#' @name sensitivity
#' @rdname sensitivity
sensitivity_leave1out <- function(ma_obj, ...){
psychmeta.show_progress <- options()$psychmeta.show_progress
if(is.null(psychmeta.show_progress)) psychmeta.show_progress <- TRUE
flag_summary <- "summary.ma_psychmeta" %in% class(ma_obj)
ma_obj <- screen_ma(ma_obj = ma_obj)
es_type <- NULL
ma_methods <- attributes(ma_obj)$ma_methods
ma_metric <- attributes(ma_obj)$ma_metric
if(any(ma_metric == "generic")) es_type <- "es"
if(any(ma_metric == "r_as_r" | ma_metric == "r_as_d")) es_type <- "r"
if(any(ma_metric == "d_as_d" | ma_metric == "d_as_r")) es_type <- "d"
if(is.null(es_type)) stop("ma_obj must represent a meta-analysis of correlations, d values, or generic effect sizes", call. = FALSE)
d_metric <- ifelse(any((ma_metric == "d_as_d" & (any(ma_methods == "ic") | any(ma_methods == "ad"))) | ma_metric == "r_as_d"), TRUE, FALSE)
ma_obj <- convert_ma(ma_obj, record_call = FALSE)
convert_back <- TRUE
convert_back <- FALSE
additional_args <- list(...)
record_call <- additional_args$record_call
record_call <- TRUE
inputs <- ma_arg_list <- attributes(ma_obj)$inputs
progbar <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = " Computing leave-1-out meta-analyses [:bar] :percent est. time remaining: :eta",
total = nrow(ma_obj),
clear = FALSE, width = options()$width)
out_list <- apply(ma_obj, 1, function(ma_obj_i){
escalc <- ma_obj_i$escalc
meta_tables <- ma_obj_i$meta_tables
if(es_type == "es"){
sample_id <- escalc$barebones$sample_id
yi <- escalc$barebones$yi
n <- escalc$barebones$n
vi_xy <- escalc$barebones$vi
wt_xy <- escalc$barebones$weight
if(es_type == "r"){
sample_id <- escalc$barebones$sample_id
rxy <- escalc$barebones$rxy
n <- escalc$barebones$n
n_adj <- escalc$barebones$n_adj
vi_xy <- escalc$barebones$vi
wt_xy <- escalc$barebones$weight
ts_label <- "true_score"
vgx_label <- "validity_generalization_x"
vgy_label <- "validity_generalization_y"
if(es_type == "d"){
if(any(ma_methods == "ic" | ma_methods == "ad")){
sample_id <- escalc$barebones$sample_id
rxy <- escalc$barebones$yi
n <- escalc$barebones$n1 + escalc$bareboness$n2
n_adj <- escalc$barebones$n_adj
vi_xy <- escalc$barebones$vi
wt_xy <- escalc$barebones$weight
sample_id <- escalc$barebones$sample_id
d <- escalc$barebones$d
n1 <- escalc$barebones$n1
n2 <- escalc$barebones$n2
n_adj <- escalc$barebones$n_adj
vi <- escalc$barebones$vi
wt <- escalc$barebones$weight
pi <- escalc$barebones$pi
n <- escalc$barebones$n
ts_label <- "latentGroup_latentY"
vgx_label <- "observedGroup_latentY"
vgy_label <- "latentGroup_observedY"
if(any(ma_methods == "ic")){
rtpa <- escalc$individual_correction$true_score$yi
vi_tp <- escalc$individual_correction$true_score$vi
A_tp <- escalc$individual_correction$true_score$A
wt_tp <- escalc$individual_correction$true_score$weight
a <- escalc$individual_correction$true_score$a
correction_type <- escalc$individual_correction$true_score$correction_type
rxxa_est = escalc$individual_correction$true_score$rxxa_est
ryya_est = escalc$individual_correction$true_score$ryya_est
ts_label <- "latentGroup_latentY"
vgx_label <- "observedGroup_latentY"
vgy_label <- "latentGroup_observedY"
out_list <- list(barebones = NULL,
individual_correction = NULL,
artifact_distribution = NULL)
if("pi" %in% colnames(escalc$barebones)){
p <- wt_mean(x = escalc$barebones$pi, wt = escalc$barebones$n_adj)
p <- .5
conf_level <- inputs$conf_level
cred_level <- inputs$cred_level
conf_method <- inputs$conf_method
cred_method <- inputs$cred_method
if(es_type == "es"){
es_data <- data.frame(yi = yi,
n = n, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
es_data$vi <- vi_xy
es_data$weight <- wt_xy
if(!is.null(sample_id)) es_data <- add_column(es_data, sample_id = sample_id, .before = "yi")
if(es_type == "r"){
es_data <- data.frame(rxy = rxy,
n = n, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
es_data$n_adj <- n_adj
es_data$vi <- vi_xy
es_data$weight <- wt_xy
if(!is.null(sample_id)) es_data <- add_column(es_data, sample_id = sample_id, .before = "rxy")
if(es_type == "d"){
es_data <- data.frame(d = d,
n1 = n1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
es_data$n2 <- n2
es_data$n <- n
es_data$pi <- pi
es_data$n_adj <- n_adj
es_data$vi <- vi
es_data$weight <- wt
if(!is.null(sample_id)) es_data <- add_column(es_data, sample_id = sample_id, .before = "d")
