
Defines functions seaOscar.dl oscar.fit_int wind.mean tidy.rWind_series tidy flow.dispersion flow.dispersion_int cost.FMGS arrowDir wind2raster wind2raster_int ds2uv uv2ds wind.fit_int wind.dl_2 read.rWind wind.dl circ.mean deg2rad rad2deg

Documented in arrowDir cost.FMGS ds2uv flow.dispersion flow.dispersion_int read.rWind seaOscar.dl tidy tidy.rWind_series uv2ds wind2raster wind2raster_int wind.dl wind.dl_2 wind.fit_int wind.mean

# some trigonemetric functions
rad2deg <- function(rad) {
  (rad * 180) / (pi)
deg2rad <- function(deg) {
  (deg * pi) / (180)

# circular mean
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_of_circular_quantities
circ.mean <- function(deg) {
  rad.m <- (deg * pi) / (180)
  mean.cos <- mean(cos(rad.m))
  mean.sin <- mean(sin(rad.m))

  theta <- rad2deg(atan(mean.sin / mean.cos))
  if (mean.cos < 0) theta <- theta + 180
  if ((mean.sin < 0) & (mean.cos > 0)) theta <- theta + 360

#' Wind-data download
#' wind.dl downloads wind data from the Global Forecast System (GFS) of the
#' USA's National Weather Service (NWS)
#' (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/weather-climate-models/global-forecast).
#' Wind data are taken from NOAA/NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) Atmospheric
#' Model collection. Geospatial resolution is 0.5 degrees (approximately 50 km),
#' and wind is calculated for Earth surface, at 10 m. More metadata
#' information:
#' https://pae-paha.pacioos.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/ncep_global.graph
#' The output type is determined by type="csv" or type="read-data". If
#' type="csv" is selected, the function creates a "wind_yyyy_mm_dd_tt.csv" file
#' that is downloaded at the work directory. If type="read-data" is selected,
#' an R object (data.frame) is created.
#' @param yyyy Selected year.
#' @param mm Selected month.
#' @param dd Selected day.
#' @param tt Selected time. There are currently several options at the GFS
#' database: 00:00 - 03:00 - 06:00 - 09:00 - 12:00 - 15:00 - 18:00 - 21:00
#' (UTC).
#' @param lon1 Western longitude
#' @param lon2 Eastern longitude
#' @param lat1 Southern latitude
#' @param lat2 Northern latitude
#' @param type Output type. "read-data" is selected by default, creating an R
#' object. If you choose "csv", wind.dl create a a CSV file in your working
#' directory named "wind_yyyy_mm_dd_tt.csv".
#' @param trace if trace = 1 (by default) track downloaded files
#' @param file file name of the saved ".csv" files.
#' @return "rWind" and "data.frame" class object or .csv file with U and V
#' vector  components and wind direction and speed for each coordinate
#' in the study area defined by lon1/lon2 and lat1/lat2.
#' @note Longitude coordinate are provided by GFS dataset in 0/360 notation
#' and transformed internally into -180/180. Wind "dir" denotes where the
#' wind is going (toward), not from where is coming.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López (jflopez.bio@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.dl_2}}, \code{\link{wind2raster}}
#' @references
#' http://www.digital-geography.com/cloud-gis-getting-weather-data/#.WDOWmbV1DCL
#' https://pae-paha.pacioos.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/ncep_global.graph
#' @keywords ~gfs ~wind
#' @examples
#' # Download wind for Iberian Peninsula region at 2015, February 12, 00:00
#' \dontrun{
#' wind.dl(2015, 2, 12, 0, -10, 5, 35, 45)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils write.table read.csv download.file
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_h year month day hour
#' @rdname wind.dl
#' @export wind.dl
wind.dl <- function(yyyy, mm, dd, tt, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2,
                    type = "read-data", trace = 1) {
  type <- match.arg(type, c("read-data", "csv"))

  mm <- sprintf("%02d", mm)
  dd <- sprintf("%02d", dd)
  tt <- sprintf("%02d", tt)

  # Create a sequence with all dates available between selected dates
  dt <- ymd_h(paste(yyyy, mm, dd, tt, sep = "-"))

  yyyy_c <- year(dt)
  mm_c <- sprintf("%02d", month(dt))
  dd_c <- sprintf("%02d", day(dt))
  tt_c <- sprintf("%02d", hour(dt))

  testDate <- paste(yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, sep = "")
  if (trace) {
    print(paste(ymd_h(paste(yyyy_c, mm_c, dd_c, tt_c, sep = "-")),
      sep = " "

      if (lon1 < 0) {
        lon1 <- 360 - (abs(lon1))
      if (lon2 < 0) {
        lon2 <- 360 - (abs(lon2))

