
#' @title \code{qqtest} A self-calibrated quantile-quantile plot for assessing distributional shape.
#' @description Draws a quantile-quantile plot for visually assessing whether the data come
#'    from a test distribution that has been defined in one of many ways.
#'    The vertical axis plots the data quantiles, the horizontal those of a test distribution.
#'    Interval estimates and exemplars provide different comparative information to assess the
#'    evidence provided by the qqplot against the hypothesis that the data come from the test distribution
#'    (default is normal or gaussian).
#'    Interval estimates provide test information related to individual quantiles,
#'    exemplars provide test information related to the shape of the quantile quantile curve.
#'    Optionally, a visual test of significance (a lineup plot) can be displayed to provide a
#'    coarse level of significance for testing the null hypothesis that the data come from the
#'    test distribution.
#'    The default behaviour generates 1000 samples from the test distribution and overlays the
#'    plot with pointwise interval estimates for the ordered quantiles from the test distribution.
#'    Various option choices are available to effect different visualizations of the
#'    uncertainty surrounding the quantile quantile plot.
#'    These include overlaying independently generated exemplar test distribution sample
#'    quantile traces so as to assess the joint (as opposed to pointwise) distribution of quantiles.
#'    See argument descriptions and examples for more details.
#' @export qqtest
#' @importFrom graphics Axis abline box lines par plot points polygon
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor
#' @importFrom stats dchisq fivenum pchisq ppoints qchisq qexp qlnorm qnorm qt quantile qunif rbeta rchisq rexp rlnorm rnorm rt runif
#' @param data A univariate dataset to be tested. If data has more than one column, the first is used.
#' @param dist The name of the distribution against which the comparison is made, the test distribution for a few built-in distributions.
#'   One of \code{"gaussian"} (or \code{"normal"}), \code{"log normal"},\code{"half normal"},
#'   \code{"uniform"},\code{"exponential"},\code{"student"}, \code{"chi-squared"}, or \code{"kay"}.
#'   Only the first three characters of any of these is needed to specify the dist.
#'   If dist is \code{"student"},  \code{"chi-squared"}, or \code{"kay"}, then a value for the degrees of freedom
#'   argument (\code{df} below) is also required.
#' @param df Degrees of freedom of \code{dist} to be used when \code{dist} is either \code{"student"} or \code{"chi-squared"}.
#' @param qfunction If non-\code{NULL}, this must be a function of a single argument (a proportion, p say) which will be used
#' to calculate the quantiles for the test distribution.  If non-\code{NULL}, the \code{rfunction} should also be non-\code{NULL}.
#' The value of the \code{dist} argument will be ignored when this is the case.
#' @param rfunction If non-\code{NULL}, this must be a function of a single argument (a count, n say) which will be
#' used to randomly select a sample of size n from the test distribution.
#' If non-\code{NULL}, the \code{qfunction} must also be non-NULL.
#' If \code{qfunction} is non-\code{NULL} and  \code{rfunction} is \code{NULL}, then \code{qfunction} will
#' be applied to the output of a call to \code{runif} in place of the \code{NULL} \code{rfunction}
#'  (i.e. a probability integral transform is used to generate a random sample).
#'  The value of the \code{dist} argument will be ignored whenever \code{qfunction} is a function.
#' @param dataTest If non-\code{NULL}, this must be a second data set.
#' The empirical distribution given by this data will be used as the test distribution against which the value of data will be tested.
#' If non-\code{NULL}, the values of the arguments \code{dist}, \code{qfunction}, and \code{rfunction} will all be ignored in
#' favour of using this empirical distribution as the test distribution.
#' @param p If non-\code{NULL}, this must be a vector containing the probability points at which the quantiles are to be calculated.
#' If the length of this vector is the same as that of the data, then \code{p} is taken to be the probabilities that
#' correspond to the data; otherwise the data are taken to provide and empirical quantile function values of which are
#' taken at \code{p} to produce the plot.
#' If \code{p} is \code{NULL} (the default), then \code{p} is determined by the function \code{ppoints(n,a)}
#' where \code{n} is the number of data points in \code{data} and \code{a} is given by the argument \code{a} below.
#' @param a This is the second parameter given to the \code{ppoints} call to determine \code{p} as necessary.
#' If \code{a} is \code{NULL}, then default values are chosen for each specific distribution
#' (e.g. 3/8 for gaussian, 0 for uniform, etc.) and as 2/5 otherwise, following the recommendations of C. Cunnane (1978).
#' Users may supply their own value such as the original Hazen's 1/2 or Tukey's 1/3.
#' @param np This is required if the vector \code{p} is provided.
#' Because \code{p} could take any values, we need to know \code{np} the sample size that was used  to construct the
#' quantiles at the provided vlaues \code{p}.
#' When \code{p} and \code{np} are provided all simulation is based on simulating values from the distribution of
#' the order statistics \code{p*np}.
#' @param matchMethod It is necessary to match locations and scales of the two distributions.  The method used to do this matching
#' is given by \code{matchMethod} which must be one of \code{c("hinges","quartiles", "middlehalf", "bottomhalf", "tophalf")}.
#' A line is fitted to the data and its coefficients used to adjust the location and scale of the test quantiles to match the data.
#' If \code{matchMethod = "hinges"} (the default), then the line is fit to \code{(x, y)} pairs given by the three central values of
#' \code{fivenum()} on each of the coordinates; if \code{"quartiles"} the three quartiles of each coordinate are paired and a line fit.
#' The method \code{"middlehalf"}, as the name suggests, fits a line to the middle half of the sorted data.  In this way, it is very similar
#' to the previous two methods.  All three are fairly robust and use the central part of the data to estimate the location and scale based roughly
#' on matching medians and inter-quartile spreads.
#' The remaining two methods, \code{"bottomhalf"} and \code{"tophalf"}, use a line fitted to the bottom and top half of the sorted data.
#' These are not generally recommended but might be used when the comparison \code{dist} is skewed.  For example with a chi-squared distribution,
#' one might use \code{bottomhalf} to match on data from the shorter left tail of the distribution.  Similarly, \code{"tophalf"} might be
#' preferred when \code{dist} is skewed in the opposite direction.
#' Finally, note that the user may supply their own matching method by providing a function having vector arguments \code{x} and \code{y}
#' for the horizontal and vertical quantiles which returns a vector of coefficients (intercept, slope) for the line to be used to match
#' the quantile location and scales.
#' @param xAxisAsProbs If \code{TRUE} (the default is FALSE) the horizontal axis will be labelled as probabilities.
#' These are the cumulative probabilities according to the test distribution.  They are located at the corresponding quantile values.
