Defines functions NewInput.MMCKK CheckInput.i_MMCKK MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox_AuxC MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox_AuxK MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox MMCKK_method2_Aux MMCKK_method2_Prod MMCKK_method2_Prob MMCKK_InitPn_Exact MMCKK_InitPn QueueingModel.i_MMCKK Inputs.o_MMCKK L.o_MMCKK VN.o_MMCKK Lq.o_MMCKK VNq.o_MMCKK Lqq.o_MMCKK Throughput.o_MMCKK W.o_MMCKK RO.o_MMCKK Wq.o_MMCKK VTq.o_MMCKK Wqq.o_MMCKK Pn.o_MMCKK Qn.o_MMCKK Report.o_MMCKK summary.o_MMCKK print.summary.o_MMCKK

Documented in CheckInput.i_MMCKK Inputs.o_MMCKK L.o_MMCKK Lq.o_MMCKK Lqq.o_MMCKK NewInput.MMCKK Pn.o_MMCKK print.summary.o_MMCKK Qn.o_MMCKK QueueingModel.i_MMCKK Report.o_MMCKK RO.o_MMCKK summary.o_MMCKK Throughput.o_MMCKK VN.o_MMCKK VNq.o_MMCKK VTq.o_MMCKK W.o_MMCKK Wq.o_MMCKK Wqq.o_MMCKK

## MODEL M/M/c/K/K - Finite Plobation, c servers        		 ##
NewInput.MMCKK <- function(lambda=0, mu=0, c=1, k=1, method=0)
  res <- list(lambda = lambda, mu = mu, c = c, k = k, method = method)
  class(res) <- "i_MMCKK"

CheckInput.i_MMCKK <- function(x, ...)
  MMCKK_class <- "The class of the object x has to be M/M/c/K/K (i_MMCKK)"
  MMCKK_anomalous <- "Some value of lambda, mu, c or k is anomalous. Check the values."
  MMCKK_method <- "method variable has to be 0 to be exact calculus, 1 to be aproximate calculus"

  if (!inherits(x, "i_MMCKK"))

  if (is.anomalous(x$lambda) || is.anomalous(x$mu) ||
      is.anomalous(x$c) || is.anomalous(x$k)

  if (x$lambda < 0)

  if (x$mu <= 0)

  if (x$c < 1)

  if (!is.wholenumber(x$c))

  if (x$k < 1)

  if (!is.wholenumber(x$k))

  if (x$k < x$c)

  if (x$method != 0 && x$method != 1 && x$method != 2)


MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox_AuxC <- function(n, lambda, mu, c, k, m)
  (lfactorial(k) - lfactorial(k-n) - lfactorial(n)) + (n * log(lambda/mu))

MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox_AuxK <- function(n, lambda, mu, c, k, m)
  toC <- MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox_AuxC(n, lambda, mu, c, k, m)
  toK <- lfactorial(n) - lfactorial(c) - (n - c) * log(c)
  toC + toK

MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox <- function(x)
    x$lambda, x$mu, x$c, x$k, x$k, x$k, MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox_AuxC, MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox_AuxK, MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox_AuxK

MMCKK_method2_Aux <- function(x, i)
  r <- x$lambda/x$mu

  if (i <= x$c-1)
    (x$k - i) * r / (i+1)
    (x$k - i) * r / x$c

MMCKK_method2_Prod <- function(x,n)
  prod <- 1
  for (i in 0:(n-1))
    prod <- prod * MMCKK_method2_Aux(x, i)



MMCKK_method2_Prob <- function(x)

  pn <- c()
  sumAux <- 1

  for (i in (1:x$k))
    sumAux <- sumAux + MMCKK_method2_Prod(x, i)

  pn[1] <- 1/sumAux

  for (i in 2:(x$k+1))
    pn[i] <- MMCKK_method2_Aux(x, i-2) * pn[i-1]


MMCKK_InitPn_Exact <- function(x)
		pn <- c(0:x$k)
		fn <- c(0:x$k)

		u <- x$lambda / x$mu
		totu <- 1
		totfact <- 1
		factn <- 1
		factc <- 0
		totaux <- 1
		potc <- 1
    sumpn <- 0
		pn[1] <- totu * totfact
    fn[1] <- totfact
    sumpn <- sumpn + pn[1]

		i <- 1
		while (i <= x$k)
			totu <- totu * u
		  factn <- factn * i
			# Factorial calculus
		  if (i <= x$k/2)
				totfact <- totfact * (x$k - i + 1) / i
				fn[i+1] <- totfact
				totfact <- fn[x$k - i + 1]
			if (i == x$c) factc <- factn

			if (i > x$c)
				potc <- potc * x$c
				totaux <- factn / (factc * potc)
		    pn[i+1] <- totfact * totu * totaux
        sumpn <- sumpn + pn[i+1]
        pn[i+1] <- totfact * totu
        sumpn <- sumpn + pn[i+1]
			i <- i + 1

MMCKK_InitPn <- function(x)
  # check if c=k so the distribution is a binomial
  if (x$c == x$k)
    u <- x$lambda / x$mu
    prob <- u / (u + 1)
    pn <- sapply(seq(0, x$k, 1), function(i){dbinom(i, x$k, prob)})
    if (x$method == 0)
      pn <- MMCKK_InitPn_Exact(x)
      if (x$method == 1)
        pn <- MMCKK_InitPn_Aprox(x)
        pn <- MMCKK_method2_Prob(x)

QueueingModel.i_MMCKK <- function(x, ...)
  # Is everything fine??
  CheckInput.i_MMCKK(x, ...)

