centrality <- function(graph,alpha=1,posfun=abs,pkg = c("igraph","qgraph"),all.shortest.paths=FALSE,
weighted = TRUE, signed = TRUE, R2 = FALSE)
# Check for correct class:
# if (class(graph) != "qgraph") stop("Must be a 'qgraph' object")
# if (!is.null(graph[['graphAttributes']][['Graph']][['weighted']])) if (!graph[['graphAttributes']][['Graph']][['weighted']]) graph[['Edgelist']][['weight']] <- ifelse(graph[['Edgelist']][['weight']]==0,0,1)
# if (!isTRUE(graph[['graphAttributes']][['Graph']][['minimum']] == 0))
# {
# warning("Minimum in graph is not set to zero. Omitted edges will not be included in computation of centrality measures.")
# }
# # Extract edgelist:
# E <- graph[['Edgelist']]
# # Number of nodes:
# n <- graph[['graphAttributes']][['Graph']][['nNodes']]
# ## Convert to adjacency:
# W <- matrix(0,n,n)
# for (i in 1:length(E$from))
# {
# if (E$weight[i]!=0)
# {
# W[E$from[i],E$to[i]] <- E$weight[i]
# if (!E$directed[i] | E$bidir[i]) W[E$to[i],E$from[i]] <- E$weight[i]
# }
# }
W <- getWmat(graph)
if (!isTRUE(weighted)){
W <- sign(W)
if (!isTRUE(signed)){
W <- abs(W)
pkg <- match.arg(pkg)
# if (missing(pkg)){
# pkg <- ifelse(all(W==t(W)),"igraph","qgraph")
# }
# If is list, compute for all:
if (is.list(W))
return(lapply(W,centrality, alpha=alpha,posfun=posfun))
n <- nrow(W)
# Remove diagonal:
if (any(diag(W)!=0))
# message("Self-loops are not included in centrality analysis.")
diag(W) <- 0
## Compute adjacency:
X <- 1L * (W!=0)
## Compute default measures:
UnweightedDegreesOut <- rowSums(X)
WeightedDegreesOut <- rowSums(posfun(W))
CombinedDegreesOut <- UnweightedDegreesOut^(1-alpha) * WeightedDegreesOut^alpha
UnweightedDegreesIn <- colSums(X)
WeightedDegreesIn <- colSums(posfun(W))
CombinedDegreesIn <- UnweightedDegreesIn^(1-alpha) * WeightedDegreesIn^alpha
# Expected Influence
InExpectedInfluence <- colSums(W)
OutExpectedInfluence <- rowSums(W)
# # Randomized Shortest Paths Betweenness Centrality
# rspbc <- NetworkToolbox::rspbc(abs(W))
# # Hybrid Centrality
# hybrid <- NetworkToolbox::hybrid(abs(W), BC = "random")
DistMat <- 1/(ifelse(posfun(W)==0,0,posfun(W)^alpha))
if (pkg=="igraph"){
igraphObject <- igraph::graph.adjacency(DistMat, weighted = TRUE, mode = "directed")
# E <- cbind(c(row(W)),c(col(W)),c(W))
# E <- E[E[,3] != 0]
# E[,3] <- 1/E[,3]
# igraphObject <- igraph::graph_from_edgelist(E[,1:2],directed=TRUE)
# E(igraphObject)$weight <- E[,3]
Closeness <- igraph::closeness(igraphObject)
E <- cbind(c(row(W)),c(col(W)),c(posfun(W)))
# E <- E[E[,3] != 0, ]
# E[,3] <- 1/E[,3]
igraphObject <- igraph::graph_from_edgelist(E[,1:2, drop=FALSE],directed=TRUE)
E(igraphObject)$weight <- 1/E[,3]
igraphObject <- igraph::delete_edges(igraphObject, which(E(igraphObject)$weight == Inf))
Betweenness <- igraph::betweenness(igraphObject,cutoff = 1/1e-10)
ShortestPaths <- igraph::shortest.paths(igraphObject, mode = "out")
ls <- vector("list",n^2)
Paths <- structure( ls, .Dim = c(n, n))
if (all.shortest.paths){
for (i in 1:n)