#' They are handy in comparing percentiles of the test and data distributions as well as giving some measure of the symmetry and
#' tail weights of the test distribution by their location.
#' If \code{FALSE} the axis is labelled according to the quantile values.
#' @param yAxisAsProbs If \code{TRUE} (the default is FALSE) the vertical axis will be labelled as probabilities.
#' These are the cumulative probabilities according to the empirical distribution of the \code{data}.
#' They are located at the corresponding quantile values.
#' They are handy in comparing percentiles of the test and data distributions as well as giving
#' some measure of the symmetry and tail weights of the \code{data} distribution by their location.
#' If \code{FALSE} the axis is labelled according to the quantile values.
#' @param xAxisProbs A vector of probabilities to be used to label the x axis ticks when \code{xAxisAsProbs} is \code{TRUE}.
#' Default is \code{c(0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.95)}.  Ignored if \code{xAxisAsProbs} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param yAxisProbs A vector of probabilities to be used to label the y axis ticks when \code{yAxisAsProbs} is \code{TRUE}.
#' Default is \code{c(0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.95)}.  Ignored if \code{yAxisAsProbs} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param nreps The number of replicate samples to be taken from the test distribution to construct the pointwise intervals
#' for each quantile.  Default is 1000.
#' From these samples, an empirical distribution is generated from the test distribution for the ordered quantiles
#' corresponding to the values of\code{ppoints(length(data))}.
#' These are used to construct central intervals of whatever proportions are given by \code{centralPercents}.
#' @param centralPercents The vector of proportions determining the central intervals of the empirical distribution of
#' each ordered quantile from the test distribution.
#' Default is \code{c(0.90, 0.95, 0.99)} corresponding to central 90, 95, and 99\% simulated pointwise confidence
#' intervals for each quantile coming from the test distribution for a sample the same size as \code{data}.
#' The quality of these interval locations typically increases with \code{nreps} and decreases with the
#' probability used for each interval.
#' @param envelope If \code{TRUE} (the default), a grey envelope is plotted showing the central intervals for
#' each quantile as a shade of grey.  The higher is the corresponding probability associated with the interval,
#' the lighter is the shade.
#' The outermost edges of the envelope are the range of the simulated data from the test distribution.
#' The envelope thus provides a (pointwise) density estimate of the quantiles drawn from the test distribution for this sample size.
#' If \code{FALSE} no envelope is drawn.
#' @param drawPercentiles If \code{TRUE}, a pair of curves is plotted to show each of the central intervals as a different line type.
#' These are plotted over the envelope if \code{envelope} is \code{TRUE}.
#' If \code{FALSE} (the default) no simulated percentile curves are drawn.
#' @param drawQuartiles If \code{TRUE}, a pair of curves is plotted to show the quartiles (central 50\% region)
#' of the ordered quantiles simulated from the test distribution.  The median of these is also plotted as a solid line type.
#' These are plotted over the envelope if \code{envelope} is \code{TRUE}.
#' If \code{FALSE} (the default) none of these curves are drawn.
#' @param legend If \code{TRUE} (the default is \code{NULL}) with \code{nreps>0} a legend for the appearance
#' of the simulated ranges of the central intervals is added to the plot.
#' If \code{FALSE}, no legend appears. If \code{NULL}, legend always appears except when \code{lineup = TRUE}.
#' @param legend.xy Either a string being one of \code{c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft","top", "topright", "right", "center")}
#'  (default is \code{"topleft"}) or a list with named components \code{x} and \code{y}
#' to be interpreted exactly as in the function \code{legend()} from the \code{graphics} package.
#' @param legend.cex  Character expansion size for legend (default 0.8).
#' @param nexemplars (default is 0) The number of replicate samples to be taken from the test distribution and
#' plotted as a coloured trail on the qqplot.
#' Each such trail is a sample of the same size as \code{data} but truly coming from the test distribution.
#' Each trail gives some idea of what the shape of a qqplot would be for a sample of that size from the test distribution.
#' Together, they give some sense of the variability in the plot's shape.
#' @param typex (default is "o", or match \code{type} if supplied) The \code{plot} type to be used in the
#' plotting of the exemplars, legal values are the same as for the  \code{type} argument of \code{plot}.
#' @param plainTrails If \code{TRUE}, then a single grey colour is used for all exemplar trails.
#' If \code{FALSE} (the default), each exemplar trail is shown in a different colour.
#' @param colTrails Colours to be used for the trails (default will be multi-colours).
#' @param alphaTrails The alpha transparency to be used in plotting all exemplar trails. The default is 0.25.
#' Because the trails will overplot, a smaller \code{alphaTrails} value is recommended as \code{nexemplars} increases.
#' @param lwdTrails The graphical line width (\code{lwd}) to be used in plotting all exemplar trails.   The default is 1.
#' Because the trails will overplot, combining a larger \code{lwdTrails} with \code{envelope = FALSE},
#' a lower \code{alphaTrails} value larger \code{nexemplars} can give a truer sense of the density of qqplot
#' configurations than with \code{envelope = TRUE}.
#' @param lineup If \code{TRUE} (default is \code{FALSE}) the qqplot of \code{data} is randomly located in a
#' grid of \code{nsuspects} plots.  Identical arguments are given to construct all \code{qqtest} plots in the grid.
#' Assuming the viewer has not seen the qqplot of this \code{data} before, a successful selection of the true \code{data}
#' plot out of the grid of plots corresponds to evidence against the hypothesis that the \code{data} come from the test distribution.
#' Significance level is 1/\code{nsuspects}.
#' Similarly, if the viewer narrows the selection down to only k possible subjects AND the true location is among them, then
#' the corresponding observed level of significance (p-value) would be k//\code{nsuspects}.
#' Each plot is given a suspect number from 1 to \code{nsuspects} (left to right, top to bottom).
#' The suspect number of the plot corresponding to the actual \code{data} is returned, slightly obfuscated to help keep the test honest.
#' @param nsuspects The total number of plots (default is 20) to be viewed in the lineup display when \code{lineup} is \code{lineup}.
#' @param col If non-\code{NULL}, \code{col} must be colour to be used for the points in the plot.  If \code{NULL} (the default), an \code{hcl} colour will be used from the values of the arguments \code{h}, \code{c}, \code{l}, and \code{alpha}.
#' @param h The hue of the colour of the points.  Specified as an angle in degrees from 0 to 360 around a colour wheel.  E.g. 0 is red, 120 green, 240 blue,  Default is 260 (a bluish).
