
Defines functions fetch_data

Documented in fetch_data

#' Fetch Data from RCSB PDB Using a JSON Query
#' This function sends a GraphQL JSON query to the RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) to fetch data corresponding to a specified set of IDs.
#' It is designed to handle the complexities of interacting with the PDB's GraphQL API, ensuring that errors in the query process
#' are handled gracefully and that users are informed of any discrepancies in the expected and returned data.
#' @param json_query A JSON string representing the query to be sent to the PDB. This query must be well-formed and adhere to the GraphQL
#' query structure required by the PDB's API. It typically includes details such as the fields to be retrieved and the conditions for
#' data selection.
#' @param data_type A string indicating the type of data to be fetched. While this parameter is not directly used in the function,
#' it can provide context for the data being retrieved, such as "ENTRY", "ASSEMBLY", "POLYMER_ENTITY", etc.
#' @param ids A character vector of identifiers for which data is being requested. These IDs should correspond to valid entries in
#' the PDB and should match the data structure expected by the PDB's API.
#' @return A list containing the data fetched from the PDB, with the names of the list elements set to the corresponding IDs.
#' If any issues occur during the fetching process (e.g., if some IDs are not found), the function will return `NULL` and provide
#' informative error messages to help diagnose the problem.
#' @details
#' The function performs several checks and operations:
#'   * It validates the `json_query` to ensure that it is neither `NULL` nor empty.
#'   * It attempts to send the query to the PDB's GraphQL endpoint using a helper function (assumed to be `search_graphql`).
#'   * It checks the server's response to determine if the query was successful or if any errors were encountered.
#'   * If the data returned does not match the expected IDs, the function issues warnings and stops execution, providing details on the missing IDs.
#'   * The function ensures that the returned data is correctly named according to the provided IDs.
#' The function is particularly useful for developers and researchers who need to programmatically access and manipulate large datasets
#' from the PDB. It abstracts away some of the complexity of directly interacting with the PDB's API, providing a more user-friendly
#' interface for data retrieval.
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET

fetch_data <- function(json_query, data_type, ids) {

  # Helper function for better error logging
  log_error <- function(message, details = NULL) {
    full_message <- paste0("ERROR: ", message)
    if (!is.null(details)) {
      full_message <- paste0(full_message, " Details: ", details)

  # Validate the JSON query
  if (is.null(json_query) || length(json_query) == 0) {
    log_error("JSON query is empty or invalid. Please ensure the query is correctly formatted.")

  # Execute the GraphQL query and handle possible network or query errors
  response <- tryCatch(
      search_graphql(graphql_json_query = list(query = json_query))
    error = function(e) {
      log_error("GraphQL query execution failed.", e$message)

  # Handle NULL response (server down or no response)
  if (is.null(response)) {
    log_error("Received NULL response from the server. Please check the server status or query validity.")

  # Check for errors returned within the GraphQL response
  if ("errors" %in% names(response)) {
    message("Errors encountered in GraphQL query:")
    lapply(response$errors, function(error) message(error$message))
    log_error("The query returned errors. Please review the error messages above.")

  # Verify if the expected IDs match the returned data
  if (length(response$data[[1]]) != length(ids)) {
    warning("Mismatch in the number of returned data entries and the provided IDs.")
    missing_ids <- setdiff(ids, names(response$data[[1]]))
    if (length(missing_ids) > 0) {
      warning("The following IDs were not found: ", paste(missing_ids, collapse = ", "))
    log_error("One or more IDs could not be retrieved. Please check the IDs and try again.")
  } else {
    names(response$data[[1]]) <- ids


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rPDBapi documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:37 p.m.