packages that need to be installed for the model to run - this will almost always
# include all the packages listed in imports
promote$dependencies <- data.frame()

# Metadata from the model
promote$metadata <- data.frame()

# Private function for storing requirements that will be imported on
# the Promote server
promote$model.require <- function() {

#' Calls promote's REST API and returns a JSON document containing both the prediction
#' and associated metadata.
#' @param model_name the name of the model you want to call
#' @param data input data for the model
#' @param model_owner the owner of the model [optional]
#' @param raw_input when true, incoming data will NOT be coerced into data.frame
#' @param silent should output of url to console (via \code{promote.post})
#' be silenced? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' promote.config <- c(
#'  username = "your username",
#'  apikey = "your apikey",
#'  env="http://ip_of_alteryx_promote.com"
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' promote.predict_raw("irisModel", iris)
#' }
promote.predict_raw <- function(model_name, data, model_owner, raw_input = FALSE, silent = TRUE) {
  usage <- "usage:  promote.predict(<model_name>,<data>)"
  if (missing(model_name)){
    stop(paste("Please specify the model name you'd like to call", usage, sep = "\n"))
  if (missing(data)){
    stop(paste("You didn't pass any data to predict on!", usage, sep = "\n"))
  AUTH <- get("promote.config")
  if ("env" %in% names(AUTH)) {
    user <- AUTH[["username"]]
    if (!missing(model_owner)){
      user <- model_owner
    endpoint <- sprintf("%s/models/%s/predict", user, model_name)
  } else {
    stop("Please specify an env in promote.config")

  # build the model url for the error message
  url <- AUTH[["env"]]
  usetls <- FALSE
  if (is.https(url)) {
    usetls <- TRUE
  url <- stringr::str_replace_all(url, "^https?://", "")
  url <- stringr::str_replace_all(url, "/$", "")
  if (usetls) {
    model_url <- sprintf("https://%s/model/%s", url, model_name)
  } else {
    model_url <- sprintf("http://%s/model/%s", url, model_name)
  query <- list()
  if (raw_input == TRUE) {
    query[["raw_input"]] <- "true"

  error_msg <- paste("Invalid response: are you sure your model is built?\nHead over to",
                     model_url, "to see you model's current status.")
      rsp <- promote.post(endpoint, query = query, data = data, silent = silent)
    error = function(e){
    exception = function(e){
#' Make a prediction using promote.
#' This function calls promote's REST API and returns a response formatted as a
#' data frame.
#' @param model_name the name of the model you want to call
#' @param data input data for the model
#' @param model_owner the owner of the model [optional]
#' @param raw_input when true, incoming data will NOT be coerced into data.frame
#' @param silent should output of url to console (via \code{promote.post})
#' be silenced? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @keywords predict
#' @export
#' @examples
#' promote.config <- c(
#'  username = "your username",
#'  apikey = "your apikey",
#'  env = "http://sandbox.promotehq.com/"
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' promote.predict("irisModel", iris)
#' }
promote.predict <- function(model_name, data, model_owner, raw_input = FALSE, silent = TRUE) {
  raw_rsp <- promote.predict_raw(model_name, data, model_owner, raw_input = raw_input, silent = silent)
    if (raw_input == TRUE) {
    } else if ("result" %in% names(raw_rsp)) {
      data.frame(lapply(raw_rsp$result, unlist))
    } else {
  error = function(e){
    stop("Invalid response: are you sure your model is built?")
  exception = function(e){
    stop("Invalid response: are you sure your model is built?")

