
Defines functions quint.bootstrapCI

Documented in quint.bootstrapCI

#' Bootstrap method to compute confidence intervals for Qualitative Interaction Trees (Quint)
#' A bootstrap algorithm based on Loh et al. (2015) to estimate the confidence intervals of the difference
#' in mean outcome between the two treatments in each leaf.
#' @param tree a (pruned) quint object of class \code{quint}.
#' @param n_boot number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param boot_r bootstrap sample size expressed as proportion of total sample size. Default value is 1.
#' @details
#'   The details of this validation procedure are described in "Instability of
#'   QUalitative INteraction Trees: Quantifying uncertainty in decision trees." (
#'   https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/83059)
#' @return Returns two lists: A first one ($tree) containing an object of the class \code{quint}, and a list ($bootinfo) with
#' estimates obtained from the bootstrap procedure containing the following components:
#'   \item{nleaves}{vector containing the number of leaves in each of the estimated trees in the bootstrap samples.}
#'   \item{meanT_1}{a matrix containing for each bootstrap sample (= rows) the mean outcome for Treatment A (T=1) in each leaf of the input quint tree (= columns) using the subjects in the intersection.}
#'   \item{meanT_2}{a matrix containing for each bootstrap sample (= rows) the mean outcome for Treatment B (T=2) in each leaf of the input quint tree (= columns) using the subjects in the intersection.a matrix containing the mean outcome for Treatment 2 in each leaf using the subjects in the intersection.}
#'   \item{meandif}{a matrix containing the difference in means between Treatment A and Treatment B in each leaf for each bootstrap sample.}
#'   \item{bias_est}{vector containing the bias in each leaf of the quint tree.}
#'   \item{meanboot}{vector containing the bootstrap estimates of the difference of means between treatments in each leaf.}
#'   \item{CIs}{vector containing the confidence intervals of the estimate of the difference of means between treatments in each leaf.}
#'   \item{se_est}{vector containing the new estimates of the standard error of the difference of means between treatments in each leaf.}
#' @references Dusseldorp E. and Van Mechelen I. (2014). Qualitative interaction trees:
#'   a tool to identify qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions.
#'   \emph{Statistics in Medicine, 33}(2), 219-237. DOI: 10.1002/sim.5933.
#'   Beck C., Dusseldorp E. and Fokkema M. (2019). Instability of
#'   QUalitative INteraction Trees: Quantifying uncertainty in decision trees.
#'   (https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/83059))
#' @seealso \code{\link{quint}}, \code{\link{prune.quint}}, \code{\link{quint.control}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{data(bcrp)
#' formula1<- I(cesdt1-cesdt3)~cond | nationality+marital+wcht1+age+
#'   trext+comorbid+disopt1+uncomt1+negsoct1
#' set.seed(10)
#' control1<-quint.control(maxl=5, B=2, crit="dm")
#' quint1<-quint(formula1, data= subset(bcrp,bcrp$cond<3),control=control1) #Grow a QUINT tree
#' prquint1<-prune(quint1) #Prune tree to optimal size
#' bootquint1<-quint.bootstrapCI(prquint1, n_boot = 5) #apply the bootstrap procedure
#' #the summary of the tree with the new standard errors obtained from the bootstrap procedure
#' summary(bootquint1$tree)
#' #all results of the bootstrap procedure
#' bootquint1$bootinfo
#' #plot wiht 95% confidence intervals using the new standard errors
#' plot(bootquint1$tree) }
#' @export
quint.bootstrapCI <- function(tree, n_boot, boot_r=1){

  dat <- as.data.frame(tree$orig_data)
  data <- na.omit(dat)

  transf_data <- tree$data

  PID <- 1:nrow(transf_data)
  transf_data <-cbind(transf_data,PID)
  model_formula <- tree$formula
  nleaves_orig <- nrow(tree$li)
  # Person ID number and Condition (which is always in the second column of the data set)
  PID_Cond_orig <- as.data.frame(cbind(transf_data[,2],PID))
  leaves_origTree_G1 <- list()
  leaves_origTree_G2 <- list()

  for (i in (1:nleaves_orig)){
    leaf_index <- tree$nind[,i]
    leaf_assign_orig <- subset(cbind(PID_Cond_orig, leaf_index), leaf_index == 1)
    LiG1 <- subset( leaf_assign_orig,leaf_assign_orig[,1] == '1')
    LiG2 <- subset(leaf_assign_orig, leaf_assign_orig[,1] == '2')
    leaves_origTree_G1[[i]] <- LiG1
    leaves_origTree_G2[[i]] <- LiG2

