manylabs2018: Studies from the Many Labs 2 project.

manylabs2018R Documentation

Studies from the Many Labs 2 project.


A subset of the data collected in the Many Labs 2 project which conducted replications of 28 classic and contemporary findings in psychology. The study examined the extent to which variability in replication success can be attributed to the study sample.




A dataset with 1,414 rows and 23 variables.

  • lab: The lab which conducted the replication

  • es_id: Unique id for each effect size

  • yi_r: A numeric indicating the observed effect size, expressed in r

  • vi_r: A numeric indicating the variance on the observed effect size, expressed in r

  • yi_d: A numeric indicating the observed effect size, expressed in Cohen's d

  • vi_d: A numeric indicating the variance on the observed effect size, expressed in Cohen's d

  • ni: A numeric indicating the total sample size for the observed effect size

  • country: Country where the sample was collected

  • weird: Dummy variable encoding whether a country was classified as WEIRD; 0 = non-WEIRD, 1 = WEIRD

  • western: Dummy variable encoding a team judgment whether country was considered "western"

  • educated: Education score as measured by the Education Index

  • industrialized: Industrialization score as measured in the 2016 Industrial Development Report

  • rich: Dummy variable encoding whether a country is developed according to the 2014 World Economic Situation and Prospects Report; 0 = emerging or in transition, 1 = developed

  • democratic: The quality democracy in the corresponding country according to the 2015 Democracy Ranking Report. Higher scores indicate higher quality.

  • mean_weird_score: The arithmetic mean of the weird, western, educated, industrialized, and rich variables

  • online: Whether the study was replicated in a lab or online

  • analysis: Unique id for replicated study



Klein, R. A., et al. (2018). Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(4), 443-490. (APS)

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