
Defines functions pdb.uniprot uniprot.pdb uniprot.kegg kegg.uniprot species.kegg species.mapping id.features id.mapping pdb.select prot2codon uniprot2pdb pdb2uniprot pdb.chain pdb.quaternary pdb.seq get.seq

Documented in get.seq id.features id.mapping kegg.uniprot pdb2uniprot pdb.chain pdb.quaternary pdb.select pdb.seq pdb.uniprot prot2codon species.kegg species.mapping uniprot2pdb uniprot.kegg uniprot.pdb

## ---------- getseq.R ------------ ##
#                                    #
#     get.seq                        #
#     pdb.seq                        #
#     pdb.quaternary                 #
#     pdb.chain                      #
#     pdb2uniprot                    #
#     uniprot2pdb                    #
#     prot2codon                     #
#     pdb.select                     #
#     id.mapping                     #
#     id.features                    #
#     species.mapping                #
#     species.kegg                   #
#     kegg.uniprot                   #
#     uniprot.kegg                   #
#     uniprot.pdb                    #
#     pdb.uniprot                    #
#                                    #
## -------------------------------- ##

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#      get.seq <- function(id, db = 'uniprot', as.string = TRUE)     #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Import a Protein Sequence from a Database
#' @description Imports a protein sequence from a selected database.
#' @usage get.seq(id, db = 'uniprot', as.string = TRUE)
#' @param id the identifier of the protein of interest.
#' @param db a character string specifying the desired database; it must be one of 'uniprot', 'metosite', 'pdb', 'kegg-aa', 'kegg-nt'.
#' @param as.string logical, if TRUE the imported sequence will be returned as a character string.
#' @details MetOSite uses the same type of protein ID than UniProt. However, if the chosen database is PDB, the identifier should be the 4-character unique identifier characteristic of PDB, followed by colon and the chain of interest. For instance, '2OCC:B' means we are interested in the sequence of chain B from the structure 2OCC. KEGG used its own IDs (see examples).
#' @return Returns a protein (or nucleotide) sequence either as a character vector or a as a character string.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples get.seq('P01009')
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @export

get.seq <- function(id, db = 'uniprot', as.string = TRUE){

  db <- tolower(db)

  if (db == 'uniprot'){
    baseUrl <- "http://uniprot.org/uniprot/"
    call <- paste(baseUrl, id, ".fasta", sep = "")

  } else if (db == 'metosite'){
    baseUrl <- 'https://metosite.uma.es/api/proteins/scan/'
    call <- paste(baseUrl, id, sep = "")

  } else if (db == 'pdb'){
    text <- 'no text'
    id <- strsplit(id, split=':')[[1]]
    df <- tryCatch(
      error = function(cond){

    if (is.data.frame(df)){ # pdb.seq successed
      call <- NULL
      if (!is.na(id[2])){ # a given chain
        chains <- strsplit(gsub(",", "", paste(df$chain, collapse = "")), split = "")[[1]]
        if (id[2] %in% chains){
          seq <- df$sequence[grepl(id[2], df$chain)]
        } else if (grepl(id[2], chains)){
          seq <- df$sequence[grepl(id[2], df$chain)]
        } else {
          stop("The chosen chain is not found in the PDB")
      } else { # no chain specified
        seq <- paste(df$sequence, collapse = "")

  } else if (db == 'kegg-aa' | db == 'kegg-nt'){
    t <- paste(strsplit(db, split = '-')[[1]][2], 'seq', sep = '')
    if (requireNamespace('KEGGREST', quietly = TRUE)){
      text <- tryCatch(
          as.character(KEGGREST::keggGet(id, t))
        error = function(cond){
          # message(cond)
    } else {
      message("Please, install the KEGGREST pakage to get this functionality")
    call <- NULL

  } else{
    stop('You should indicate a proper DB')

  ## -------- Client <-> Server Communication -------- ##
  if (!is.null(call)){
    text <- gracefully_fail(call)

  ## -------------- Parsing the response --------------- ##
  if (!is.null(text)){
    if (db == 'uniprot'){
      seq <- strsplit(text, split = "\\n")[[1]][-1]
      seq <- paste(seq, collapse = "")
    } else if (db == 'metosite'){
      data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(text, flatten = TRUE)
      seq <- data$prot_seq
    } else if (db == 'kegg-aa' | db == 'kegg-nt'){
      seq <- text

    if (is.null(seq) || is.na(seq)){
      message(paste("The entry", id, "is not found in the", toupper(db), "database"))
      output <- NULL
    } else {
      output <- seq
      if (!as.string){
        output <- strsplit(seq, split ="")