#' @param c The chroma of the colour of the points.  Takes values from 0 to an upper bound that is a function of hue, \code{h},  and luminance, \code{l}.  Roughly, for fixed \code{h} and \code{l} the higher the value of \code{c} the greater the intensity of colour.
#' @param l The luminance of the colour of the points.  Takes values from 0 to 100. For any given combination of hue, \code{h},  and chroma, \code{c}, only a subset of this range will be possible.  Roughly, for fixed \code{h} and \code{c} the higher the value of \code{l} the lighter is the colour.
#' @param alpha The alpha transparency of the colour of the points.  Takes values from 0 to 1. Values near 0 are more transparent, values near 1 (the default) are more opaque. Alpha values sum when points over plot, giving some indication of density.
#' @param cex The graphical parameter \code{cex} for the size of the points.
#' @param pch The graphical parameter \code{pch} for the point character to be used for the points.  Default is 19, a filled circle.
#' @param type The graphical parameter \code{type} for the points of the qqplot. Default is "p".
#' @param main The graphical parameter \code{main} providing a title for the plot.
#' If \code{NULL} (the default), the title will be "qqtest" when \code{lineup = FALSE} and "Suspect: " followed by
#' the plot number when \code{lineup = TRUE}.  An empty string will suppress the title.
#' @param xlab The graphical parameter \code{xlab} labelling the x axis of the plot.
#' If \code{NULL} (the default), an \code{xlab} is created based on the information available from the
#' other arguments to \code{qqtest} about the test distribution.  An empty string will suppress the labelling.
#' @param ylab The graphical parameter \code{ylab} labelling the y axis of the plot.
#' If \code{NULL} (the default), a \code{ylab} is created based on the information available from the other
#' arguments to \code{qqtest}. An empty string will suppress the labelling.
#' @param xlim The graphical parameter \code{xlim} determining the display limits of the x axis.
#' @param ylim The graphical parameter \code{ylim} determining the display limits of the y axis.
#' @param axes The graphical parameter \code{axes} determining whether axes are to be displayed
#' (default is \code{NULL} which the same as \code{TRUE} except when \code{lineup=TRUE}, then \code{axes} is \code{FALSE}).
#' @param bty The graphical parameter \code{bty} determining the type of box to be used to
#' enclose the plot (default is \code{"o"}, set \code{bty="n"} for no box).
#' @param ... Any further graphical parameters to be passed to the \code{plot} function.
#' @return Displays the qqplot.
#' Invisibly returns a list with named components \code{x}, \code{y}, and \code{order} giving the horizontal and
#' vertical locations of the points in sorted order, as well as the order vector from the input data.   The result of \code{qqtest} must be assigned to get these.
#' The values could then, for example, be used to identify or label points in the display.
#' When \code{lineup} is \code{TRUE}, it returns a string encoding
#' the true location of the data as a calculation to be evaluated.  This provides some simple obfuscation of the true
#' location so that the visual assessment can be honest.  The true location is revealed by calling \code{revealLocation()}
#' on the returned value.
#' @source
#' "Self calibrating quantile-quantile plots",
#' R. Wayne Oldford, The American Statistician, 70, (2016)
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1080/00031305.2015.1090338}
#' "Unbiased Plotting Positions -- A Review",
#' C. Cunnane, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 37 (1978), pp. 205-222.
#' @examples
#' #
#' # default qqtest plot
#' qqtest(precip, main = "Precipitation (inches/year) in 70 US cities")
#' #
#' # qqtest to compare to qqnorm
#' op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' qqnorm(precip, main="qqnorm")
#' qqtest(precip, main="qqtest",
#'        xAxisAsProbs=FALSE, yAxisAsProbs=FALSE)
#' par(op)
#' #
#' #  Use lines instead of envelope
#' qqtest(precip, envelope=FALSE, drawPercentiles=TRUE,
#'        main = "Precipitation (inches/year) in 70 US cities")
#' #
#' #  Use quartiles instead of envelope
#' qqtest(precip, envelope=FALSE, drawQuartiles=TRUE,
#'        main = "Precipitation (inches/year) in 70 US cities")
#' #
#' #  Use coloured exemplars (qqplot of data simulated from the test distribution)
#' #  and suppress the envelope.  Where the envelope, percentiles, and quartiles are
#' #  simulated pointwise bands, exemplars give some sense of what the (joint) shape of the
#' #  quantile-quantile plot should look like (for data from the test distribution).
#' #  Each simulated sample is a different colour.
#' qqtest(precip, nexemplars=10, typex="o", envelope=FALSE, type="p",
#'        main = "Precipitation (inches/year) in 70 US cities")
#' #
#' #  Alternatively, the trail of each exemplar could be plain (the identical grey).
#' #  Making each trail wide and assigning it some transparency (alpha near 0)
#' #  allows the trails to give a sense of the density through the darkness of the grey.
#' #
#' qqtest(precip, nexemplars=20, envelope=FALSE,
#'        lwdTrails=3, plainTrails=TRUE, alphaTrail=0.4, typex="o", type="o",
#'        main = "Precipitation (inches/year) in 70 US cities")
#' #
#' #  Wide coloured exemplars with some transparency provide an indication of
#' #  density and allow some trails to be followed by colour.
#' #
#' qqtest(precip, nexemplars=20, envelope=FALSE,
#'        lwdTrails=3,  alphaTrail=0.4, typex="o", type="o", col="black",
#'        main = "Precipitation (inches/year) in 70 US cities")
#' #  Envelope and exemplars with coloured trails to be followed.
#' #
#' qqtest(precip, nexemplars=5,
#'        lwdTrails=2, alphaTrail=0.6, alpha=0.8,
#'        main = "Precipitation (inches/year) in 70 US cities")
#' #
#' #
#' #  gaussian - qqplot, but now showing in the line up
#' trueLoc <- qqtest(precip, lineup=TRUE, main="Suspect", legend=FALSE,
#'                   cex=0.75, col="grey20", ylab="", pch=21)
#' # the location of the real data in the line up can be found by evaluating
#' # the contents of the string
#' trueLoc
#' #
#' # Cut and paste the string contents into the R console, or simply
#' revealLocation(trueLoc)
#' #
#' #
#' # log-normal ... using the bacteria data from Whipple(1916)
#' data(bacteria, package="qqtest")
#' # Note that these are selected percentiles from a sample of 365 days in a year
#' with(bacteria,
#'     qqtest(count, dist = "log-normal", p=percentTime/100, np=365, type="o",
#'  		  yAxisAsProbs=FALSE, ylab="bacteria per cc",
#'            xAxisProbs = c(0.01, 0.50,0.75, 0.90, 0.95, 0.99, 0.995),
#'            xlab="Percentage of days in 1913",
#'            main = "Number of bacteria from the Delaware river in 1913")
#'     )
#' ptics <- c(0.01, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90, 0.99 )
#' axis(1,at=qnorm(ptics), labels=floor(ptics*100))
#' yvals <- c(100, 1000, 10000, 100000)
#' axis(2, at=log(yvals,10),
#'      labels=c("100", "1,000", "10,000", "100,000"))
#' #
#' # compare this to the log-scaled normal qqplot
#' #
#' #
#' with(bacteria,
#'     qqtest(log(count, 10), dist = "normal",
#'            p=percentTime/100, np=365,
#'  		  type="o", axes=FALSE,
#'            ylab="bacteria per cc",
#'            xlab="Proportion of days in 1913",
#'            main = "Number of bacteria from the Delaware river in 1913")
#'     )
#' #

