
Defines functions qic

Documented in qic

#' Statistical process control charts.
#' The \code{qic()} function creates run charts and Shewhart control charts for
#' process control and improvement. Included control charts are: I, MR, Xbar, S,
#' T, C, U, U', P, P', and G charts.
#' Non-random variation in the form of minor to moderate persistent shifts in
#' data over time is (by default) identified by the Anhoej rules for unusually
#' long runs and unusually few crossing. Use the EXPERIMENTAL method argument to
#' apply the bestbox or cutbox methods as described in Anhøj & Wentzel-Larsen
#' (2020) \doi{10.1371/journal.pone.0233920}.
#' Special cause variation in the form of larger, possibly transient, shifts in
#' data is identified by Shewhart's 3-sigma rule (Mohammed, Worthington,
#' Woodall (2008) \doi{10.1136/qshc.2004.012047}).
#' @param x Vector of subgroup values to plot along the x axis.
#' @param y Vector of measures or counts to plot on the y axis (numerator).
#' @param n Vector of subgroup sizes (denominator).
#' @param data Data frame containing variables used in the plot.
#' @param notes Character vector of notes to be added to individual data points.
#' @param facets One or two sided formula with factors used for facetting plots.
#' @param chart Character value indicating the chart type. Possible values are:
#'   'run' (default), 'i', 'mr', 'xbar', 't', 's', 'c', 'u', 'up', 'p', 'pp',
#'   and 'g'.
#' @param agg.fun Aggregate function for summarising the y variable if there are
#'   more than one observation per subgroup. Only relevant for run charts and I
#'   charts. Possible values are: 'mean' (default), 'median', 'sum', and 'sd'.
#' @param method Character indicating the method used for runs analysis. One of
#'   'anhoej' (default), 'bestbox', and 'cutbox'. EXPERIMENTAL!
#' @param multiply Number indicating a number to multiply y axis by, e.g. 100
#'   for percents rather than proportions. See also \code{y.percent} argument.
#' @param freeze Integer indicating the last data point to include in
#'   calculation of baseline parameters for centre and control lines. Ignored if
#'   part argument is given.
#' @param part Either integer vector indicating data points before recalculation
#'   of centre and control lines or character vector indicating chart parts.
#' @param exclude Integer vector indicating data points to exclude from
#'   calculations of centre and control lines.
#' @param target Numeric, either a single value indicating a target value to be
#'   plotted as a horizontal line or a vector for variable target line.
#' @param cl Numeric, either a single value indicating the centre line if known
#'   in advance or a vector for variable centre line.
#' @param nrow,ncol Number indicating the preferred number of rows and columns
#'   in facets.
#' @param scales Character string, one of 'fixed' (default), 'free_y', 'free_x',
#'   or 'free' indicating whether y and x axis scales should be the same for all
#'   panels or free.
#' @param title Character string specifying the title of the plot.
#' @param xlab Character string specifying the x axis label.
#' @param ylab Character string specifying the y axis label.
#' @param subtitle Character string specifying the subtitle.
#' @param caption Character string specifying the caption.
#' @param part.labels Character vector specifying  labels for chart parts
#'   created with the freeze or part argument.
#' @param show.labels Logical indicating whether to show labels for centre and
#'   control lines on chart. Defaults to TRUE when facets argument is NULL.
#' @param show.95 Logical indicating whether to show 95% (2 sigma)
#'   control limits on chart. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param decimals Integer indicating the preferred number of decimals in centre
#'   and control line labels.
#' @param point.size Number specifying the size of data points.
#' @param x.period Character string specifying the interval cut points of
#'   datetime x values used for aggregating y values by week, month, etc. See
#'   the breaks argument of \code{?cut.POSIXt()} for possible values.
#' @param x.format Date format of x axis labels. See \code{?strftime()} for
#'   possible date formats.
#' @param x.angle Number indicating the angle of x axis labels.
#' @param x.pad Number indicating expansion of x axis to make room for axis
#'   labels.
#' @param y.expand Numeric value to include in y axis. Useful e.g. for starting
#'   the y axis at zero.
#' @param y.neg If TRUE (default), the y axis is allowed to be negative (only
#'   relevant for I and Xbar charts).
#' @param y.percent If TRUE, formats y axis labels as percentages.
#' @param y.percent.accuracy A number to round percentage labels on y axis. Use
#'   1 to show no decimals, 0.1 to show 1 decimal etc.
#' @param show.grid If TRUE, shows grid.
#' @param flip If TRUE, rotates the plot 90 degrees.
#' @param strip.horizontal If TRUE, makes y strip horizontal.
#' @param print.summary If TRUE, prints summary.
#' @param return.data If TRUE, returns underlying data frame.
# @param ... Additional arguments to plot function.
#' @return A \code{qic} object. Inherits from 'ggplot'.
#' @seealso \code{vignette('qic')}.
#' @examples
#' # Lock random number generator to make reproducible results.
#' set.seed(2)
#' # Generate vector of 24 random normal numbers
#' y <- rnorm(24)
#' # Run chart
#' qic(y)
#' # I control chart
#' qic(y, chart = 'i')
#' # U control chart from build-in data set of hospital infection rates faceted
#' #   by hospital and type of infection.
#' qic(month, n,
#'     n        = days,
#'     data     = hospital_infections,
#'     facets   = infection ~ hospital,
#'     chart    = 'u',
#'     multiply = 10000,
#'     title    = 'Hospital infection rates',
#'     ylab     = 'Number of infections per 10.000 risk days',
#'     xlab     = 'Month')
#' @importFrom stats median coef lm
#' @export

