
Defines functions render_animation

Documented in render_animation

#' Render Animation
#' Takes the scene description and renders an image, either to the device or to a filename. 
#' @param scene Tibble of object locations and properties. 
#' @param camera_motion Data frame of camera motion vectors, calculated with `generate_camera_motion()`.
#' @param start_frame Default `1`. Frame to start the animation. 
#' @param end_frame Default `NA`. By default, this is set to `nrow(camera_motion)`, the full number of frames.
#' @param width Default `400`. Width of the render, in pixels.
#' @param height Default `400`. Height of the render, in pixels.
#' @param preview Default `interactive()`. Whether to display a realtime progressive preview of the render. Press ESC to cancel the render.
#' @param samples Default `100`. The maximum number of samples for each pixel. If this is a length-2
#' vector and the `sample_method` is `stratified`, this will control the number of strata in each dimension.
#' The total number of samples in this case will be the product of the two numbers.
#' @param camera_description_file Default `NA`. Filename of a camera description file for rendering with
#' a realistic camera. Several camera files are built-in: `"50mm"`,`"wide"`,`"fisheye"`, and `"telephoto"`.
#' @param camera_scale Default `1`. Amount to scale the camera up or down in size. Use this rather than scaling a 
#' scene.
#' @param iso Default `100`. Camera exposure.
#' @param film_size Default `22`, in `mm` (scene units in `m`. Size of the film if using a realistic camera, otherwise
#' ignored.
#' @param min_variance Default `0.00005`. Minimum acceptable variance for a block of pixels for the 
#' adaptive sampler. Smaller numbers give higher quality images, at the expense of longer rendering times.
#' If this is set to zero, the adaptive sampler will be turned off and the renderer
#' will use the maximum number of samples everywhere.
#' @param min_adaptive_size Default `8`. Width of the minimum block size in the adaptive sampler.
#' @param sample_method Default `sobol`. The type of sampling method used to generate
#' random numbers. The other options are `random` (worst quality but simple), 
#' `stratified` (only implemented for completion), 
#' and `sobol_blue` (best option for sample counts below 256). 
#' @param ambient_occlusion Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the animation will be rendered with the ambient
#' occlusion renderer. This uses the background color specified in `backgroundhigh`
#' @param sample_dist Default `10`. Ambient occlusion sampling distance.
#' @param keep_colors Default `FALSE`. Whether to keep the diffuse material colors.
#' @param max_depth Default `50`. Maximum number of bounces a ray can make in a scene.
#' @param roulette_active_depth Default `10`. Number of ray bounces until a ray can stop bouncing via
#' Russian roulette.
#' @param ambient_light Default `FALSE`, unless there are no emitting objects in the scene. 
#' If `TRUE`, the background will be a gradient varying from `backgroundhigh` directly up (+y) to 
#' `backgroundlow` directly down (-y).
#' @param clamp_value Default `Inf`. If a bright light or a reflective material is in the scene, occasionally
#' there will be bright spots that will not go away even with a large number of samples. These 
#' can be removed (at the cost of slightly darkening the image) by setting this to a small number greater than 1. 
#' @param filename Default `NULL`. If present, the renderer will write to the filename instead
#' of the current device.
#' @param backgroundhigh Default `#ffffff`. The "high" color in the background gradient. Can be either
#' a hexadecimal code, or a numeric rgb vector listing three intensities between `0` and `1`.
#' @param backgroundlow Default `#ffffff`. The "low" color in the background gradient. Can be either
#' a hexadecimal code, or a numeric rgb vector listing three intensities between `0` and `1`.
#' @param shutteropen Default `0`. Time at which the shutter is open. Only affects moving objects.
#' @param shutterclose Default `1`. Time at which the shutter is open. Only affects moving objects.
#' @param focal_distance Default `NULL`, automatically set to the `lookfrom-lookat` distance unless
#' otherwise specified.
