
Defines functions .dgm_quantized_multinomial .dgm_quantized_survival .dgm_quantized_logistic .dgm_quantized_linear .quantized_design simdata_quantized .dgm_quantized .expit

Documented in simdata_quantized

.expit <- function(mu) 1/(1+exp(-mu))

# hidden legacy function
.dgm_quantized <- function(
  N = 100,             # sample size
  b0=0,                # baseline expected outcome (model intercept)
  coef=c(1,0,0,0),     # beta coefficients for X in the outcome model
  ncor=0,              # Number of correlated exposures
  corr=0.75,            # Pearson/spearman (the same here) correlation
  sigma=1.0            # standard deviation of error term (true residuals)
  # simulate under data structure where WQS/qgcomp is the truth:
  #  e.g. a multivariate exposure with multinomial distribution
  #  and an outcome that is a linear function of exposure scores
  p = length(coef)
  if(ncor >= p) ncor = p-1
  X = matrix(nrow=N, ncol=p)
  xtemplate = sample(rep(0:3, length.out=N), N, replace=FALSE)
  for(k in 1:p){
    newx = numeric(N)
    c1 = as.logical(rbinom(N, 1, sqrt(corr)))
    newx[which(c1)] = xtemplate[which(c1)]
    newx[which(!c1)] = sample(xtemplate[which(!c1)])
      X[,k] = newx
    } else X[,k] = sample(xtemplate)
  mu <- X %*% coef
  y = rnorm(N,0,sigma) + mu + b0
  colnames(X) <- paste0("x", 1:p)

#' @title Simulate quantized exposures for testing methods
#' @description Simulate quantized exposures for testing methods
#' @details Simulate continuous (normally distributed errors), binary (logistic function), or event-time outcomes as a linear function 
#' @param outcometype Character variable that is one of c("continuous", "logistic", "survival"). Selects what type of outcome should be simulated (or how). continuous = normal, continous outcome, logistic= binary outcome from logistic model, survival = right censored survival outcome from Weibull model.
#' @param n Sample size
#' @param corr NULL, or vector of correlations between the first exposure and subsequent exposures (if length(corr) < (length(coef)-1), then this will be backfilled with zeros)
#' @param b0  (continuous, binary outcomes) model intercept
#' @param coef Vector of coefficients for the outcome (i.e. model coefficients for exposures). The length of this determines the number of exposures.
#' @param q Number of levels or "quanta" of each exposure
#' @param yscale (continuous outcomes) error scale (residual error) for normally distributed outcomes
#' @param shape0 (survival outcomes) baseline shape of weibull distribution \link[stats]{rweibull}
#' @param scale0 (survival outcomes) baseline scale of weibull distribution \link[stats]{rweibull}
#' @param censtime (survival outcomes) administrative censoring time
#' @param ncheck (logical, default=TRUE) adjust sample size if needed so that exposures are exactly evenly distributed (so that qgcomp::quantize(exposure) = exposure)
#' @param ... unused
#' @seealso \code{\link[qgcomp]{qgcomp.glm.boot}}, and \code{\link[qgcomp]{qgcomp.glm.noboot}}
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(50)
#' qdat = simdata_quantized(
#'   outcometype="continuous", 
#'   n=10000, corr=c(.9,.3), coef=c(1,1,0,0), 
#'   q = 8
#' )
#' cor(qdat)
#' qdat = simdata_quantized(
#'   outcometype="continuous", 
#'   n=10000, corr=c(-.9,.3), coef=c(1,2,0,0), 
#'   q = 4
#' )
#' cor(qdat)
#' table(qdat$x1)
#' qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~.,data=qdat)
#' qdat = simdata_quantized(
#'   outcometype="multinomial", 
#'   n=10000, corr=c(-.9), coef=cbind(c(1,-1,0,0), c(1,.2,0,0)), 
#'   q = 4
#' )
simdata_quantized <- function(
  outcometype=c("continuous", "logistic", "survival", "multinomial"),
  n = 100,
  q = 4,
  yscale = 1.0,
  shape0 = 3,
  scale0 = 5,
  censtime = 4.0,
  rem = n %% q
  if(rem != 0 & ncheck){
    n = n+rem
    message("Adjusting sample size to have evenly distributed exposure values")
  otype=substr(outcometype[1], 1, 5)
  dat <- switch(otype,
                conti = .dgm_quantized_linear(N = n,b0=b0,coef=coef,ncor=ncor,corr=corr,scale=yscale,q=q),  
                logis = .dgm_quantized_logistic(N = n,b0=b0,coef=coef,ncor=ncor,corr=corr,q=q),
                survi = .dgm_quantized_survival(N = n,b0=0,coef=coef,ncor=ncor,corr=corr,shape0=shape0,scale0=shape0,censtime=censtime,q=q),
                multi = .dgm_quantized_multinomial(N = n,b0=0,coef=coef,ncor=ncor,corr=corr,q=q)  

