Man pages for rNeighborQTL
Interval Mapping for Quantitative Trait Loci Underlying Neighbor Effects

calc_neiprobCalculating a set of neighbor QTL effects from conditional...
calc_pveCalculating phenotypic variation explained by neighbor...
decompose_genoprobsDecomposition of conditional genotype probabilities
eff_neighborEstimation of self and neighbor QTL effects across a genome
genoprobs2selfprobsCalculating a set of self QTL effects from conditional...
get_markersReshaping marker information
int_neighborTesting marker-by-marker epistasis in neighbor QTL effects
logLik_glm.fitCalculating log-likelihood in generalized linear models
min_distCalculating the minimum distance
neiprobCalculating neighbor QTL effects
perm_neighborPermutation tests for neighbor effects with a QTL model
plot_effPlot self and neighbor QTL effects across a genome
plot_neiPlot LOD score for self or neighbor QTL effects
rNeighborQTL-packagerNeighbor QTL: quantitative trait loci mapping for neighbor...
scan_neighborGenome scan for neighbor effects with a QTL model
selfprobCalculating self QTL effects
sim_nei_qtlPhenotype simulation for neighbor QTL effects
rNeighborQTL documentation built on April 9, 2021, 9:06 a.m.