
Defines functions qgis_clean_argument.qgis_dict_input qgis_clean_argument.qgis_list_input as_qgis_argument.qgis_dict_input as_qgis_argument.qgis_list_input qgis_dict_input qgis_list_input qgis_argument_spec_by_name qgis_argument_spec qgis_clean_argument.qgis_tempfile_arg qgis_clean_argument.default qgis_clean_argument as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputFolder as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputFile as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputNumber as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputString as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputMultilayer as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputLayer as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputRaster as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputVector as_qgis_argument.data.frame as_qgis_argument.numeric as_qgis_argument.matrix as_qgis_argument.logical as_qgis_argument.character create_rgba_string as_qgis_argument.NULL as_qgis_argument.qgis_default_value as_qgis_argument.list as_qgis_argument.default is_qgis_default_value qgis_default_value qgis_clean_arguments qgis_serialize_arguments unclass_recursive qgis_sanitize_arguments as_qgis_argument

Documented in as_qgis_argument qgis_argument_spec qgis_clean_argument qgis_dict_input qgis_list_input

#' Type coercion for arguments to QGIS processing algorithms
#' Calls to [qgis_run_algorithm()] can and should contain R objects that
#' need to be serialized before they are passed to the command line. In
#' some cases (e.g., sf objects), temporary files need to be written and
#' cleaned up. The `as_qgis_argument()` and `qgis_clean_argument()` S3
#' generics provide hooks for argument values to be serialized correctly.
#' @param x An object passed to a QGIS processing algorithm
#' @param value The result of [as_qgis_argument()] after the QGIS processing
#'   algorithm has been run.
#' @param spec A `list()` with values for `algorithm`, `name`,
#'   `description`, and `qgis_type`. See [qgis_argument_spec()] to
#'   create a blank `spec` for testing.
#' @param use_json_input TRUE if the arguments will be
#'   serialized as JSON instead of serialized as a command-line argument.
#' @returns
#' The returned object class and form depends on the class and form of `x` and
#' on the targeted `qgis_type`.
#' If `x` is a `qgis_list_input` or a `qgis_dict_input` object, the same class
#' is returned but with `as_qgis_argument()` applied to each element.
#' In all other cases, the outcome can depend on the value of `use_json_input`
#' and this also holds for the elements of `qgis_list_input` and
#' `qgis_dict_input` objects:
#' - if `use_json_input = FALSE`: a string.
#' - if `use_json_input = TRUE`: various classes can be returned that will be
#' correctly serialized as JSON.
#' @examplesIf has_qgis()
#' qgisprocess::as_qgis_argument(
#'   c("a", "b"),
#'   spec = list(qgis_type = "range"),
#'   use_json_input = FALSE
#' )
#' qgisprocess::as_qgis_argument(
#'   c(1, 2),
#'   spec = list(qgis_type = "range"),
#'   use_json_input = FALSE
#' )
#' qgisprocess::as_qgis_argument(
#'   c("a", "b"),
#'   spec = list(qgis_type = "range"),
#'   use_json_input = TRUE
#' )
#' qgisprocess::as_qgis_argument(
#'   c(1, 2),
#'   spec = list(qgis_type = "range"),
#'   use_json_input = TRUE
#' )
#' mat <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 3)
#' mat
#' qgisprocess::as_qgis_argument(
#'   mat,
#'   spec = list(qgis_type = "matrix"),
#'   use_json_input = FALSE
#' )
#' qgisprocess::as_qgis_argument(
#'   mat,
#'   spec = list(qgis_type = "matrix"),
#'   use_json_input = TRUE
#' )
#' @name as_qgis_argument

#' @rdname as_qgis_argument
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(), use_json_input = FALSE) {

# @param .use_json_input TRUE if the arguments will be
# serialized as JSON instead of serialized as a command-line argument.
# @param .algorithm_arguments The result of [qgis_get_argument_specs()]
#' @keywords internal
qgis_sanitize_arguments <- function(
    .algorithm_arguments = qgis_get_argument_specs(algorithm, check_deprecation = FALSE),
    .use_json_input = FALSE) {
  dots <- rlang::list2(...)
  if (length(dots) > 0 && !rlang::is_named(dots)) {
    abort("All ... arguments to `qgis_sanitize_arguments()` must be named.")