  } else {
    message("Sorry, no result could be retrieved")
    output <- NULL

    attr(output, "ID") <- id
    attr(output, "DB") <- db


## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#             pdb.seq <- function(pdb)                               #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Get Chain Sequences
#' @description Gets the sequences of the chain find in a given PDB.
#' @usage pdb.seq(pdb)
#' @param pdb the 4-letter PDB identifier.
#' @return  Returns a dataframe with as many rows as different chains are present in the PDB. For each row six variables are returned: (i) the entry id, (ii) the entity id, (iii) the chain, (iv) the protein name, (v) the species and (vi) the sequence.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{pdb.seq('1bpl')}
#' @export

pdb.seq <- function(pdb){

  ## ----------------- Check PDB argument ------------ #
  if (nchar(pdb) != 4){
    stop( "Please, provide a proper PDB ID")
  } else {
    call <- paste('https://www.rcsb.org/fasta/entry/',
                  pdb, '/download', sep = "")

  text <- gracefully_fail(call)
  if (is.null(text)){
    message("pdb.seq failed because it could not communicate with the rcsb server")
  ## ----------- Parsing the response ------------- #
  t <- strsplit(text, split = ">")[[1]][-1]
  seq <- data.frame(entry = rep(NA, length(t)),
                    entity = rep(NA, length(t)),
                    chain = rep(NA, length(t)),
                    name = rep(NA, length(t)),
                    species = rep(NA, length(t)),
                    sequence = rep(NA, length(t)))

  for (i in 1:nrow(seq)){
    tt <- strsplit(t[i], split = "\n")[[1]]
    z <- strsplit(tt[1], "\\|")[[1]]
    seq$entry[i] <- strsplit(z[1], split = "_")[[1]][1]
    seq$entity[i] <- strsplit(z[1], split = "_")[[1]][2]
    x <- gsub("Chain", "", z[2])
    x <- gsub("[a-z]", "", x)
    x <- gsub("],", ",", x)
    x <- gsub("\\[", ",", x)
    x <- gsub("]", "", x)
    chains <- trimws(x)

    # chains <- strsplit(z[2], split = " ")[[1]][2]
    # chains <- trimws(gsub('[Chains|Chain]', "", z[2]))

    seq$chain[i] <- trimws(chains)
    seq$name[i] <- z[3]
    seq$species[i] <- z[4]
    seq$sequence[i] <- tt[2]
  ## ------------------ Output ------------------- #

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#      pdb.quaternary <- function(pdb, keepfiles = FALSE)            #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Protein Subunit Composition
#' @description Determines the subunit composition of a given protein.
#' @usage pdb.quaternary(pdb, keepfiles = FALSE)
#' @param pdb the path to the PDB of interest or a 4-letter identifier.
#' @param keepfiles logical, if TRUE the fasta file containing the alignment of the subunits is saved in the current directory, as well as the split pdb files.
#' @details A fasta file containing the alignment among the subunit sequences can be saved in the current directory if required.
#' @return This function returns a list with four elements: (i) a distances matrix, (ii) the sequences, (iii) chains id, (iv) the PDB ID used.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{pdb.quaternary('1bpl')}
#' @importFrom seqinr read.alignment
#' @export

pdb.quaternary <- function(pdb, keepfiles = FALSE){

  t <- strsplit(pdb, split = "\\/")[[1]]
  pdb_id <- substring(t[length(t)], 1,4)

  chains <- suppressWarnings(pdb.chain(pdb_id))
  if (is.null(chains)){
    message("pdb.chain failed")
  sequences <-  character(length(chains))

  for (i in seq_len(length(chains))){
    t <- paste(pdb_id, ":", chains[i], sep = "")
    sequences[i] <-  tryCatch(
        get.seq(t, db = 'pdb')
      error = function(cond){

  outfile <- paste(pdb_id, ".fa", sep = "")

  if (length(chains) == 1){ # The protein is a single monomer
    output <- list()
    output[[1]] <- NA
    output[[2]] <- sequences
    output[[3]] <- chains
    output[[4]] <- pdb_id
  } else {
    myaln <- msa(sequences, ids = chains, sfile = paste("./", outfile, sep = "")) # <------- CHANGE TO TEMP DIR
    aln <- seqinr::read.alignment(file = outfile, format = 'fasta') # <------- CHANGE TO TEMP DIR
    d <- seqinr::dist.alignment(aln, "identity")
    output <- list()
    output[[1]] <- as.matrix(d)
    output[[2]] <- sequences
    output[[3]] <- chains
    output[[4]] <- pdb_id

  if (!keepfiles){
    if (file.exists(paste(pdb, ".pdb", sep = ""))){
      file.remove(paste(pdb, ".pdb", sep = ""))
    unlink('split_chain', recursive = TRUE)


## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#           pdb.chain <- function(pdb, keepfiles = FALSE)            #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Download and/or Split PDB Files.
#' @description Downloads a PDB file (if required) and splits it to provide a file by chain.
#' @usage pdb.chain(pdb, keepfiles = FALSE)
#' @param pdb the path to the PDB of interest or a 4-letter identifier.
#' @param keepfiles logical, if TRUE the function makes a 'temp' directory within the current directory and save in it a pdb file for each chain present in the given structure.
#' @return The function returns a chr vector where each coordinate is a chain from the structure.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{pdb.chain('1bpl')}
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom bio3d read.pdb
#' @importFrom bio3d get.pdb
#' @importFrom bio3d pdbsplit
#' @export

pdb.chain <- function(pdb, keepfiles = FALSE){

  if (nchar(pdb) < 4){
    stop("A proper pdb argument must be given!")

  t <- tryCatch(
      suppressWarnings(bio3d::read.pdb(pdb, verbose = FALSE))
    error = function(cond){

  if (is.numeric(t)){
    message("Sorry, read.pdb failed")

  chains <- unique(names(t$seqres))

  if (keepfiles == TRUE & nchar(pdb) == 4){ # the input is a PDB ID
      {bio3d::get.pdb(pdb, split = TRUE)},
      error = function(cond){
  } else if (keepfiles == TRUE & nchar(pdb) > 4){

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#          pdb2uniprot <- function(pdb, chain)                       #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Return the UniProt ID Given the PDB and Chain IDs
#' @description Returns the uniprot id of a given chain within a PDB structure.
#' @usage pdb2uniprot(pdb, chain)
#' @param pdb the 4-letter PDB identifier.
#' @param chain letter identifying the chain.
#' @return The function returns the UniProt ID for the chain of interest.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{pdb2uniprot('1u8f', 'O')}
#' @seealso uniprot2pdb(), id.mapping()
#' @export

pdb2uniprot <- function(pdb, chain){

  pdb <- tolower(pdb)

  d <- NULL
  baseUrl <- "https://github.com/jcaledo/pdb_chain_uniprot/blob/master/"
  call <- paste(baseUrl, pdb, ".Rda?raw=true",sep = "")

    error = function(cond){
    warning = function(w) conditionMessage(w)

  if (is.null(d)){
    message("Sorry, pdb_chain_uniprot couldn't be accessed")

  t <- d[which(d$PDB == pdb & d$CHAIN == chain),]
  t <- data.frame(lapply(t, as.character), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  output <- as.character(t$SP_PRIMARY)
  attr(output, 'RES_BEG') <- t$RES_BEG
  attr(output, 'RES_END') <- t$RES_END
  attr(output, 'PDB_BEG') <- t$PDB_BEG
  attr(output, 'PDB_END') <- t$PDB_END

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#                  uniprot2pdb <- function(up_id)                    #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Return the PDB and Chain IDs of the Provided UniProt Protein
#' @description Returns the PDB and chain IDs of the provided protein.
#' @usage uniprot2pdb(up_id)
#' @param up_id the UniProt ID.
#' @return The function returns a dataframe with info about the PDB related to the protein of interest.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{uniprot2pdb("P04406")}
#' @seealso pdb2uniprot(), id.mapping()
#' @export

uniprot2pdb <- function(up_id){

  d <- NULL
  baseUrl <- "https://github.com/jcaledo/uniprot_pdb_chain/blob/master/"
  call <- paste(baseUrl, up_id, '.Rda?raw=true', sep = "")
    error = function(cond){
      message("Sorry, pdb_chain_uniprot couldn't be accessed")
    warning = function(w) conditionMessage(w)

  if (is.null(d)){
    message("Sorry, no result could be retrieve")
  output <- d[which(d$SP_PRIMARY == up_id),]