if(any(ma_methods == "ic")){
es_data$rxy = rxy
es_data$n = n
es_data$rtpa = rtpa
es_data$A = A_tp
es_data$a = a
es_data$correction_type = correction_type
es_data$rxxa_est = rxxa_est
es_data$ryya_est = ryya_est
if(any(ma_methods == "ad")){
es_data$rxy = rxy
es_data$n = n
es_data$n_adj <- n_adj
if(any(ma_methods == "ic") | any(ma_methods == "ad")){
if(any(ma_methods == "ic")){
rep_list <- .separate_repmat(rep_mat = .ma_leave1out(data = es_data, ma_fun_boot = .ma_r_ic_boot, ma_arg_list = ma_arg_list), analysis="leave1out")
bb_table <- rep_list$barebones
ts_table <- rep_list$true_score
vgx_table <- rep_list$validity_generalization_x
vgy_table <- rep_list$validity_generalization_y
bb_mat <- meta_tables$barebones
ts_mat <- meta_tables$artifact_distribution$true_score
vgx_mat <- meta_tables$artifact_distribution$validity_generalization_x
vgy_mat <- meta_tables$artifact_distribution$validity_generalization_y
if(es_type == "es"){
es_data$vi <- vi_xy
es_data$weight <- wt_xy
bb_table <- .ma_leave1out(data = es_data, ma_fun_boot = .ma_generic_boot, ma_arg_list = ma_arg_list)
if(es_type == "d"){
es_data$vi <- vi
es_data$weight <- wt
bb_table <- .ma_leave1out(data = es_data, ma_fun_boot = .ma_d_bb_boot, ma_arg_list = ma_arg_list)
bb_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = bb_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(bb_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
ts_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = ts_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(ts_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
vgx_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = vgx_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(vgx_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
vgy_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = vgy_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(vgy_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
bb_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = bb_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(bb_table)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
ts_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = ts_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(ts_table)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
vgx_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = vgx_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(vgx_table)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
vgy_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = vgy_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(vgy_table)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
bb_plots <- .plot_forest_meta(ma_mat = bb_table, ma_vec = bb_mat, analysis = "leave1out")
ts_plots <- .plot_forest_meta(ma_mat = ts_table, ma_vec = ts_mat, analysis = "leave1out")
vgx_plots <- .plot_forest_meta(ma_mat = vgx_table, ma_vec = vgx_mat, analysis = "leave1out")
vgy_plots <- .plot_forest_meta(ma_mat = vgy_table, ma_vec = vgy_mat, analysis = "leave1out")
out_bb <- list(data = bb_table,
plots = bb_plots)
out_ts <- list(data = ts_table,
plots = ts_plots)
out_vgx <- list(data = vgx_table,
plots = vgx_plots)
out_vgy <- list(data = vgy_table,
plots = vgy_plots)
class(out_bb) <- class(out_ts) <- class(out_vgx) <- class(out_vgy) <- "ma_leave1out"
out_list$barebones <- out_bb
out_list$individual_correction$true_score <- out_ts
out_list$individual_correction$validity_generalization_x <- out_vgy
out_list$individual_correction$validity_generalization_y <- out_vgy
names(out_list$individual_correction) <- c(ts_label, vgx_label, vgy_label)
if(any(ma_methods == "ad")){
ma_ad_dump_full <-, append(attributes(meta_tables$artifact_distribution)$inputs, list(.psychmeta_internal_request_datadump = TRUE)))
ma_ad_dump <- ma_ad_dump_full[["x"]]
ma_ad_dump$art_grid <- ma_ad_dump_full$art_grid
ma_arg_list$ma_ad_dump <- ma_ad_dump
rep_list <- .separate_repmat(rep_mat = .ma_leave1out(data = es_data, ma_fun_boot = .ma_r_ad_boot, ma_arg_list = ma_arg_list), analysis="leave1out")
bb_table <- rep_list$barebones
ts_table <- rep_list$true_score
vgx_table <- rep_list$validity_generalization_x
vgy_table <- rep_list$validity_generalization_y
bb_mat <- meta_tables$barebones
ts_mat <- meta_tables$artifact_distribution$true_score
vgx_mat <- meta_tables$artifact_distribution$validity_generalization_x