  Pn <- MMCKK_InitPn(x)

  # To control the cases where the probabilties doesn't make sense, that it is going to be saturation
  if ( (x$method == 1 && sum(Pn) == 0) || (x$method == 0 && sum(is.nan(Pn)) != 0) )
    #print(paste("sum(Pn):", sum(Pn)))
    RO <- 1
    Throughput <- (x$c * x$mu)
    L <- (x$k - (Throughput/x$lambda))
    if (L <= 0)
      W <- NA
      L <- NA 
      Wq <- NA   
      Lq <- NA
      Wqq <- NA
      Lqq <- NA
      W <- L/Throughput
      Wq <- W - (1/x$mu)
      Lq <- Throughput * Wq
      Wqq <- NA
      Lqq <- NA
    VN <- NA
    VNq <- NA
    VTq <- NA  
    k_per_pk <- c(0:x$k) * Pn[1:(x$k+1)]
    sum_pn_0_c_minus_1 <- sum(Pn[1:x$c])
    L <- sum(k_per_pk)
    Lq <- L - x$c - sum(k_per_pk[1:x$c]) + (x$c * sum_pn_0_c_minus_1)
    Throughput <- x$lambda * (x$k - L)
    W <- L / Throughput
    RO <-  Throughput / (x$c * x$mu)
    Wq <- Lq / Throughput

    QnAux <- function(n){ Pn[n] * (x$k - (n-1)) / (x$k - L) }
    Qn <- sapply(1:x$k, QnAux)

    if (x$k == x$c)
      Wqq <- NA
      Lqq <- NA
      Wqq <- Wq / (1 - sum(Qn[1:x$c]))
      Lqq <- Wqq * x$c * x$mu   

    if (x$c == x$k)
      FWq <- function(t){0}
      FWq <- function(t){
        aux <- function(n) { Qn[n+x$c] * ppois(n-1, x$c * x$mu * t) }
        1 - sum(sapply(seq(1, x$k-x$c, 1), aux))

    # variances
    VN  <- sum( (0:x$k)^2 * Pn ) - (L^2)

    if (x$c == x$k)
      VNq <- 0
      VNq <- sum( ( c( rep(0, x$c+1), 1:(x$k-x$c) )^2 * Pn) - (Lq^2) )

    xFWqc <- function(t){Vectorize(t * (1 - FWq(t)))}

    if (x$c == x$k)
      VTq <- 0
      FWqInt  <- integrate(xFWqc, 0, Inf)
      if (FWqInt$message == "OK")
        VTq <- (2 * FWqInt$value) - (Wq^2) 
        VTq <- NA

    #Wqq <- Wq / (1-sum_pn_0_c_minus_1) 
  # dist <- function(n) { ppois(n, x$c * x$mu * t) }
  # FW <- function(t){    
  #   aux <- function(n) { Qn[n+x$c-1] * dist(n-1) }
  #   1 - sum(sapply(seq(1, x$k-x$c+1, 1), aux))
  # }

  # The result
  res <- list(
    Inputs=x, RO = RO, Lq = Lq, VNq = VNq, Wq = Wq, VTq = VTq, Throughput = Throughput,
    L = L, VN = VN, W = W, Lqq = Lqq, Wqq = Wqq,
    Pn = Pn, Qn = Qn, FWq = FWq
  class(res) <- "o_MMCKK"


Inputs.o_MMCKK     <- function(x, ...) { x$Inputs }
L.o_MMCKK          <- function(x, ...) { x$L }
VN.o_MMCKK         <- function(x, ...) { x$VN }
Lq.o_MMCKK         <- function(x, ...) { x$Lq }
VNq.o_MMCKK        <- function(x, ...) { x$VNq }
Lqq.o_MMCKK        <- function(x, ...) { x$Lqq }
Throughput.o_MMCKK <- function(x, ...) { x$Throughput }
W.o_MMCKK          <- function(x, ...) { x$W }
RO.o_MMCKK         <- function(x, ...) { x$RO }
Wq.o_MMCKK         <- function(x, ...) { x$Wq }
VTq.o_MMCKK        <- function(x, ...) { x$VTq }
Wqq.o_MMCKK        <- function(x, ...) { x$Wqq }
Pn.o_MMCKK         <- function(x, ...) { x$Pn }
Qn.o_MMCKK         <- function(x, ...) { x$Qn }

Report.o_MMCKK <- function(x, ...)

summary.o_MMCKK <- function(object, ...)
  aux <- list(el=CompareQueueingModels(object))
  class(aux) <- "summary.o_MM1"

print.summary.o_MMCKK  <- function(x, ...)
  print_summary(x, ...)

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