# design matrix maker for a quantized version of exposures and a single modifier
.quantized_design <- function(
  N = 100,                  # sample size
  b0=0,                     # baseline expected outcome (model intercept)
  coef=c(1,0,0,0),     # beta coefficients for X in the outcome model
  ncor=NULL,                   # Number of correlated exposures
  corr=0.75,                 # Pearson/spearman (the same here) correlation
  q = 4
    p = length(coef)
    p = nrow(coef) 
  #if(ncor >= p) ncor = p-1
  corv = rep(0, p)
  corv[1] = 1.0
  if(is.null(corr)) corr = corv[-1]
  if(length(corr)>1) corv[1+(1:length(corr))] = corr
  X = matrix(nrow=N, ncol=p)
  xtemplate = sample(rep(0:(q-1), length.out=N), N, replace=FALSE)
  for(k in 1:p){
    newx = numeric(N)
    #c1 = as.logical(rbinom(N, 1, sqrt(corv[k])))
      c1 = as.logical(rbinom(N, 1, corv[k]))
      newx[which(c1)] = xtemplate[which(c1)]
      newx[which(!c1)] = sample(xtemplate[which(!c1)])
      c1 = as.logical(rbinom(N, 1, -corv[k]))
      newx[which(c1)] = q-1-xtemplate[which(c1)]
      newx[which(!c1)] = sample(q-1-xtemplate[which(!c1)])
    X[,k] = newx
  colnames(X) <- paste0("x", 1:p)
  mu <- b0 + X %*% coef

.dgm_quantized_linear <- function(
  N = 100,                  # sample size
  b0=0,                     # baseline expected outcome (model intercept)
  coef=c(1,0,0,0),     # beta coefficients for X in the outcome model
  ncor=0,                   # Number of correlated exposures
  corr=0.75,                # Pearson/spearman (the same here) correlation
  yscale = 1.0,              # standard deviation of error term in outcome
  q = 4,
  # simulate under data structure where WQS/qgcomp is the truth:
  #  e.g. a multivariate exposure with multinomial distribution
  #  and an outcome that is a linear function of exposure scores
  lst = .quantized_design(N=N,b0=b0,coef=coef,ncor=ncor,corr=corr,q=q)
  y = rnorm(N,mean=0,sd=yscale) + lst$mu
  res = data.frame(lst$X,y)
  attr(res, "truecoefs") = list(intercept=b0,coef=coef)

.dgm_quantized_logistic <- function(
  N = 100,                  # sample size
  b0=0,                     # baseline expected outcome (model intercept)
  coef=c(1,0,0,0),          # beta coefficients for X in the outcome model
  ncor=0,                   # Number of correlated exposures
  corr=0.75,                 # Pearson/spearman (the same here) correlation
  q = 4,
  # simulate under data structure where WQS/qgcomp is the truth:
  #  e.g. a multivariate exposure with multinomial distribution
  #  and an outcome that is a linear function of exposure scores
  lst = .quantized_design(N=N,b0=b0,coef=coef,ncor=ncor,corr=corr,q=q)
  py <- .expit(lst$mu)
  pextreme = mean(py>.995) + mean(py<0.005)
  if(pextreme > .10) warning("model implies > 10% of observations with very high/low (<0.5%) outcome probability, which may distort estimates")
  y = rbinom(N, 1, py)
  res = data.frame(lst$X,y)
  attr(res, "truecoefs") = list(intercept=b0,coef=coef)

.dgm_quantized_survival <- function(
  N = 100,                  # sample size
  b0=0,                     # baseline expected outcome (model intercept)
  coef=c(1,0,0,0),     # beta coefficients for X in the outcome model
  ncor=0,                   # Number of correlated exposures
  corr=0.75,                 # Pearson/spearman (the same here) correlation
  q = 4,
  shape0 = 3,
  scale0 = 5,
  censtime = 4.0,
  # simulate under data structure where WQS/qgcomp is the truth:
  #  e.g. a multivariate exposure with multinomial distribution
  #  and an outcome that is a linear function of exposure scores
  lst = .quantized_design(N=N,b0=b0,coef=coef,ncor=ncor,corr=corr,q=q)
  #py <- .expit(lst$mu)
  t0 <- rweibull(N, shape = shape0, scale = scale0)
  #t1 <- exp(log(t0) - log(HR)/(shape0))
  tmg <- pmin(censtime, exp(log(t0) -lst$mu/(shape0)))
  #tmg <- pmin(.1,rweibull(N, 10, 0.1))
  if(mean(d) < .10) warning("model implies > 10% of observations experience the event of interest")
  res = data.frame(lst$X,time=tmg,d=d)
  attr(res, "truecoefs") = list(intercept=b0,coef=coef)

.dgm_quantized_multinomial <- function(
    N = 100,
    stop("Coef must be a matrix for this type of simulated data")
  lst <- .quantized_design(N=N,b0=b0,coef=coef,ncor=ncor,corr=corr,q=q)
  # b0 is log-probability of being in the referent outcome category while being unexposed
  rr <- cbind(exp(rep(b0, nrow(lst$mu))), exp(lst$mu-b0))
  rrm <- apply(rr, 1, sum)
  py <- sweep(rr, 1, rrm, "/")
  pextreme = mean(py>.995) + mean(py<0.005)
  if(pextreme > .10) warning("model implies > 10% of observations with very high/low (<0.5%) outcome probability, which may distort estimates")
  ymat = t(apply(rr, 1, rmultinom, n = 1, size = 1))
  y = apply(ymat, 1, which.max)
  res = data.frame(lst$X, y=y)
  attr(res, "truecoefs") = list(intercept=b0,coef=coef)

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qgcomp documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 5:07 p.m.