
Defines functions `randomNames`

#* @get /randomNames
`randomNames` <-
        name.sep=", ",
        return.complete.data=FALSE) {

        .N <- V1 <- first_name <- last_name <- NULL ## To prevent R CMD check warnings

        first_names <- function(tmp.gender, tmp.ethnicity, tmp.number) {
                tmp <- randomNames::randomNamesData[[paste("first_names_e", tmp.ethnicity, "_g", tmp.gender, sep="")]]
                suppressWarnings(sample(rownames(tmp), tmp.number, replace=sample.with.replacement, prob=tmp))

        last_names <- function(tmp.ethnicity, tmp.number) {
                tmp <- randomNames::randomNamesData[[paste("last_names_e", tmp.ethnicity, sep="")]]
                suppressWarnings(sample(rownames(tmp), tmp.number, replace=sample.with.replacement, prob=tmp))

        if (missing(n) & missing(gender) & missing(ethnicity)) n <- 1
        if (missing(n)) n <- 1
        if (n < 1) {
                message("\tNOTE: Please supply a positive integer for the argument n.")
        if (missing(gender)) gender <- NA
        if (missing(ethnicity)) ethnicity <- NA

        tmp.length <- max(n, length(gender), length(ethnicity), na.rm=TRUE)
        if (is.na(tmp.length)) tmp.length <- 1

        if (missing(gender)) gender <- round(runif(tmp.length))
        if (missing(ethnicity)) ethnicity <- round(runif(tmp.length,min=1,max=5))

        gender <- rep(gender, length.out=tmp.length)
        ethnicity <- rep(ethnicity, length.out=tmp.length)

        if (!all(gender %in% c(NA,0,1))) {
                tmp <- rep(NA, length(gender))
                tmp[grep("Male|M", gender, ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 0
                tmp[grep("Female|F", gender, ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 1
                gender <- tmp

        if (!all(ethnicity %in% c(NA,1:6))) {
                tmp <- rep(NA, length(ethnicity))
                tmp[grep("Indian|Alaska|Native American", ethnicity, ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 1
                tmp[grep("Hawaii|Pacific|Asian", ethnicity, ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 2
                tmp[grep("Black|African", ethnicity, ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 3
                tmp[grep("Latino|Hispanic", ethnicity, ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 4
                tmp[grep("White|Caucasian", ethnicity, ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 5
                tmp[grep("Middle|Arabic", ethnicity, ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 6
                ethnicity <- tmp

        gender[is.na(gender)] <- sample(0:1, length(gender[is.na(gender)]), replace=TRUE)
        ethnicity[is.na(ethnicity)] <- sample(1:6, length(ethnicity[is.na(ethnicity)]), replace=TRUE)

        tmp.dt <- data.table(seq.int(tmp.length), gender, ethnicity)
        setkeyv(tmp.dt, c("gender", "ethnicity"))

        if (which.names=="first" | which.names=="both") {
                tmp.dt[,first_name:=first_names(gender, ethnicity, .N), by=list(gender, ethnicity)]

        if (which.names=="last" | which.names=="both") {
                tmp.dt[,last_name:=last_names(ethnicity, .N), by=list(ethnicity)]

        setkey(tmp.dt, V1)
        if (!return.complete.data) {
                if (which.names=="first") return(tmp.dt$first_name)
                if (which.names=="last") return(tmp.dt$last_name)
                if (which.names=="both" & name.order=="last.first") return(paste(tmp.dt$last_name, tmp.dt$first_name, sep=name.sep))
                if (which.names=="both" & name.order=="first.last") return(paste(tmp.dt$first_name, tmp.dt$last_name, sep=name.sep))
        } else {
                tmp.dt[,intersect(names(tmp.dt), c("ethnicity", "gender", "last_name", "first_name")), with=FALSE]

} ## END randomNames Function

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randomNames documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:51 a.m.