#' @param ortho_dimensions Default `c(1,1)`. Width and height of the orthographic camera. Will only be used if `fov = 0`. 
#' @param tonemap Default `gamma`. Choose the tone mapping function,
#' Default `gamma` solely adjusts for gamma and clamps values greater than 1 to 1. 
#' `reinhold` scales values by their individual color channels `color/(1+color)` and then performs the 
#' gamma adjustment. `uncharted` uses the mapping developed for Uncharted 2 by John Hable. `hbd` uses an
#' optimized formula by Jim Hejl and Richard Burgess-Dawson. Note: If set to anything other than `gamma`,
#' objects with material `light()` may not be anti-aliased. If `raw`, the raw array of HDR values will be
#' returned, rather than an image or a plot.
#' @param bloom Default `TRUE`. Set to `FALSE` to get the raw, pathtraced image. Otherwise,
#' this performs a convolution of the HDR image of the scene with a sharp, long-tailed
#' exponential kernel, which does not visibly affect dimly pixels, but does result in emitters light
#' slightly bleeding into adjacent pixels. This provides an antialiasing effect for lights, even when
#' tonemapping the image. Pass in a matrix to specify the convolution kernel manually, or a positive number
#' to control the intensity of the bloom (higher number = more bloom).
#' @param environment_light Default `NULL`. An image to be used for the background for rays that escape
#' the scene. Supports both HDR (`.hdr`) and low-dynamic range (`.png`, `.jpg`) images.
#' @param rotate_env Default `0`. The number of degrees to rotate the environment map around the scene.
#' @param intensity_env Default `1`. The amount to increase the intensity of the environment lighting. Useful
#' if using a LDR (JPEG or PNG) image as an environment map.
#' @param debug_channel Default `none`. If `depth`, function will return a depth map of rays into the scene 
#' instead of an image. If `normals`, function will return an image of scene normals, mapped from 0 to 1.
#' If `uv`, function will return an image of the uv coords. If `variance`, function will return an image 
#' showing the number of samples needed to take for each block to converge. If `dpdu` or `dpdv`, function will return
#' an image showing the differential `u` and `u` coordinates. If `color`, function will return the raw albedo
#' values (with white for `metal` and `dielectric` materials). If `preview`, an image rendered with `render_preview()` 
#' will be returned. Can set to `ao` to render an animation with the ambient occlusion renderer.
#' @param return_raw_array Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, function will return raw array with RGB intensity
#' information.
#' @param parallel Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, it will use all available cores to render the image
#'  (or the number specified in `options("cores")` if that option is not `NULL`).
#' @param bvh_type Default `"sah"`, "surface area heuristic". Method of building the bounding volume
#' hierarchy structure used when rendering. Other option is "equal", which splits tree into groups
#' of equal size.
#' @param progress Default `TRUE` if interactive session, `FALSE` otherwise. 
#' @param preview_light_direction Default `c(0,-1,0)`. Vector specifying the orientation for the global light using for phong shading.
#' @param preview_exponent Default `6`. Phong exponent.  
#' @param verbose Default `FALSE`. Prints information and timing information about scene
#' construction and raytracing progress.
#' @param sample_dist Default `10`. Sample distance if `debug_channel = "ao"`.
#' @param transparent_background Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, any initial camera rays that escape the scene
#' will be marked as transparent in the final image. If for a pixel some rays escape and others hit a surface,
#' those pixels will be partially transparent. 
#' @export
#' @importFrom  grDevices col2rgb
#' @return Raytraced plot to current device, or an image saved to a file. 