#' Import one or more libraries and add them to the promote model's
#' dependency list
#' @param name name of the package to be added
#' @param src source from which the package will be installed on Promote (github or CRAN)
#' @param version version of the package to be added
#' @param user Github username associated with the package
#' @param url A valid URL pointing to a remote hosted git repository
#' @param auth_token Personal access token string associated with a private package's repository
#' @param ref The git branch, tag, or SHA of the package to be installed
#' @param subdir The path to the repo subdirectory holding the package to be installed
#' @param install Whether the package should also be installed into the model on the
#' Promote server; this is typically set to False when the package has already been
#' added to the Promote base image.
#' @keywords import
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' promote.library("MASS")
#' promote.library(c("wesanderson", "stringr"))
#' promote.library("hilaryparker/cats")
#' promote.library("cats", src="github", user="hilaryparker")
#' promote.library("my_public_package", install=FALSE)
#' promote.library("my_public_package", src="git", url="https://gitlab.com/userName/rpkg.git")
#' promote.library("my_proprietary_package", src="github", auth_token=<yourToken>) 
#' promote.library("testPkg", src="github", user="emessess", auth_token=<yourToken>) 
#' promote.library("priv_pkg", 
#'                 src="git", 
#'                 url="https://x-access-token:<PersonalAccessToken>ATgithub.com/username/rpkg.git")
#' promote.library("priv_pkg", 
#'                  src="git", 
#'                  url="https://x-access-token:<PersonalAccessToken>ATgitlab.com/username/rpkg.git", 
#'                  ref="stage")
#' promote.library("my_package", src="github", auth_token=<yourToken> subdir="/pathToSubdir/")  
#' }
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
promote.library <- function(name, src="version", version=NULL, user=NULL, install=TRUE, auth_token=NULL, url=NULL, ref="master", subdir=NULL) {

  # If a vector of CRAN packages is passed, add each of them
  if (length(name) > 1) {
    for (n in name) {
      promote.library(n, src=src, version=version, user=user, install=install, auth_token=auth_token, url=url, ref=NULL)

  # if someone manually passes "CRAN" as src, set it to version to match the templating
  if (src == "CRAN") {
    src <- "version"

  # Make sure it's using an accepted src
  if (!src %in% c("version", "github", "git")) {
    stop(cat(src, "is not a valid package type"))

# This is to support the legacy implementation of github (public only) installs
  if (!grepl("/", name) && src == "github") {
    if (is.null(user)) {
      stop(cat("no repository username specified"))
    installName <- paste(user, "/", name, sep="")
  } else if (src == "git") {
    installName <- url
  } else {
    installName <- name

# Also legacy code, but since we are now accepting github links for src='git' this grepl on it's own isn't enough
  if (grepl("/", name) && src == "github") {
    nameAndUser <- unlist(strsplit(name, "/"))
    user <- nameAndUser[[1]]
    name <- nameAndUser[[2]]

 library(name, character.only = TRUE)

  # If a version wasn't manually specified for a CRAN install, get this info from the session
  if (src=="version" && is.null(version)) {
    version <- packageDescription(name)$Version

  paramsList <- list(installName, name, src, version, install, auth_token, ref, subdir)
  replacedNulls <- lapply(paramsList, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), NA, x))

  do.call(add.dependency, replacedNulls)

  # add.dependency(installName, name, src, version, install, auth_token, ref, subdir)


#' Add metadata to the deployment of your promote model
#' @param name key name for the metadata entry
#' @param value value for the metadata entry
#' @keywords metadata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' promote.metadata("key", "value")
#' promote.metadata("R_squared", summary(fit)$r.squared)
#' promote.metadata("R_squared_adj", summary(fit)$adj.r.squared)
#' promote.metadata("deploy_node", Sys.info()[["nodename"]])
#' }
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
promote.metadata <- function(name, value) {
  if (is.null(name)) {
    stop("promote.metadata requires a 'name' field")
  if (is.null(value)) {
    stop("promote.metadata requires a 'value' field")
  if (typeof(name) != "character") {
    stop("promote.metadata name must be a character type")
  if (typeof(value) != "character") {
    value <- toString(value)
  if (nchar(name) > 21) {
    stop("please limit your name field to 20 characters or less")
   if (nchar(value) > 51) {
    stop("please limit your value field to 50 characters or less")
  add.metadata(name, value)

#' Removes a library from the promote model's dependency list
#' @param name of the package to be removed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' promote.unload("wesanderson")
#' }
promote.unload <- function(name) {
  deps <- promote$dependencies
  promote$dependencies <- deps[deps$importName != name, ]

