maccann2020: Studies examining whether student emotional intelligence is...

maccann2020R Documentation

Studies examining whether student emotional intelligence is associated with academic performance


Results from 158 studies, including 1246 effect sizes (r), on the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and academic performance \insertCitemaccann2020emotionalpsymetadata.




A data frame with 1246 rows and 19 variables:

  • study_id: unique id of study

  • sample_id: unique id of sample

  • es_id: unique id of effect size

  • author: author of study

  • pub_year: year of study publication

  • yi: effect size (r)

  • vi: sampling variance for effect (SE^2)

  • pub_type: publication type (0 = journal article, 1 = dissertation, 2 = conference proceedings, 3 = unpublished data)

  • n: number of participants contributing to effect size

  • ed_level1: level of education of the sample at the time of data collection (0 = primary, 1 = secondary, 2 = tertiary, 3 = mixed)

  • ed_level2: level of education based on the type of academic achievement reported (0 = primary, 1 = secondary, 2 = tertiary, 3 = mixed)

  • country: country where the participants in the studies were from

  • perc_white: percentage of the sample categorized as "white" (USA samples only)

  • age: mean age of the sample

  • perc_female: percentage of sample who are female

  • ei_construct: the EI facet or construct represented (0 = overall ei, 2 = perception, 2 = facilitation, 3 = understanding, 4 = management, 5 = intrapersonal, 6 = interpersonal, 7 = stress management, 8 = adaptability, 9 = general mood)

  • ei_stream: the stream (or type) of EI instrument used (1 = maximum-performance ability tests, 2 = rating scales based on ability models, 3 = other broader models of EI that include non-ability constructs)

  • ei_measure: the test of EI used (1.1 = MSCEIT, 1.2 = MEIS, 1.3 = DANVA, 1.4 = STEU, 1.5 = STEM, 2.1 = SUEIT, 2.2 = SSRI, 2.3 = SREIT, 2.4 = TMMS, 2.5 = WLEIS, 3.1 = EQi, 3.2 = TEIQue, 3.3 = ESAP)

  • subject: subject area of the academic performance (0 = general, 1 = verbal/language arts, 2 = math, 3 = science, 4 = social studies, 5 = foreign language, 6 = psychology, 7 = medicine, 8 = engineering, 9 = physical education, 10 = art)

  • humanities: subject area of the acadmeic performance, categorized as sciences versus humanities (0 = general, 1 = math and sciences, 2 = humanities and verbal abilities)

  • achievement_type: type of achievement (0 = course grade, 1 = standardized test)


Further details can be found at



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