
Defines functions dicom_standard_web dicom_standard_version dicom_standard_timestamp dicom_singleton_header_fields num_slices.dicomdata img_dimensions.dicomdata header_fields.dicomdata dicom_validate_has_field dicom_validate_keyword dicom_validate_tag dicom_validate_group_element validate_metadata.dicomdata header_value.dicomdata dicom_header_as_matrix dicom_constant_header_values dicom_all_valid_header_keywords dicom_all_valid_header_names dicom_all_valid_header_tags validate_hex dicom_header_tag case_insensitive_search dicom_search_header_keywords dicom_search_header_names

Documented in dicom_all_valid_header_keywords dicom_all_valid_header_names dicom_all_valid_header_tags dicom_constant_header_values dicom_header_as_matrix dicom_header_tag dicom_search_header_keywords dicom_search_header_names dicom_standard_timestamp dicom_standard_version dicom_standard_web dicom_validate_group_element dicom_validate_has_field dicom_validate_keyword dicom_validate_tag header_fields.dicomdata header_value.dicomdata

#' Get the website used to load the DICOM standard for this package
#' @return Web URL for DICOM standard
#' @export
dicom_standard_web <- function() {web_dicom_standard}

#' Get the version of the DICOM standard assumed by validation functions
#' @return DICOM standard version
#' @export
dicom_standard_version <- function() {version_dicom_standard}

#' Get the time at which the DICOM standard was loaded from the web for this package
#' @return Timestamp
#' @export
dicom_standard_timestamp <- function() {timestamp_dicom_standard}

# Get header field names that are unique in the DICOM header for the given slice
dicom_singleton_header_fields <- function(dicom_data, slice_idx) {
  fields <- dicom_data$hdr[[1]]$name
  fields[sapply(fields, function(x) sum(fields == x) == 1)]

#' @method num_slices dicomdata
#' @export
num_slices.dicomdata <- function(img_data) {

#' @method img_dimensions dicomdata
#' @export
img_dimensions.dicomdata <- function(img_data) {
  if(num_slices(img_data) == 0) NA
  else dim(img_data_to_mat(img_data))

#' Get the names of DICOM header fields for an image series.
#' If field names are repeated within a single header, these duplicate
#' fields are omitted from the return value. If slices have different
#' header fields, this function returns the union across slices of
#' all field names.
#' @param img_data DICOM data returned by \code{\link{read_dicom}}
#' @return Vector of header field names
#' @method header_fields dicomdata
#' @export
header_fields.dicomdata <- function(img_data) {
  fields <- dicom_singleton_header_fields(img_data, 1)
  for(i in 2:length(img_data$hdr)) {
    fields <- union(fields, dicom_singleton_header_fields(img_data, i))

#' Check that a field exists in DICOM header
#' @param dicom_data DICOM data
#' @param field Field name
#' @keywords internal
dicom_validate_has_field <- function(dicom_data, field) {
  if(!field %in% header_fields(dicom_data)) {
    stop(paste("Field does not exist in DICOM header or is duplicated within individual slices:", field))

#' Validate a header keyword against the DICOM standard
#' @param keyword Keyword
#' @param stop If true, raise error when validation fails. If false, raise warning.
#' @keywords internal
dicom_validate_keyword <- function(keyword, stop = TRUE) {
  if(!keyword %in% dicom_all_valid_header_keywords()) {
    msg <- paste("Header keyword does not conform to DICOM standard ", dicom_standard_version(),": ", keyword, sep = "")
    if(stop) stop(msg) else warning(msg, immediate. = T)

#' Validate a header tag against the DICOM standard
#' @param tag Tag
#' @param stop If true, raise error when validation fails. If false, raise warning.
#' @keywords internal
dicom_validate_tag <- function(tag, stop = TRUE) {
  if(!tag %in% dicom_all_valid_header_tags()) {
    msg <- paste("Header tag does not conform to DICOM standard ", dicom_standard_version(),": ", tag, sep = "")
    if(stop) stop(msg) else warning(msg, immediate. = T)

#' Validate a header group and element against the DICOM standard
#' @param group Group
#' @param element Element
#' @param stop If true, raise error when validation fails. If false, raise warning.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @keywords internal
dicom_validate_group_element <- function(group, element, stop = TRUE) {
  if(!dicom_header_tag(group, element) %in% dicom_all_valid_header_tags()) {
    msg <- paste("Header group and element do not conform to DICOM standard ",
                 dicom_standard_version(), ": (", group, ",", element, ")", sep = "")
    if(stop) stop(msg) else warning(msg, immediate. = T)

#' @method validate_metadata dicomdata
validate_metadata.dicomdata <- function(img_data, stop = TRUE) {
  elts <- data.frame(group = character(), element = character(), name = character())
  for(i in length(img_data$hdr)) {
    elts <- rbind(elts, dicom_header_as_matrix(img_data, i) %>% select(group, element, name))
  elts <- elts %>% unique()
  for(i in 1:nrow(elts)) {
    group <- elts[i, "group"]
    element <- elts[i, "element"]
    name <- elts[i, "name"]
      dicom_validate_group_element(group, element)
    }, error = function(e) {
      msg <- paste("Header field does not conform to DICOM standard ", dicom_standard_version(),
                   ": (", group, ",", element, "): ", name, sep = "")
      if(stop) stop(msg)

#' Get vector of header values for each DICOM slice for a header field
#' @param img_data DICOM data returned by \code{\link{read_dicom}}
#' @param field Header field keyword e.g. "PatientName"
#' @return Vector of header values. Numeric values are converted to numbers.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Hmisc all.is.numeric
#' @method header_value dicomdata
header_value.dicomdata <- function(img_data, field) {
  dicom_validate_has_field(img_data, field)
  val <- oro.dicom::extractHeader(img_data$hdr, field, numeric = FALSE)
  if(Hmisc::all.is.numeric(val)) as.numeric(val) else val

globalVariables(c("group", "element", "name", "count", "n_name", "code", "value"))

