
Defines functions SS_RunJitter

Documented in SS_RunJitter

#' Iteratively apply the jitter option in SS
#' Iteratively run a Stock Synthesis model with different jittered starting
#' parameter values based on the jitter fraction. Output files are renamed
#' in the format Report1.sso, Report2.sso, etc.
#' @param mydir Directory where model files are located.
#' @template model
#' @param extras Additional command line arguments passed to the executable.
#'   The default, `"-nohess"`, runs each jittered model without the hessian.
#' @param Njitter Number of jitters, or a vector of jitter iterations.
#'   If `length(Njitter) > 1` only the iterations specified will be ran,
#'   else `1:Njitter` will be executed.
#' @param Intern Show command line info in R console or keep hidden. The default,
#'   `TRUE`, keeps the executable hidden.
#' @param systemcmd Option to switch between 'shell' and 'system'. The default,
#'   `FALSE`, facilitates using the shell command on Windows.
#' @param printlikes A logical value specifying if the likelihood values should
#'   be printed to the console.
#' @template verbose
#' @param jitter_fraction The value, typically 0.1, used to define a uniform
#'   distribution in cumulative normal space to generate new initial parameter values.
#'   The default of `NULL` forces the user to specify the jitter_fraction
#'   in the starter file, and this value must be greater than zero and
#'   will not be overwritten.
#' @param init_values_src Either zero or one, specifying if the initial values to
#'   jitter should be read from the control file or from the par file, respectively.
#'   The default is `NULL`, which will leave the starter file unchanged.
#' @author James T. Thorson, Kelli F. Johnson, Ian G. Taylor
#' @return A vector of likelihoods for each jitter iteration.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #### Run jitter from par file with arbitrary, but common, choice of 0.1
#' modeldir <- tail(dir(system.file("extdata", package = "r4ss"), full.names = TRUE), 1)
#' numjitter <- 25
#' jit.likes <- SS_RunJitter(
#'   mydir = modeldir, Njitter = numjitter,
#'   jitter_fraction = 0.1, init_value_src = 1
#' )
#' #### Read in results using other r4ss functions
#' # (note that un-jittered model can be read using keyvec=0:numjitter)
#' profilemodels <- SSgetoutput(dirvec = modeldir, keyvec = 1:numjitter, getcovar = FALSE)
#' # summarize output
#' profilesummary <- SSsummarize(profilemodels)
#' # Likelihoods
#' profilesummary[["likelihoods"]][1, ]
#' # Parameters
#' profilesummary[["pars"]]
#' }
SS_RunJitter <- function(mydir,
                         model = "ss",
                         extras = "-nohess",
                         Intern = TRUE,
                         systemcmd = FALSE,
                         printlikes = TRUE,
                         verbose = FALSE,
                         jitter_fraction = NULL,
                         init_values_src = NULL) {
  # Determine working directory on start and return upon exit
  startdir <- getwd()
  model <- check_model(model = model, mydir = getwd())

  if (verbose) {
    message("Temporarily changing working directory to:\n", mydir)
    if (!file.exists("Report.sso")) {
        "Copy output files from a converged run into\n",
        mydir, "\nprior to running SS_RunJitter to enable easier comparisons."
    message("Checking starter file")
  # read starter file to test for non-zero jitter value
  starter <- SS_readstarter(verbose = verbose)
  starter[["parmtrace"]] <- ifelse(starter[["parmtrace"]] == 0, 1, starter[["parmtrace"]])
  if (starter[["jitter_fraction"]] == 0 & is.null(jitter_fraction)) {
    stop("Change the jitter value in the starter file to be > 0\n",
      "or change the jitter_fraction argument to be > 0.",
      call. = FALSE
  if (!is.null(jitter_fraction)) {
    starter[["jitter_fraction"]] <- jitter_fraction
  if (!is.null(init_values_src)) {
    starter[["init_values_src"]] <- init_values_src
  r4ss::SS_writestarter(starter, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, warn = FALSE)
  file_increment(0, verbose = verbose)

  # create empty ss.dat file to avoid the ADMB message
  # "Error trying to open data input file ss.dat"
  if (!file.exists(paste0(model, ".dat"))) {
    file.create(paste0(model, ".dat"))

  # check length of Njitter input
  if (length(Njitter) == 1) {
    Njitter <- 1:Njitter
  likesaved <- rep(NA, length(Njitter))
  for (i in Njitter) {
    if (verbose) message("Jitter=", i, ", ", date())
    # check for use of .par file and replace original if needed
    if (starter[["init_values_src"]] == 1) {
      if (verbose) message("Replacing .par file with original")
      file.copy(from = "ss.par_0.sso", to = "ss.par", overwrite = TRUE)
    # run model
    command <- paste(model, extras)
    if (.Platform[["OS.type"]] != "windows") {
      command <- paste0("./", command)

    if (i == 1 & verbose) {
        "Running SS jitter in directory: ", getwd(),
        "\nUsing the command: ", command
    if (.Platform[["OS.type"]] == "windows" & !systemcmd) {
      shell(cmd = command, intern = Intern)
    } else {
      system(command, intern = Intern, show.output.on.console = !Intern)
    # Only save stuff if it converged
    if ("Report.sso" %in% list.files()) {
      rep <- SS_read_summary()
      if (is.null(rep)) {
        report <- SS_output(
          dir = getwd(), forecast = FALSE,
          covar = FALSE, checkcor = FALSE, NoCompOK = TRUE,
          verbose = verbose, warn = verbose, hidewarn = !verbose, printstats = verbose
        like <- report[["likelihoods_used"]][row.names(report[["likelihoods_used"]]) == "TOTAL", "values"]
      } else {
        like <- rep[["likelihoods"]][grep("TOTAL", row.names(rep[["likelihoods"]])), 1]
      likesaved[i] <- like
      if (printlikes) {
        message("Likelihood for jitter ", i, " = ", like)
      # rename output files
      file_increment(i = i)
    } else {
      if (verbose) warning("No Report.sso file found from run ", i)
  # Move original files back
  pattern0 <- dir(pattern = "[a-z_]0\\.sso")
    from = pattern0,
    to = gsub("([a-zA-Z])0|_0\\.sso", "\\1", pattern0),
    overwrite = TRUE

  if (printlikes) {
    message("Table of likelihood values:")

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r4ss documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.