
Defines functions SSmakeMmatrix

Documented in SSmakeMmatrix

##' Convert a matrix of natural mortality values into
##' inputs for Stock Synthesis
##' Inspired by Valerio Bartolino and North Sea herring
##' @param  mat             a matrix of natural mortality by year and age, starting with age 0
##' @param  startyr         the first year of the natural mortality values (no missing years)
##' @param  outfile         optional file to which the results will be written
##' @param  overwrite       if 'outfile' is provided and exists, option to overwrite or not
##' @param  yrs.in.columns  an indicator of whether the matrix has years in columns or rows
##' @return Prints inputs with option to write to chosen file
##' @author Ian Taylor
##' @export
SSmakeMmatrix <- function(mat, startyr, outfile = NULL,
                          overwrite = FALSE, yrs.in.columns = TRUE) {
  # A function for converting a matrix of natural mortality values
  # into inputs for Stock Synthesis
  # Inspired by Valerio Bartolino and North Sea herring
  # inputs are:
  #   mat             a matrix of natural mortality by year and age, starting with age 0
  #   startyr         the first year of the natural mortality values (no missing years)
  #   outfile         optional file to which the results will be written
  #   overwrite       if 'outfile' is provided and exists, option to overwrite or not
  #   yrs.in.columns  an indicator of whether the matrix has years in columns or rows

  # this command will hopefully prevent earlier issues of getting stuck with all R
  # output written to the file after the function crashes before closing connection
  ## on.exit({if(sink.number()>0) sink(); close(zz)})
    if (sink.number() > 0) sink()

  # check for existing file
  if (!is.null(outfile) && file.exists(outfile)) {
    if (!overwrite) {
      cat("File exists and input 'overwrite'=FALSE:", outfile, "\n")
    } else {

  printdf <- function(dataframe) {
    # function to print data frame with hash mark before first column name
    names(dataframe)[1] <- paste("#_", names(dataframe)[1], sep = "")
    print(dataframe, row.names = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE)

  # temporarily change the number of characters per line for printing to R console
  oldwidth <- options()$width
  oldmax.print <- options()$max.print
  options(width = 5000, max.print = 9999999)

  # open file connection if requested
  if (!is.null(outfile)) {
    cat("opening connection to", outfile, "\n")
    zz <- file(outfile, open = "at")

  if (!yrs.in.columns) mat <- t(mat) # transpose as needed
  nyrs <- ncol(mat) # number of years
  yrs <- startyr + 1:nyrs - 1 # vector of years
  maxage <- nrow(mat) - 1 # maximum age (assuming first age=0)
  ages <- 0:maxage # vector of ages

    "#### Calculating inputs to Stock Synthesis for a matrix of natural mortality values",
    paste("\n#### over the range of ages:", min(ages), "to", maxage, "\n\n")

  Msetup <- c(
    "# three lines to paste near top of control file:\n",
    "1 #_natM_type:_0=1Parm; 1=N_breakpoints;_2=Lorenzen;_3=agespecific;_4=agespec_withseasinterpolate\n",
    paste(maxage + 1, "# N_natMparms for segmented approach (required when using natM_type=1)\n"),
    paste(paste(ages, collapse = " "), "# NatM_breakages (required when using natM_type=1)\n")


  # create data frame of parameter lines
  HI <- ceiling(max(mat) * 10) / 10
  Mparams <- data.frame(
    LO = 0, # lower bound
    HI = HI, # upper bound
    INIT = mat[, 1], # initial values are first column of matrix

    # the prior stuff doesn't matter for fixed parameters
    PRIOR = 0.2, # prior values
    PR_type = -1, # uniform prior
    SD = 1, # standard deviation of the prior
    PHASE = -99, # parameter phase
    env_var = -(ages + 1), # index of environmental variable

    # remaining options are not used
    use_dev = 0, #
    dev_minyr = 0, #
    dev_maxyr = 0, #
    dev_stddev = 0, #
    Block = 0, #
    Block_Fxn = 0
  ) #

  # add some comments
  Mparams[["comment"]] <- paste("# M parameter for age", ages)
  Mparams[["comment"]][maxage + 1] <- paste(Mparams[["comment"]][maxage + 1], "+", sep = "")

  cat("\n# stuff to paste into the first block of parameter lines\n")

  # create data frame of environmental link parameters
  Mlinks <- data.frame(
    LO = 0, # lower bound
    HI = 2, # upper bound
    INIT = 1, # initial values are first column of matrix

    # the prior stuff doesn't matter for fixed parameters
    PRIOR = 1, # prior values
    PR_type = -1, # uniform prior
    SD = 1, # standard deviation of the prior
    PHASE = -99, # parameter phase
    comment = paste("# M env. link parameter for age", ages),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # modify final comment to make clear as a plus group
  Mlinks[["comment"]][maxage + 1] <- paste(Mlinks[["comment"]][maxage + 1], "+", sep = "")

  cat("\n# stuff to paste below the line labeled 'CohortGrowDev'\n")
  cat("1 #_custom mortality/growth environmental setup\n")

  # create a data frame of environmental variables
  Menv <- NULL
  for (a in ages) {
    index <- a + 1
    Mvals <- as.numeric(mat[index, ]) # get row for each age
    Mscaled <- Mvals - Mvals[1] # rescale to subtract M for first year
    temp <- data.frame(
      Yr = yrs,
      Variable = index,
      Value = Mscaled,
      comment = paste("# Env. index for time-varying M at age", a)
    if (a == maxage) temp[["comment"]] <- paste(temp[["comment"]], "+", sep = "")
    Menv <- rbind(Menv, temp) # paste into data.frame

  cat("\n# Environmental variables to paste into the bottom of the data file\n")

  cat(paste(maxage + 1, "# N environmental variables\n"))
  cat(paste(nrow(Menv), "# N environmental observations\n"))


  # restore things to how they were
  options(width = oldwidth, max.print = oldmax.print)
  if (!is.null(outfile)) {
  if (!is.null(outfile)) cat("file written to", outfile, "\n")

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