      if (lon1 > 180 && lon2 < 180) {
        url_west <- paste("https://pae-paha.pacioos.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/ncep_global.csv?ugrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):(359.5)],vgrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):(359.5)]&.draw=vectors&.vars=longitude|latitude|ugrd10m|vgrd10m&.color=0x000000", sep = "")
        url_east <- paste("https://pae-paha.pacioos.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/ncep_global.csv?ugrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(0.0):(", lon2, ")],vgrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(0.0):(", lon2, ")]&.draw=vectors&.vars=longitude|latitude|ugrd10m|vgrd10m&.color=0x000000", sep = "")
        tmp <- rbind(
          read.csv(url_west, header = FALSE, skip = 2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
          read.csv(url_east, header = FALSE, skip = 2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        tmp <- wind.fit_int(tmp)

        if (type == "csv") {
          fname <- paste("wind_", yyyy_c, "_", mm_c, "_", dd_c,
            "_", tt_c, ".csv",
            sep = ""
          write.table(tmp, fname,
            sep = ",", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE

      else {
        url_dir <- paste("https://pae-paha.pacioos.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/ncep_global.csv?ugrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):(", lon2, ")],vgrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):(", lon2, ")]&.draw=vectors&.vars=longitude|latitude|ugrd10m|vgrd10m&.color=0x000000", sep = "")
        tmp <- read.csv(url_dir, header = FALSE, skip = 2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        tmp <- wind.fit_int(tmp)
        if (type == "csv") {
          fname <- paste("wind_", yyyy_c, "_", mm_c, "_", dd_c,
            "_", tt_c, ".csv",
            sep = ""
          write.table(tmp, fname,
            sep = ",", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE
    error = function(e) {
      cat("ERROR: database not found. Please, check server
                      connection, date or geographical ranges \n")
    warning = function(w) {
      cat("ERROR: database not found. Please, check server
                        connection, date or geographical ranges  \n")
  class(tmp) <- c("rWind", "data.frame")

#' @rdname wind.dl
#' @export
read.rWind <- function(file) {
  tmp <- read.csv(file, colClasses = c(
    "POSIXct", "numeric", "numeric",
    "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric"
  tmp[, 1] <- ymd_hms(tmp[, 1], truncated = 3)
  class(tmp) <- c("rWind", "data.frame")

#' Wind-data download
#' wind.dl_2 downloads time-series wind data from the Global Forecast System
#' (GFS) of the USA's National Weather Service (NWS)
#' (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/weather-climate-models/global-forecast).
#' Wind data are taken from NOAA/NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) Atmospheric
#' Model collection. Geospatial resolution is 0.5 degrees (approximately 50 km),
#' and wind is calculated for Earth surface, at 10 m. More metadata
#' information:
#' http://oos.soest.hawaii.edu/erddap/info/NCEP_Global_Best/index.html
#' To get the same format as wind.dl, you should run \code{tidy} function from
#' wind.dl_2 output.
#' The output type is determined by type="csv" or type="read-data". If
#' type="csv" is selected, the function creates a "wind_yyyy_mm_dd_tt.csv" file
#' that is downloaded at the work directory. If type="read-data" is selected,
#' an \code{rWind_series} object is created.
#' @param time a scalar or vector of POSIXt or Date objects or an character
#' which can transformed into those, see example below.
#' There are currently these options at the GFS database for the hours:
#' 00:00 - 03:00 - 06:00 - 09:00 - 12:00 - 15:00 - 18:00 - 21:00 (UTC) (TO).
#' @param lon1 Western longitude
#' @param lon2 Eastern longitude
#' @param lat1 Southern latitude
#' @param lat2 Northern latitude
#' @param type Output type. "read-data" is selected by default, creating an R
#' object. If you choose "csv", wind.dl create a a CSV file in your work
#' directory named "wind_yyyy_mm_dd_tt.csv".
#' @param trace if trace = 1 (by default) track downloaded files
#' @return an object of class \code{rWind_series} or .csv file/s with
#' U and V vector components and wind direction and speed for each coordinate
#' in the study area defined by lon1/lon2 and lat1/lat2.
#' @note wind.dl_2 requires two dates that represent the boundaries of the time
#' lapse to download wind series data.
#' U and V vector components allow you to create wind averages or tendencies
#' for each coordinate at the study area. Longitude coordinates are
#' provided by GFS dataset in 0/360 notation and transformed internally into
#' -180/180. "dir" denotes where the
#' wind/sea current is going (toward), not from where is coming.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López (jflopez.bio@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.mean}}, \code{\link{wind2raster}},
#' \code{\link{wind.dl}}, \code{\link{as_datetime}}, \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}
#' @references
#' http://www.digital-geography.com/cloud-gis-getting-weather-data/#.WDOWmbV1DCL
#' http://oos.soest.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/NCEP_Global_Best.graph
#' @keywords ~gfs ~wind
#' @examples
#' # Download wind for Iberian Peninsula region at 2015, February 12, 00:00
#' \dontrun{
#' wind.dl_2("2018/3/15 9:00:00", -10, 5, 35, 45)
#' library(lubridate)
#' dt <- seq(ymd_hms(paste(2018, 1, 1, 00, 00, 00, sep = "-")),
#'   ymd_hms(paste(2018, 1, 2, 21, 00, 00, sep = "-")),
#'   by = "3 hours"
#' )
#' ww <- wind.dl_2(dt, -10, 5, 35, 45)
#' tidy(ww)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils write.table read.csv download.file
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_h year month day hour as_datetime
#' @rdname wind.dl_2
#' @export wind.dl_2
wind.dl_2 <- function(time, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, type = "read-data", trace = 1) {
  type <- match.arg(type, c("read-data", "csv"))