#' #
#' # Half normal ... using the penicillin data from Daniel(1959)
#' data(penicillin)
#' qqtest(penicillin, dist = "half-normal")
#' # Or the same again but with significant contrast labelled
#' with (penicillin,
#' 	{qqtest(value, yAxisProbs=c(0.1, 0.75, 0.90, 0.95),
#'          dist="half-normal",
#' 			ylab="Sample cumulative probability",
#'          xlab="Half-normal cumulative probability")
#' 	 ppAdj <- (1+ppoints(31))/2  # to get half-normals from normal
#' 	 x <- qnorm(ppAdj)
#' 	 valOrder <- order(value)    # need data and rownames in increasing order
#' 	 y <- value[valOrder]
#' 	 tags <- rownames(penicillin)[valOrder]
#' 	 selPoints <- 28:31          # going to label only the largest effects
#'   xoffset <- c(0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.075)  # text function is a bit off
#' 	 text(x[selPoints]-xoffset, y[selPoints],
#'        tags[selPoints],
#'        pos=2, cex=0.75)
#' 	}
#' )
#' # Alternatively, use the returned results for a lot less work
#' results <- qqtest(penicillin$value, yAxisProbs=c(0.1, 0.75, 0.90, 0.95),
#'                      dist="half-normal",
#'                      ylab="Sample cumulative probability",
#'                      xlab="Half-normal cumulative probability")
#' tags <- row.names(penicillin)[results$order]
#' selPoints <- 28:31          # going to label only the largest effects
#' xoffset <- c(0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.075)  # text function is a bit off
#' text(results$x[selPoints]-xoffset, results$y[selPoints],
#'      tags[selPoints],
#'      pos=2, cex=0.75)
#' # or the same points could have been identified interactively vusing
#' # identify(results$x, results$y, labels = row.names(penicillin)[results$order])
#' #
#' # K on 9 df  ... see help(dkay)
#' # Use data on primer paint thickness (standard deviations on n=10)
#' data(primer, package="qqtest")
#' with (primer,
#' 	     qqtest(s,  dist="kay", df=9,
#' 		        yAxisAsProbs=FALSE,
#' 			    ylab="Standard deviation of primer thickness (in mils)")
#' 		)
#' #
#' # chi-squared on 3 df
#' # Use robust covariance matrix in calculation Mahalanobis distances
#' # for the classical Brownlee stackloss data.
#' data(stacklossDistances, package="qqtest")
#' with(stacklossDistances,
#'      qqtest(robust, dist="chi", df=3, ylab="Robust Mahalanobis distances"))
#' #
#' #
#' # user supplied qfunction and rfunction -- compare to beta distribution
#' qqtest(precip,
#'        qfunction=function(p){qbeta(p, 2, 2)},
#'        rfunction=function(n){rbeta(n, 2, 2)},
#'        main = "Precipitation (inches/year) in 70 US cities")
#' #
#' #
#' # user supplied qfunction only -- compare to beta distribution
#' qqtest(precip,
#'        qfunction=function(p){qbeta(p, 2, 2)},
#'        main = "Precipitation (inches/year) in 70 US cities")
#' #
#' # comparing data samples
#' #
#' # Does the sample of beaver2's temperatures look like they
#' # could have come from a distribution shaped like beaver1's?
#' #
#'  	qqtest(beaver2[,"temp"],
#' 		       dataTest=beaver1[,"temp"],
#' 		       ylab="Beaver 2", xlab="Beaver 1",
#' 		       main="Beaver body temperatures")

