
wbootstrap <-
function(data=data, B=B, taus, formula, basis=NULL, alpha=0.05, var, load, rearrange=F, rearrange.vars="quantile", 
                       uniform=F, average=T, nderivs=1, method="fn")
  call <- match.call()
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)] 
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE 
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame") 
  mf <- eval.parent(mf) 
  if(all(x[,1]==rep(1,dim(x)[1]))){x <- x[,-1]} # Remove intercept from x matrix
  z<-as.vector(data[,var]) # Save vector with variable of interest
  f<-formula(y~x) # Save variables locally and create formula
  if (is.basis(basis)){
    if (basis$type=="bspline" | basis$type=="fourier"){
      basis.type <- "fda"
    } else {
      stop("basis must be a bspline basis, fourier basis, polynomial basis, or factor variable")
  } else if (is.factor(basis)) {
    basis.type <- "factor"
  } else if (attr(basis,"class")[1]=="poly") {
    basis.type <- "polynomial"
  } else {
    stop("basis must be a bspline basis, fourier basis, polynomial basis, or factor variable")
  if (rearrange==T & (nderivs!=0 | average!=F)) {
    stop( "Rearrangement may only be used when nderivs=0 and average=F") }
  if (rearrange==T & rearrange.vars!="quantile" & rearrange.vars!="var" & rearrange.vars!="both") {
    stop( "rearrange.vars must be quantile, var, or both")}
  if (average==T & nderivs==0) {
    stop( "This method is not available for average=T and nderivs=0")}
  if (is.null(basis)) {
    stop( "Please input a basis")
  if(basis.type=="factor" & (average!=F | nderivs!=0)){
    stop( "Fully saturated indicator series approximation is only available when average=F and nderivs=0")
  if((basis.type=="polynomial") & nderivs>2) {
    stop("Estimation using polynomials is not available for nderivs>2")
  if (basis.type=="fda") {
    basvecs<-eval.basis(z,basis)[,-1] # Create vectors of nonparametric bases evaluated at observed variable values
  } else {
  f<-update.formula(f, ~ . + basvecs) # Include series regressors in formula; supress intercept (included in nonparametric basis)
  nObs <- dim(x)[1]
  # Generate loading vector if not input by user
  if (is.null(load)) {
    modelMatrix <- model.matrix(f, data)
    nVars <- dim(modelMatrix)[2]-dim(basvecs)[2]-1 # number of model variables, excluding the intercept and the var of interest
    if (average==T) { # generate loading vector
      # Get derivative of formula, not including the nonparametric components
      parDeriv <- formulaDeriv(formula,var,data=data,nDerivs=nderivs)   
      if (basis.type=="fda") {
        load <- cbind(matrix(apply(parDeriv, 2, mean), nrow=1), matrix(apply(as.matrix(eval.basis(z,basis,Lfdobj=nderivs)[,-1]), 2, mean), nrow=1)) 
      } else {
        load <- cbind(matrix(apply(parDeriv, 2, mean), nrow=1), matrix(apply(as.matrix(poly.wrap(x=z,degree=max(attr(basis,"degree")),nderivs=nderivs,coefs=attributes(basis)$coefs)), 2, mean), nrow=1)) 
    } else {
      if (nderivs==0) {
        load <- as.matrix(aggregate(modelMatrix, by=list(z), FUN=load.sum)[,-1])
      } else {
        # Get derivative of formula, not including the nonparametric components