#' Deploy a model to promote's servers
#' This function takes model.predict and creates
#' a model on promote's servers which can be called from any programming language
#' via promote's REST API (see \code{\link{promote.predict}}).
#' @param model_name name of your model
#' @param confirm boolean indicating whether to prompt before deploying
#' @param custom_image name of the image you'd like your model to use
#' @keywords deploy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' promote.config <- c(
#'  username = "your username",
#'  apikey = "your apikey",
#'  env = "http://sandbox.promotehq.com/"
#' )
#' iris$Sepal.Width_sq <- iris$Sepal.Width^2
#' fit <- glm(I(Species)=="virginica" ~ ., data=iris)
#' model.predict <- function(df) {
#'  data.frame("prediction"=predict(fit, df, type="response"))
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' promote.library("randomForest")
#' promote.deploy("irisModel")
#' }
promote.deploy <- function(model_name, confirm=TRUE, custom_image=NULL) {
  if (missing(model_name)){
    stop("Please specify 'model_name' argument")
  if (length(grep("^[A-Za-z0-9]+$", model_name))==0) {
    stop("Model name can only contain following characters: A-Za-z0-9")
  img.size.mb <- check.image.size()
  AUTH <- get("promote.config")
  if (length(AUTH) == 0) {
    stop("Please specify your account credentials using promote.config.")
  if (nrow(promote$metadata) > 6) {
    stop("promote.metadata allows a maximum of 6 items")

  if ("env" %in% names(AUTH)) {
    env <- AUTH[["env"]]
    usetls <- FALSE
    if (is.https(env)) {
      usetls <- TRUE
    env <- stringr::str_replace_all(env, "^https?://", "")
    env <- stringr::str_replace_all(env, "/$", "")
    AUTH <- AUTH[!names(AUTH)=="env"]
    if (usetls) {
      url <- sprintf("https://%s/api/deploy/R", env)
    } else {
      url <- sprintf("http://%s/api/deploy/R", env)
    image_file <- tempfile(pattern = "scienceops_deployment")

    all_objects <- promote.ls()
    # Consolidate local environment with global one
    deployEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    deployEnv$model.require <- promote$model.require
    for (obj in all_objects) {
      deployEnv[[obj]] <- globalenv()[[obj]]

    all_funcs <- all_objects[lapply(all_objects, function(name){
    }) == "function"]
    all_objects <- c("model.require", all_objects)

    save(list=all_objects, envir = deployEnv, file = image_file)
    cat("objects detected\n")

    sizes <- lapply(all_objects, function(name) {
      format( object.size(globalenv()[[name]]) , units = "auto")
    sizes <- unlist(sizes)
    print(data.frame(name = all_objects, size = sizes))

    if (confirm && interactive()) {

    dependencies <- promote$dependencies[promote$dependencies$install,]
    metadata <- promote$metadata

    body <- list(
      "model_image" = httr::upload_file(image_file),
      "modelname" = model_name,
      "packages" = jsonlite::toJSON(dependencies),
      "code" = capture.src(all_funcs),
      "custom_image" = custom_image,
      "metadata" = jsonlite::toJSON(metadata)

    promotesh <- paste(getwd(), "/promote.sh", sep = "")
    if (file.exists(promotesh)) {
      con <- file(promotesh)
      out <- paste(c(readLines(con)), collapse="\n")
      body[["promotesh"]] <- out

    err.msg <- paste("Could not connect to Promote. Please ensure that your",
                     "specified server is online. Contact info [at] promotehq [dot] com",
                     "for further support.",
                     "Specified endpoint:",
    rsp <- httr::POST(url, httr::authenticate(AUTH[["username"]], AUTH[["apikey"]], 'basic'), body = body)

    body <- httr::content(rsp)
    if (rsp$status_code != 200) {
      stop("deployment error: ", body)
    rsp.df <- data.frame(body)
    cat("deployment successful\n")
  } else {
    message("Please specify 'env' parameter in promote.config.")

Try the promote package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

promote documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:59 p.m.