nuijten2020: Data collected from meta-analyses on intelligence research

nuijten2020R Documentation

Data collected from meta-analyses on intelligence research


Data resulting from 131 meta-analyses, including 2443 effect sizes (fisher-z), on different areas of intelligence research \insertCitenuijten2020effectpsymetadata




A dataset with 2443 rows and 14 variables.

  • study_id: Unique id for study

  • effect_id: Unique id for effect size

  • authors: identifier for the primary study within a meta-analysis based o the first author of the study or the sample used

  • year: year in which the primary study was reported

  • yi: original effect size converted to a Fishers z value

  • vi: variance around the z value in yi

  • ni: total sample size of the primary study

  • es: effect size as indicated in type_es

  • se: standard errors of the effect size

  • type_es: the type of effect size extracted from the meta-analysis; 1 = r transformed to Fishers z, 2 = Hedge's g, 3 = log odds ratio 4 = Cohen's d, 5 = Hazard Ratio, 6, 7, 8 = other

  • type: type of IQ research summarized by the meta-analysis; 1 = Correlational, 2 = Group_differences 3 = Experiments/Interventions, 4 = Toxicology, 5 = (Behavior) Genetics

  • citations: number of times the primary study was cited

  • countrycode: country in which the first author of a primary study was situated at the time of publication

  • jrnl_impact: impact factor in 2014 of the journal where the primary study was published

  • similarity: whether the primary study matched the research question of the meta-analysis; 0 = dissimilar, 1 = similar




psymetadata documentation built on March 24, 2022, 1:06 a.m.