        parDeriv <- formulaDeriv(formula,var,data=data,nDerivs=nderivs)
        if (basis.type=="fda"){
          load <- as.matrix(aggregate(cbind(parDeriv, eval.basis(z,basis,Lfdobj=nderivs)[,-1]), by=list(z), FUN=mean)[,-1])
        } else {
          load <- as.matrix(aggregate(cbind(parDeriv, poly.wrap(x=z,degree=max(attr(basis,"degree")),nderivs=nderivs,coefs=attributes(basis)$coefs)), by=list(z), FUN=mean)[,-1])
  nVars.withNonpar <- dim(modelMatrix)[2]
  Y  <- lm(f, data, y = T)$y
  z.unique <- as.matrix(aggregate(z, by=list(z), FUN=mean)[,-1]) # generate vector with unique values of z
  loadLength <- dim(load)[1]
  loadWidth <- dim(load)[2]
  wboot	<- list(qfits=NULL, point.est=NULL, var.unique=NULL, CI=NULL, CI.oneSided=NULL, std.error=NULL, pvalues=NULL, load=NULL) # set up output vector
  wboot$qfits <- vector("list",length.taus )
  mat.qfits <- matrix(NA, ncol=length.taus, nrow=nVars.withNonpar)
  for (i in 1:length.taus) {
    wboot$qfits[[i]]<-tryCatch(expr=rq(f,tau=taus[i],data,method=method),error=function(e) {
    mat.qfits[,i] <- wboot$qfits[[i]]$coef
  if (err==T) {
    message("Warning: rq method chosen produced an error; using method=br when necessary")
  WBstat <- array(0,dim=c(length.taus,B,loadLength))
  WBvar.incomplete <- array(0,dim=c(length.taus,B,loadLength))
  variances <- matrix(0,nrow=loadLength,ncol=length.taus )
  for (b in 1:B) {
    wbweights  <- rexp(nObs); # generate n random exponential variables
    wbweights	<- wbweights/sum(wbweights); # normalize
    weighted.qfit  <- rq(Y~modelMatrix+0, tau = taus, method = "fn", weights = wbweights); # get weighted quantile fit

    for (j in 1:loadLength) { # generate statistic
      WBstat[,b,j]  <- t(load[j,] %*% temp.diff.matrix)
      WBvar.incomplete[,b,j] <- t(load[j,] %*% (as.matrix(weighted.qfit$coef)))
  variances <- t(apply(WBvar.incomplete, c(1,3), "var", na.rm=T))
  # Generate output, including t statistics
  fittedValues <- matrix(0, nrow=loadLength, ncol=length.taus) # predicted values from quantile regressions
  for (i in 1:length.taus){ # predict fitted values, evaluated at loading vector
    fittedValues[,i] <- load %*% wboot$qfits[[i]]$coef
  if (rearrange==T) { # perform rearrangement if requested
    if (rearrange.vars=="both") {
      if (length(taus)==1){
        fittedValues <- matrix(rearrangement(list(z.unique),as.vector(fittedValues)),nrow=loadLength,ncol=1)
      } else {
        fittedValues <- rearrangement(list(z.unique,taus),fittedValues)
    } else if (rearrange.vars=="quantile") {
      if (length(taus)==1){
        fittedValues <- fittedValues
      } else {
        for (j in 1:loadLength) {
          fittedValues[j,] <- rearrangement(list(taus),as.vector(fittedValues[j,]))
    } else if (rearrange.vars=="var") {
      for (i in 1:length.taus) {
        fittedValues[,i] <- rearrangement(list(z.unique),as.vector(fittedValues[,i]))
  Covs         <- array (0, dim=c(length.taus, loadWidth,loadWidth)) # covariance matrix for each tau
  Tn           <- array (0, dim=c(loadLength,length.taus,B)) # array of t stats
  Tn.oneSided  <- array (0, dim=c(loadLength,length.taus,B, 2)) # array of t stats for one-sided CIs