  # get QGIS types, values, and names for this algorithm
  arg_meta <- .algorithm_arguments

  # specifying an argument twice is the command-line equivalent
  # of passing multiple values. Here, we generate a qgis_list_input()
  # and let qgis_serialize_arguments() take care of the details
  dot_names <- names(dots)
  duplicated_dot_names <- unique(dot_names[duplicated(dot_names)])
  regular_dot_names <- setdiff(dot_names, duplicated_dot_names)

  user_args <- vector("list", length(unique(dot_names)))
  names(user_args) <- unique(dot_names)
  user_args[regular_dot_names] <- dots[regular_dot_names]
  for (arg_name in duplicated_dot_names) {
    items <- unname(dots[dot_names == arg_name])
    user_args[[arg_name]] <- qgis_list_input(!!!items)

  # warn about unspecified arguments (don't error so that users can
  # write code for more than one QGIS install if args are added)
  unknown_args <- setdiff(names(dots), c("PROJECT_PATH", "ELLIPSOID", arg_meta$name))
  if (length(unknown_args) > 0) {
    for (arg_name in unknown_args) {
      message(glue("Ignoring unknown input '{ arg_name }'"))
  special_args <- user_args[c("PROJECT_PATH", "ELLIPSOID")]
  special_args <- special_args[!sapply(special_args, is.null)]

  # generate argument list template and populate user-supplied values
  args <- rep(list(qgis_default_value()), nrow(arg_meta))
  names(args) <- arg_meta$name
  args[intersect(names(args), names(user_args))] <- user_args[intersect(names(args), names(user_args))]
  args <- c(args, special_args)

  # get argument specs to pass to as_qgis_argument()
  arg_spec <- Map(
    rep_len(list(algorithm), length(args)),
    rep_len(list(arg_meta), length(args))
  names(arg_spec) <- names(args)

  # sanitize arguments but make sure to clean up everything if one of the sanitizers errors
  args_sanitized <- vector("list", length(args))
  names(args_sanitized) <- names(args)

  # on.exit() works because it evaluates in the execution environment
  # (so `all_args_sanitized` can be set to TRUE)
  all_args_sanitized <- FALSE
  on.exit(if (!all_args_sanitized) qgis_clean_arguments(args_sanitized))

  for (name in names(args)) {
    args_sanitized[[name]] <-
      as_qgis_argument(args[[name]], arg_spec[[name]], use_json_input = .use_json_input)
  all_args_sanitized <- TRUE

  # remove instances of qgis_default_value()
  is_default_value <- vapply(args_sanitized, is_qgis_default_value, logical(1))
  args_sanitized <- args_sanitized[!is_default_value]


#' @keywords internal
unclass_recursive <- function(x) {
  is_list <- vapply(x, is.list, logical(1))
  x[is_list] <- lapply(x[is_list], unclass_recursive)
  lapply(x, unclass)

#' @keywords internal
# turn sanitized arguments into command-line arguments
qgis_serialize_arguments <- function(arguments, use_json_input = FALSE) {
  if (use_json_input) {
    arguments <- unclass_recursive(arguments)
    arglist <-
        inputs = arguments[!(names(arguments) %in% c("ELLIPSOID", "PROJECT_PATH"))],
        ellipsoid = arguments$ELLIPSOID,
        project_path = arguments$PROJECT_PATH
    arglist <- arglist[!vapply(arglist, is.null, logical(1))]
    jsonlite::toJSON(arglist, auto_unbox = TRUE)
  } else {
    args_dict <- vapply(arguments, inherits, logical(1), "qgis_dict_input")
    if (any(args_dict)) {
      labels <- names(arguments)[args_dict]
      abort("`qgis_run_algorithm()` can't generate command-line arguments from `qgis_dict_input()`")

