#' Generates random dates between a start and end day.
#' dates are in usual R as.Date() format
#' Enter start and end dates in ISO format, e.g. "2001-02-04"
#' @export
#' @param n Number of dates to be returned
#' @param start_day string representation of a start day
#' @param end_day string representation of a start day
#' @return a vector of dates
random_dates <- function(n, start_day, end_day){
days <- seq.Date(start_day, end_day, by="day")
pick_day <- runif(n, 1, length(days))
#' Function to simulate survival data.
#' Model: proportional hazards,
#' h(t; cov_mat, beta) = exp(cov_mat %*% beta)) / scale
#' indicators for Type I censoring (common censoring time 'tc').
#' @export
#' @param cov_mat n x p matrix of cov_matiates
#' @param beta p-vector of regression coefficients
#' @param cens_type typeI censoring or non-informative based on exponential distribution
#' @param baseline_hazard for modelling death dates
#' @param cens_hazard log(hazard) for non-informative censoring
#' @param cens_prob expected censoring fraction (0 <= cens_prob < 1). Used for typeI censoring
#' @param scale value to scale up the time variable by
#' @param weibull_shape shape parameter for the weibull distribution. 1 is the same as an exponential
#' @return Censored exponential survival times and censoring
#' @details
#' Weibull_shape is the k (shape) parameter from a weibull distribution
#' \itemize{
#' \item A value of k < 1 indicates that the mortality rate decreases over time.
#' This happens if there is significant infant mortality
#' \item A value of k = 1 indicates that the mortality rate is constant over time.
#' This might suggest random external events are causing mortality. This is the same as an
#' exponential distribution
#' \item A value of k > 1 indicates that the mortality rate increases with time.
#' This happens if there is an aging process.
#' }
surv_sims <- function(cov_mat, beta, cens_type = c("typeI", "noninformative"),
baseline_hazard, cens_hazard = 0.04, cens_prob = 0, scale = 1, weibull_shape = 1){
assert_that(scale > 0, is.matrix(cov_mat), cens_prob < 1)
n <- nrow(cov_mat)
score <- baseline_hazard * exp(cov_mat %*% -beta)
tt <- rweibull(n, shape = weibull_shape, scale = score) # Uncensored survival times
cens_type <- match.arg(cens_type)
if (cens_type == "typeI"){
if (cens_prob > 0){
## Find the common censoring time 'tc':
type1 <- function(x) mean(exp(-x * score)) - cens_prob
lower <- 0
upper <- -log(cens_prob) / min(score) + 1
tc <- uniroot(type1, c(lower, upper))$root
## Calculate event indicator and observed times:
event <- tt <= tc
time <- pmin(tt, tc)
} else {
event <- rep(TRUE, n)
} else if (cens_type == "noninformative"){
tc <- rexp(n, exp(cens_hazard)) #censoring time
time <- pmin(tt, tc) # observed time is min of censored and true
event <- time == tt
list(time = scale * time, event = event, tc = scale * tc)
#' Generate a dataframe of simulated patients with exit dates based on presented comorbidities.
#' The definitions of the patient file are all in the ehr_def object
#' @param ehr_def an object of class \code{EHR_definition}
#' @export
#' @return a dataframe of simulated patients
#' @details Patients must have transferred out after the ealiest possible collection date
#' \code{ehr_def$practice$uts_limit}
simulate_ehr_patients <- function(ehr_def){
assert_that(inherits(ehr_def, "EHR_definition"))
## Define birthday, sex, practid, patid
get_patients <- function(pat_num){
tbl_df(data.frame(birthday = random_dates(pat_num,
ehr_def$end_date))) %>%
mutate(yob = as.integer(format(birthday, format = "%Y")) - 1800,
mob = as.integer(format(birthday, format = "%m")),
practid = sample(ehr_def$practice$num,
pat_num, replace = TRUE),
gender = sample(0:1, n(), replace = TRUE)) -> patients
## define presence of comorbidities
for(comorbidity in names(ehr_def$patient$comorbidity$codes)){
probs <- runif(nrow(patients)) < ehr_def$patient$comorbidity$prevalence[comorbidity]
patients[[comorbidity]] <- 0
patients[[comorbidity]][probs] <- 1
## Death and censoring
cov_mat <- as.matrix(patients[, c("gender", names(ehr_def$patient$comorbidity$codes))])
exit_sims <- surv_sims(cov_mat, c(gender = ehr_def$patient$sim_params$betas$gender,
cens_type = ehr_def$patient$sim_params$censor_type,
cens_hazard = ehr_def$patient$sim_params$betas$transfer_out,
cens_prob = ehr_def$patient$sim_params$transfer_out_prob,
baseline_hazard = ehr_def$patient$sim_params$betas$baseline,
scale = ehr_def$patient$sim_params$scale,
weibull_shape = ehr_def$patient$sim_params$weibull_shape)