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#       prot2codon <- function(prot, chain = "", laxity = TRUE)      #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Find the Coding Triplets for a Given Protein
#' @description Finds the codons corresponding to a given protein.
#' @usage prot2codon(prot, chain = "", laxity = TRUE)
#' @param prot is either a UniProt or PDB id, or the path to a pdb file.
#' @param chain when prot corresponds to a pdb, the chain of interest must be provided.
#' @param laxity logical, if FALSE the program stop when a mismatch between the protein and the gene sequences is detected. Otherwise the program doesn't stop and at the end points out the mismatches.
#' @return Returns a dataframe with as many rows as residues has the protein.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{prot2codon('P01009')}
#' @importFrom bio3d read.pdb
#' @importFrom bio3d aa321
#' @importFrom seqinr translate
#' @importFrom seqinr s2c
#' @export

prot2codon <- function(prot, chain = "", laxity = TRUE){

  ## ---------- Primary structure of the protein ----------- ##
  if (regexpr("/",prot)[[1]] != -1){ # input is path to a local pdb file
    mypdb <- bio3d::read.pdb(prot)$atom
    seq <- bio3d::aa321(mypdb$resid[which(mypdb$elety == 'CA' &
                                            mypdb$chain == chain)])
    t <- strsplit(prot, split = "/")[[1]]
    t <- t[length(t)]
    t <- substring(t, 1,4)
    source <- 'pdb'

  } else if (nchar(prot) == 4){ # input is PDB ID
    id <- paste(prot, chain, sep = ":")
    seq <- get.seq(id, db = 'pdb', as.string = FALSE)
    if (is.null(seq)){
      message("Sorry, get.seq failed")
    } else {
      seq <- seq[[1]]
    t <- prot
    source <- 'pdb'

  } else { # input should be a uniprot ID
    seq <- get.seq(prot, as.string = FALSE)
    if (is.null(seq)){
      message("Sorry, get.seq failed")
    } else {
      seq <- seq[[1]]
    t <- prot
    source <- 'uniprot'

  ## ------------------- Output structure -------------------- ##
  output <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(NA, length(seq)*5), ncol = 5))
  names(output) <- c('id', 'chain', 'pos', 'aa', 'codon')
  output$id <- prot
  if (chain == ""){
    output$chain <- NA
  } else {
    output$chain <- chain
  output$pos <- 1:length(seq)
  output$aa <- seq

  ## ----------------- Finding the codons ------------------ ##
  organism <- NULL
  organism <- species.mapping(t, db = source)
  if (is.null(organism)){
    message("Sorry, species.mapping failed")

  if (source == 'pdb'){
    t <- pdb2uniprot(t, chain = chain)
    if (is.null(t)){
      message("Sorry, pdb2uniprot failed")

  kegg_id <- id.mapping(t, from = 'uniprot', to = 'kegg')
  if (is.null(kegg_id)){
    message("Sorry, we couldn't get a DNA seq from KEGG")
  } else {
    kegg_id <- kegg_id[1]
  dna <- get.seq(kegg_id, 'kegg-nt')
  if (is.null(dna)){
    message("Sorry, get.seq failed")

  codon <- gsub("(.{3})", "\\1 ", dna)
  codon <- strsplit(codon, split = " ")[[1]]
  # Remove stop if present:
  codon <- codon[-which(codon %in% c("UAA", "UGA", "UAG", "TAA", "TGA", "TAG"))]

  translated <- seqinr::translate(seqinr::s2c(dna))

  sequences <- c(paste(seq, collapse = ""),
                 paste(translated, collapse = ""))
  aln <- msa(sequences, c("query", "translated"))

  k <- 1
  j <- 1
  for (i in 1:dim(aln$ali)[2]){
    if (aln$ali[1,i] == aln$ali[2,i]){
      output$codon[k] <- codon[j]
      k <- k + 1
      j <- j + 1
    } else if (aln$ali[1,i] == '-'){
      j <- j +1
    } else if (aln$ali[2,i] == '-'){
      output$codon[k] <- NA
      k <- k + 1
    } else { # mismatch
      output$codon[k] <- codon[j]
      k <- k + 1
      j <- j + 1

  ## ------------ Checking the translation -------------------- ##
  triplet <- c("GCU", "GCC", "GCA", "GCG", "CGU", "CGC", "CGA", "CGG", "AGA", "AGG", "AAU", "AAC",
               "GAU", "GAC", "UGU", "UGC", "CAA", "CAG", "GAA", "GAG", "GGU", "GGC", "GGA", "GGG",
               "CAU", "CAC", "AUU", "AUC", "AUA", "UUA", "UUG", "CUU", "CUC", "CUA", "CUG", "AAA",
               "AAG", "AUG", "UUU", "UUC", "CCU", "CCC", "CCA", "CCG", "UCU", "UCC", "UCA", "UCG",
               "AGU", "AGC", "ACU", "ACC", "ACA", "ACG", "UGG", "UAU", "UAC", "GUU", "GUC", "GUA",
               "GUG", "UAA", "UGA", "UAG")
  aa <- c("A","A","A","A","R","R","R","R","R","R","N","N","D","D","C","C","Q","Q","E","E",
  names(triplet) <- aa
  triplet <- gsub("U", "T", triplet)

  output$check <- NA
  for (i in 1:nrow(output)){
    if (!is.na(output$codon[i])){
      t <- as.character(output$codon[i])
      if (!laxity){
        if (output$aa[i] != names(triplet)[which(triplet == t)]){
          stop(paste("Problem at ", i))
      output$check[i] <- (output$aa[i] == names(triplet)[which(triplet == t)])


  dif <- nrow(output) - sum(output$check)
  message(paste(dif, "  mismatches found"))


## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#           pdb.select <- function(up_id, threshold = 0.9)           #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Select the PDB with the Optimal Coverage to the UniProt Sequence
#' @description Select the PDB and chain with the optimal coverage to a given UniProt sequence.
#' @usage pdb.select(up_id, threshold = 0.9)
#' @param up_id the UniProt ID.
#' @param threshold coverage value that when reached the search is halted.
#' @return A list of two elements: (i) the PDB ID and (ii) the chain. The coverage with the UniProt sequence is given as an attribute.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{pdb.select('P01009', threshold = 0.8)}
#' @seealso pdb.quaternary(), pdb.chain(), pdb.res(), pdb.pep(), uniprot2pdb(), pdb2uniprot()
#' @export
pdb.select <- function(up_id, threshold = 0.9){

  pdbs <- tryCatch(
    error = function(cond){
    warning = function(w) conditionMessage(w)

  if (is.null(pdbs)){
    message("NO PDB FOUND")
  } else { ## --------- Choose the PDB and chain when they exist
    pdbs <- pdbs[which(nchar(pdbs$CHAIN)==1),]
    if (nrow(pdbs) == 0){
      message("NO PDB FOUND")
    identity <- rep(NA, nrow(pdbs))
    match <- 0 # fraction of the uniprot sequence contained in the pdb sequence
    c <- 0
    while (match < threshold & c < nrow(pdbs)){ # ---- Stop search if 90 % uniprot is found in pdb
      c <- c + 1
      t <- suppressWarnings(renum.pdb(pdb = as.character(pdbs$PDB[c]),
                                      chain = as.character(pdbs$CHAIN[c]),
                                      uniprot = up_id))
      match <- sum(t$uniprot == t$pdb)/nrow(t)
      identity[c] <- match

    ind <- which(identity == max(identity, na.rm = TRUE))
    pdb <-  as.character(pdbs$PDB[ind])
    chain <- as.character(pdbs$CHAIN[ind])
    coverage <- identity[ind]

    output <- list(pdb, chain)
    attr(output, 'coverage') <- round(coverage, 3)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#               id.mapping <- function(id, from, to)                 #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Identifier Mapping
#' @description Mapping between protein identifiers.
#' @usage id.mapping(id, from, to)
#' @param id the identifier to be converted.
#' @param from the type for the identifier of origin; it must be one of 'uniprot', 'pdb', or 'kegg'.
#' @param to the type for the identifier of destination; it must be one of 'uniprot', 'pdb', or 'kegg'.
#' @return Returns a character string corresponding to the requested identifier.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{id.mapping('P01009', from = 'uniprot', to = 'pdb')}
#' @seealso pdb2uniprot(), uniprot2pdb()
#' @export

id.mapping <- function(id, from, to){
  output <- NULL
  if (from == 'uniprot' & to == 'pdb'){
    output <- uniprot.pdb(id)
    if (is.null(output)){
      message("Sorry, id.mapping failed. Please, try again")

  } else if (from == 'uniprot' & to == 'kegg'){
    output <- uniprot.kegg(id)
    if (is.null(output)){
      message('Sorry, no KEGG ID could be found!')

  } else if (from == 'kegg' & to == 'uniprot'){
    output <- kegg.uniprot(id)
    if (is.null(output)){
      message('Sorry, no result could be retrieved')

  } else if (from == 'kegg' & to == 'pdb'){
    output <- kegg.uniprot(id)
    if (is.null(output)){
      message('Sorry, no result could be retrieved')
    } else {
      output <- uniprot.pdb(output[1])

  } else if (from == 'pdb' & to == 'uniprot'){
    output <- pdb.uniprot(id)
    if (is.null(output)){
      message('Sorry, no result could be retrieved')

  } else if (from == 'pdb' & to == 'kegg'){
    output <- pdb.uniprot(id)
    if (is.null(output)){
      message('Sorry, no result could be retrieved')
    } else {
      output <- lapply(output, uniprot.kegg)
      if (identical(output, character(0))){
        message('Sorry, no KEGG ID could be found!')

  if (!is.null(output)){
    attr(output, 'from') <- from
    attr(output, 'to') <- to