    # otherwise, unlist() will flatten qgis_list_input() items
    args_flat <- unlist(arguments)
    arg_name_n <- vapply(arguments, length, integer(1))
    names(args_flat) <- unlist(Map(rep, names(arguments), arg_name_n))

    if (length(args_flat) > 0) {
      paste0("--", names(args_flat), "=", vapply(args_flat, as.character, character(1)))
    } else {

#' @keywords internal
qgis_clean_arguments <- function(arguments) {
  lapply(arguments, qgis_clean_argument)

#' @keywords internal
qgis_default_value <- function() {
  structure(list(), class = "qgis_default_value")

#' @keywords internal
is_qgis_default_value <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "qgis_default_value")

# All `qgis_type` values:
# c("source", "sink", "raster", "band", "boolean", "string", "rasterDestination",
#   "crs", "distance", "field", "vectorDestination", "multilayer",
#   "enum", "extent", "number", "file", "folderDestination", "fileDestination",
#   "vector", "point", "range", "expression", "aggregates", "layout",
#   "layer", "layoutitem", "maptheme", "matrix", "fields_mapping",
#   "coordinateoperation", "tininputlayers", "vectortilewriterlayers",
#   "execute_sql", "raster_calc_expression", "relief_colors", "color"
# )

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.default <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(), use_json_input = FALSE) {
        "Don't know how to convert object of type ",
        "'{ paste(class(x), collapse = \" / \") }' ",
        "to QGIS type '{ spec$qgis_type }'"

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.list <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(), use_json_input = FALSE) {
  if (use_json_input) {


#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_default_value <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                                use_json_input = FALSE) {
  # This is an opportunity to fill in a missing value based on the
  # information provided in `spec` (or `qgis_default_value()` to keep missingness).

  if (isTRUE(spec$qgis_type %in% c("sink", "vectorDestination"))) {
    message(glue("Using `{ spec$name } = qgis_tmp_vector()`"))
  } else if (isTRUE(spec$qgis_type == "rasterDestination")) {
    message(glue("Using `{ spec$name } = qgis_tmp_raster()`"))
  } else if (isTRUE(spec$qgis_type == "folderDestination")) {
    message(glue("Using `{ spec$name } = qgis_tmp_folder()`"))
  } else if (isTRUE(spec$qgis_type == "fileDestination")) {
    # these are various types of files (pdf, raster stats, etc.)
    message(glue("Using `{ spec$name } = qgis_tmp_file(\"\")`"))
  } else if (isTRUE(spec$qgis_type == "enum") && length(spec$available_values) > 0) {
    default_enum_value <- rlang::as_label(spec$available_values[1])
    message(glue("Using `{ spec$name } = { default_enum_value }`"))
    if (use_json_input) 0 else "0"
  } else {
    # We don't know the actual default values here as far as I can tell
    message(glue("Argument `{ spec$name }` is unspecified (using QGIS default value)."))

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.NULL <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                  use_json_input = FALSE) {
  # NULL is similar to qgis_default_value() except it (1) never fills in
  # a default value at the R level and (2) never generates any messages.
  # It returns qgis_default_value() because this is the sentinel for removing
  # an item from the system call to `qgis_process`

#' @keywords internal
create_rgba_string <- function(col) {
  assert_that(length(col) == 1L)
  rgbmatrix <- grDevices::col2rgb(col, alpha = TRUE)
    "rgba({ rgbmatrix['red', ] }, ",
    "{ rgbmatrix['green', ] }, ",
    "{ rgbmatrix['blue', ] }, ",
    "{ round(rgbmatrix['alpha', ] / 255, 2) })"