qqtest <- function (data,
                    dist=c("gaussian", "normal",
                           "log-normal", "half-normal",
                           "uniform", "exponential",
                           "chi-squared", "kay",
                    np = NULL,
                    matchMethod = c("hinges","quartiles", "middlehalf", "bottomhalf", "tophalf"),
                    xAxisAsProbs = FALSE,
                    yAxisAsProbs = FALSE,
                    xAxisProbs =  c(0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.95),
                    yAxisProbs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.95),
                    centralPercents=c(0.90, 0.95, 0.99),
                    drawPercentiles = FALSE,
                    drawQuartiles = FALSE,
                    legend.xy = "topleft",
                    legend.cex = 0.8,
) {

  if (is.matrix(data) || is.data.frame(data)) {
    data <- data.matrix(data)[,1]
  data_order <- order(data)
  sorted_data <- data[data_order]

  if (is.null(typex)){
    typex <- if (is.null(type))  "o" else type
  if (is.null(type)) type <- "p"

  if (!is.numeric(alphaTrails)) {stop("alphaTrails must be a number from 0 to 1.")} else {
    if ((alphaTrails < 0) | (alphaTrails > 1)) stop("alphaTrails must be a number from 0 to 1.")

  if (nexemplars > 0) {
    if (is.null(colTrails)) {
      colTrails <- sapply(1:nexemplars, function(i) {grDevices::hcl(h=i*360/nexemplars, c=90, l=60)})
    colTrails <- adjustcolor(colTrails, alpha.f = alphaTrails)
    alphaTrails <- 1
    colTrails <- rep(colTrails, length.out=nexemplars)

  if(is.list(legend.xy)) {
    if((!("x" %in% names(legend.xy))) |
       (!("y" %in% names(legend.xy)))) {
      stop("Need to specify which components of legend.xy are x and which are y")

  generateUniformOrderStat <- NULL
  # If probabilities p are provided, only these values will be used.
  if (!is.null(p) ){
    # first check whether these are the same as the number of data points
    # if so, then assume that the data points *are* the values at these places.
    # if not, then extract from the data the empirical quantiles at the given p values
    if (length(p)!=length(data)) {data <- quantile(data,p)}
    if (envelope||drawPercentiles||drawQuartiles||lineup||(nexemplars>0)) {
      # This means we are going to have generate some values but cannot count
      # on the length(data) or length(p) to determine the sample size on which
      # to base the generation.
      # In this case, the sample size must be provided as the value of np:

      if (is.null(np) || !is.numeric(np)) {
        stop("The sample size np, on which values of p are to be based, must be given whenever the values of p are specified.")}

      # Because we have specified probabilities, we are going to have to generate
      # the corresponding order statistics directly.
      # Plan is to generate these by applying the appropriate quantile function to
      # the corresponding order statistic from a uniform ... Q(U_(i))
      # Need to determine an appropriate index.
      # We will take the sample size N to be large enough to have each prob in p
      # be i/N for large enough N (Note fractional indices are possible)
      orderIndices <- np * p
      # We generate the uniform order statistics
      generateUniformOrderStat <- function(index, thismany) {
        rbeta(thismany, index, np + 1 - index)}

  n <- length(data)

  # Get the distribution argument and fix synonyms
  dist <- match.arg(dist)
  # normal and gaussian are the same
  if (dist=="normal") {dist <- "gaussian"}
  # t and student are the same
  if (dist=="t") {dist <- "student"}