  dt <- as_datetime(time)
  # We will store each date and time in a list
  resultados <- vector("list", length(dt))
  names(resultados) <- dt

  for (id in seq_along(dt)) {
    yyyy_c <- year(dt[id])
    mm_c <- sprintf("%02d", month(dt[id]))
    dd_c <- sprintf("%02d", day(dt[id]))
    tt_c <- sprintf("%02d", hour(dt[id]))

    testDate <- paste(yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, sep = "")

    if (trace) {
      print(paste(ymd_h(paste(yyyy_c, mm_c, dd_c, tt_c, sep = "-")),
        sep = " "

        if (lon1 < 0) {
          lon1 <- 360 - (abs(lon1))
        if (lon2 < 0) {
          lon2 <- 360 - (abs(lon2))

        if (lon1 > 180 && lon2 < 180) {
          url_west <- paste("https://pae-paha.pacioos.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/ncep_global.csv?ugrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):(359.5)],vgrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):(359.5)]&.draw=vectors&.vars=longitude|latitude|ugrd10m|vgrd10m&.color=0x000000", sep = "")
          url_east <- paste("https://pae-paha.pacioos.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/ncep_global.csv?ugrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(0.0):(", lon2, ")],vgrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(0.0):(", lon2, ")]&.draw=vectors&.vars=longitude|latitude|ugrd10m|vgrd10m&.color=0x000000", sep = "")

          tmp <- rbind(
              header = FALSE, skip = 2,
              stringsAsFactors = FALSE
              header = FALSE, skip = 2,
              stringsAsFactors = FALSE
          tmp <- wind.fit_int(tmp)
          if (type == "csv") {
            tmp <- wind.fit_int(tmp)
            fname <- paste("wind_", yyyy_c, "_", mm_c, "_", dd_c,
              "_", tt_c, ".csv",
              sep = ""
            write.table(tmp, fname,
              sep = ",", row.names = FALSE,
              col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE
          else {
            resultados[[id]] <- tmp[, 4:5]

        else {
          url_dir <- paste("https://pae-paha.pacioos.hawaii.edu/erddap/griddap/ncep_global.csv?ugrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):(", lon2, ")],vgrd10m[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T", tt_c, ":00:00Z)][(", lat1, "):(", lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):(", lon2, ")]&.draw=vectors&.vars=longitude|latitude|ugrd10m|vgrd10m&.color=0x000000", sep = "")
          tmp <- read.csv(url_dir,
            header = FALSE, skip = 2,
            colClasses = c("POSIXct", "double", "double", "double", "double")
          tmp <- wind.fit_int(tmp)
          if (type == "csv") {
            tmp <- wind.fit_int(tmp)
            fname <- paste("wind_", yyyy_c, "_", mm_c, "_", dd_c,
              "_", tt_c, ".csv",
              sep = ""
            write.table(tmp, fname,
              sep = ",", row.names = FALSE,
              col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE
          else {
            resultados[[id]] <- tmp[, 4:5]
      error = function(e) {
        cat("ERROR: database not found. Please, check server
                          connection, date or geographical ranges \n")
      warning = function(w) {
        cat("ERROR: database not found. Please, check server
                            connection, date or geographical ranges  \n")

  if (type == "csv") {
  attr(resultados, "lat_lon") <- tmp[, 2:3]
  class(resultados) <- c("rWind_series", "list")

#' @rdname wind.dl_2
#' @param x object from which to extract element(s).
#' @param i indices specifying elements to extract.
#' @param exact Controls possible partial matching (not used yet).
#' @export
"[[.rWind_series" <- function(x, i, exact = TRUE) {
  tt <- as_datetime(names(x)[i])
  tmp <- cbind(tt, attr(x, "lat_lon"), unclass(x)[[i]])
  tmp <- wind.fit_int(tmp)
  class(tmp) <- c("rWind", "data.frame")

#' wind.fit_int
#' wind.fit_int is used internally by wind.dl to transform downloaded data from
#' GFS. wind.fit_int applies trigonometry tools to transform U and V vector wind
#' components in wind direction and speed features. It also transforms 0-360
#' longitude notation obtained from GFS data into -180/180 longitude notation.
#' Moreover, it cleans dates names and sorts the data by latitude.
#' @param X downloaded data by wind.dl function from "rWind" package.
#' @return data.frame
#' @note This function is used internally by wind.dl
#' @author Javier Fernández-López (jflopez.bio@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.dl}}, \code{\link{wind.mean}},
#' \code{\link{wind2raster}}
#' @references https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product
#' @keywords ~wind ~gfs
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_hms
#' @rdname wind.fit_int
#' @keywords internal
wind.fit_int <- function(tmpx) {
  tmpx[, 3] <- tmpx[, 3] %% 360
  tmpx[tmpx[, 3] >= 180, 3] <- tmpx[tmpx[, 3] >= 180, 3] - 360