#' @examples
#' #Create and animate flying through a scene on a simulated roller coaster
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' set.seed(3)
#' elliplist = list()
#' ellip_colors = rainbow(8)
#' for(i in 1:1200) {
#'   elliplist[[i]] = ellipsoid(x=10*runif(1)-5,y=10*runif(1)-5,z=10*runif(1)-5,
#'                              angle = 360*runif(3), a=0.1,b=0.05,c=0.1,
#'                              material=glossy(color=sample(ellip_colors,1)))
#' }
#' ellip_scene = do.call(rbind, elliplist)
#' camera_pos = list(c(0,1,15),c(5,-5,5),c(-5,5,-5),c(0,1,-15))
#' #Plot the camera path and render from above using the path object:
#' generate_ground(material=diffuse(checkercolor="grey20"),depth=-10) %>% 
#'   add_object(ellip_scene) %>% 
#'   add_object(sphere(y=50,radius=10,material=light(intensity=30))) %>% 
#'   add_object(path(camera_pos, material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
#'   render_scene(lookfrom=c(0,20,0), width=800,height=800,samples=32,
#'                camera_up = c(0,0,1),
#'                fov=80)
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Side view     
#' generate_ground(material=diffuse(checkercolor="grey20"),depth=-10) %>% 
#'   add_object(ellip_scene) %>% 
#'   add_object(sphere(y=50,radius=10,material=light(intensity=30))) %>% 
#'   add_object(path(camera_pos, material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
#'   render_scene(lookfrom=c(20,0,0),width=800,height=800,samples=32,
#'                  fov=80)
#'  }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #View from the start        
#' generate_ground(material=diffuse(checkercolor="grey20"),depth=-10) %>% 
#'   add_object(ellip_scene) %>% 
#'   add_object(sphere(y=50,radius=10,material=light(intensity=30))) %>% 
#'   add_object(path(camera_pos, material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
#'   render_scene(lookfrom=c(0,1.5,16),width=800,height=800,samples=32,
#'                  fov=80)
#'  }
#' if(run_documentation()) {             
#' #Generate Camera movement, setting the lookat position to be same as camera position, but offset
#' #slightly in front. We'll render 12 frames, but you'd likely want more in a real animation.
#' camera_motion =  generate_camera_motion(positions = camera_pos, lookats = camera_pos, 
#'                                         offset_lookat = 1, fovs=80, frames=12,
#'                                         type="bezier") 
#' #This returns a data frame of individual camera positions, interpolated by cubic bezier curves.
#' camera_motion
#' #Pass NA filename to plot to the device. We'll keep the path and offset it slightly to see
#' #where we're going. This results in a "roller coaster" effect.
#' generate_ground(material=diffuse(checkercolor="grey20"),depth=-10) %>% 
#'   add_object(ellip_scene) %>% 
#'   add_object(sphere(y=50,radius=10,material=light(intensity=30))) %>% 
#'   add_object(obj_model(r_obj(),x=10,y=-5,z=10,scale=7, angle=c(-45,-45,0), 
#'                        material=dielectric(attenuation=c(1,1,0.3)))) %>% 
#'   add_object(pig(x=-7,y=10,z=-5,scale=1,angle=c(0,-45,80),emotion="angry")) %>% 
#'   add_object(pig(x=0,y=-0.25,z=-15,scale=1,angle=c(30,225,30),
#'                  emotion="angry", spider=TRUE)) %>% 
#'   add_object(path(camera_pos, y=-0.2,material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
#'   render_animation(filename = NA, camera_motion = camera_motion, samples=100,
#'                    sample_method="sobol_blue", 
#'                    clamp_value=10, width=400, height=400)
#' }
render_animation = function(scene, camera_motion, start_frame = 1, end_frame = NA,
                            width = 400, height = 400, 
                            preview = interactive(), camera_description_file = NA, 
                            camera_scale = 1, iso = 100, film_size = 22, 
                            samples = 100, min_variance = 0.00005, min_adaptive_size = 8,
                            sample_method = "sobol", 
                            ambient_occlusion = FALSE, keep_colors = FALSE,  sample_dist = 10,
                            max_depth = 50, roulette_active_depth = 10,
                            ambient_light = FALSE, 
                            clamp_value = Inf,
                            filename = NA, backgroundhigh = "#80b4ff",backgroundlow = "#ffffff",
