
Defines functions applyThreshold computeForecasts estimateCovariance informCrit testGranger bootstrappedVAR companionVAR computeResiduals duplicateMatrix splitMatrix varMCP varSCAD varENET transformData

#' @title Transorm data
#' @description Transform the input data
#' @usage transformData(data, p, opt)
#' @param data the data
#' @param p the order of the VAR
#' @param opt a list containing the options
#' @export
transformData <- function(data, p, opt) {

  # get the number of rows and columns
  nr <- nrow(data)
  nc <- ncol(data)

  # make sure the data is in matrix format
  data <- as.matrix(data)

  # scale the matrix columns
  scale <- ifelse(is.null(opt$scale), FALSE, opt$scale)
  # center the matrix columns (default)
  center <- ifelse(is.null(opt$center), TRUE, opt$center)

  if (center == TRUE) {
    if (opt$method == "timeSlice") {
      leaveOut <- ifelse(is.null(opt$leaveOut), 10, opt$leaveOut)
      m <- colMeans(data[1:(nr-leaveOut),])
    } else {
      m <- colMeans(data)
    cm <- matrix(rep(m, nrow(data)), nrow = nrow(data), byrow = TRUE)
    data <- data - cm
  } else {
    m <- rep(0, nc)

  if (scale == TRUE) {
    #m <- colMeans(data)
    data <- apply(FUN = scale, X = data, MARGIN = 2)

  # create Xs and Ys (temp variables)
  tmpX <- data[1:(nr-1), ]
  tmpY <- data[2:(nr), ]

  # create the data matrix
  tmpX <- duplicateMatrix(tmpX, p)
  tmpY <- tmpY[p:nrow(tmpY), ]

  y <- as.vector(tmpY)

  # Hadamard product for data
  I <- Matrix::Diagonal(nc)
  X <- kronecker(I, tmpX)

  output <- list()
  output$X <- X
  output$y <- y
  output$series <- data
  output$mu <- t(m)



#' @title VAR ENET
#' @description Estimate VAR using ENET penalty
#' @usage varENET(data, p, lambdas, opt)
#' @param data the data
#' @param p the order of the VAR
#' @param lambdas a vector containing the lambdas to be used in the fit
#' @param opt a list containing the options
#' @export
varENET <- function(data, p, lambdas, opt) {

  ## Fit a VAR for a sequence of lambdas
  nc <- ncol(data)
  nr <- nrow(data)

  # transform the dataset
  trDt <- transformData(data, p, opt)

  fit <- glmnet::glmnet(trDt$X, trDt$y, lambda = lambdas)



#' @title VAR SCAD
#' @description Estimate VAR using SCAD penalty
#' @usage varSCAD(data, p, lambdas, opt, penalty)
#' @param data the data
#' @param p the order of the VAR
#' @param lambdas a vector containing the lambdas to be used in the fit
#' @param opt a list containing the options
#' @param penalty a string "SCAD" or something else
#' @export

varSCAD <- function(data, p, lambdas, opt, penalty = "SCAD") {
  ## Fit a VAR for a sequence of lambdas
  nc <- ncol(data)
  nr <- nrow(data)

  # transform the dataset
  trDt <- transformData(data, p, opt)

  if (penalty == "SCAD") {
    fit <- ncvreg::ncvreg(as.matrix(trDt$X), trDt$y, family = "gaussian", penalty = "SCAD",
                          alpha = 1, lambda = lambdas)
  } else {
    stop("[WIP] Only SCAD regression is supported at the moment")
    # fit <- sparsevar::scadReg(as(trDt$X, "dgCMatrix"), trDt$y, alpha = 1, lambda = lambdas)

#' @title VAR MCP
#' @description Estimate VAR using MCP penalty
#' @usage varMCP(data, p, lambdas, opt)
#' @param data the data
#' @param p the order of the VAR
#' @param lambdas a vector containing the lambdas to be used in the fit
#' @param opt a list containing the options
#' @export
varMCP <- function(data, p, lambdas, opt) {