  ###### DIRECTION
  direction <- atan2(tmpx[, 4], tmpx[, 5])
  direction <- rad2deg(direction)
  direction[direction < 0] <- 360 + direction[direction < 0]

  ###### SPEED
  speed <- sqrt((tmpx[, 4] * tmpx[, 4]) + (tmpx[, 5] * tmpx[, 5]))

  names(tmpx) <- c("time", "lat", "lon", "ugrd10m", "vgrd10m")
  res <- cbind(tmpx, dir = direction, speed = speed)
  res <- res[with(res, order(-lat)), ]
  res[, 1] <- ymd_hms(res[, 1], truncated = 3)

#' Transform U and V components in direction and speed and vice versa
#' @param u U component.
#' @param v U component.
#' @return "uv2ds" returns a matrix with direction and speed values
#' @note Multiple U and V values can be processed. "dir" denotes where the
#' wind/sea current is going (toward), not from where is coming.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López (jflopez.bio@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.mean}}, \code{\link{wind2raster}}
#' @keywords ~wind
#' @examples
#' (ds <- uv2ds(c(1, 1, 3, 1), c(1, 1.7, 3, 1)))
#' ds2uv(ds[, 1], ds[, 2])
#' @rdname uv2ds
#' @export uv2ds

uv2ds <- function(u, v) {
  ###### DIRECTION
  direction <- atan2(u, v)
  direction <- rad2deg(direction)
  direction[direction < 0] <- 360 + direction[direction < 0]

  ###### SPEED
  speed <- sqrt((u * u) + (v * v))

  res <- cbind(dir = direction, speed = speed)

#' @param d direction (degrees).
#' @param s speed (m/s).
#' @return "ds2uv" returns a matrix with U and V values
#' @rdname uv2ds
#' @export ds2uv

ds2uv <- function(d, s) {
  d <- d %% 360
  r <- deg2rad(d)
  u <- sin(r) * s
  v <- cos(r) * s
  cbind(u = u, v = v)

#' Wind-data to raster file
#' wind2raster_int crates a raster file (gridded) from a data.frame created by
#' wind.fit function from "rWind" package. Latitude and longitude values are used
#' to locate raster file and create raster resolution using rasterFromXYZ
#' function from raster package. As raster files only can store one field of
#' information, you should choose between direction (by default, type="dir")
#' and speed (type="speed") to be represented by the new raster file.
#' WGS84 datum (non-projected) CRS is selected by default to build the raster
#' file.
#' @param x an object of class \code{rWind}
#' @return A raster file representing wind direction, wind speed or both of the
#' study area.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López (jflopez.bio@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.dl}}, \code{\link{wind2raster}}
#' @keywords ~gfs ~wind
#' @importFrom raster rasterFromXYZ stack
#' @rdname wind2raster_int
#' @keywords internal
wind2raster_int <- function(x) {
  ras <- rasterFromXYZ(x[, c("lon", "lat")], crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
  ras2 <- ras
  ras[] <- x$dir
  ras2[] <- x$speed
  tmp <- stack(ras, ras2)
  names(tmp) <- c("direction", "speed")

#' Wind-data to raster file
#' wind2raster crates a raster stack (gridded) with 2 layers: wind speed and
#' wind direction for an object of \code{rWind}.
#' Latitude and longitude values are used to locate raster file and to create
#' raster using rasterFromXYZ function from raster package. If the input file is
#' a list of wind data created by wind.dl, a list of raster stacks will be
#' returned
#' WGS84 datum (non-projected) CRS is selected by default to build the raster
#' file.
#' @param x an "rWind list" obtained by wind.fit
#' @return A raster stack or a list of raster stacks representing wind direction
#' and speed.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López (jflopez.bio@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.dl}}
#' @keywords ~gfs ~wind
#' @examples
#' data(wind.data)
#' # Create raster stack from the downloaded data with wind directon and speed
#' # layers
#' wind2raster(wind.data)
#' @importFrom raster rasterFromXYZ stack
#' @rdname wind2raster
#' @export wind2raster
wind2raster <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, "rWind_series")) {
    X <- lapply(x, wind2raster_int)
  } else {