  # The following stay null if there are none to create
  reps <- NULL
  exemplars <- NULL

  # Has the user supplied some axis labels?
  makeXlabel <- is.null(xlab)
  makeYlabel <- is.null(ylab)
  # Has the user supplied a main title?
  makeTitle <- is.null(main)

  # If lineup, don't do all reps yet
  if (lineup) {
    if (!(nsuspects > 1)) {
      warning("nsuspects must be > 1, set to 20 instead")
      nsuspects <- 20
    nrepsInput <- nreps
    nreps <- nsuspects
    nexemplarsInput <- nexemplars
    nexemplars <- 0   ##### Should be zero? or 1?
    if (is.null(axes)) axes <- FALSE
    if (makeYlabel) ylab <- ""
    if (is.null(legend)) legend <- FALSE
    if (is.null(cex)) cex <- 2 / floor(sqrt(nsuspects))
  } else {
    # No lineup? Default axes = TRUE
    if(is.null(axes)) axes <- TRUE

  # Getting some reps from the appropriate distribution

  if (!is.null(dataTest)) {
    ## plan is to test the data against the
    ## empirical distribution from dataTest
    if (is.null(p)){
      if (is.null(a)){
        ## use general purpose a=2/5 as per Cunnane (1978)
        p <- ppoints(n,2/5)
      else {p <- ppoints(n,a)}

    qfunction <- function(p){quantile(dataTest,p)}
    rfunction <- function(n){sample(dataTest,n,replace=TRUE)}
    if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- "Empirical distribution"}
  else {
    if (is.null(qfunction)){
             # Gaussian or Normal
             "gaussian"={if (is.null(p)){
               if (is.null(a)){
                 ##  a=3/8 as per Cunnane (1978) for Normal
                 p <- ppoints(n,3/8)
               else { p <- ppoints(n,a) }
               qfunction <- qnorm
               rfunction <- rnorm
               if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- "Gaussian"}
             "log-normal"={if (is.null(p)){
               if (is.null(a)){
                 ##  a=3/8 as per Cunnane (1978) for Normal
                 p <- ppoints(n,3/8)
               else { p <- ppoints(n,a) }
               qfunction <- qlnorm
               rfunction <- rlnorm
               if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- "Lognormal"}
             "half-normal"={if (is.null(p)){
               if (is.null(a)){
                 ##  a=3/8 as per Cunnane (1978) for Normal
                 p <- ppoints(n,3/8)
               else { p <- ppoints(n,a) }
               qfunction <- function(p) {qnorm((1 + p)/2)}
               rfunction <- function(n) {abs(rnorm(n))}
               if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- "Half-normal"}
             "uniform"={if (is.null(p)){
               if (is.null(a)){
                 ##  a=0 as per Cunnane (1978) for uniform
                 p <- ppoints(n,0)
               else { p <- ppoints(n,a) }
               qfunction <- qunif
               rfunction <- runif
               if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- "Uniform"}
             "exponential"={if (is.null(p)){
               if (is.null(a)){
                 ##  a=0.44 as per Cunnane (1978) for exponential
                 p <- ppoints(n,0.44)
               else { p <- ppoints(n,a) }
               qfunction <- qexp
               rfunction <- rexp
               if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- "Exponential(1)"}
             # K distribution (= sqrt(chisquared/df))
             "kay"=		{if (is.null(p)){
               if (is.null(a)){
                 if (df <= 1){
                   ##  a=1/2 as per Cunnane (1978) for (Pearson III or chi)
                   p <- ppoints(n,1/2)
                 else {
                   ##  a=2/5 as per Cunnane (1978) for (Pearson III or chi)
                   p <- ppoints(n,2/5)
               else { p <- ppoints(n,a) }
               qfunction <- function(p) {qkay(p,df)}
               rfunction <- function(n) {rkay(n,df)}
               if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- paste("K(",df,")", sep="")}
             "chi-squared"={if (is.null(p)){
               if (is.null(a)){
                 if (df <= 1){
                   ##  a=1/2 as per Cunnane (1978) for (Pearson III or chi)
                   p <- ppoints(n,1/2)
                 else {
                   ##  a=2/5 as per Cunnane (1978) for (Pearson III or chi)
                   p <- ppoints(n,2/5)
               else { p <- ppoints(n,a) }
               qfunction <- function(p) {qchisq(p,df)}
               rfunction <- function(n) {rchisq(n,df)}
               if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- paste("Chi-squared(",df,")", sep="")}
             # Student's t
             "student"=	{if (is.null(p)){
               if (is.null(a)){
                 ## use general purpose a=2/5 as per Cunnane (1978)
                 p <- ppoints(n,2/5)
               else { p <- ppoints(n,a) }
               qfunction <- function(p) {qt(p,df)}
               rfunction <- function(n) {rt(n,df)}
               if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- paste("Student t(",df,")", sep="")}
             stop(paste("Unimplemented distribution:", dist,
                        "Could instead call qqtest by",
                        "supplying a function for qfunction",
                        "(and optionally another for rfunction)."))
      )  # end of switch

    } else if(is.function(qfunction)) {
      if (is.null(p)){
        if (is.null(a)){
          ## use general purpose a=2/5 as per Cunnane (1978)
          p <- ppoints(n,2/5)
        } else
          p <- ppoints(n,a)
      if (!is.function(rfunction)) {
        rfunction <- function(n) {
      if (makeXlabel) {xlab <- "Hypothetical distribution"}

    } else {warning("qfunction must be a function that returns quantiles")}


  q <- qfunction(p)
  xAxisTicksAt <- qfunction(xAxisProbs)

