
# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : January 2009
# Version 0.9
# Licence GPL v3

# .getGDALtransient <- function(r, filename, options, NAflag, ...)  {

	# require(rgdal)

	# .GDALnodatavalue <- function(x){
		# if (x == 'Float32') return(-3.4E38)
		# if (x == 'Float64') return(-1.7E308)
		# if (x == 'Int32') return(-2147483647)
		# if (x == 'Int16') return(-32768)
		# if (x == 'Int8') return(-128)
		# if (x == 'Byte') return(255)
		# if (x == 'UInt16') return(65535)
		# if (x == 'UInt32') return(2147483647) #(4294967295) <- not supported as integer in R
		# stop('cannot find matching nodata value')
	# }

    # nbands <- nlayers(r)
	# ct <- colortable(r)
	# if (length(ct) > 0 ) {
		# hasCT <- TRUE
		# if (is.null(list(...)$datatype)) {
			# datatype <- 'INT1U'
		# } else {
			# datatype <- .datatype(...)
		# }
	# } else {
		# hasCT <- FALSE
		# datatype <- .datatype(...)
	# }
	# isFact <- is.factor(r)
	# if (any(isFact)) {
		# v <- levels(r)
	# }
	# r <- raster(r)

	# overwrite <- .overwrite(...)
	# gdalfiletype <- .filetype(filename=filename, ...)

	# .isSupportedFormat(gdalfiletype)
	# if (filename == "") {	
		# stop('provide a filename')	
	# }

	# if (file.exists( filename))  {
		# if (!overwrite) {
			# stop("filename exists; use overwrite=TRUE")
		# } else if (!file.remove( filename)) {
			# stop("cannot delete existing file; permission denied.")
		# }
	# }	

	# dataformat <- .getGdalDType(datatype, gdalfiletype)
	# if (dataformat != 'Byte') hasCT <- FALSE
	# if (missing(NAflag)) { 
		# NAflag <- .GDALnodatavalue(dataformat) 
	# }
	# if (gdalfiletype=='GTiff') {
		# bytes <- ncell(r) * dataSize(datatype) * nbands
		# if (bytes > (4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1000) ) {  # ~ 4GB
			# options <- c(options, 'BIGTIFF=YES')
		# }
		# options <- c(options, "COMPRESS=LZW")
	# }

	# driver <- methods::new("GDALDriver", gdalfiletype)
    # transient <- try( methods::new("GDALTransientDataset", driver=driver, rows=r@nrows, cols=r@ncols, bands=nbands, type=dataformat, fname=filename, options=options, handle=NULL), silent=TRUE)
 	# if ( inherits(transient, "try-error")) {
		# if (dataformat == "Float64") {
			# dataformat <- "Float32"
		# }
	    # transient <- methods::new("GDALTransientDataset", driver=driver, rows=r@nrows, cols=r@ncols, bands=nbands, type=dataformat, fname=filename, options=options, handle=NULL)
	# }

	# for (i in 1:nbands) {
		# b <- methods::new("GDALRasterBand", transient, i)
		# rgdal::GDALcall(b, "SetNoDataValue", NAflag)
		# if (hasCT) {
			# rgdal::GDALcall(b, "SetRasterColorTable", ct)
		# }
		# if (isFact[i]) {
			# vv <- v[[i]]
			# if (NCOL(vv) > 1) {
				# rn <- data.frame(IDID=0:max(vv[,1]))
				# rnvv <- merge(rn, vv, by=1, all.x=TRUE)
				# rnvv <- rnvv[order(rnvv[,1]), ]
				# cnms <- as.character(rnvv[,2])
				# cnms[is.na(cnms)] <- ''
				# rgdal::GDALcall(b, "SetCategoryNames", cnms)
			# }
		# }
	# }
	# if (rotated(r)) {
		# gt <- r@rotation@geotrans
	# } else {
		# #if (flip) {
		# #	gt <- c(xmin(r), xres(r), 0, 0, ymax(r), yres(r))		
		# #	cat('flipping (this creates an invalid RasterLayer)\n')
		# #} else {
		# gt <- c(xmin(r), xres(r), 0, ymax(r), 0, -yres(r))
		# #}
	# }

	# rgdal::GDALcall(transient, "SetGeoTransform", gt)
	# if (.useproj6() & !is.na(r@crs)) {
		# if (!is.na(r@crs)) {
			# cmt <- attr(r@crs, "comment")
			# if (is.null(cmt)) {
				# r@crs <- sp::CRS(r@crs@projargs)
			# }
		# }
		# rgdal::GDALcall(transient, "SetProjectWkt", r@crs) 
	# } else {
		# prj <- proj4string(r)
		# rgdal::GDALcall(transient, "SetProject", prj) 
	# }
	# if (is.null(options)) {
		# options <- ''
	# }
	# return(list(transient, NAflag, options, dataformat))
# }

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