
Defines functions cochranTest

Documented in cochranTest

#' @title Cochran *C* Test
#' @description
#' \loadmathjax
#' Detects and removes replicate outliers in data series based on the Cochran
#' *C* test for homogeneity in variance.
#' @usage
#' cochranTest(X, id, fun = 'sum', alpha = 0.05)
#' @param X a a numeric matrix (optionally a data frame that can
#' be coerced to a numerical matrix).
#' @param id factor of the replicate identifiers.
#' @param fun function to aggregate data: 'sum' (default), 'mean', 'PC1' or 'PC2'.
#' @param alpha *p*-value of the Cochran *C* test.
#' @author Antoine Stevens
#' @return a list with components:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{'`X`': input matrix from which outlying observations (rows) have
#'  been removed}
#'  \item{'`outliers`': numeric vector giving the row indices of the input
#'  data that have been flagged as outliers}
#' }
#' @details
#' The Cochran *C* test is test whether a single estimate of variance is
#' significantly larger than a a group of variances.
#' It can be computed as:
#' \mjdeqn{RMSD = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n {(y_i - \ddot{y}_i)^2}}}{RMSD = sqrt{{1}/{n} sum (y_i - ddot{y}_i)^2}}
#' where \mjeqn{y_i}{y_i} is the value of the side variable of the \mjeqn{i}{i}th sample,
#' \mjeqn{\ddot{y}_i}{\ddot{y}_i} is the value of the side variable of the nearest neighbor
#' of the \mjeqn{i}{i}th sample and \mjeqn{n}{n} is the total number of observations.
#' For multivariate data, the variance \mjeqn{S_i^2}{S_i^2} can be computed on aggregated
#' data, using a summary function (`fun` argument)
#' such as `sum`, `mean`, or first principal components ('PC1' and 'PC2').
#' An observation is considered to have an outlying variance if the Cochran *C*
#' statistic is higher than an upper limit critical value \mjeqn{C_{UL}}{C_{UL}}
#' which can be evaluated with ('t Lam, 2010):
#' \mjdeqn{C_{UL}(\alpha, n, N) = 1 + [\frac{N-1}{F_{c}(\alpha/N,(n-1),(N-1)(n-1))}]^{-1} }{C_{UL}(\alpha, n, N) = 1 + [\frac{N-1}{F_{c}(\alpha/N,(n-1),(N-1)(n-1))}]^{-1}}
#' where \mjeqn{\alpha}{\alpha} is the *p*-value of the test, \mjeqn{n}{n} is the (average)
#' number of replicates and \mjeqn{F_c}{F_c} is the critical value of the Fisher's \mjeqn{F}{F} ratio.
#' The replicates with outlying variance are removed and the test can be applied
#' iteratively until no outlying variance is detected under the given *p*-value.
#' Such iterative procedure is implemented in `cochranTest`, allowing the user
#' to specify whether a set of replicates must be removed or not from the
#' dataset by graphical inspection of the outlying replicates. The user has then
#' the possibility to (i) remove all replicates at once, (ii) remove one or more
#' replicates by giving their indices or (iii) remove nothing.
#' @note The test assumes a balanced design (i.e. data series have the same
#' number of replicates).
#' @references
#' Centner, V., Massart, D.L., and De Noord, O.E., 1996. Detection of
#' inhomogeneities in sets of NIR spectra. Analytica Chimica Acta 330, 1-17.
#' R.U.E. 't Lam (2010). Scrutiny of variance results for outliers: Cochran's
#' test optimized. Analytica Chimica Acta 659, 68-84.
#' <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochran's_C_test>
#' @export

cochranTest <- function(X, id, fun = "sum", alpha = 0.05) {
  if (!is.factor(id)) {
    stop("id should be a factor")
  id <- id[drop = TRUE]
  pval <- 0
  X2 <- NULL
  n <- nrow(X)
  X <- data.frame(ID = 1:n, X, check.names = FALSE)

  while (pval <= alpha) {
    x <- switch(fun,
      sum = {
        apply(X[, -1], 1, sum)
      mean = {
        apply(X[, -1], 1, mean)
      PC1 = {
        prcomp(X[, -1], center = TRUE, .scale = FALSE)$x[, 1]
      PC2 = {
        prcomp(X[, -1], center = TRUE, .scale = FALSE)$x[, 2]

    vars <- tapply(x, id, var) # variances
    pval <- Cul(max(vars) / sum(vars), mean(table(id)), length(vars))
    if (pval > alpha) {
    print(paste("Cochran p value for max variance = ", pval, sep = ""))
    maxvar <- which(id == levels(id)[which.max(vars)])
    matplot(x = as.numeric(colnames(X[, -1])), y = t(X[maxvar, -1]), type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "", main = levels(id)[which.max(vars)])
    legend("topleft", lty = 1:length(maxvar), col = 1:length(maxvar), legend = 1:length(maxvar))
    out <- readline("Which replicate is an outlier \nthat you want to remove\n(-1 = all; 0 = none; >0 = (comma separated) index of the replicate(s) to remove )\n:")
    out <- as.numeric(strsplit(out, ",")[[1]])
    if (out[1]) {
      if (out[1] == -1) {
        out <- 1:length(maxvar)
      X <- X[-maxvar[out], ]
      id <- id[-maxvar[out]][drop = TRUE]
    } else {
      # keep those that have been flagged but are not outliers
      X2 <- rbind(X2, X[maxvar, ])
      X <- X[-maxvar, ]
      id <- id[-maxvar][drop = TRUE]
  X <- rbind(X, X2)
  list(X = X[, -1], outliers = which(!1:n %in% X$ID))

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