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.character <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                       use_json_input = FALSE) {
  result <- switch(as.character(spec$qgis_type),
    field = if (use_json_input) x else paste0(x, collapse = ";"),
    color = if (grepl("^\\s*rgba\\(", x)) x else create_rgba_string(x),
    enum = {
      x_int <- match(x, spec$available_values)
      invalid_values <- x[is.na(x_int)]

      if (length(invalid_values) > 0) {
            glue("All values for input '{ spec$name }' must be one of the following:\n\n"),
              paste0('"', spec$available_values, '"'),
              ", ",
              last = " or "

      x_int - 1

  if (!is.null(dim(result)) && max(dim(x)) > 1L && !use_json_input) NextMethod()

  if (use_json_input) result else paste(result, collapse = ",")

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.logical <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                     use_json_input = FALSE) {
  if (use_json_input) x else paste0(x, collapse = ",")

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.matrix <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                    use_json_input = FALSE) {
  # !is.na() is solely wrt unit tests that don't specify qgis_type
  if (is.na(spec$qgis_type) && !use_json_input) {
  } else if (spec$qgis_type == "matrix") {
    if (is.numeric(x)) x <- base::as.numeric(t(x)) else {
      x <- trimws(as.character(t(x)))
  } else if (spec$qgis_type == "relief_colors") {
    assert_that(ncol(x) == 3L,
      msg = paste(
        "QGIS argument type 'relief_colors' expects a matrix or",
        "dataframe with 3 columns, representing minimum value,",
        "maximum value, and R color string (that col2rgb()",
        "understands), respectively. Its rows represent the",
        "different ranges with their own color."
    x <- trimws(x)
    rgbcols <- t(grDevices::col2rgb(x[, "col"], alpha = FALSE))
    x <- cbind(x[, 1:2], rgbcols)
    x <- apply(x, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ", "))
    x <- paste(x, collapse = ";")
  } else if (!use_json_input) {
  if (use_json_input) x else paste0(x, collapse = ",")

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.numeric <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                     use_json_input = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(dim(x)) && max(dim(x)) > 1L && !use_json_input) NextMethod()
  if (use_json_input) x else paste0(x, collapse = ",")

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.data.frame <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                        use_json_input = FALSE) {
  # !is.na() is solely wrt unit tests that don't specify qgis_type
  if (!is.na(spec$qgis_type) &&
    spec$qgis_type %in% c("matrix", "relief_colors")) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    result <- as_qgis_argument(x, spec = spec, use_json_input = use_json_input)


#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputVector <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                               use_json_input = FALSE) {
  as_qgis_argument(unclass(x), spec, use_json_input)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputRaster <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                               use_json_input = FALSE) {
  as_qgis_argument(unclass(x), spec, use_json_input)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputLayer <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                              use_json_input = FALSE) {
  as_qgis_argument(unclass(x), spec, use_json_input)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputMultilayer <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                                   use_json_input = FALSE) {
  as_qgis_argument(unclass(x), spec, use_json_input)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputString <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                               use_json_input = FALSE) {
  as_qgis_argument(unclass(x), spec, use_json_input)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputNumber <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                               use_json_input = FALSE) {
  as_qgis_argument(unclass(x), spec, use_json_input)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputFile <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                             use_json_input = FALSE) {
  as_qgis_argument(unclass(x), spec, use_json_input)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_outputFolder <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                               use_json_input = FALSE) {
  as_qgis_argument(unclass(x), spec, use_json_input)

#' @rdname as_qgis_argument
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
qgis_clean_argument <- function(value) {

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
qgis_clean_argument.default <- function(value) {
  # by default, do nothing!