  # Get the location and scale changes to use for the simulations (and to return).
  # Use a line fit to get the location scale correction for the
  # data sampled from the test distribution.
  # Method of determining line given by value of matchMethod
  # Two variables are used
  if (is.function(matchMethod)) {
    # Some user supplied function that must take x and y as arguments,
    # Fit a line and return a vector of coefficients as (Intercept, slope)
    locScaleCoefs <- matchMethod(x = q, y = sorted_data)
    loc <- locScaleCoefs[1]
    scale <- locScaleCoefs[2]
  } else {
    matchMethod <- match.arg(matchMethod)
           hinges = {
             locScaleLine <-  stats::lm(y ~ x, data = data.frame(x = fivenum(q)[2:4],
                                                                 y = fivenum(data)[2:4]))

           bottomhalf = {
             n <- length(data)
             start_index <- 1
             end_index <- trunc(n/2)
             indices_selected <- seq(start_index, end_index)
             locScaleLine <-  stats::lm(y ~ x, data = data.frame(x = q[indices_selected],
                                                                 y = sorted_data[indices_selected]))

           middlehalf = {
             n <- length(data)
             start_index <- trunc(n/4)
             end_index <- trunc(3*n/4)
             indices_selected <- seq(start_index, end_index)
             locScaleLine <-  stats::lm(y ~ x, data = data.frame(x = q[indices_selected],
                                                                 y = sorted_data[indices_selected]))

           tophalf = {
             n <- length(data)
             start_index <- trunc(3*n/4)
             end_index <- n
             indices_selected <- seq(start_index, end_index)
             locScaleLine <-  stats::lm(y ~ x, data = data.frame(x = q[indices_selected],
                                                                 y = sorted_data[indices_selected]))

           quartiles = {
             locScaleLine <-  stats::lm(y ~ x, data = data.frame(x = fivenum(q)[2:4],
                                                                 y = fivenum(data)[2:4]))
           stop("No such 'matchMethod'"))
    loc <- locScaleLine$coefficients[1]
    scale <- locScaleLine$coefficients[2]

  if (nreps > 0) {
    if (is.null(generateUniformOrderStat)) {
      reps <-  rfunction(n*nreps)
      reps <- qfunction(sapply(orderIndices,
    reps <- loc + scale * array(reps,dim=c(nreps,n))

  if (nexemplars > 0) {
    if (is.null(generateUniformOrderStat)) {
      exemplars <-  rfunction(n*nexemplars)
      exemplars <- qfunction(sapply(orderIndices,
                                      generateUniformOrderStat(index, nexemplars)}))
    exemplars <- loc + scale *  array(exemplars,dim=c(nexemplars,n))

  # Do lineup plot if asked. ... recursive
  if (lineup){
    suspects <- reps[1:nsuspects,]
    trueLoc <- sample(1:nsuspects,1)
    suspects[trueLoc,] <- data
    nrow <- floor(sqrt(nsuspects))
    ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(nsuspects))
    parOptions <- par(mfrow=c(nrow,ncol), mar=c(0,0,1.5,0))

    if (makeTitle){main <- "Suspect"}

    for (i in 1:nsuspects) {
      qqtest(data = suspects[i,],
             qfunction = qfunction,
             rfunction = rfunction,
             dataTest = dataTest,
             matchMethod = matchMethod,
             xAxisProbs = xAxisProbs,
             yAxisProbs = yAxisProbs,
             xAxisAsProbs = xAxisAsProbs,
             yAxisAsProbs = yAxisAsProbs,
             nreps= nrepsInput,
             centralPercents = centralPercents,
             envelope = envelope,
             drawPercentiles = drawPercentiles,
             drawQuartiles = drawQuartiles,
             legend = legend,
             legend.xy = legend.xy,
             legend.cex = legend.cex,
             nexemplars = nexemplarsInput,
             typex = typex,
             plainTrails = plainTrails,
             colTrails = colTrails,
             alphaTrails = alphaTrails,    # Note this will be 1 here so that repeated application doesn't make the colours disappear in lineup
             lwdTrails = lwdTrails,
             main =  if(main=="") {paste0(i)} else {paste(main, i, sep=": ")},
             ylab = ylab,
             xlim = xlim,
             ylim = ylim,
    returnValue <- hideLocation(trueLoc, nsuspects)
    returnValue  # this must be returned
  } else {
    # Otherwise construct the plot.

    if (!is.null(reps)) {
      # Sort the reps into the right form and get summary statistics
      reps <- apply(reps, 1, sort)      # Note this flips the dimensions of reps
      Nums <- apply(reps, 1, fivenum)

      if (envelope||drawPercentiles){
        nLevels <- length(centralPercents)
        centralPercents <- sort(centralPercents)
        SymmetricAdjust <-(1-centralPercents)/2
        bottomPcts <- (1-centralPercents)-SymmetricAdjust
        topPcts <-  centralPercents + SymmetricAdjust
        Pcts <- c(rev(bottomPcts),topPcts)
        NumsPct <- apply(reps, 1, function(x){quantile(x,Pcts)})

        # defining grey
        greyhue <- 260
        greyluminance <- 65
        greychroma <- 0
        greyalpha <- 0.6/(nLevels +1)  # plus 1 for the range
        grey <- grDevices::hcl(h= greyhue, c= greychroma, l= greyluminance,
                               alpha= greyalpha)