  #print(paste('Subset 1', leaves_origTree_G1[1]))
  boot_matrix_G1 <- matrix(nrow = n_boot, ncol = nleaves_orig)
  boot_matrix_G2 <- matrix(nrow = n_boot, ncol = nleaves_orig)
  boot_matrix_d <- matrix(nrow = n_boot, ncol = nleaves_orig)
  boot_nleaves <- numeric(n_boot)
  #Start bootstrapping

  #for (n in 1:n_boot){
    sampled_rows<-sample(nrow(transf_data), boot_r*nrow(transf_data), replace = TRUE)
    bsample <- data[sampled_rows, ]
    transf_bsample<- transf_data[sampled_rows, ]
    control2 <- tree$control
    T_samp_unpruned <- quint(model_formula, bsample, control=control2)
    T_samp <- prune(T_samp_unpruned)
    nleaves_samp <- nrow(T_samp$li)
    boot_nleaves[n] <- nleaves_samp #save the number of leaves of the pruned tree in the bootstrap sample
    PID_Cond_samp <- as.data.frame(transf_bsample[, c(2,ncol)])
    #create a cross-table: rows are the number of leaves of the bootstrap tree
    #and columns are number of leaves in original tree
    matrix_treat1 <- matrix(nrow = nleaves_samp, ncol = nleaves_orig)
    matrix_treat2 <- matrix(nrow = nleaves_samp, ncol = nleaves_orig)
    matrixn_treat1 <- matrix(nrow = nleaves_samp, ncol = nleaves_orig)
    matrixn_treat2 <- matrix(nrow = nleaves_samp, ncol = nleaves_orig)

    for (i in 1:nleaves_samp){       #nleaves_samp
      for (j in 1:nleaves_orig){     #nleaves_orig
        leaf_index <- T_samp$nind[,i]
        leaf_assign_sample <- subset(cbind(PID_Cond_samp, leaf_index), leaf_index == 1)

        LiG1_samp <- subset(leaf_assign_sample,leaf_assign_sample[,1]  == '1')
        LiG2_samp <- subset(leaf_assign_sample, leaf_assign_sample[,1] == '2')
        LjG1_orig <- leaves_origTree_G1[[j]]
        LjG2_orig <- leaves_origTree_G2[[j]]

        nzij_1 <- length(LiG1_samp$PID[is.element(LiG1_samp$PID,LjG1_orig$PID)])
        nzij_2 <- length(LiG2_samp$PID[is.element(LiG2_samp$PID,LjG2_orig$PID)])
        #nzij_1: the intersection in cell ij = number of the persons in cell ij in treatment 1

        mean_bootij_1 <- T_samp$li$`meanY|T=1`[i] #bootstrap mean of treatment 1 in Leaf 1
        mean_bootij_2 <- T_samp$li$`meanY|T=2`[i] #bootstrap mean of treatment 2 in Leaf 1
        #print(paste('Mean_1:', mean_bootij_1))
        cell_productij_1 <- nzij_1 * mean_bootij_1
        cell_productij_2 <- nzij_2 * mean_bootij_2

        matrixn_treat1[i,j] <- nzij_1
        matrixn_treat2[i,j] <- nzij_2
        matrix_treat1[i,j] <- cell_productij_1
        matrix_treat2[i,j] <- cell_productij_2
    # matrixn_treat1: the rows add up to the number of persons in treatment 1 in the bootstrap tree
    mu_G1 <- numeric(nleaves_orig)
    mu_G2 <- numeric(nleaves_orig)
    d_mu <- numeric(nleaves_orig)
    if(sum(matrixn_treat1[,i])==0 || sum(matrixn_treat2[,i])==0){

        stop("The bootstrap procedure produces NaNs. Increase the minimal sample size of each treatment in every leaf (parameters a1 and a2) in quint.control and number of bootstraps. Afterwards, run the quint functions again.")


      for (i in 1:ncol(matrix_treat1)){
        mu_G1[i] <- sum(matrix_treat1[,i]) / sum(matrixn_treat1[,i])#problem if denom is 0 check why this sum can be 0
        mu_G2[i]<- sum(matrix_treat2[,i]) / sum(matrixn_treat2[,i])#problem if denom is 0 check why this sum can be 0
        d_mu[i] <- mu_G1[i] -  mu_G2[i]
      boot_matrix_G1[n,] <- mu_G1
      boot_matrix_G2[n,] <- mu_G2
      boot_matrix_d[n, ] <- d_mu




  obj <- list(nleaves= boot_nleaves, meanT_1 = boot_matrix_G1, meanT_2 = boot_matrix_G2,
              meandif=boot_matrix_d, bias_est=EvalOut$bias_est, meanboot=EvalOut$meanboot,
              CIs=EvalOut$CIs, se_est=EvalOut$se_est)


  return(list(tree=outputTree, bootinfo=obj))

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quint documentation built on July 2, 2022, 1:07 a.m.