## define tod, toreason, deathdate, crd
patients %>%
mutate(tod = birthday + round(365.25 * exit_sims$time, 0),
tod = as.Date(ifelse(tod < ehr_def$end_date, tod, NA),
origin = "1970-01-01"),
toreason = as.integer(exit_sims$event),
toreason = ifelse(toreason == 0 & !, 2, toreason),
toreason = ifelse(, 0, toreason),
deathdate = as.Date(ifelse(toreason == 1, tod, NA),
origin = "1970-01-01"),
# causes intermittent warnings, but bad cases are always removed in
# the filter stage, hence the Horrible Hack... to fix...
diff = pmin(ehr_def$end_date, tod - 1, na.rm = TRUE) - birthday,
days = floor(runif(pat_num, 0, as.numeric(diff))),
crd = birthday + days) %>%
filter( | (tod > ehr_def$practice$uts_limit))
cat("Building patient table.")
patients <- get_patients(pat_num = ehr_def$patient$num)
while(nrow(patients) < ehr_def$patient$num){
patients_2 <- get_patients(pat_num = ehr_def$patient$num - nrow(patients))
patients <- bind_rows(patients, patients_2)
patients %>% arrange(practid) %>%
group_by(practid) %>%
mutate(patid = as.integer(paste0(1:n(),
pad = 0)))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select_(.dots = c("patid", "practid", "gender", "yob", "mob", "crd", "tod",
"toreason", "deathdate", names(ehr_def$patient$comorbidity$codes)))
#' generates a simulated dataframe of primary care practices in the same format as is used in CPRD
#' @param ehr_def an object of class ehr_def
#' @export
#' @return a dataframe of simulated practices
#' @details
#' The definitions of the practice file are all in the ehr_def object
simulate_ehr_practices <- function(ehr_def){
assert_that(inherits(ehr_def, "EHR_definition"))
region <- sample(1:ehr_def$practice$regions, size = ehr_def$practice$num, replace = TRUE)
imd_5 <- sample(1:ehr_def$practice$imd_cats, size = ehr_def$practice$num, replace = TRUE)
lcd <- rep(ehr_def$end_date, times = ehr_def$practice$num)
ecd <- runif(ehr_def$practice$num) < ehr_def$practice$early_lcd_prob # early collection date
lcd[ecd] <- lcd[ecd] - floor(runif(ehr_def$practice$num, 0,
ehr_def$practice$early_lcd_range) * 365.25)[ecd]
uts <- rep(ehr_def$practice$uts_limit, times = ehr_def$practice$num)
lts <- runif(ehr_def$practice$num) < ehr_def$practice$late_uts_prob # late to standard
uts[lts] <- uts[lts] + floor(runif(ehr_def$practice$num, 0,
ehr_def$practice$early_lcd_range) * 365.25)[lts]
lcd[lcd <= uts] <- ehr_def$end_date
tbl_df(data.frame(practid = 1:ehr_def$practice$num,
region = region,
lcd = lcd,
uts = uts,
imd_5 = imd_5))
#' Generates simulated GP consultation tables.
