stasielowicz2019b: Studies on the association between goal orientation and...

stasielowicz2019bR Documentation

Studies on the association between goal orientation and performance adaptation


Results from 28 studies, including 86 effect sizes (r), on performance goal orientation and performance adaptation \insertCitestasielowicz2019goalpsymetadata.




A data frame with 86 rows and 25 variables:

  • study_id: unique id for study

  • es_id: unique id for effect size

  • author: author of study

  • pub_year: publication year

  • pub_type: publication type (0 = journal article, 2 = book chapter, 3 = dissertation, 4 = master's thesis, 5 = bachelor's thesis, 6 = conference proceedings, 7 = report, 8 = other)

  • peer_review: whethere publication was peer-reviewed (0 = no, 1 = yes)

  • n: sample size of effect size

  • yi: effect size (r)

  • vi: sampling variance of effect size (SE^2)

  • pgo_type: the performance goal orientation that was assessed ("avoid", "prove", or "global")

  • adapt_measures: assessment method(s) of adaptation used in the study (1 = self-report, 2 = other people, 3 = objective, 4 = mixed)

  • adapt_method: assessment method of adaption (0 = subjective ratings, 1 = objective scores)

  • adapt_method_specific: specific assessment method of adaptation used for the particular effect size (1 = self-report, 2 = other people, 3 = objective)

  • go_measure: instrument used to assess goal orientation

  • financ_support: financial support (0 = no, 1 = yes)

  • age: mean age of sample

  • age_imputed: mean age of sample (imputed)

  • sex: sex of sample (1 = female sample, 2 = male sample, 3 = mixed sample)

  • perc_men: proportion of men in the sample

  • country: country where sampled was collected

  • sample: sample type (1 = students, 2 = employees, 3 = manager, 4 = mixed, 5 = other)

  • level: level (1 = individuals, 2 = team)

  • complexity_component: component complexity of the task (0 = relatively low, 1 = relatively high)

  • complexity_coordinative: coordinative complexity of the task (0 = relatively low, 1 = relatively high)

  • complexity_dynamic: which complexity aspect changed while completing task (0 = neither component nor coordinative, 1 = only component, 2 = only coordinative, 3 = both component and coordinative)


Further details can be found at



psymetadata documentation built on March 24, 2022, 1:06 a.m.