allPaths <- lapply(igraph::all_shortest_paths(igraphObject,i,V(igraphObject))$res,as.numeric)
last <- sapply(allPaths,function(x)x[length(x)])
for (j in 1:n)
if (i==j){
Paths[[i,j]] <- list()
} else {
Paths[[i,j]] <- allPaths[last==j]
} else {
# Compute shortest distance using Dijkstra (code based on pseudo code on Wikipedia)
# Setup:
ShortestPaths <- matrix(Inf,n,n)
ls <- list()
for (i in 1:n^2) ls[[i]] <- numeric(0)
Previous <- structure(ls, .Dim = c(n, n))
# Main loop:
for (source in 1:n)
dist <- rep(Inf,n)
#previous <- integer(n) # Previous node in optimal path from source
dist[source] <- 0 # Distance from source to source
Q <- 1:n # All nodes in the graph are unoptimized - thus are in Q
while (length(Q) > 0) # The main loop
u <- Q[which.min(dist[Q])]
if (dist[u] == Inf) break # all remaining vertices are inaccessible from source
Q <- Q[- which(Q==u)]
for (v in Q) # where v has not yet been removed from Q.
alt <- dist[u] + DistMat[u,v]
if (alt < dist[v]) # Relax (u,v,a)
dist[v] <- alt
Previous[[source,v]] <- which(dist + DistMat[,v] == alt)
#previous[v] <- u
# decrease-key v in Q # Reorder v in the Queue
ShortestPaths[source,] <- dist
# Compute Closeness:
Closeness <- 1/rowSums(ShortestPaths)
# Shortest paths function:
sp <- function(i,j)
if (length(Previous[[i,j]])==0) return(list())
if (all(Previous[[i,j]] == i)) return(list(c(i,j)))
paths <-,lapply(Previous[[i,j]],sp,i=i))
paths <- lapply(paths,function(x)c(x,j))
# Compute shortest paths:
Paths <- structure(ls, .Dim = c(n, n))
for (i in 1:n)
for (j in 1:n)
Paths[[i,j]] <- sp(i,j)
# Number of shortest paths:
NumPaths <- apply(Paths,1:2,sapply,length)
# Betweenness dummy:
Betweenness <- numeric(n)
Gtot <- apply(Paths,1:2,sapply,length)
# Compute betweenness:
for (i in 1:n)
G <- apply(Paths,1:2,sapply,function(x)sum(i==unlist(x)))
Grat <- G[-i,-i]/Gtot[-i,-i]
Betweenness[i] <- sum(Grat[!is.nan(Grat)])
lab <- function(x,labs){
if (is.vector(x)){
names(x) <- labs
} else {
rownames(x) <- colnames(x) <- labs
Labels <- colnames(W)
# R2:
if (R2){
# check if the matrix could be a GGM:
W <- as.matrix(W)
diag(W) <- 0
K <- diag(n) - W
rownames(K) <- colnames(K) <- NULL
if (any(K < -1) || any(K > 1) || !all(K == t(K)) || any(eigen(K)$values < 0)){
stop("Graph does not look like a Gaussian graphical model. R2 is only supported for a Gaussian graphical model.")
# translate to precision matrix of standardized data:
K <- solve(cov2cor(solve(K)))
# R^2 is simply...
R2_res <- 1 - 1 / diag(K)
names(R2_res) <- Labels
retval <- list(
OutDegree = lab(CombinedDegreesOut,Labels),
InDegree = lab(CombinedDegreesIn,Labels),
Closeness = lab(Closeness,Labels),
Betweenness = lab(Betweenness,Labels),
# rspbc = lab(as.vector(rspbc),Labels),
# hybrid = lab(as.vector(hybrid),Labels),
InExpectedInfluence = InExpectedInfluence,
OutExpectedInfluence = OutExpectedInfluence,
ShortestPathLengths = lab(ShortestPaths,Labels),
ShortestPaths = lab(Paths,Labels))
if (R2){
retval$R2 <- R2_res
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