  Kn.oneSided  <- array (0, dim=c(loadLength,length.taus,2)) # vector of alpha and 1-alpha sample quantile of one sided t stats
  CI           <- array (0, dim=c(loadLength,length.taus,2)) # two vectors of CIs at each tau (two-sided CI)
  CI.oneSided  <- array (0, dim=c(loadLength,length.taus,2)) # two vectors of CIs at each tau (one-sided CIs)
  Kn           <- matrix(0, nrow=loadLength, ncol=length.taus) # matrix of 1-alpha sample quantile of t stat
  stdError     <- matrix(0, nrow=loadLength, ncol=length.taus) # estimate of standard error for each tau at each data point
  tDenom       <- matrix(0, nrow=loadLength, ncol=length.taus) # denominator of t stats
  for (i in 1:length.taus){ # generate estimates of standard errors
    stdError[,i] <- sqrt(variances[,i])
    for (j in 1:loadLength){ # generate t statistics
      tDenom[j,i] <- stdError[j,i]
      Tn[j,i, ] <- abs(WBstat[i, ,j] / tDenom[j,i])
      Tn.oneSided[j,i, ,1] <- WBstat[i, ,j] / tDenom[j,i]
      Tn.oneSided[j,i, ,2] <- WBstat[i, ,j] / tDenom[j,i]
  if (uniform==T) { # if uniform inference requested, make t statistics uniform
    for (b in 1:B){
      Tn[ , ,b] <- matrix(max(Tn[ , ,b]),nrow=loadLength,ncol=length.taus)
      Tn.oneSided[, ,b,1] <- matrix(max(Tn.oneSided[ , ,b,1]),nrow=loadLength,ncol=length.taus)
      Tn.oneSided[, ,b,2] <- matrix(max(Tn.oneSided[ , ,b,2]),nrow=loadLength,ncol=length.taus)  
  for (j in 1:loadLength){ # generate K (quantiles of t stats)
    for (i in 1:length.taus) {
      Kn[j,i] <- quantile(Tn[j,i, ],probs=(1-alpha),na.rm=T)
      Kn.oneSided[j,i,1] <- quantile(Tn.oneSided[j,i, ,1], probs=(1-alpha),na.rm=T)
      Kn.oneSided[j,i,2] <- quantile(Tn.oneSided[j,i, ,2], probs=alpha,na.rm=T)
      # generate confidence intervals
      CI[j,i,1] <- fittedValues[j,i] - Kn[j,i]*stdError[j,i]
      CI[j,i,2] <- fittedValues[j,i] + Kn[j,i]*stdError[j,i]
      CI.oneSided[j,i,1] <- fittedValues[j,i] - Kn.oneSided[j,i,1]*stdError[j,i]
      CI.oneSided[j,i,2] <- fittedValues[j,i] + Kn.oneSided[j,i,1]*stdError[j,i]
  k.onesided <- max(fittedValues/stdError)
  k.star.onesided <- apply((WBstat-aperm(array(fittedValues,dim=c(loadLength,length.taus,B)),perm=c(2,3,1)))/aperm(array(stdError,dim=c(loadLength,length.taus,B)),perm=c(2,3,1)), c(1,2), max, na.rm=T)
  pValue.onesided.neg <- mean(k.star.onesided >= k.onesided)
  pValue.onesided.pos <- mean(k.star.onesided <= k.onesided)
  k.twosided <- max(abs(fittedValues/stdError))
  k.star.twosided <- apply(abs((WBstat-aperm(array(fittedValues,dim=c(loadLength,length.taus,B)),perm=c(2,3,1)))/aperm(array(stdError,dim=c(loadLength,length.taus,B)),perm=c(2,3,1))), c(1,2), max, na.rm=T)
  pValue.twosided <- mean(k.star.twosided >= k.twosided)
  pvalues <- c(pValue.onesided.neg, pValue.onesided.pos, pValue.twosided)
  wboot$var.unique <- z.unique
  wboot$point.est <- matrix(NA, nrow=loadLength, ncol=length.taus) 
  wboot$point.est <- fittedValues
  wboot$CI <- CI
  wboot$CI.oneSided <- CI.oneSided
  wboot$std.error <- stdError
  wboot$pvalues <- pvalues
  wboot$load <- load

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quantreg.nonpar documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:40 a.m.