#' Arrow direction fitting for Arrowhead function from "shape" package
#' arrowDir adapts wind direction value to be used by Arrowhead function from
#' "shape" package to plot wind direction for each coordinate.
#' Angle argument of Arrowhead function from "shape" package needs to be fed
#' in an anti-clockwise way, relative to x-axis, in degrees 0,360. arrowDir
#' function adapts wind direction provided by wind.fit (clockwise, relative to
#' y-axis ) to requirements of Arrowhead.
#' @param W An object of class \code{rWind} or a data.frame which should content
#' a column named "dir".
#' @return A vector with angles for each arrow to be plotted by Arrowhead.
#' @note arrowDir function works always together with Arrowhead function from
#' "shape" package.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.dl}}
#' @references Karline Soetaert (2017). shape: Functions for Plotting Graphical
#' Shapes, Colors. R package version 1.4.3.
#' https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=shape
#' @keywords ~wind
#' @examples
#' data(wind.data)
#' # Create a vector with wind direction (angles) adapted
#' alpha <- arrowDir(wind.data)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Now, you can plot wind direction with Arrowhead function from shapes package
#' # Load "shape package
#' require(shape)
#' plot(wind.data$lon, wind.data$lat, type = "n")
#' Arrowhead(wind.data$lon, wind.data$lat,
#'   angle = alpha,
#'   arr.length = 0.1, arr.type = "curved"
#' )
#' }
#' @export arrowDir
arrowDir <- function(W) {
  if (inherits(W, "rWind_series")) {
    if (length(W) > 1) message("W contained a time series, just took first time point!")
    W <- W[[1]]
  aDir <- (360 - W$dir) + 90

# Cost computation following Muñoz et al., 2004; Felicísimo et al., 2008
#' @rdname flow.dispersion
#' @export
cost.FMGS <- function(wind.direction, wind.speed, target, type = "active") {
  dif <- (abs(wind.direction - target))
  # If dif > 180 and is not NA
  dif[dif > 180 & !is.na(dif)] <- 360 - dif[dif > 180 & !is.na(dif)] # Modified from the original function
  if (type == "passive") {
    # In "passive" type, if dif > 90, movement is not allowed
    dif[dif >= 90 & !is.na(dif)] <- Inf # check
    # For sea currents, dif could be NA is there are lands around
    dif[is.na(dif)] <- Inf # Modified from the original function
    # Here we apply the formula in Felicísimo et al. 2008
    dif[dif < 90] <- 2 * dif[dif < 90]
    dif[dif == 0] <- 0.1
  else {
    # For sea currents, dif could be NA is there are lands around
    dif[is.na(dif)] <- Inf
    # For "active" type movements against flow are allowed, so simply we
    # multiply by 2 the dif, following Felicísimo et al., 2008
    dif[!is.na(dif)] <- 2 * dif[!is.na(dif)]
    dif[dif == 0] <- 0.1

  wind.speed[is.na(wind.speed)] <- 0

  dif / wind.speed

#' Compute flow-based cost or conductance
#' flow.dispersion_int computes movement conductance through a flow either, sea
#' or wind currents. It implements the formula described in Felícisimo et al.
#' 2008:
#' Cost=(1/Speed)*(HorizontalFactor)
#' being HorizontalFactor a "function that incrementally penalized angular
#' deviations from the wind direction" (Felicísimo et al. 2008).
#' @param stack RasterStack object with layers obtained from wind2raster
#' function ("rWind" package) with direction and speed flow values.
#' @param fun A function to compute the cost to move between cells. The default
#' is \code{cost.FMGS} from Felicísimo et al. (2008), see details.
#' @param output This argument allows to select different kinds of output. "raw"
#' mode creates a matrix (class "dgCMatrix") with transition costs between all
#' cells in the raster. "transitionLayer" creates a TransitionLayer object with
#' conductance values to be used with "gdistance" package.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return In "transitionLayer" output, the function returns conductance values
#' (1/cost)to move between all cells in a raster having into account flow speed
#' and direction obtained from wind.fit function("rWind" package). As wind or
#' sea currents implies directionality, flow.dispersion produces an anisotropic
#' conductance matrix (asymmetric). Conductance values are used later to built a
#' TransitionLayer object from "gdistance" package.
#' In "raw" output, flow.dispersion creates a sparse Matrix with cost values.
#' @note Note that for large data sets, it could take a while. For large study
#' areas is strongly advised perform the analysis in a remote computer or a
#' cluster.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López; Klaus Schliep; Yurena Arjona
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.dl}}, \code{\link{wind2raster}}
#' @references
#' Felicísimo, Á. M., Muñoz, J., & González-Solis, J. (2008). Ocean surface
#' winds drive dynamics of transoceanic aerial movements. PLoS One, 3(8),
#' e2928.
#' Jacob van Etten (2017). R Package gdistance: Distances and Routes on
#' Geographical Grids. Journal of Statistical Software, 76(13), 1-21.
#' doi:10.18637/jss.v076.i13
#' @keywords ~anisotropy ~conductance
#' @examples
#' data(wind.data)
#' wind <- wind2raster(wind.data)
#' Conductance <- flow.dispersion(wind, type = "passive")
#' \dontrun{
#' require(gdistance)
#' transitionMatrix(Conductance)
#' image(transitionMatrix(Conductance))
#' }
#' @importClassesFrom raster RasterLayer
#' @importFrom raster ncell
#' @importMethodsFrom raster as.matrix
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @importFrom gdistance transition transitionMatrix<-
#' @keywords internal
flow.dispersion_int <- function(stack, fun = cost.FMGS, output = "transitionLayer",
                                ...) {
  output <- match.arg(output, c("raw", "transitionLayer"))

