spaniol2020: Studies on Executive function components in intellectual...

spaniol2020R Documentation

Studies on Executive function components in intellectual disability


Results from 26 studies, including 99 effect sizes (Hedge's g), on inhibition, shifting, and attention in people with intellectual disability compared to people matched on mental age \insertCitespaniol2019metapsymetadata.




A data frame with 99 rows and 11 variables:

  • author: author of study

  • study_id: unique id for study

  • study_year: year of publication

  • es_id: unique id for effect size

  • yi: effect size in (Hedge's g)

  • vi: sampling variance for effect size (SE^2)

  • group_id: experimental intellectual disability group. one of: non-specific cause ("NSID"), Fragile X syndrome ("FXS"), Down syndrome ("DS"), or Williams syndrome ("WS")

  • ef_type: task type ("inhibition", "updating", "shifting", "fluency", "attention", or "other")

  • ef_component: executive function component ("inhibition", "shifting" or "attention")

  • domain: domain of executive function component ("verbal", "visuospatial", or "other")

  • test: test used to measure executive function


Further details can be found at



psymetadata documentation built on March 24, 2022, 1:06 a.m.