  ## Fit a VAR for a sequence of lambdas
  nc <- ncol(data)
  nr <- nrow(data)

  # transform the dataset
  trDt <- transformData(data, p, opt)

  fit <- ncvreg::ncvreg(as.matrix(trDt$X), trDt$y, family = "gaussian", penalty = "MCP",
                        alpha = 1, lambda = lambdas)



splitMatrix <- function(M, p) {

  nr <- nrow(M)
  A <- list()

  for (i in 1:p) {

    ix <- ((i-1) * nr) + (1:nr)
    A[[i]] <- M[1:nr, ix]



duplicateMatrix <- function(data, p) {

  nr <- nrow(data)
  nc <- ncol(data)

  outputData <- data

  if (p > 1) {
    for (i in 1:(p-1)) {

      tmpData <- matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
      tmpData[(i+1):nr, ] <- data[1:(nr-i), ]
      outputData <- cbind(outputData, tmpData)


  outputData <- outputData[p:nr, ]


computeResiduals <- function(data, A) {

  nr <- nrow(data)
  nc <- ncol(data)
  p <- length(A)

  res <- matrix(0, ncol = nc, nrow = nr)
  f <- matrix(0, ncol = nc, nrow = nr)

  for (i in 1:p) {

    tmpD <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow = i, ncol = nc), data[1:(nrow(data)-i), ])
    tmpF <- t(A[[i]] %*% t(tmpD))
    f <- f + tmpF


  res <- data - f


#' @title Companion VAR
#' @description Build the VAR(1) representation of a VAR(p) process
#' @usage companionVAR(v)
#' @param v the VAR object as from \code{fitVAR} or \code{simulateVAR}
#' @export
companionVAR <- function(v) {

  if (!checkIsVar(v)) {
    stop("v must be a var object")
  A <- v$A
  nc <- ncol(A[[1]])
  p <- length(A)
  if (p>1){
    bigA <- Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow = p*nc, ncol = p*nc, sparse = TRUE)
    for (k in 1:p) {
      ix <- ((k-1) * nc) + (1:nc)
      bigA[1:nc, ix] <- A[[k]]

    ixR <- (nc+1):nrow(bigA)
    ixC <- 1:((p-1)*nc)
    bigA[ixR, ixC] <- diag(1, nrow = length(ixC), ncol = length(ixC))
  } else {
    bigA <- Matrix::Matrix(A[[1]], sparse = TRUE)



#' @title Bootstrap VAR
#' @description Build the bootstrapped series from the original var
#' @usage bootstrappedVAR(v)
#' @param v the VAR object as from fitVAR or simulateVAR
#' @export
bootstrappedVAR <- function(v) {

  ## This function creates the bootstrapped time series
  if (!checkIsVar(v)) {
    stop("v must be a var object")

  r <- v$residuals
  s <- v$series
  A <- v$A
  N <- ncol(A[[1]])
  p <- length(A)
  t <- nrow(r)
  r <- r - matrix(colMeans(r), ncol = N, nrow = t)

  zt <- matrix(0, nrow = t, ncol = N)
  zt[1:p,] <- s[1:p,]

  for (t0 in (p+1):t) {
    ix <- sample((p+1):t, 1)
    u <- r[ix, ]
    vv <- rep(0, N)
    for (i in 1:p){
      ph <- A[[i]]
      vv <- vv + ph %*% zt[(t0-i), ]
    vv <- vv + u
    zt[t0, ] <- vv



#' @title Test for Ganger Causality
#' @description This function should retain only the coefficients of the
#' matrices of the VAR that are statistically significative (from the bootstrap)
#' @usage testGranger(v, eb)
#' @param v the VAR object as from fitVAR or simulateVAR
#' @param eb the error bands as obtained from errorBands
#' @export
testGranger <- function(v, eb) {

  p <- length(v$A)
  A <- list()
  for (i in 1:p) {
    L <- (eb$irfQUB[,,i+1] >= 0 & eb$irfQLB[,,i+1]<=0)
    A[[i]] <- v$A[[i]] * (1-L)