  DL <- as.matrix(stack$direction)
  SL <- as.matrix(stack$speed)
  M <- matrix(as.integer(1:ncell(stack$direction)),
    nrow = nrow(stack$direction), byrow = TRUE
  nr <- nrow(M)
  nc <- ncol(M)


  directions <- c(315, 0, 45, 270, 90, 225, 180, 135)


  # Go Nortwest

  north.west.from <- as.vector(M[-1, -1])
  north.west.to <- as.vector(M[-nr, -nc])
  north.west.cost <- fun(DL[-1, -1], SL[-1, -1], directions[1], ...)


  # Go North

  north.from <- as.vector(M[-1, ])
  north.to <- as.vector(M[-nr, ])
  north.cost <- as.vector(fun(DL[-1, ], SL[-1, ], directions[2], ...))


  # Go Norteast

  north.east.from <- as.vector(M[-1, -nc])
  north.east.to <- as.vector(M[-nr, -1])
  north.east.cost <- as.vector(fun(DL[-1, -nc], SL[-1, -nc], directions[3], ...))


  # Go West

  west.from <- as.vector(M[, -1])
  west.to <- as.vector(M[, -nc])
  west.cost <- as.vector(fun(DL[, -1], SL[, -1], directions[4], ...))


  # Go East

  east.from <- as.vector(M[, -nc])
  east.to <- as.vector(M[, -1])
  east.cost <- as.vector(fun(DL[, -nc], SL[, -nc], directions[5], ...))


  # Go Southwest

  south.west.from <- as.vector(M[-nr, -1])
  south.west.to <- as.vector(M[-1, -nc])
  south.west.cost <- as.vector(fun(DL[-nr, -1], SL[-nr, -1], directions[6], ...))


  # Go South

  south.from <- as.vector(M[-nr, ])
  south.to <- as.vector(M[-1, ])
  south.cost <- as.vector(fun(DL[-nr, ], SL[-nr, ], directions[7], ...))


  # Go Southeast

  south.east.from <- as.vector(M[-nr, -nc])
  south.east.to <- as.vector(M[-1, -1])
  south.east.cost <- as.vector(fun(DL[-nr, -nc], SL[-nr, -nc], directions[8], ...))


  ii <- c(north.west.from, north.from, north.east.from, west.from, east.from, south.west.from, south.from, south.east.from)
  jj <- c(north.west.to, north.to, north.east.to, west.to, east.to, south.west.to, south.to, south.east.to)
  xx <- c(north.west.cost, north.cost, north.east.cost, west.cost, east.cost, south.west.cost, south.cost, south.east.cost)

  tl <- sparseMatrix(i = ii, j = jj, x = xx)
  if (output == "raw") {
  if (output == "transitionLayer") {
    tmp <- transition(stack$direction, transitionFunction = function(x) 0, directions = 8)
    transitionMatrix(tmp) <- sparseMatrix(i = ii, j = jj, x = 1 / xx)

#' Compute flow-based cost or conductance
#' \code{flow.dispersion} computes movement conductance through a flow either, sea
#' or wind currents. It implements the formula described in Felícisimo et al.
#' 2008:
#' Cost=(1/Speed)*(HorizontalFactor)
#' being HorizontalFactor a "function that incrementally penalized angular
#' deviations from the wind direction" (Felicísimo et al. 2008).
#' @param x RasterStack object with layers obtained from wind2raster
#' function ("rWind" package) with direction and speed flow values.
#' @param fun A function to compute the cost to move between cells. The default
#' is \code{cost.FMGS} from Felicísimo et al. (2008), see details.
#' @param output This argument allows to select different kinds of output. "raw"
#' mode creates a matrix (class "dgCMatrix") with transition costs between all
#' cells in the raster. "transitionLayer" creates a TransitionLayer object with
#' conductance values to be used with "gdistance" package.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @param wind.direction A vector or scalar containing wind directions.
#' @param wind.speed A vector or scalar containing wind speeds.
#' @param target direction of the target cell
#' @param type Could be either "passive" or "active".In "passive" mode,
#' movement against flow direction is not allowed (deviations from the wind
#' direction higher than 90). In "active" mode, the movement can go against flow
#' direction, by increasing the cost.
#' @return In "transitionLayer" output, the function returns conductance values
#' (1/cost)to move between all cells in a raster having into account flow speed
#' and direction obtained from wind.fit function("rWind" package). As wind or
#' sea currents implies directionality, flow.dispersion produces an anisotropic
#' conductance matrix (asymmetric). Conductance values are used later to built a
#' TransitionLayer object from "gdistance" package.
#' In "raw" output, flow.dispersion creates a sparse Matrix with cost values.
#' @note Note that for large data sets, it could take a while. For large study
#' areas is strongly advised perform the analysis in a remote computer or a
#' cluster.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López; Klaus Schliep; Yurena Arjona
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.dl}}, \code{\link{wind2raster}}
#' @references
#' Felicísimo, Á. M., Muñoz, J., & González-Solis, J. (2008). Ocean surface
#' winds drive dynamics of transoceanic aerial movements. PLoS One, 3(8),
#' e2928.
#' Jacob van Etten (2017). R Package gdistance: Distances and Routes on
#' Geographical Grids. Journal of Statistical Software, 76(13), 1-21.
#' doi:10.18637/jss.v076.i13
#' @keywords ~anisotropy ~conductance
#' @examples
#' require(gdistance)
#' data(wind.data)
#' wind <- wind2raster(wind.data)
#' Conductance <- flow.dispersion(wind, type = "passive")
#' transitionMatrix(Conductance)
#' image(transitionMatrix(Conductance))
#' @importClassesFrom raster RasterLayer
#' @importFrom raster ncell
#' @importMethodsFrom raster as.matrix
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @importFrom gdistance transition transitionMatrix<-
#' @export flow.dispersion
flow.dispersion <- function(x, fun = cost.FMGS, output = "transitionLayer", ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "RasterStack")) {
    return(flow.dispersion_int(x, fun = fun, output = output, ...))
  lapply(x, flow.dispersion_int, fun = fun, output = output, ...)

