
Defines functions crossValidation tunePcaLda fnPcaLda predPcaLda dataSplit predSummary

Documented in crossValidation dataSplit fnPcaLda predPcaLda predSummary tunePcaLda

#' @export
crossValidation <- function(data     			    ## spectra
                            ,label				    ## vector of response variables
                            ,batch=NULL			  ## vector of batch information, used for batchwise validation
                            ,method=lda       ## method used for modeling
                            ,pred=predict     ## method used for prediction
                            ,classify=TRUE    ## if TRUE, classification, else regression
                            ,folds=NULL       ## if provided, cross-validation will be performed based on this partition
                            ,nBatch=0			    ## number of folds for batchwise validation (ignored if Batch=NULL)
                            ,nFold=10					## number of folds for normal cross validation (ignored if Batch supplied)
                            ,verbose=TRUE     ## flag about logging info
                            ,seed=NULL        ## seed for ramdomarize spectral indices, only used for normal CV
                            ,...              ## parameters used in method of modeling
  dimData <- dim(data)
    stop('Error: numbers of spectra and labels do not match!')
  indices <- 1:dimData[1]
  if(is.null(folds))    ## data partition is not provided
    folds <- dataSplit(indices, batch, nBatch, nFold, verbose, seed)
  nFold <- length(folds)
  allTrue <- rep(NA,length(label))
  allPred <- rep(NA,length(label))
  allSumm <- list()
  for (i in 1:nFold)
    ixTrain <- indices[-folds[[i]]]
    model <- method(data[ixTrain,], label[ixTrain], batch=batch[ixTrain], ...)
    tmpPred <- pred(model, data[folds[[i]],,drop=F])
    allTrue[folds[[i]]] <- label[folds[[i]]]
    allPred[folds[[i]]] <- tmpPred
      allSumm[[i]] <- predSummary(reference=label[folds[[i]]] 
      allSumm[[i]] <- predSummary(reference=label[folds[[i]]] 
  return(list(Fold=folds, True=allTrue, Pred=allPred, Summ=allSumm))

#' @export
tunePcaLda <- function(data                                           ### Spectra
                       ,label                                         ### response variables
                       ,batch=NULL                                    ### batch information
                       ,nPC=1:50                                      ### number of PCs used for PCA+LDA
                       ,optMerit=c('Accuracy', 'Sensitivity')[2]      ### merit to be optimized
                       ,maximize=TRUE                                 ### maximize merit, otherwise minimize
                       ,cv=c('CV', 'BV')[2]                           ### parameter tuning by normal or batchwise cross-validaiton
                       ,nPart=10                                      ### number of folds to split for cross-validation
                       ,...                                           ### parameters used in crossValidaiton
  merits <- c()
  for(ncomp in nPC)
             RESULT <- crossValidation(data=data
               stop('Error: Batch information needed for batch-wise cross-validation!')
             RESULT <- crossValidation(data=data
           'Accuracy' = {
             SUMM <- predSummary(reference=RESULT$True
             merits <- c(merits, SUMM$overall['Accuuracy'])
           'Sensitivity' = {
             SUMM <- predSummary(reference=RESULT$True
               merits <- c(merits, mean(SUMM$byClass[, 'Sensitivity']))
                merits <- c(merits, 0.5*(SUMM$byClass['Sensitivity']+SUMM$byClass['Specificity']))
  if(maximize) optPC <- nPC[which.max(merits)]
  else optPC <- nPC[which.min(merits)]
  PCA <- prcomp(data, ...)
  LDA <- MASS::lda(PCA$x[, 1:optPC], label, ...)
  RESULT <- list(PCA=PCA, LDA=LDA, nPC=optPC)

#' @export
fnPcaLda <- function(data                             ### spectra
                     ,label                           ### response variables
                     ,batch=NULL                      ### batch information
                     ,nPC=10                          ### number of PCs used in PCA-LDA
                     ,cv=c('none', 'CV', 'BV')[1]     ### type of cross-validaiton
                     ,nPart=10                        ### number of folds for cross-validaiton, ignored if cv='none'
           PCA <- prcomp(data, ...)
           LDA <- MASS::lda(PCA$x[, 1:nPC], label, ...)
           RESULT <- list(PCA=PCA, LDA=LDA, nPC=nPC)
           RESULT <- crossValidation(data=data
             stop('Error: Batch information needed for batch-wise cross-validation!')
           RESULT <- crossValidation(data=data

#' @export
predPcaLda <- function(objModel, newData)
  pScores <- predict(objModel$PCA, newData)[, 1:objModel$nPC]
  pred <- as.character(predict(objModel$LDA, pScores)$class)

### function of data partition
#' @export
dataSplit <- function(ixData     			  ## index of spectra
                      ,batch=NULL			  ## Batch vector for batchwise validation
                      ,nBatch=0			    ## Number of folds for batchwise validation (ignored if Batch=NULL)
                      ,nFold=10					## Number of folds for normal cross validation (ignored if Batch supplied)
                      ,verbose=TRUE     ## flag about logging info
                      ,seed=NULL        ## seed for ramdomarize spectral indices, only used for normal CV
  if (is.null(batch))       # there's no batch vector used for BV
    if (verbose)
      print(paste("CV", nFold))
    folds <- vector("list", nFold)
    if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
    indices <- sample(ixData, length(ixData))
    nRest <- length(ixData)%%nFold       # rest after partition
    nPart <- length(ixData)%/%nFold      # partition
    for (i in 1:nFold)               # distribute the rest spectra
      folds[[i]] <- indices[(1:nPart)+(i-1)*nPart]
        folds[[i]] <- c(folds[[i]], indices[nFold*nPart+nRest])
        nRest <- nRest-1
    if (verbose)
      print('CV: data split finished')
      stop('Error: numbers of spectra and batch do not match!')
    uniBatch <- unique(batch)
      if (verbose)
        print(paste("BV", nBatch))
      levels <- vector("list", nBatch)
      bchIndex <- 1:length(uniBatch)
      for (i in 1:nBatch)
        levels[[i]] <- uniBatch[which(bchIndex%%nBatch==(i-1))]  # to partion "batch" in nBatch parts
      folds <- vector("list",nBatch)
      for (i in 1:nBatch)
        folds[[i]] <- which(is.element(el=batch, set=levels[[i]]))
      nBatch <- length(uniBatch)
        print(paste("BV", nBatch))
      folds <- vector("list", nBatch)
      for (i in 1:nBatch)
        folds[[i]] <- which(batch==uniBatch[i])
    if (verbose)
      print('BV: data split finished')

#' @export
predSummary <- function(reference, prediction, lev=NULL, classify=TRUE)
    stop('Error: length of reference and prediction must be the same!')
    if(is.null(lev)) lev <- unique(reference)
    reference <- factor(reference, levels=lev)
    prediction <- factor(prediction, levels=lev)
    return(caret::confusionMatrix(prediction, reference))

#' @import e1071
#' @importFrom caret confusionMatrix
#' @importFrom MASS lda
#' @import stats 

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rModeling documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:48 p.m.