#' Get the header information as a matrix
#' @param dicom_data DICOM data returned by \code{\link{read_dicom}}
#' @param slice_idx 1-based slice index. If NA, all slices will be included. Won't work if
#' multiple slices are included in only one image file.
#' @return Data frame containing one record for each header attribute. Note that
#' if all slices are included, fields that appear more than once (including tag and name)
#' in a given slice header will be excluded from the values reported for that slice.
#' Each column contains all header attributes for one slice, therefore, values are
#' represented as strings even if they are conceptually numeric.
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @importFrom dplyr summarize
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr vars
#' @importFrom dplyr funs
#' @importFrom dplyr full_join
#' @importFrom dplyr n
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' data(sample_dicom_img)
#' dicom_header_as_matrix(sample_dicom_img)
#' @export
dicom_header_as_matrix <- function(dicom_data, slice_idx = NA) {
  if(!is.na(slice_idx)) dicom_data$hdr[[slice_idx]] %>% unique()
  else {

    process_slice <- function(slice) {
      col_nm <- paste("slice_", slice, sep = "")
      mat <- dicom_header_as_matrix(dicom_data, slice_idx = slice)
      # Only keep fields that appear once
      unique_fields <-
        mat %>%
        dplyr::group_by(group, element, name) %>%
        dplyr::summarize(count = dplyr::n()) %>%
        dplyr::filter(count == 1)
      mat %>%
        dplyr::select(group, element, name, code, value) %>%
        dplyr::rename_at(dplyr::vars(value), dplyr::funs(paste0(col_nm))) %>%
        dplyr::filter(name %in% unique_fields$name)

    rtrn <- process_slice(1)
    ns <- length(dicom_data$hdr)
    if(ns > 1) {
      for(i in 2:ns) {
        rtrn <- rtrn %>% dplyr::full_join(process_slice(i), by = c("group", "element", "name", "code"))



#' Get the values of header attributes that are constant across slices
#' @param dicom_data DICOM data returned by \code{\link{read_dicom}}
#' @return List of field values that are constant across all slices. List identifiers
#' are field names and values are the common attribute values. Fields that are included
#' more than once in the header are excluded from the return list.
#' @param numeric Convert number values to numeric instead of strings
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @importFrom dplyr summarize
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr n
#' @importFrom Hmisc all.is.numeric
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' data(sample_dicom_img)
#' dicom_constant_header_values(sample_dicom_img)
#' @export
dicom_constant_header_values <- function(dicom_data, numeric = TRUE) {
  # Function to get unique slice values for a row
  unique_vals <- function(row) {
    unique(unlist(row[sapply(names(row), function(x) grepl("^slice_", x))]))
  mat <- dicom_header_as_matrix(dicom_data, slice_idx = NA)
  # Remove repeat field names
  mat <- mat[
    which(mat$name %in%
            (mat %>%
               dplyr::group_by(name) %>%
               dplyr::summarize(n_name = dplyr::n()) %>%
               dplyr::filter(n_name == 1))$name),]
  # List to return
  rtrn <- list()
  # Process each row
  for(i in 1:nrow(mat)) {
    uvals <- unique_vals(mat[i,])
    if(length(uvals) == 1) {
      nm <- mat[i,"name"]
      val <- uvals[1]
      if(numeric && Hmisc::all.is.numeric(val)) val <- as.numeric(val)
      rtrn[[nm]] <- val
  # Return the list

#' Get all valid DICOM header keywords
#' @return Vector of all possible header keywords (e.g. "PatientName") from the DICOM standard
#' @export
dicom_all_valid_header_keywords <- function() {

#' Get all valid DICOM header names
#' @return Vector of all possible header keywords (e.g. "Patient's Name") from the DICOM standard
#' @export
dicom_all_valid_header_names <- function() {

#' Get all valid DICOM header tags
#' @return Vector of all possible header tags (e.g. "(0008,0020)") from the DICOM standard
#' @export
dicom_all_valid_header_tags <- function() {

# Check that a string is a 4-digit hex representation
validate_hex <- function(str) {
  if(!grepl("[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}", str)) {
    stop(paste("Not a valid 4-digit hex number:", str))

#' Get DICOM header tag string corresponding to a group and element
#' @param group Group e.g. "0008"
#' @param element Element e.g. "0020"
#' @return The tag e.g. "(0008,0020)"
#' @examples
#' dicom_header_tag("0008", "0020")
#' @export
dicom_header_tag <- function(group, element) {
  paste("(", group, ",", element, ")", sep = "")

case_insensitive_search <- function(vec, pat) {
  vec[sapply(vec, function(x) grepl(pat, x, ignore.case = T))]

#' Search header keywords in the DICOM standard for matches to a string
#' @param str String to search for (case insensitive)
#' @return Vector of header keywords (e.g. "PatientName") matching the string
#' @examples
#' dicom_search_header_keywords("manufacturer")
#' @export
dicom_search_header_keywords <- function(str) {
  case_insensitive_search(dicom_all_valid_header_keywords(), str)

#' Search header names in the DICOM standard for matches to a string
#' @param str String to search for (case insensitive)
#' @return Vector of header names (e.g. "Patient's Name") matching the string
#' @examples
#' dicom_search_header_names("manufacturer")
#' @export
dicom_search_header_names <- function(str) {
  case_insensitive_search(dicom_all_valid_header_names(), str)

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