#' Transforming a rWind_series object into a data.frame
#' The output of tidy is always a data.frame. It is therefore suited for further
#' manipulation by packages like dplyr, reshape2, ggplot2 and ggvis.
#' @param x	An object to be converted into a tidy data.frame
#' @param ... extra arguments
#' @examples
#' data(wind.series)
#' df <- tidy(wind.series)
#' head(df)
#' \dontrun{
#' # use the tidyverse
#' library(dplyr)
#' mean_speed <- tidy(wind.series) %>%
#'   group_by(lat, lon) %>%
#'   summarise(speed = mean(speed))
#' wind_average2 <- wind.mean(wind.series)
#' all.equal(wind_average2$speed, mean_speed$speed)
#' }
#' @rdname tidy.rWind_series
#' @export tidy
tidy <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tidy")

#' @rdname tidy.rWind_series
#' @export
tidy.rWind_series <- function(x, ...) {
  l <- length(x)
  res <- x[[1]]
  if (l > 1) for (i in 2:l) res <- rbind(res, x[[i]])

#' Wind-data mean
#' wind.mean computes the mean (average) wind speed and wind direction of a time
#' series dataset of winds of the same region.
#' Summaries of time series are not trivial to compute. We compute the
#' arithmetic mean for the wind speed.
#' The direction as the circular mean, see
#' \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_mean}
#' for more details. The U and V components are afterwards transformed from
#' these values.
#' @param x An object of class \code{rWind_series}
#' @return An object of class \code{rWind}, which is a \code{data.frame}
#' @note For large time series, it could take a while.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López (jflopez.bio@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.dl}}
#' @references https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product
#' @keywords ~average ~mean
#' @examples
#' data(wind.series)
#' wind_average <- wind.mean(wind.series)
#' @export wind.mean
wind.mean <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "rWind_series")) stop("x needs to be of class rWind_series")

  tt <- as_datetime(names(x)[1])
  res <- cbind(tt, attr(x, "lat_lon"))

  x <- unclass(x)
  l <- length(x)
  tmpD <- tmpS <- matrix(0, nrow(x[[1]]), l)
  for (i in seq_len(l)) {
    tmp <- uv2ds(x[[i]][, 1], x[[i]][, 2])
    tmpD[, i] <- tmp[, 1]
    tmpS[, i] <- tmp[, 2]
  smean <- apply(tmpS, 1, mean)
  dmean <- apply(tmpD, 1, circ.mean)
  res <- cbind(res, ds2uv(dmean, smean), dmean, smean)

  colnames(res) <- c(
    "time", "lat", "lon", "ugrd10m", "vgrd10m", "dir",
  class(res) <- c("rWind", "data.frame")

# Some new and experimental functions to download OSCAR Sea Surface Velocity data
# https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/griddap/jplOscar_LonPM180.html
# https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/info/jplOscar_LonPM180/index.html
# This is a beta version, please use it carefully

oscar.fit_int <- function(tmpx) {
  tmpx <- cbind(tmpx[, 1], tmpx[, 3:6])
  ###### DIRECTION
  direction <- atan2(tmpx[, 4], tmpx[, 5])
  direction <- rad2deg(direction)
  dir_filter <- direction[!is.nan(direction)]
  dir_filter[dir_filter < 0] <- 360 + dir_filter[dir_filter < 0]
  direction[!is.nan(direction)] <- dir_filter
  ###### SPEED
  speed <- sqrt((tmpx[, 4] * tmpx[, 4]) + (tmpx[, 5] * tmpx[, 5]))
  names(tmpx) <- c("time", "lat", "lon", "u", "v")
  res <- cbind(tmpx, dir = direction, speed = speed)
  res <- res[with(res, order(-lat)), ]
  res[, 1] <- ymd_hms(res[, 1], truncated = 3)

