
Defines functions add_water

Documented in add_water

#'@title Add Water
#'@description Adds a layer of water to a map.
#'@param hillshade A three-dimensional RGB array.
#'@param watermap Matrix indicating whether water was detected at that point. 1 indicates water, 0 indicates no water.
#'@param color Default `imhof1`. The water fill color. A hexcode or recognized color string. 
#'Also includes built-in colors to match the palettes included in sphere_shade: 
#'(`imhof1`,`imhof2`,`imhof3`,`imhof4`, `desert`, `bw`, and `unicorn`). 
#'@importFrom grDevices col2rgb rainbow
#'#Here we even out a portion of the volcano dataset to simulate water:
#'island_volcano = volcano
#'island_volcano[island_volcano < mean(island_volcano)] = mean(island_volcano)
#'#Setting a minimum area avoids classifying small flat areas as water:
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'island_volcano %>%
#'  sphere_shade(texture="imhof3") %>%
#'  add_water(detect_water(island_volcano, min_area = 400),color="imhof3") %>%
#'  plot_map()
#'#We'll do the same thing with the Monterey Bay dataset to fill in the ocean:
#'montbay_water = montereybay
#'montbay_water[montbay_water < 0] = 0
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'montereybay %>%
#'  sphere_shade(texture="imhof4") %>%
#'  add_water(detect_water(montbay_water),color="imhof4") %>%
#'  plot_map()
add_water = function(hillshade, watermap, color="imhof1") {
  watermap = t(flipud(watermap))
  if (color == "imhof1") {
    color = col2rgb("#e9f9ee")
  } else if (color == "imhof2") {
    color = col2rgb("#337c73")
  } else if (color == "imhof3") {
    color = col2rgb("#4e7982")
  } else if (color == "imhof4") {
    color = col2rgb("#638d99")
  } else if (color == "desert") {
    color = col2rgb("#b2f4ff")
  } else if (color == "bw") {
    color = col2rgb("#ffffff")
  } else if (color != "unicorn") {
    color = col2rgb(color)
  if (length(dim(hillshade)) != 3) {
    if (length(dim(hillshade)) == 2) {
      if(any(hillshade > 1 | hillshade < 0)) {
        stop("Error: Not a shadow matrix. Intensities must be between 0 and 1. Pass your elevation matrix to ray_shade/lamb_shade/ambient_shade/sphere_shade first.")
      temp = array(0,dim = c(ncol(hillshade),nrow(hillshade),3))
      temp[,,1] = t(flipud(hillshade))
      temp[,,2] = t(flipud(hillshade))
      temp[,,3] = t(flipud(hillshade))
      hillshade = temp
  if(missing(watermap)) {
    stop("User must provide matrix indicating locations of bodies of water")
  if(all(dim(watermap) != dim(hillshade)[1:2])) {
    stop("`hillshade` and `watermap` dimensions must be the same; hillshade is ",
         paste0(dim(hillshade)[1:2],collapse="x"),", watermap is ", paste0(dim(watermap)[1:2],collapse="x"))
  for(i in 1:3) {
    tempmat = hillshade[,,i]
    if(color[1] != "unicorn") {
      tempmat[watermap >= 1] = color[i]/255
    } else {
      unicolors = col2rgb(rainbow(256))
      for(row in 1:nrow(watermap)) {
        for(col in 1:ncol(watermap)) {
          if(watermap[row,col] >= 1) {
            tempmat[row,col] = unicolors[i,col %% 255+1]/255
    hillshade[,,i] = tempmat

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rayshader documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:03 a.m.