qic <- function(x,
                y                  = NULL,
                n                  = NULL,
                data               = NULL,
                facets             = NULL,
                notes              = NULL,
                chart              = c('run', 'i', 'mr', 'xbar', 's', 't',
                                       'p', 'pp', 'c', 'u', 'up', 'g'),
                agg.fun            = c('mean', 'median', 'sum', 'sd'),
                method             = c('anhoej', 'bestbox', 'cutbox'),
                multiply           = 1,
                freeze             = NULL,
                part               = NULL,
                exclude            = NULL,
                target             = NA * 1,
                cl                 = NA * 1, #NULL,
                nrow               = NULL,
                ncol               = NULL,
                scales             = 'fixed',
                title              = '',
                ylab               = 'Value',
                xlab               = 'Subgroup',
                subtitle           = NULL,
                caption            = NULL,
                part.labels        = NULL,
                show.labels        = is.null(facets),
                show.95            = FALSE,
                decimals           = 1,
                point.size         = 1.5,
                x.period           = NULL,
                x.format           = NULL,
                x.angle            = NULL,
                x.pad              = 1,
                y.expand           = NULL,
                y.neg              = TRUE,
                y.percent          = FALSE,
                y.percent.accuracy = NULL,
                show.grid          = FALSE,
                flip               = FALSE,
                strip.horizontal   = FALSE,
                print.summary      = FALSE,
                return.data        = FALSE) {
  # Check data
  if (missing(x))
    stop('Missing mandatory argument \"x\"')
  # Preserve show.labels value
  show.labels <- show.labels
  # Build title
  y.name <- deparse(substitute(y))
  n.name <- deparse(substitute(n))
  if (y.name == 'NULL') 
    y.name <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if (n.name != 'NULL')  
    y.name <- paste(y.name, '/', n.name)
  if (multiply != 1)  
    y.name <- paste(y.name, 'x', multiply)
  if (!is.null(title) && title == '') 
    title <- paste(toupper(match.arg(chart)), 'Chart', 'of', y.name)
  # Get chart type
  chart     <- match.arg(chart)
  chart.fun <- get(paste0('qic.', chart))
  # Get aggregate function
  agg.fun <- match.arg(agg.fun)
  # Get variables
  x      <- eval(substitute(x), data, parent.frame())
  y      <- eval(substitute(y), data, parent.frame())
  n      <- eval(substitute(n), data, parent.frame())
  notes  <- eval(substitute(notes), data, parent.frame())
  cl     <- eval(substitute(cl), data, parent.frame())
  target <- eval(substitute(target), data, parent.frame())
  facets <- all.vars(facets)
  n.facets <- length(facets) 
  part <- eval(substitute(part), data, parent.frame())
  if (is.null(data)) {
    facets <- mget(facets, parent.frame())
  } else {
    facets <- mget(facets, as.environment(data))
  facets <- as.data.frame(facets)
  if (ncol(facets) %in% 1:2) {
    names(facets) <- paste0('facet', seq_len(ncol(facets)))
    facets[setdiff(c('facet1', 'facet2'), names(facets))] <- 1
  } else {
    facets <- data.frame(facet1 = 1, facet2 = 1)
  if (is.null(y)) {
    y <- x
    x <- seq_along(y)
  if (is.null(n)) {
    n <- NA
    got.n <- FALSE
  } else {
    got.n <- TRUE
  if (is.null(freeze) || !is.null(part)) {
    freeze <- Inf
    if(is.character(part) || is.factor(part)) {
      part <- part[!duplicated(x)]
      part.labels <- unique(part)
      part <- match(part.labels, part)[-1] - 1
    } else {
      part <- as.integer(part)