#' @title Computes information criteria for VARs
#' @description This function computes information criterias (AIC, Schwartz and
#' Hannan-Quinn) for VARs.
#' @usage informCrit(v)
#' @param v a list of VAR objects as from fitVAR.
#' @export
informCrit <- function(v) {

  if (is.list(v)) {
    k <- length(v)
    r <- matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = 3)
    for (i in 1:k) {
      if (attr(v[[1]], "class") == "var" | attr(v[[1]], "class") == "vecm") {
        p <- length(v[[i]]$A)
        # Compute sparsity
        s <- 0
        for (l in 1:p) {
          s <- s + sum(v[[i]]$A[[l]]!=0)
        sp <- s/(p*ncol(v[[i]]$A[[1]])^2)          
      } else {
        stop("List elements must be var or vecm objects.")
      sigma <- v[[i]]$sigma
      nr <- nrow(v[[i]]$residuals)
      nc <- ncol(v[[i]]$residuals)
      d <- det(sigma)

      r[i,1] <- log(d) + (2*p*sp*nc^2)/nr                 # AIC
      r[i,2] <- log(d) + (log(nr)/nr) * (p*sp*nc^2)       # BIC
      r[i,3] <- log(d) + (2*p*sp*nc^2)/nr * log(log(nr))  # Hannan-Quinn

    results <- data.frame(r)
    colnames(results) <- c("AIC", "BIC", "HannanQuinn")
  } else {
    stop("Input must be a list of var models.")


estimateCovariance <- function(res, ...) {

  nc <- ncol(res)
  # Different methods for covaraince estimation?
  opt <- list(...)
  s <- corpcor::cov.shrink(res, verbose = FALSE)
  sigma <- matrix(0, ncol = nc, nrow = nc)
  for (i in 1:nc) {
    for (j in 1:nc) {
      sigma[i,j] <- s[i,j]



#' @title Computes forecasts for VARs
#' @description This function computes forecasts for a given VAR.
#' @usage computeForecasts(v, numSteps)
#' @param v a VAR object as from fitVAR.
#' @param numSteps the number of forecasts to produce.
#' @export
computeForecasts <- function(v, numSteps = 1) {

  if(!checkIsVar(v)) {
    stop("You must pass a var object.")
  } else {
    mu <- v$mu
    data <- v$series
    v <- v$A

  if (!is.list(v)) {
    stop("v must be a var object or a list of matrices.")
  } else {

    nr <- nrow(data)
    nc <- ncol(v[[1]])
    p <- length(v)

    f <- matrix(0, nrow = nc, ncol = numSteps)

    tmpData <- matrix(data = t(data[(nr-p+1):nr, ]), nrow = nc, ncol = numSteps)
    nr <- ncol(tmpData)

    for (n in 1:numSteps) {
      for (k in 1:p) {
        if (n == 1) {
          f[, n] <- f[, n] + v[[k]] %*% tmpData[, nr - k + 1]
        } else {
          if (nr > 1) {
            tmpData <- cbind(tmpData[, 2:nr], f[, n-1])
          } else {
            tmpData <- as.matrix(f[, n-1])
          f[, n] <- f[, n] + v[[k]] %*% tmpData[, nr - k + 1]
  f <- f + matrix(rep(mu, length(mu)), length(mu), numSteps)

applyThreshold <- function(A, nr, nc, p, type = "soft") {

  if (type == "soft") {
    tr <- 1 / sqrt(p*nc*log(nr))
  } else if (type == "hard") {
    tr <- (nc)^(-0.49)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown threshold type. Possible values are: \"soft\" or \"hard\"")

  L <- abs(A) >= tr
  A <- A * L


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