#' OSCAR Sea currents data download
#' seaOscar.dl downloads sea currents data from the Ocean Surface Current Analyses Real-time (OSCAR)
#' (https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/info/jplOscar_LonPM180/index.html).
#' Geospatial resolution is 0.33 degrees and sea currents are calculated for
#' 15 m depth. CAUTION: OSCAR database has no data between 0 and 20 longitude
#' degrees. You can use SCUD database instead (coming soon...)
#' The output type is determined by type="csv" or type="read-data". If
#' type="csv" is selected, the function creates a "sea_yyyy_mm_dd.csv" file
#' that is downloaded at the work directory. If type="read-data" is selected,
#' an R object (data.frame) is created.
#' @param yyyy Selected year.
#' @param mm Selected month.
#' @param dd Selected day.
#' @param lon1 Western longitude
#' @param lon2 Eastern longitude
#' @param lat1 Northern latitude
#' @param lat2 Southern latitude
#' @param type Output type. "read-data" is selected by default, creating an R
#' object. If you choose "csv", seaOscar.dl create a a CSV file in your working
#' directory named "oscar_yyyy_mm_dd.csv".
#' @param trace if trace = 1 (by default) track downloaded files
#' @return "rWind" and "data.frame" class object or .csv file with U and V
#' vector  components and sea current direction and speed for each coordinate
#' in the study area defined by lon1/lon2 and lat1/lat2.
#' @author Javier Fernández-López (jflopez.bio@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \code{\link{wind.dl_2}}, \code{\link{wind2raster}}
#' @references
#' http://www.digital-geography.com/cloud-gis-getting-weather-data/#.WDOWmbV1DCL
#' https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/info/jplOscar_LonPM180/index.html
#' @keywords ~currents ~sea
#' @examples
#' # Download sea currents for Galapagos Islands
#' \dontrun{
#' seaOscar.dl(2015, 1, 1, -93, -88, 2, -3)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils write.table read.csv download.file
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd year month day hour
#' @rdname seaOscar.dl
#' @export seaOscar.dl

seaOscar.dl <- function(yyyy, mm, dd, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, type = "read-data", trace = 1) {
  type <- match.arg(type, c("read-data", "csv"))
  mm <- sprintf("%02d", mm)
  dd <- sprintf("%02d", dd)
  dt <- ymd(paste(yyyy, mm, dd, sep = "-"))
  yyyy_c <- year(dt)
  mm_c <- sprintf("%02d", month(dt))
  dd_c <- sprintf("%02d", day(dt))
  # tt_c <- sprintf("%02d", hour(dt))
  testDate <- paste(yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, sep = "")
  if (trace) {
    print(paste(ymd(paste(yyyy_c, mm_c, dd_c, sep = "-")),
      sep = " "
      url_dir <- paste("https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/griddap/jplOscar_LonPM180.csv?u[(",
        yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T00:00:00Z):1:(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c,
        "T00:00:00Z)][(15.0):1:(15.0)][(", lat1, "):1:(", lat2,
        ")][(", lon1, "):1:(", lon2, ")],v[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c,
        "T00:00:00Z):1:(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T00:00:00Z)][(15.0):1:(15.0)][(",
        lat1, "):1:(", lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):1:(", lon2, ")],um[(",
        yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c, "T00:00:00Z):1:(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c,
        "-", dd_c, "T00:00:00Z)][(15.0):1:(15.0)][(", lat1, "):1:(",
        lat2, ")][(", lon1, "):1:(", lon2, ")],vm[(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c,
        "-", dd_c, "T00:00:00Z):1:(", yyyy_c, "-", mm_c, "-", dd_c,
        "T00:00:00Z)][(15.0):1:(15.0)][(", lat1, "):1:(", lat2,
        ")][(", lon1, "):1:(", lon2, ")]",
        sep = ""

      tmp <- read.csv(url_dir,
        header = FALSE, skip = 2,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      tmp <- oscar.fit_int(tmp)
      if (type == "csv") {
        fname <- paste("oscar_", yyyy_c, "_", mm_c, "_",
          dd_c, "_", ".csv",
          sep = ""
        write.table(tmp, fname,
          sep = ",", row.names = FALSE,
          col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE
    error = function(e) {
      cat("ERROR: database not found. Please, check server\n                      connection, date or geographical ranges \n")
    warning = function(w) {
      cat("ERROR: database not found. Please, check server\n                        connection, date or geographical ranges  \n")
  class(tmp) <- c("rWind", "data.frame")

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rWind documentation built on Oct. 19, 2021, 5:06 p.m.