#' This function generates simulated GP consultations based on an EHR_definition object and a
#' patient table, as generated by \code{\link{simulate_ehr_patients}}. Multicore functionality is
#' implemented via mclapply
#' @param ehr_def an object of class \code{link{EHR_definition}}
#' @param patient_table a dataframe of simulated patient EHR data
#' @param cores number of processor cores to use to run the analysis
#' @return data frame of simulated GP consultations
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{ patient <- simulate_ehr_patients(ehr_definition) cons <-
#' simulate_ehr_consultations(ehr_def, patient_table = patient, cores = 4) }
simulate_ehr_consultations <- function(ehr_def, patient_table, cores = 1){
comorbid_names <- names(ehr_def$patient$comorbidity$codes)
patient_consultations <- function(p){
#comorbidities <- names(p[, comorbid_names][p[, comorbid_names] == 1])
comorbidities <- names(which(apply(p[, comorbid_names] == 1,2,any)))
in_date <- max(as.Date("1800-01-01") +p$yob + 1800 + 18, ehr_def$practice$uts_limit)
in_year <- as.integer(format(in_date, format = "%Y"))
out_date <- min(p$tod, ehr_def$end_date,na.rm = TRUE)
out_year <- as.integer(format(out_date, format = "%Y"))
years <- ceiling(as.integer(out_date - in_date) / 365.25)
comorbid_probs <- structure(seq(0.001, 1, length.out = years),
.Names = sapply(1:years, function(y) in_year - 1 + y))
bind_rows(lapply(comorbidities, function(comorbid){
bind_rows(lapply(1:length(comorbid_probs), function(prob){
if(runif(1) < comorbid_probs[[prob]]){
cons_in_year <- rpois(1, ehr_def$consultation$per_year)
if(cons_in_year > 0){
data.frame(patid = p$patid,
practid = p$practid,
eventdate = random_dates(cons_in_year,
start_day = as.Date(paste0(names(comorbid_probs[prob]),
end_day = as.Date(paste0(names(comorbid_probs[prob]),
constype = sample(ehr_def$consultation$type$code, cons_in_year,
replace = TRUE, prob = ehr_def$consultation$type$prob),
comorbidity = comorbid, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else NULL
} else NULL
})) %>% filter(eventdate >= in_date, eventdate < out_date)
cons <- bind_rows(parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(patient_table), function(x){
}, mc.cores = cores))
cons %>%
arrange(practid, eventdate) %>%
group_by(practid) %>%
mutate(consid = 1:n()) %>%
#' Generate simulated events tables
#' This function can generate events for clinical, referral and therapy tables. These are based on
#' the consultation tables generated by \code{\link{simulate_ehr_consultations}}.
#' @export
#' @param ehr_def an object of class \code{link{EHR_definition}}
#' @param consultation a dataframe of simulated patient consultations
#' @param event_type Type of events to be generated
#' @param cores number of processor cores to use in generating the data
#' @param therapy_lookup lookup table for drug therapy events e.g. \code{link{product}}
#' @return dataframe
#' @details
#' This function is relatively basic - for clinical and referral tables, it generates
#' events according to the comorbidities defined in the \code{ehr_def}, with the mean number of events
#' for each consultation being defined in the ehr_def for that event_type.
#' For therapy events, the function simply samples the therapy_lookup table, with the mean number
#' of events for each consultation being defined in the ehr_def for therapy. Therefore, at the
#' moment, the therapies bear no relationship to the conditions the patient has and are only for
#' the purposes of explaining the functioning of the package.
#' The random sampling is based on a poisson distribution
simulate_ehr_events <- function(ehr_def, consultation,
event_type = c("clinical", "referral", "therapy"), cores = 1,
therapy_lookup = NULL){
event_type <- match.arg(event_type)
consultation %>% mutate(events = rpois(nrow(consultation),
ehr_def[[event_type]]$mean_events)) %>%
filter(events > 0) -> consultation
bind_rows(mclapply(unique(consultation$patid), function(patient){
pat_cons <- consultation[consultation$patid == patient,]
if (event_type %in% c("clinical", "referral")){
bind_rows(lapply(1:nrow(pat_cons), function(x){
data.frame(patid = pat_cons$patid[x], eventdate = pat_cons$eventdate[x],
constype = pat_cons$constype[x], consid = pat_cons$consid[x],
medcode = sample(ehr_def$patient$comorbidity$codes[[
size = pat_cons$events[x], replace = TRUE),
comorbidity = pat_cons$comorbidity[x], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else if (event_type == "therapy"){
bind_rows(lapply(1:nrow(pat_cons), function(x){
my_products <- therapy_lookup[sample(nrow(therapy_lookup), size = pat_cons$events[x], replace = TRUE),]
data.frame(patid = pat_cons$patid[x], eventdate = pat_cons$eventdate[x],
constype = pat_cons$constype[x], consid = pat_cons$consid[x],
prodcode = my_products$prodcode,
productname = my_products$productname,
bnfcode = my_products$bnfcode,
bnfchapter = my_products$bnfchapter,
comorbidity = pat_cons$comorbidity[x], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}, mc.cores = cores))
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