vgy_mat <- meta_tables$artifact_distribution$validity_generalization_y
bb_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = bb_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(bb_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
ts_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = ts_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(ts_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
vgx_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = vgx_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(vgx_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
vgy_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = vgy_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(vgy_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
bb_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = bb_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(bb_table)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
ts_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = ts_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(ts_table)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
vgx_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = vgx_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(vgx_table)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
vgy_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = vgy_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(vgy_table)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
bb_plots <- .plot_forest_meta(ma_mat = bb_table, ma_vec = bb_mat, analysis = "leave1out")
ts_plots <- .plot_forest_meta(ma_mat = ts_table, ma_vec = ts_mat, analysis = "leave1out")
vgx_plots <- .plot_forest_meta(ma_mat = vgx_table, ma_vec = vgx_mat, analysis = "leave1out")
vgy_plots <- .plot_forest_meta(ma_mat = vgy_table, ma_vec = vgy_mat, analysis = "leave1out")
out_bb <- list(data = bb_table,
plots = bb_plots)
out_ts <- list(data = ts_table,
plots = ts_plots)
out_vgx <- list(data = vgx_table,
plots = vgx_plots)
out_vgy <- list(data = vgy_table,
plots = vgy_plots)
class(out_bb) <- class(out_ts) <- class(out_vgx) <- class(out_vgy) <- "ma_leave1out"
out_list$barebones <- out_bb
out_list$artifact_distribution$true_score <- out_ts
out_list$artifact_distribution$validity_generalization_x <- out_vgy
out_list$artifact_distribution$validity_generalization_y <- out_vgy
names(out_list$artifact_distribution) <- c(ts_label, vgx_label, vgy_label)
if(any(ma_methods == "bb")){
bb_mat <- meta_tables$barebones
if(es_type == "es"){
es_data$vi <- vi_xy
es_data$weight <- wt_xy
bb_table <- .ma_leave1out(data = es_data, ma_fun_boot = .ma_generic_boot, ma_arg_list = ma_arg_list)
if(es_type == "r"){
es_data$vi <- vi_xy
es_data$weight <- wt_xy
bb_table <- .ma_leave1out(data = es_data, ma_fun_boot = .ma_r_bb_boot, ma_arg_list = ma_arg_list)
bb_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = bb_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(bb_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
bb_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = bb_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(bb_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
if(es_type == "d"){
es_data$vi <- vi
es_data$weight <- wt
bb_table <- .ma_leave1out(data = es_data, ma_fun_boot = .ma_d_bb_boot, ma_arg_list = ma_arg_list)
bb_mat <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = bb_mat, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(bb_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
bb_table <- .convert_metatab(ma_table = bb_table, p_vec = rep(p, nrow(bb_mat)), conf_level = conf_level, cred_level = cred_level,
conf_method = conf_method, cred_method = cred_method)
bb_plots <- .plot_forest_meta(ma_mat = bb_table, ma_vec = bb_mat, analysis = "leave1out")
out_bb <- list(data = bb_table,
plots = bb_plots)
class(out_bb) <- "ma_leave1out"
out_list$barebones <- out_bb
names(out_list) <- paste0("analysis id: ", ma_obj$analysis_id)
ma_obj$leave1out <- out_list
if(convert_back) ma_obj <- convert_ma(ma_obj, record_call = FALSE)
if(record_call) attributes(ma_obj)$call_history <- append(attributes(ma_obj)$call_history, list(
if(flag_summary) ma_obj <- summary(ma_obj)
message("leave-1-out meta-analyses have been added to 'ma_obj' - use get_leave1out() to retrieve them.")
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