
Defines functions get_pages

Documented in get_pages

#' Get several pages of one type of request
#' Get several pages of one type of request to the API
#' @param url_ string of url for the request to the API
#' @param stoken A \code{\link[httr]{config}} object created using the \code{\link{strava_oauth}} function
#' @param per_page numeric indicating number of items retrieved per page (maximum 200)
#' @param page_id numeric indicating page id
#' @param page_max numeric indicating maximum number of pages to return
#' @param before date object for filtering activities before the indicated date
#' @param after date object for filtering activities after the indicated date
#' @param queries list of additional queries to pass to the API
#' @param All logical if you want all possible pages within the ratelimit constraint
#' @details Requires authentication stoken using the \code{\link{strava_oauth}} function and a user-created API on the strava website.   
#' @return Data from an API request.
#' @concept token
#' @import httr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create authentication token
#' # requires user created app name, id, and secret from Strava website
#' stoken <- httr::config(token = strava_oauth(app_name, app_client_id, 
#' 	app_secret, cache = TRUE))
#' # get basic user info
#' # returns 30 activities
#' get_pages('https://strava.com/api/v3/activities', stoken)
#' }
get_pages<-function(url_, stoken, per_page = 30, page_id = 1, page_max = 1, before=NULL, after=NULL, queries=NULL, All = FALSE){

	dataRaw <- list()

	# check for leaderboard request
	# per_page and length of content request are handled differently
	chk_lead <- grepl('leaderboard$', url_)
	# initalize usage_left with ratelimit
	req <- GET(url_, stoken, query = c(list(per_page=per_page, page=page_id), queries))
	usage_left <- ratelimit(req)

	before <- seltime_fun(before, TRUE)
	after <- seltime_fun(after, FALSE)
		per_page=200 #reduces the number of requests
	else if(page_max > usage_left[1]){#Trying to avoid exceeding the 15 min limit
		page_max <- usage_left[1]
		print (paste("The number of pages would exceed the rate limit, retrieving only"), usage_left[1], "pages")
	i = page_id - 1
		i <- i + 1

			req <- GET(url_, stoken, query = c(list(per_page=pmin(200, per_page), page=i), queries))
			cont_req <- content(req)$entries
			if(length(cont_req) == 200){
				per_page <- per_page - length(cont_req)
				page_max <- 1 + page_max
			if(per_page == 0) page_max <- i
		} else {
			req <- GET(url_, stoken, query = c(list(per_page=per_page, page=i, before=before, after=after), queries))
			cont_req <- content(req)
		dataRaw <- c(dataRaw, cont_req)

		if(length(cont_req) < per_page) {#breaks when the last page retrieved less items than the per_page value
		if(i>=page_max) {#breaks when the max number of pages or ratelimit was reached

Try the rStrava package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rStrava documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:35 p.m.