
Defines functions is.dichotomous qmix

Documented in is.dichotomous qmix

#' Check if a predictor is dichotomous, adopted from package \code{circGLM}
#' @param x A character or numerical vector to be tested.
#' @return A logical, \code{TRUE} if the \code{x} has dummy coding (0, 1),
#'   \code{FALSE} otherwise.
is.dichotomous <- function(x) {
  n_unique_x <- length(unique(x))
  if (n_unique_x == 2) {
    if (all(x == 0 | x == 1)) {
    } else {
      warning("A predictor might be dichotomous but not 0|1.")
  } else if (n_unique_x > 2 & n_unique_x < 8) {
        "A predictor has between 3 and 7 unique values.",
        "It might be categorical with multiple categories",
        "but without dummy coding."
  } else if (n_unique_x == 1) {
    stop("A predictor had only a single unique value.")

#' Fitting finite quantile mixture models
#' The main function for running the finite quantile mixture model. The function returns a \code{qmix} object that can be further investigated using standard functions such as \code{plot}, \code{print}, and \code{coef}. The model can be passed using a \code{formula} as in \code{lm()}. Convergence diagnotics can be performed using either \code{print(object, "mcmc")} or \code{plot(object, "mcmc")}.
#' @param formula An object of class "formula" (or one that can be
#'   coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
#' @param data A data frame containing the variables in the model.
#' @param nmix The number of mixture components.
#' @param design Quantile specification. Options include "fixed" and "random". The default choice is "fixed" which requires quantile inputs from the user.
#' @param q The quantile value.
#' @param nsim The number of iterations.
#' @param burnin The number of burnin iterations.
#' @param thin Thinning parameter.
#' @param CIsize The size of posterior confidence interval.
#' @param nchain The number of parallel chains.
#' @param seeds Random seeds to replicate the results.
#' @param offset Offset values to enhance sampling stability. The default value is 1e-20.
#' @param inverse_distr If FALSE, the ALD will not be reversed. The default is FALSE.
#' @return A \code{qmix} object. An object of class \code{qmix} contains the following elements
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{\code{Call}}{The matched call.}
#'   \item{\code{formula}}{Symbolic representation of the model.}
#'   \item{\code{nmix}}{Number of mixture components. If unspecified in the fixed-quantile specification, the value equals the number of quantiles specified. Otherwise, an error will be generated for the missing value.}
#'   \item{\code{design}}{Options include "fixed" and "random" for fixed- and random-quantile specification.}
#'   \item{\code{q}}{Quantiles in the fixed-quantile specification.}
#'   \item{\code{nsim}}{Number of iterations.}
#'   \item{\code{Burnin}}{Number of burnin iterations.}
#'   \item{\code{thin}}{Thinning.}
#'   \item{\code{seeds}}{Random seeds for reproducibility. The default is 12345.}
#'   \item{\code{CIsize}}{Size of the posterior confidence interval.}
#'   \item{\code{inverse_distr}}{Indicating whether ALD should be inversed.}
#'   \item{\code{offset}}{Offset to enhance stability in estimation. The default value is 1e-20.}
#'   \item{\code{data}}{Data used.}
#'   \item{\code{x}}{Independent variables.}
#'   \item{\code{y}}{Dependent variables.}
#'   \item{\code{xnames}}{Names of the independent variables.}
#'   \item{\code{stanfit}}{Output from stan.}
#'   \item{\code{sampledf}}{Posterior samples.}
#'   \item{\code{summaryout}}{Summary of the posterior samples.}
#'   \item{\code{npars}}{Number of covariates.}
#'   \item{\code{ulbs}}{Upper and lower bounds based on the specified confidence interval.}
#'   \item{\code{means}}{Mean estimates.}
#'   \item{\code{thetas}}{Estimated proportions of each mixture component.}
#'   \item{\code{binarylogic}}{Indicating whether the data contain a binary dependent variable.}
#' }
#' @references
#' Lu, Xiao (2019). Beyond the Average: Conditional Hypothesis Testing with Quantile Mixture. Working Paper.
#' @importFrom stats coef model.frame model.matrix quantile
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # simulate a mixture of 2 ALDs
#' k <- 2
#' N <- 50
#' # true effects: -10 and 10 respectively for two mixture components
#' beta1 <- -10
#' beta2 <- 10
#' set.seed(34324)
#' x1 <- rnorm(N,0,1)
#' x2 <- rnorm(N,0,1)
#' xb1 <- x1*beta1
#' xb2 <- x2*beta2
#' y1 <- y2 <- NA
#' # quantiles at 0.1 and 0.9
#' p1 <- 0.1
#' p2 <- 0.9
#' for (i in 1:N){
#'     y1[i] <- rald(1,mu = xb1[i],p = p1,sigma = 1)
#'     y2[i] <- rald(1,mu = xb2[i],p = p2,sigma = 1)
#' }
#' y <- c(y1,y2)
#' x <- c(x1,x2)
#' dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(y,x))
#' # Estimate the model using both the fixed- and random-quantile specification
#' model <- qmix(y ~ x, data = dat, nmix = 2, design = "fixed", q = c(0.1, 0.9))
#' # Summary the results
#' coef(model)
#' print(model)
#' # check traceplots
#' plot(model)
qmix <- function(formula,
                 nmix = 3,
                 design = "fixed",
                 q = NULL,
                 nsim = 1000,
                 burnin = NULL,
                 thin = 1,
                 CIsize = .95,
                 nchain = 1,
                 seeds = 12345,
                 offset = 1e-20,
                 inverse_distr = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(burnin))
    burnin <- floor(nsim / 2)
  if (burnin < 0)
    stop("Burn-in must be non-negative.")
  if (thin < 1)
    stop("Thinning factor must be positive.")
  if (CIsize <= 0)
    stop("Confidence interval size 'CIsize' must be positive.")
  if (CIsize > 1)
    stop(paste0("Confidence interval size 'CIsize' ",
                "can not be larger than 1."))
  if (missing(formula) | missing(data)) {
    stop(paste0("Formula and data should be given."))
  if (missing(nmix) &
      design == "random")
      "The number of mixture components nmix needs to be specified in the random-quantile design."
  if (nmix != length(q) & design == "fixed")
      "The number of mixture components in q does not match the number of specified quantiles nmix."