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#           id.features <- function(id, features = "")               #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Features Related to the Protein Entry
#' @description Obtains features related to the provided id.
#' @usage id.features(id, features = "")
#' @param id the UniProt identifier of the protein of interest.
#' @param features a string identifying the features (comma separated) to be recovered.
#' @details By default the the function provides info regarding the following features: id, reviewed, entry name and organism. If wished, this list of features can be expanded using the argument 'features'. There is a large list of features that can be retrieved. You can look up your relevant feature's name in the full list of UniProtKB found at https://www.uniprot.org/help/return_fields.
#' @return Returns a named list with the requested features.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{id.features('P04406', features = 'ec,keyword,xref_pdb')}
#' @seealso species.mapping()
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @importFrom httr accept_json
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @importFrom httr add_headers
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export

id.features <- function(id, features = "" ){

  # https://www.uniprot.org/help/id_mapping
  # https://www.uniprot.org/help/return_fields

  ## -------- Building the query ---------- ##
  col <- '?fields=accession%2Creviewed%2Cprotein_name%2Corganism_name'
  if (features != ""){
    features <- gsub(', ', ',', features)
    features <- gsub(',', "%2C", features)
    col <- paste(col, "%2C", features, sep = '')

  isJobReady <- function(jobId) {
    pollingInterval = 5
    nTries = 20
    for (i in 1:nTries) {
      url <- paste("https://rest.uniprot.org/idmapping/status/", jobId, sep = "")
      r <- GET(url = url, accept_json())
      status <- content(r, as = "parsed")
      if (!is.null(status[["results"]]) || !is.null(status[["failedIds"]])) {
      if (!is.null(status[["messages"]])) {
        return (FALSE)

  getResultsURL <- function(redirectURL) {
    if (grepl("/idmapping/results/", redirectURL, fixed = TRUE)) {
      url <- gsub("/idmapping/results/", "/idmapping/stream/", redirectURL)
    } else {
      url <- gsub("/results/", "/results/stream/", redirectURL)

  files = list(
    ids = id,
    from = "UniProtKB_AC-ID",
    to = "UniProtKB"

  my_headers <- httr::add_headers('User-Agent' = paste('R', 'metosite@uma.es'))
  r <- POST(url = "https://rest.uniprot.org/idmapping/run", body = files, my_headers, encode = "multipart", accept_json())
  submission <- content(r, as = "parsed")

  if (isJobReady(submission[["jobId"]])) {
    url <- paste("https://rest.uniprot.org/idmapping/details/", submission[["jobId"]], sep = "")
    r <- GET(url = url, accept_json())
    details <- content(r, as = "parsed")
    url <- getResultsURL(details[["redirectURL"]])
    # Using TSV format see: https://www.uniprot.org/help/api_queries#what-formats-are-available

    url <- paste(url, col, "&format=tsv&size=500", sep = "")
    r <- GET(url = url, accept_json())
    output <- read.table(text = content(r), sep = "\t", header=TRUE)

  if (!is.null(output)){

  } else {
    message("Uniprot server could not respond")
    output <- NULL

  if (length(output) == 0){
    output <- NULL

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#           species.mapping <- function(id, db = 'uniprot')          #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Map Protein ID to Species
#' @description Maps a protein ID to its corresponding organism.
#' @usage species.mapping(id, db = 'uniprot')
#' @param id the identifier of the protein of interest.
#' @param db a character string specifying the corresponding database. Currently, only 'uniprot' or 'pdb' are valid options.
#' @return Returns a character string identifying the organism to which the given protein belong.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{species.mapping('P01009')}
#' @seealso id.features()
#' @export

species.mapping <- function(id, db = 'uniprot'){

  db <- tolower(db)
  if (!(db %in% c("uniprot", "pdb"))){
    stop("Option db should be one of uniprot or pdb")
  if (db == 'pdb'){
    id <- id.mapping(id, from = 'pdb', to = 'uniprot')[1]
    if (is.null(id)){
      message("Sorry, id.mapping failed")

  url <- paste("https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/", id, ".fasta", sep = "")
  text <- gracefully_fail(url)

  if (is.null(text)){
    message("Sorry, no result could be retrieved")
  } else {
    start <- gregexpr("OS=", text)[[1]]
    stop <- gregexpr("OX=", text)[[1]]
    species <- substr(text, start+3, stop-2)

  if (nchar(species) == 0){
    message("Sorry, no result could be retrieved")
    species <- NULL

