
Defines functions pt_export

Documented in pt_export

#' @title Export ptables as a txt-file
#' @description Function to export perturbation table to Tau-Argus, SAS or
#' any other CKM tool (as txt-file).
#' @param ... 1 or 2 input object of class \code{\linkS4class{ptable}}
#' @param file (character) filename (only 'txt' is possible as file extension)
#' @param SDCtool (character) either "TauArgus" or "SAS"
#' @author Tobias Enderle
#' @keywords export
#' @return Returns `NULL` and the ptable is saved in the specified format.
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' ptab <- create_cnt_ptable(D = 5, V = 3, js = 2, label = "test")
#' pt_export(ptab, file = tempfile("ptable_example"), SDCtool = "TauArgus")
#' }
#' @rdname pt_export
#' @export
pt_export <- function(..., file, SDCtool="TauArgus"){
  if (!is.null(file)) {
  if (grepl("\\.", file)) {
    if (file_ext(tolower(file)) != "txt")
      stop("Only the file extension '.txt' can be specified.")
    filename <- file
  } else {
    filename <- paste0(file, ".txt")

  stopifnot(SDCtool %in% c("TauArgus","SAS"))

  inp.names <- names(list(...))
  inp <- list(...)
  #input <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))

  nr <- length(inp)

  if( !(nr %in% c(1,2)) )
    stop(paste("At least 1 but no more than 2 input objects \n"))

  for (i in 1:nr){

  # Input Object 1
  params1 <- slot(inp[[1]], "pParams")
  table1 <- slot(params1, "table")
  type1 <- slot(params1, "type")

  if (table1=="cnts" & nr==2)
    stop(paste0("You have specified a frequency table (table='cnts'). ", 
                "So you need only 1 input object. That must be of type='all'."))
  # if only 1 object is set
  if (table1=="nums" & nr==1){

    query <- type1 == "all"

    if ( !(query) ) 
      stop(paste0("You have specified a magnitude table (table='nums') and ",
                  "set the argument type='",type1,"'. However, you need ",
                  "either 1 input object of type='all' OR you need 2 input ", 
                  "objects: the first with type='even' and the second with ",


  if (table1=="cnts"){

    if (SDCtool=="TauArgus"){
      pTable <- slot(inp[[1]], "pTable")[,c('i','j','p','v','p_int_ub'),]
      message("\n NOTE: If you have modified the ptable using ",
              "'modify_cnt_ptable()': ", 
              "Please use a new Tau-Argus Release (>= 4.2.3).")

    if (SDCtool=="SAS")
      pTable <-
        slot(inp[[1]], "pTable")[, c('i', 'j', 'p', 'v', 
                                     'p_int_lb', 'p_int_ub'), ]

  if (table1=="nums" & nr==2){
    params2 <- slot(inp[[2]], "pParams")
    table2 <- slot(params2, "table")
    type2 <- slot(params2, "type")

    query <- c("odd","even") %in% c(type1, type2)

    if ( !(all(query)) ) 
      stop(paste0("You have specified the types '",type1,"' and '",type2,
                  "'. However, you need 'type=even' and also 'type=odd'."))

    pTable <- rbind(slot(inp[[1]], "pTable"),
                    slot(inp[[2]], "pTable"))
    pTable <- pTable[,c('i','j','p','v','p_int_ub','type'),]

  if (table1=="nums" & nr==1){
    if (SDCtool=="TauArgus")
      pTable <- slot(inp[[1]], "pTable")[,c('i','j','p','v','p_int_ub','type'),]

    if (SDCtool=="SAS")
      pTable <- slot(inp[[1]], "pTable")[, c('i', 'j', 'p', 'v', 
                                             'p_int_lb', 'p_int_ub', 'type'), ]
  write.table(format(pTable, digits=8), file=filename, sep=";",
              dec=".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote=FALSE)



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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ptable documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:30 p.m.