  if (nmix < 2)
    stop("The number of mixture components must be larger than one.")
  if (nmix > 3) {
      "The number of specified quantiles nmix is larger than 3. Check convergence carefully using posterior samples from multiple chains!"
  if (!all(q > 0 &
           q < 1))
    stop("The specified quantiles are out of range. The values must be in (0,1).")

  f <- Formula::Formula(formula)
  data <- model.frame(f, data)
  y <- c(as.matrix(model.frame(f, data)[, 1]))

  x <- model.matrix(f, data)

  n_covariate <- dim(x)[2]
  N <- length(y)

  if (length(unique(y)) == 2 &
    stop("The binary dependent variable must be coded with values in {0,1}.")
  binarylogic = is.dichotomous(y)
  if (binarylogic == FALSE) {
    if (design == "fixed") {
      stanmodel <- stanmodels$qmixcf
      datlist <- list(
        N = N,
        Y = c(y),
        D = n_covariate,
        X = x,
        k = nmix,
        p = q
    } else {
      stanmodel <- stanmodels$qmixcr
      datlist <- list(
        N = N,
        Y = c(y),
        D = n_covariate,
        X = x,
        k = nmix
  } else {
    if (design == "fixed") {
      if (inverse_distr == FALSE) {
        stanmodel <- stanmodels$qmixbfv
        datlist <- list(
          N = N,
          Y = c(y),
          D = n_covariate,
          X = x,
          k = nmix,
          p = q,
          offset = offset
      } else {
        stanmodel <- stanmodels$qmixbf
        datlist <- list(
          N = N,
          Y = c(y),
          D = n_covariate,
          X = x,
          k = nmix,
          p = q,
          offset = offset
    } else {
      if (inverse_distr == FALSE) {
        stanmodel <- stanmodels$qmixbrv
        datlist <- list(
          N = N,
          Y = c(y),
          D = n_covariate,
          X = x,
          k = nmix,
          offset = offset
      } else {
        stanmodel <- stanmodels$qmixbr
        datlist <- list(
          N = N,
          Y = c(y),
          D = n_covariate,
          X = x,
          k = nmix,
          offset = offset

  if (binarylogic == TRUE & design == "fixed") {
    pars <- c("beta", "theta")
  } else if (binarylogic == FALSE & design == "fixed") {
    pars <- c("beta", "theta", "sigma")
  } else if (binarylogic == TRUE & design == "random") {
    pars <- c("beta", "theta", "p")
  } else {
    pars <- c("beta", "theta", "sigma", "p")

  stanout <- sampling(
    data = datlist,
    pars = pars,
    seed = seeds,
    iter = nsim,
    thin = thin,
    warmup = burnin,
    chains = nchain

  summaryout <- rstan::summary(stanout)$summary

  if (binarylogic == TRUE & design == "fixed") {
    sampledf <- as.data.frame(stanout)[, 1:(n_covariate * nmix + nmix)]
  } else if (binarylogic == FALSE & design == "fixed") {
    sampledf <- as.data.frame(stanout)[, 1:(n_covariate * nmix + 2 * nmix)]
  } else if (binarylogic == TRUE & design == "random") {
    sampledf <- as.data.frame(stanout)[, 1:(n_covariate * nmix + 2 * nmix)]
  } else {
    sampledf <- as.data.frame(stanout)[, 1:(n_covariate * nmix + 3 * nmix)]

  out <- list()
  class(out) <- c("qmix", class(out))
  out$Call <- match.call()
  out$formula <- formula
  out$nmix  <- nmix
  out$design <- design
  out$q <- q
  out$nsim <- nsim
  out$burnin <- burnin
  out$thin <- thin
  out$seeds <- seeds
  out$CIsize  <- CIsize
  out$inverse_distr <- inverse_distr
  out$offset <- offset
  out$data   <- data
  out$x    <- x
  out$y <- y
  out$xnames <- colnames(x)
  out$stanfit <- stanout
  out$sampledf <- sampledf
  out$summaryout <- summaryout
  out$npars <- n_covariate
  out$ulbs <-
    apply(sampledf, 2, quantile, probs = c((1 - CIsize) / 2, 1 - (1 - CIsize) / 2))
  out$means <- apply(sampledf, 2, mean)
  out$thetas <-
    summaryout[(n_covariate * nmix + 1):(n_covariate * nmix + nmix), 1]
  out$binarylogic <- binarylogic



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qmix documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:27 a.m.