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#     species.kegg <- function(organism, from = 'scientific')         #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Convert Between Species Name and KEGG 3-Letter Code Format
#' @description Converts between species name and KEGG 3-letter code format.
#' @usage species.kegg(organism, from = 'scientific')
#' @param organism character string defining the organisms.
#' @param from string indicating the character of the provided name. It should be one of 'vulgar', 'scientific', '3-letter'.
#' @return Returns a dataframe with the entries matching the request.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{species.kegg('chempanzee', from = 'vulgar')}
#' @examples \dontrun{species.kegg('Pan paniscus')}
#' @examples \dontrun{species.kegg('ppo', from = '3-letter')}
#' @seealso id.features(), species.mapping()
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @export

species.kegg <- function(organism, from = 'scientific'){

  organisms <- NULL
    error = function(cond){
    warning = function(w) conditionMessage(w)

  if (is.null(organisms)){
    message("Sorry, no result could be retrieved")

  organisms$organism <- as.character(organisms$organism)
  organisms$species <- as.character(organisms$species)

  if (from == 'vulgar'){
    ## ----- Try full match
    t <- paste("\\W", organism, "\\W", sep = "")
    output <- organisms[which(grepl(t, organisms$species)), ]
  } else if (from == 'scientific'){
    output <- organisms[which(regexpr(organism, organisms$species) != -1), ]
  } else if (from == '3-letter'){
    output <- organisms[which(organisms$organism == organism), ]
  } else {
    stop("A proper value for the parameter 'from' must be provided")

  if (nrow(output) == 0 & from == 'vulgar'){
    organism <- tolower(organism)
    t <- paste("\\W", organism, "\\W", sep = "")
    output <- organisms[which(grepl(t, organisms$species)), ]
  }  else if (nrow(output) == 0 & from == 'scientific'){  # Try partial match using binomial name
    binomial <- strsplit(organism, " ")[[1]]
    binomial <- paste(binomial[1], binomial[2])
    output <- organisms[which(regexpr(binomial, organisms$species) != -1), ]

  if (nrow(output) == 0 & from == 'scientific'){ # Try an even shorter partial match
    genus <- strsplit(organism, " ")[[1]][1]
    output <- organisms[which(regexpr(genus, organisms$species) != -1), ]

  if (nrow(output) == 0){
      message('Sorry, could find a code for this organism')
  } else {

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#                   kegg.uniprot <- function(id)                     #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Identifier Mapping From KEGG to UniProt
#' @description Mapping between KEGG and UniProt protein identifiers.
#' @usage kegg.uniprot(id)
#' @param id the identifier to be converted.
#' @return Returns a character string corresponding to the requested identifier.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{kegg.uniprot('hsa:5265')}
#' @seealso id.mapping()
#' @export

kegg.uniprot <- function(id){

  if (requireNamespace("KEGGREST", quietly = TRUE)){
    output <- tryCatch(
        KEGGREST::keggConv('uniprot', id)
      error = function(cond){
  } else {
    message("The package KEGGREST must be installed to get this mapping")
    output <- NULL

  if (length(output) == 0){
    output <- NULL
  } else {
    output <- substr(output, 4, nchar(output))


## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#                   uniprot.kegg <- function(id)                     #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Identifier Mapping From UniProt to KEGG
#' @description Mapping between UniProt and KEGG protein identifiers.
#' @usage uniprot.kegg(id)
#' @param id the identifier to be converted.
#' @return Returns a character string corresponding to the requested identifier.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{uniprot.kegg('P01009')}
#' @seealso id.mapping()
#' @export

uniprot.kegg <- function(id){

  if (requireNamespace("KEGGREST", quietly = TRUE)){
    sp <- tryCatch(
      error = function(cond){

    if (is.null(sp)){
    } else {
      organisms <- NULL
        error = function(cond){
        warning = function(w) conditionMessage(w)
      if (is.null(organisms)){
      } else {
        org <- organisms$organism[which(regexpr(sp, organisms$species) != -1)[1]]

      if (is.na(org)){ # if there is not a full match, try a partial match
        sp_ <- strsplit(sp, " ")[[1]]
        sp_ <- paste(sp_[1], sp_[2])
        org <- organisms$organism[which(regexpr(sp_, organisms$species) != -1)[1]]
      output <- tryCatch(
          KEGGREST::keggConv(org, paste('uniprot:', id, sep = ""))
        error = function(cond){

  } else {
    message("The package KEGGREST must be installed to get this mapping")

