
#!/usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla
is_failure <- function(result) {
  res <- RUnit::getErrors(result)
  names(res) <- tolower(names(res)) # soothe lintr
  sum_of_exceptions <- res[["nerr"]] + res[["nfail"]]
  fail <- as.logical(sum_of_exceptions)

if (interactive()) {
  pkgload::load_all(path = ".") # needed to use pkgload's shim version of
  # base's system.file
  unit_dir <- system.file("inst", "runit_tests", package = "rBDAT")
} else {
  require("rBDAT", quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE) ||
    pkgload::load_all(path = ".") # needed to use pkgload's shim version of
  r_call <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
  if (any(grepl("--file", r_call))) {
    unit_dir <- file.path("inst", "runit_tests")
  } else {
    unit_dir <- system.file("runit_tests", package = "rBDAT")
if (!dir.exists(unit_dir)) {
    "Can not find RUnit test directory ", unit_dir,
    ". Try to (re)install the package first."
setup_file <- file.path(unit_dir, "setup.R")
if (file.exists(setup_file)) source(setup_file)
package_suite <- RUnit::defineTestSuite("rBDAT_unit_test",
  dirs = unit_dir,
  testFileRegexp = "^runit.*\\.[rR]",
  testFuncRegexp = "^test_+"
test_result <- RUnit::runTestSuite(package_suite)
RUnit::printTextProtocol(test_result, showDetails = TRUE, fileName = "")
if (is_failure(test_result)) {
  RUnit::printTextProtocol(test_result, showDetails = TRUE)
  stop("RUnit failed.")

Try the rBDAT package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rBDAT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:08 a.m.