                            shutteropen = 0.0, shutterclose = 1.0, focal_distance=NULL, ortho_dimensions = c(1,1),
                            tonemap ="gamma", bloom = TRUE, parallel=TRUE, bvh_type = "sah",
                            environment_light = NULL, rotate_env = 0, intensity_env = 1,
                            debug_channel = "none", return_raw_array = FALSE,
                            progress = interactive(), verbose = FALSE, transparent_background = FALSE,
                            preview_light_direction = c(0,-1,0), preview_exponent = 6) { 
  if(ambient_occlusion) {
    debug_channel = "ao"
  write_file = TRUE
  if(is.na(filename)) {
    write_file = FALSE
  scene_list = prepare_scene_list(scene = scene, width = width, height = height, fov = 0, 
                                  samples = samples,  camera_description_file = camera_description_file, 
                                  camera_scale = camera_scale, iso = iso, film_size = film_size,
                                  min_variance = min_variance, min_adaptive_size = min_adaptive_size,
                                  sample_method = sample_method, 
                                  max_depth = max_depth, roulette_active_depth = roulette_active_depth,
                                  ambient_light = ambient_light, 
                                  lookfrom = c(0,1,10), lookat = c(0,0,0), camera_up = c(0,1,0), 
                                  aperture = 0, clamp_value = clamp_value,
                                  filename = filename, backgroundhigh = backgroundhigh, backgroundlow = backgroundlow,
                                  shutteropen = shutteropen, shutterclose = shutterclose, 
                                  focal_distance = focal_distance, ortho_dimensions = ortho_dimensions,
                                  tonemap = tonemap, bloom = bloom, parallel=parallel, bvh_type = bvh_type,
                                  environment_light = environment_light, rotate_env = rotate_env, 
                                  intensity_env = intensity_env,
                                  debug_channel = debug_channel, return_raw_array = return_raw_array,
                                  progress = progress, verbose = verbose, sample_dist = sample_dist,
                                  keep_colors = keep_colors)
  camera_info = scene_list$camera_info
  scene_info = scene_list$scene_info
  render_info = scene_list$render_info
  processed_scene = scene_info$scene
  camera_info$preview = preview
  camera_info$interactive = FALSE
  if(!is.na(camera_description_file)) {
    camera_description_file = switch(camera_description_file, 
                                     "50mm" = system.file("extdata","dgauss.50mm.txt",
                                     "wide" = system.file("extdata","wide.22mm.txt",
                                     "fisheye" = system.file("extdata","fisheye.10mm.txt",
                                     "telephoto" = system.file("extdata","telephoto.250mm.txt",
    if(file.exists(camera_description_file)) {
      camera_motion$fov = -1
    } else {
      warning("Camera description file `", camera_description_file, "` not found. Ignoring.")
  if(is.na(filename)) {
    filename = ""
  #Camera Movement Info
  if(filename != "") {
    filename_str = paste0(filename,1:nrow(camera_motion),".png")
  } else {
    filename_str = rep("", length(1:nrow(camera_motion)))

  toneval = switch(tonemap, "gamma" = 1,"reinhold" = 2,"uncharted" = 3,"hbd" = 4, "raw" = 5)
  if(is.na(end_frame)) {
    end_frame = nrow(camera_motion)
  stopifnot(end_frame <= nrow(camera_motion))
  #Animate Scene
  rgb_mat = render_animation_rcpp(scene = processed_scene, camera_info = camera_info, scene_info = scene_info, 
                                  render_info = render_info,
                                  camera_movement = camera_motion,
                                  start_frame = start_frame - 1, end_frame = end_frame, filenames = filename_str, post_process_frame  = post_process_frame,
                                  toneval=toneval, bloom = bloom, write_image = write_file,
                                  transparent_background = transparent_background) 

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rayrender documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:31 p.m.