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#                   uniprot.pdb <- function(id)                     #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Identifier Mapping From UniProt to PDB
#' @description Mapping between UniProt and PDB protein identifiers.
#' @usage uniprot.pdb(id)
#' @param id the identifier to be converted.
#' @return Returns a character string corresponding to the requested identifier.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{uniprot.pdb('P01009')}
#' @seealso id.mapping()
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @importFrom httr add_headers
#' @importFrom httr accept_json
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export

uniprot.pdb <- function(id){

  # https://www.uniprot.org/help/id_mapping
  isJobReady <- function(jobId) {
    pollingInterval = 5
    nTries = 20
    for (i in 1:nTries) {
      url <- paste("https://rest.uniprot.org/idmapping/status/", jobId, sep = "")
      r <- GET(url = url, accept_json())
      status <- content(r, as = "parsed")
      if (!is.null(status[["results"]]) || !is.null(status[["failedIds"]])) {
      if (!is.null(status[["messages"]])) {
        return (FALSE)

  getResultsURL <- function(redirectURL) {
    if (grepl("/idmapping/results/", redirectURL, fixed = TRUE)) {
      url <- gsub("/idmapping/results/", "/idmapping/stream/", redirectURL)
    } else {
      url <- gsub("/results/", "/results/stream/", redirectURL)

  files = list(
    ids = id,
    from = "UniProtKB_AC-ID",
    to = "PDB"

  my_headers <- httr::add_headers('User-Agent' = paste('R', 'metosite@uma.es'))
  r <- POST(url = "https://rest.uniprot.org/idmapping/run", body = files, my_headers, encode = "multipart", accept_json())
  submission <- content(r, as = "parsed")

  if (isJobReady(submission[["jobId"]])) {
    url <- paste("https://rest.uniprot.org/idmapping/details/", submission[["jobId"]], sep = "")
    r <- GET(url = url, accept_json())
    details <- content(r, as = "parsed")
    url <- getResultsURL(details[["redirectURL"]])
    # Using TSV format see: https://www.uniprot.org/help/api_queries#what-formats-are-available
    url <- paste(url, "?format=tsv", sep = "")
    r <- GET(url = url, accept_json())
    resultsTable = read.table(text = content(r), sep = "\t", header=TRUE)
    output <- resultsTable$To

  if (!is.null(output)){

  } else {
    message("Uniprot server could not respond")
    output <- NULL

  if (length(output) == 0){
    output <- NULL

## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#                   pdb.uniprot <- function(id)                     #
## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Identifier Mapping From PDB to UniProt
#' @description Mapping between PDB and UniProt protein identifiers.
#' @usage pdb.uniprot(id)
#' @param id the identifier to be converted.
#' @return Returns a character string corresponding to the requested identifier.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{pdb.uniprot('3cwm')}
#' @seealso id.mapping()
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @importFrom httr add_headers
#' @importFrom httr accept_json
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export

pdb.uniprot <- function(id){

  isJobReady <- function(jobId) {
    pollingInterval = 5
    nTries = 20
    for (i in 1:nTries) {
      url <- paste("https://rest.uniprot.org/idmapping/status/", jobId, sep = "")
      r <- GET(url = url, accept_json())
      status <- content(r, as = "parsed")
      if (!is.null(status[["results"]]) || !is.null(status[["failedIds"]])) {
      if (!is.null(status[["messages"]])) {
        return (FALSE)

  getResultsURL <- function(redirectURL) {
    if (grepl("/idmapping/results/", redirectURL, fixed = TRUE)) {
      url <- gsub("/idmapping/results/", "/idmapping/stream/", redirectURL)
    } else {
      url <- gsub("/results/", "/results/stream/", redirectURL)

  files <- list(
    ids = id,
    from = "PDB",
    to = "UniProtKB"

  my_headers <- httr::add_headers('User-Agent' = paste('R', 'metosite@uma.es'))
  r <- POST(url = "https://rest.uniprot.org/idmapping/run", body = files, my_headers, encode = "multipart", accept_json())
  submission <- content(r, as = "parsed")

  if (isJobReady(submission[["jobId"]])) {
    url <- paste("https://rest.uniprot.org/idmapping/details/", submission[["jobId"]], sep = "")
    r <- GET(url = url, accept_json())
    details <- content(r, as = "parsed")
    url <- getResultsURL(details[["redirectURL"]])
    # Using TSV format see: https://www.uniprot.org/help/api_queries#what-formats-are-available
    url <- paste(url, "?format=tsv", sep = "")
    r <- GET(url = url, accept_json())
    resultsTable = read.table(text = content(r), sep = "\t", header=TRUE)
    output <- resultsTable$Entry

  if (!is.null(output)){

  } else {
    message("Uniprot server could not respond")
    output <- NULL

  if (length(output) == 0){
    output <- NULL

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ptm documentation built on Aug. 7, 2022, 5:05 p.m.