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
qgis_clean_argument.qgis_tempfile_arg <- function(value) {

#' Specify QGIS argument types
#' @param name,description,qgis_type,available_values,acceptable_values
#'   Column values of `arguments` denoting
#'   the argument name, description, and acceptable values.
#' @inheritParams qgis_run_algorithm
#' @note
#' This is an internal function.
#' @returns A [list()] with an element for each input argument.
#' @name qgis_argument_spec

#' @keywords internal
qgis_argument_spec <- function(algorithm = NA_character_, name = NA_character_,
                               description = NA_character_, qgis_type = NA_character_,
                               available_values = character(0), acceptable_values = character(0)) {
    algorithm = algorithm,
    name = name,
    description = description,
    qgis_type = qgis_type,
    available_values = available_values,
    acceptable_values = acceptable_values

#' @keywords internal
qgis_argument_spec_by_name <- function(algorithm, name,
                                       .algorithm_arguments = qgis_get_argument_specs(algorithm, check_deprecation = FALSE)) {
  # These are special-cased at the command-line level, so they don't have
  # types defined in the help file. Here, we create two special types
  if (isTRUE(name %in% c("ELLIPSOID", "PROJECT_PATH"))) {
    return(qgis_argument_spec(algorithm, name, name))

  position <- match(name, .algorithm_arguments$name)
  if (is.na(position)) {
          "'{ name }' is not an argument for algorithm '{ algorithm }'.",
          "\nSee `qgis_show_help(\"{ algorithm }\")` for a list of supported arguments."

  c(list(algorithm = algorithm), lapply(.algorithm_arguments, "[[", position))

#' Prepare a compound input argument
#' Some algorithm arguments require a compound object, consisting of
#' several layers or elements.
#' These functions apply strict validation rules when generating this object and
#' are recommended.
#' `qgis_list_input()` generates an unnamed list of class `qgis_list_input`.
#' The use of `qgis_list_input()` instead of list() is _required_ for compound
#' arguments _in case of no-JSON input_ (see [qgis_using_json_input()]).
#' Since it applies strict validation rules, it is recommended in all cases
#' though.
#' `qgis_dict_input()` generates a named list of class `qgis_dict_input`.
#' `qgis_dict_input()` is only supported when the JSON input method applies
#' (see [qgis_using_json_input()]), where it can be interchanged with a named `list()`.
#' It can only be used for arguments requiring _named_ lists.
#' Since it applies strict validation rules, it is recommended above `list()`.
#' Some QGIS argument types that need a compount object are the `multilayer`,
#' `aggregates`, `fields_mapping`, `tininputlayers` and
#' `vectortilewriterlayers` argument types.
#' @concept topics about preparing input values
#' @param ... Named values for `qgis_dict_input()` or
#'   unnamed values for `qgis_list_input()`.
#' @returns
#'   - `qgis_list_input()`: An object of class 'qgis_list_input'
#'   - `qgis_dict_input()`: An object of class 'qgis_dict_input'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' qgis_list_input(1, 2, 3)
#' qgis_dict_input(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
qgis_list_input <- function(...) {
  dots <- rlang::list2(...)
  if (length(dots) > 0 && rlang::is_named(dots)) {
    abort("All ... arguments to `qgis_list_input()` must be unnamed.")

  structure(dots, class = "qgis_list_input")

#' @rdname qgis_list_input
#' @export
qgis_dict_input <- function(...) {
  dots <- rlang::list2(...)
  if (length(dots) > 0 && !rlang::is_dictionaryish(dots)) {
    abort("All ... arguments to `qgis_dict_input()` must have unique names.")

  structure(dots, class = "qgis_dict_input")

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_list_input <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                             use_json_input = FALSE) {
  qgis_list_input(!!!lapply(x, as_qgis_argument, spec = spec, use_json_input = use_json_input))

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_qgis_argument.qgis_dict_input <- function(x, spec = qgis_argument_spec(),
                                             use_json_input = FALSE) {
  qgis_dict_input(!!!lapply(x, as_qgis_argument, spec = spec, use_json_input = use_json_input))

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
qgis_clean_argument.qgis_list_input <- function(value) {
  lapply(value, qgis_clean_argument)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
qgis_clean_argument.qgis_dict_input <- function(value) {
  lapply(value, qgis_clean_argument)

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qgisprocess documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:43 p.m.