
Defines functions statsBy.boot.summary

Documented in statsBy.boot.summary

statsBy.boot <-    function (data,group,ntrials=10,cors=FALSE,replace=TRUE,method="pearson") { #  
    cl <- match.call()
    result <- vector("list",ntrials) #supposedly allocates more memory
    for (i in 1:ntrials) {
    data[,group] <- sample(data[,group],size=nrow(data),replace=replace)
    result[[i]] <- statsBy(data,group,cors=cors,method=method)
statsBy.boot.summary <- function(res.list,var="ICC2") {
nreps <- length(res.list)
nvar <- length(res.list[[1]][[var]])
cnames <- names(res.list[[1]][[var]])
temp <- matrix(NaN,ncol=nvar,nrow=nreps)
colnames(temp) <- cnames
for(i in 1:nreps){
temp[i,] <- res.list[[i]][[var]]
#  crossValidate <- function(data,group,ntrials=10,cors=FALSE,replace=FALSE,method="pearson",x,y) {
#  cl <- match.call()
#   subjects <- 1:nrow(data)
#   sub2 <- nrow(data)/2
#    result <- vector("list",ntrials) #supposedly allocates more memory
#     for (i in 1:ntrials) {
#     progressBar(i,ntrials,"crossValidate")
#     samp <- sample(subjects,size =sub2,replace=replace)
#     resultA <- statsBy(data[samp,],group,cors=cors,method=method)
#     resultB <- statsBy(data[-samp,],group,cors=cors,method=method)
#     result[[i]] <- cor(resultA$mean,resultB,
# }
# }

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psych documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:07 p.m.