
Defines functions smc_as.graph smc_as.igraph smc_containsState smc_initialCounts smc_countMatrix smc_fade smc_mergeStates smc_removeTransition smc_removeSelfTransition smc_setTransitions smc_addTransition smc_removeState smc_addState smc_compact smc_expand smc_names2index smc_states smc_size SimpleMC

# rEMM - Extensible Markov Model (EMM) for Data Stream Clustering in R
# Copyright (C) 2011 Michael Hahsler
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

## Simple Markov Chain for EMM
## to make it fast we don't use generics but use a smc_prefix

## Creator
SimpleMC <- function(size = 10L) {
  size <- as.integer(size)

    unused = size:1,
    top = size,
    counts = matrix(0, ncol = size, nrow = size),
    initial_counts = structure(rep(0, size),
      names = rep(NA, size))

smc_size <- function(x) {
  length(x@unused) - x@top

## state names are stored as names of the initial counts!!!
smc_states <- function(x, ...) {

smc_names2index <- function(x, state) {
  match(state, names(x@initial_counts))

smc_expand <- function(x) {
  old_size <- length(x@initial_counts)

  new_x <- SimpleMC(old_size * 2L)
  new_x@counts[1:old_size, 1:old_size] <- x@counts

  new_x@initial_counts[1:old_size] <- x@initial_counts
  names(new_x@initial_counts)[1:old_size] <-
  new_x@top <- old_size + x@top
  new_x@unused[(old_size + 1):length(new_x@unused)] <- x@unused


smc_compact <- function(x) {
  keep <- !is.na(names(x@initial_counts))
  x@counts <- x@counts[keep, keep, drop = FALSE]
  x@initial_counts <- x@initial_counts[keep]
  x@top <- 0L
  x@unused <- rep(NA_integer_, length(x@initial_counts))


smc_addState <- function(x, state) {
  state <- unique(state)

  if (any(smc_containsState(x, state))) {
    cont <- smc_containsState(x, state)
    warning("State ", state[cont], " already exists! (not added)")
    state <- state[-cont]

  ## expand if necessary (we double the size)
  ## Note: it would make sense to implements shrink
  while (x@top < length(state))
    x <- smc_expand(x)

  pos <- x@unused[(x@top - length(state) + 1L):x@top]
  x@unused[(x@top - length(state) + 1L):x@top] <- NA
  x@top <- x@top - length(state)

  names(x@initial_counts)[pos] <- state

  ## we don't need to clean up counts. removeState does it!
  ## we don't need to initialize x@initial_counts[pos] <- 0


smc_removeState <- function(x, state) {
  pos <- smc_names2index(x, state)

  if (any(is.na(pos))) {
    missing <- is.na(pos)
    warning("State ", state[missing], " does not exist!")
    pos <- pos[!missing]
    state <- state[!missing]
    if (length(pos) < 1)

  ## clean matrix
  x@counts[pos, ] <- 0
  x@counts[, pos] <- 0

  old_top <- x@top

  x@initial_counts[pos] <- 0
  names(x@initial_counts)[pos] <- NA

  x@top <- x@top + length(pos)
  x@unused[(old_top + 1):x@top] <- pos

smc_addTransition <- function(x, from, to, w = 1) {
  pos_f <- smc_names2index(x, from)
  pos_t <- smc_names2index(x, to)

  if (length(pos_f) != length(pos_t))
    stop("Lengths do not match!")
  if (length(pos_f) != length(w))
    w <- rep.int(w[1], length(pos_f))

  missing <- is.na(pos_f) | is.na(pos_t)
  if (any(missing)) {
    warning("Some states do not exist (edge not added)!")

  for (i in 1:length(pos_f))
    x@counts[pos_f[i], pos_t[i]] <- x@counts[pos_f[i], pos_t[i]] + w[i]

smc_setTransitions <- function(x, from, to, value = 0) {
  pos_f <- smc_names2index(x, from)
  pos_t <- smc_names2index(x, to)

  if (length(pos_f) != length(pos_t))
    stop("Lengths do not match!")
  if (length(pos_f) != length(value))
    value <- rep.int(value[1], length(pos_f))

  missing <- is.na(pos_f) | is.na(pos_t)
  if (any(missing)) {
    warning("Some states do not exist (edge not added)!")

  for (i in 1:length(pos_f))
    x@counts[pos_f[i], pos_t[i]] <- value[i]

smc_removeSelfTransition <- function(x) {
  diag(x@counts) <- 0

smc_removeTransition <- function(x, from, to) {
  pos_f <- smc_names2index(x, from)
  pos_t <- smc_names2index(x, to)

  x@counts[cbind(pos_f, pos_t)] <- 0


smc_mergeStates <- function(x, state) {
  pos <- smc_names2index(x, state)

  if (any(is.na(pos))) {
    missing <- is.na(pos)
    warning("Some states do not exist (merge might fail)!")
    state <- state[!missing]
    pos <- pos[!missing]

  if (length(pos) < 2) {
    warning("Need at least 2 states to merge!")

  to <- pos[1]

  ## initial counts
  x@initial_counts[to] <- sum(x@initial_counts[pos])

  ## update matrix
  x@counts[to, ] <- colSums(x@counts[pos, ])
  x@counts[, to] <- rowSums(x@counts[, pos])

  ## remove additional states
  x <- smc_removeState(x, state[-1])

smc_fade <- function(x, f) {
  x@counts <- x@counts * f
  x@initial_counts <- x@initial_counts * f

smc_countMatrix <- function(x) {
  used <- !is.na(names(x@initial_counts))
  if (length(used) < 1)
    return(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0))

  m <- x@counts[used, used, drop = FALSE]
  dimnames(m) <- list(names(x@initial_counts)[used],


smc_initialCounts <- function(x) {

smc_containsState <- function(x, state) {
  !is.na(match(state, names(x@initial_counts)))

smc_as.igraph <- function(x) {
  graph.adjacency(smc_countMatrix(x), weighted = TRUE)

## convert to graph (needs package graph!)
smc_as.graph <- function(x) {
  if (!.installed("graph"))
    stop ("Package graph needed! Please install from Bioconductor.")
    adjMat = smc_countMatrix(x),
    edgemode = "directed",
    values = list(weight = 1)

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rEMM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:35 a.m.