refmean <- function(
group = NULL,
which.eff = c("sig", "sli", "exp", "mak", "ext"),
type.eff = c("individual", "mean.single"),
which.cp = c("cpD2", "cpD1", "cpE", "cpR", "cpT", "Cy0", "ext"),
verbose = TRUE,
if (class(data)[2] != "pcrbatch") stop("data must be of class 'pcrbatch'!")
if (is.null(group)) stop("Please define 'group'!")
if (length(group) != ncol(data) - 1) stop("Length of 'group' and 'data' do not match!")
if (!is.numeric(which.eff)) which.eff <- match.arg(which.eff)
type.eff <- match.arg(type.eff)
## from 1.3-7: exchange numeric efficiencies/threshold cycles
if (is.numeric(which.eff)) {
effDAT <- matrix(c("ext.eff", which.eff), nrow = 1)
colnames(effDAT) <- colnames(data)
data <- rbind(data, effDAT)
which.eff <- "ext"
if (is.numeric(which.cp)) {
cpDAT <- matrix(c("sig.ext", which.cp), nrow = 1)
colnames(cpDAT) <- colnames(data)
data <- rbind(data, cpDAT)
which.cp <- "ext"
## get 'group' name
GROUPNAME <- deparse(substitute(group))
## split labels and data
ANNO <- data[, 1, drop = FALSE]
DATA <- data[, -1, drop = FALSE]
## check for equal length of data and 'group' vector
if (length(group) != ncol(DATA)) stop("Length of 'group' and 'data' do not match!")
## check for number of reference genes, control samples and treatment samples
numCon <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("g\\d*c(\\d*)", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE))))
numSamp <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("g\\d*s(\\d*)", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE))))
RefInCon <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("r(\\d*)c\\d*", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE))))
RefInSamp <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("r(\\d*)s\\d*", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE))))
## initialize variables
matSD <- NULL
allSEL <- NULL
## averaging of reference genes in control and treatment samples
for (k in c("c", "s")) {
for (i in switch(k, "c" = numCon, "s" = numSamp)) {
if (verbose) cat(" Calculating statistics (mean & sd) for: ")
for (j in switch(k, "c" = RefInCon, "s" = RefInSamp)) {
STR <- paste("r", j, k, i, sep = "")
if (verbose) cat(STR, "")
SEL <- grep(STR, group)
allSEL <- c(allSEL, SEL)
tempDAT <- DATA[, SEL, drop = FALSE]
GROUP <- as.factor(rep(1, ncol(tempDAT)))
MEAN <- apply(tempDAT, 1, function(x) tapply(as.numeric(x), GROUP, function(y) mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)))
MEAN <- matrix(MEAN)
colnames(MEAN) <- STR
SD <- apply(tempDAT, 1, function(x) tapply(as.numeric(x), GROUP, function(y) sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)))
SD <- matrix(SD)
## replace NA values in SD that occur when sd is done on single runs
if (all( SD <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(SD), ncol = 1)
## if reference values are taken as all with the same average or is numeric, set s.d. = 0
if (type.eff == "mean.single" || is.numeric(which.eff)) SD <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(SD)))
colnames(SD) <- STR
matMEAN <- cbind(matMEAN, MEAN)
matSD <- cbind(matSD, SD)
if (verbose) cat("\n")
TEXT1 <- paste("a", 1:ncol(matMEAN), sep = "", collapse = " + ")
TEXT2 <- paste("(", TEXT1, ")", "/", ncol(matMEAN), sep = "")
EXPR <- parse(text = TEXT2)
## error propagation of averaged efficiencies
selEFF <- which(ANNO == paste(which.eff, "eff", sep = "."))
meanEFF <- matMEAN[selEFF, , drop = FALSE]
sdEFF <- matSD[selEFF, ]
statEFF <- rbind(meanEFF, sdEFF)
if (verbose) cat(" => error propagation for", colnames(statEFF), "(efficiencies)...\n")
colnames(statEFF) <- paste("a", 1:ncol(statEFF), sep = "")
propEFF <- propagate(EXPR, statEFF, type = "stat", plot = FALSE, ...)
newEFF <- makeStat(length(allSEL), propEFF$summary[1, "Prop"], propEFF$summary[2, "Prop"])
if (verbose) cat(" => replacing with new values...\n")
DATA[selEFF, allSEL] <- round(newEFF, 6)
## error propagation of averaged threshold cycles
selCP <- which(ANNO == paste("sig", which.cp, sep = "."))
meanCP <- matMEAN[selCP, ]
sdCP <- matSD[selCP, ]
statCP <- rbind(meanCP, sdCP)
if (verbose) cat(" => error propagation for", colnames(statCP), "(threshold cycles)...\n")
colnames(statCP) <- paste("a", 1:ncol(statCP), sep = "")
propCP <- propagate(EXPR, statCP, type = "stat", plot = FALSE, ...)
newCP <- makeStat(length(allSEL), propCP$summary[1, "Prop"], propCP$summary[2, "Prop"])
if (verbose) cat(" => replacing with new values...\n")
DATA[selCP, allSEL] <- round(newCP, 2)
## exchange labels in 'group' vector
POS <- grep(paste("r.", k, i, sep = ""), group)
group[POS] <- paste("r1", k, i, sep = "")
## reset variables
matSD <- NULL
allSEL <- NULL
DATA <- cbind(ANNO, DATA)
class(DATA) <- c("data.frame", "pcrbatch")
## attaching 'group' attribute for 'ratiobatch'
attr(DATA, "group") <- group
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