  if (is.null(exclude)) 
    exclude <- Inf
  if (is.null(notes)) {
    notes <- ''
  } else {
    notes[is.na(notes)] <- ''
  # Only connect data points and perform runs analysis if x is numeric
  dots.only <- is.factor(x) || mode(x) != 'numeric'

  # Convert dates and datetimes to POSIXct
  if (inherits(x, c('Date', 'POSIXt'))) {
    x <- as.POSIXct(as.character(x), tz = 'UTC')
    # if (!missing(x.period)) {
    if (!is.null(x.period)) {
        x <- as.POSIXct(cut(x, breaks = x.period))
  # Fix missing values
  if (got.n) {
    cases     <- stats::complete.cases(y, n)
    y[!cases] <- NA
    n[!cases] <- NA
  # Prepare data frame
  d <- data.frame(x, y, n, notes, facets, cl, target)
  d <- droplevels(d)
  # Aggregate data and perform analyses
  d <- qic.agg(d, got.n, part, agg.fun, freeze, exclude, 
               chart.fun, multiply, dots.only, chart, method, y.neg)

  # Return data to user if requested
  if (return.data) {
  # Format y for p charts
  if (missing(y.percent) & chart %in% c('p', 'pp')) {
    y.percent <- TRUE
  if (y.percent & missing(ylab)) {
    ylab <- NULL
  # Build plot
  p <- plot.qic(d, 
                title              = title, 
                xlab               = xlab, 
                ylab               = ylab,
                subtitle           = subtitle, 
                caption            = caption, 
                part.labels        = part.labels, 
                n.facets           = n.facets,
                nrow               = nrow, 
                ncol               = ncol, 
                scales             = scales,
                show.labels        = show.labels,
                show.grid          = show.grid,
                show.95            = show.95,
                decimals           = decimals,
                flip               = flip,
                dots.only          = dots.only,
                point.size         = point.size,
                x.format           = x.format,
                x.angle            = x.angle,
                x.pad              = x.pad,
                y.expand           = y.expand,
                y.percent          = y.percent,
                y.percent.accuracy = y.percent.accuracy,
                strip.horizontal   = strip.horizontal)
  class(p) <- c('qic', class(p))
  # Tell how data was aggregated  
  if(!got.n & match.arg(chart) %in% c('run', 'i') & max(d$y.length > 1))
    message(paste0('Subgroup size > 1. Data have been aggregated using ', 
                  agg.fun, '().'))
  # Print summary
  if (print.summary)
  # Return plot object

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qicharts2 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 9:07 a.m.