    ## Get the base plot
    xlim <- if(!is.null(xlim)) {xlim} else {range(q)}
    ylim <- if(!is.null(ylim)) {
    } else {
      yrange <- range(data)
      if (!is.null(reps)) {
        yrange <- range(c(yrange, range(reps)))
      if (!is.null(exemplars)) {
        yrange <- range(c(yrange, range(exemplars)))

         main = if(makeTitle) {"qqtest"} else main,
         xlab = if(makeXlabel) {
           paste(xlab, if(xAxisAsProbs) {
             "cumulative probability (on quantile scale)"
           } else {"quantiles"})
         } else xlab,
         ylab = if(makeYlabel) {
           paste(if(yAxisAsProbs) {
             "Sample cumulative probability (on quantile scale)"
           } else {"Sample quantiles"})
         } else ylab,
         col = "white",
         xlim = xlim,
         ylim = ylim,
         axes = FALSE,
         ...             # other plot parameters

    #  Draw the axes
    if(axes) {
      if (xAxisAsProbs) {
             labels = paste(xAxisProbs),
             at = xAxisTicksAt)
      }   else  {
      if (yAxisAsProbs) {
             labels = paste(yAxisProbs),
             at = quantile(data,yAxisProbs))
      } else {

    # put the box around to look standard
    if (!bty=="n") {box(bty=bty)}

    ## Add the envelope for the replicates

    if(envelope && !is.null(reps)) {
      # first the range
      # now the central pointwise "confidence" intervals
      nLevels <- length(centralPercents)
      for (i in 1:nLevels){
        iLower <- i
        iUpper <- nLevels*2 - iLower +1
    ## Add exemplar trails
    if (!is.null(exemplars)&&nexemplars>=1) {

        for (i in 1:nexemplars){
      } else { # grey trails
        plainCol <- grDevices::hcl(h=260, c=0, l= 90, alpha=alphaTrails)
        for (i in 1: nexemplars){

    if(drawPercentiles && !is.null(reps)){
      # and the various percentiles
      if (drawQuartiles) {
        lineTypes <- c(3:(nLevels +2))
      } else{
        lineTypes <- c(1:nLevels)

      lineCols <- rep("darkgrey",nLevels)
      for(i in 1:nLevels) {
        # central intervals
        lineCols[i] <- "darkgrey"
        # draw the lower and upper lines
        lines(q,NumsPct[i,],col= lineCols[i],lty= lineTypes[i], lwd=2)
        lines(q,NumsPct[2*nLevels-i+1,],col= lineCols[i],lty= lineTypes[i], lwd=2)
    # quartiles
    if(drawQuartiles && !is.null(reps)){
      # draw quartiles
      # draw median

    # and optional legend
    if (is.null(legend)) legend <- TRUE
    if (legend && (drawQuartiles||drawPercentiles) && !is.null(reps)){
      if (drawPercentiles) {
        if (drawQuartiles) {
          legendString <- c(paste(signif(100*rev(centralPercents),3), "% central range", sep=""),
                            "quartiles", "median")
          legendLineTypes <- c(lineTypes,2,1)
          legendCols <- c(lineCols,"black","black")
        } else {
          # no quartiles
          legendString <- paste(signif(100*rev(centralPercents),3), "% central range", sep="")
          legendLineTypes <- lineTypes
          legendCols <- lineCols
      } else {
        # only quartiles
        legendString=c("quartiles", "median")
        legendLineTypes <- c(2,1)
        legendCols <- c("black","black")
      # Draw it
      if (envelope && !drawQuartiles) {
        fillCols <- rep(grey, nLevels+1)
        for (i in 2:(nLevels+1)) {
          fillCols[i] <- grDevices::hcl(h= greyhue, c= greychroma, l= greyluminance, alpha=i * greyalpha)
        if (is.list(legend.xy)) {
          legend(legend.xy$x, legend.xy$y,
                 legend = legendString,
                 lty= legendLineTypes,
                 col= legendCols,
                 title=paste("Simulated ranges", "n =", nreps))

        } else  {
                 legend = legendString,
                 lty= legendLineTypes,
                 col= legendCols,
                 title=paste("Simulated ranges", "n =", nreps))

      } else {
        if (is.list(legend.xy)) {
          legend(legend.xy$x, legend.xy$y,
                 legend = legendString,
                 lty= legendLineTypes,
                 col= legendCols,
                 title=paste("Simulated ranges", "n =", nreps))
        } else {
                 legend = legendString,
                 lty= legendLineTypes,
                 col= legendCols,
                 title=paste("Simulated ranges", "n =", nreps))

    if (legend && !drawQuartiles && !drawPercentiles && envelope && !is.null(reps)){
      # Draw it
      fillCols <- rep(grey, nLevels+1)
      for (i in 2:(nLevels+1)) {
        fillCols[i] <- grDevices::hcl(h= greyhue, c= greychroma, l= greyluminance, alpha=i * greyalpha)
      if (is.list(legend.xy)) {
        legend(legend.xy$x, legend.xy$y,
               legend = c("Range",paste(signif(100*rev(centralPercents),3),
                                        "% central range",
               title=paste("Simulated ranges", "n =", nreps))
      } else {
               legend = c("Range", paste(signif(100*rev(centralPercents),3),
                                         "% central range",
               title=paste("Simulated ranges", "n =", nreps))

    ## And finally the points
    if (is.null(col)){
      plot_colour <- grDevices::hcl(h=h, c=c, l=l, alpha=alpha)
    } else {plot_colour <- col}

    points(q, sorted_data,
           cex=if(is.null(cex)) 1 else cex
    returnValue <- list(x = q, y = sorted_data, order = data_order)
    invisible(returnValue) # returned only if assigned.
  } #end of else from #lineup

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qqtest documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:57 p.m.