
Defines functions validate_analyse_pars validate.bmlmi validate.rubin validate.bootstrap validate.jackknife validate.analysis print.analysis as_analysis extract_imputed_df extract_imputed_dfs analyse

Documented in analyse as_analysis extract_imputed_df extract_imputed_dfs print.analysis validate_analyse_pars validate.analysis

#' Analyse Multiple Imputed Datasets
#' @description
#' This function takes multiple imputed datasets (as generated by
#' the [impute()] function) and runs an analysis function on
#' each of them.
#' @details
#' This function works by performing the following steps:
#' 1. Extract a dataset from the `imputations` object.
#' 2. Apply any delta adjustments as specified by the `delta` argument.
#' 3. Run the analysis function `fun` on the dataset.
#' 4. Repeat steps 1-3 across all of the datasets inside the `imputations`
#' object.
#' 5. Collect and return all of the analysis results.
#' The analysis function `fun` must take a `data.frame` as its first
#' argument. All other options to [analyse()] are passed onto `fun`
#' via `...`.
#' `fun` must return a named list with each element itself being a
#' list containing a single
#' numeric element called `est` (or additionally `se` and `df` if
#' you had originally specified [method_bayes()] or [method_approxbayes()])
#' i.e.:
#' ```
#' myfun <- function(dat, ...) {
#'     mod_1 <- lm(data = dat, outcome ~ group)
#'     mod_2 <- lm(data = dat, outcome ~ group + covar)
#'     x <- list(
#'         trt_1 = list(
#'             est = coef(mod_1)[[group]],
#'             se = sqrt(vcov(mod_1)[group, group]),
#'             df = df.residual(mod_1)
#'         ),
#'         trt_2 = list(
#'             est = coef(mod_2)[[group]],
#'             se = sqrt(vcov(mod_2)[group, group]),
#'             df = df.residual(mod_2)
#'         )
#'      )
#'      return(x)
#'  }
#' ```
#' Please note that the `vars$subjid` column (as defined in the original call to
#' [draws()]) will be scrambled in the data.frames that are provided to `fun`.
#' This is to say they will not contain the original subject values and as such
#' any hard coding of subject ids is strictly to be avoided.
#' By default `fun` is the [ancova()] function.
#' Please note that this function
#' requires that a `vars` object, as created by [set_vars()], is provided via
#' the `vars` argument e.g. `analyse(imputeObj, vars = set_vars(...))`. Please
#' see the documentation for [ancova()] for full details.
#' Please also note that the theoretical justification for the conditional mean imputation
#' method (`method = method_condmean()` in [draws()]) relies on the fact that ANCOVA is
#' a linear transformation of the outcomes.
#' Thus care is required when applying alternative analysis functions in this setting.
#' The `delta` argument can be used to specify offsets to be applied
#' to the outcome variable in the imputed datasets prior to the analysis.
#' This is typically used for sensitivity or tipping point analyses. The
#' delta dataset must contain columns `vars$subjid`, `vars$visit` (as specified
#' in the original call to [draws()]) and `delta`. Essentially this `data.frame`
#' is merged onto the imputed dataset by `vars$subjid` and `vars$visit` and then
#' the outcome variable is modified by:
#' ```
#' imputed_data[[vars$outcome]] <- imputed_data[[vars$outcome]] + imputed_data[["delta"]]
#' ```
#' Please note that in order to provide maximum flexibility, the `delta` argument
#' can be used to modify any/all outcome values including those that were not
#' imputed. Care must be taken when defining offsets. It is recommend that you
#' use the helper function [delta_template()] to define the delta datasets as
#' this provides utility variables such as `is_missing` which can be used to identify
#' exactly which visits have been imputed.
#' @seealso [extract_imputed_dfs()] for manually extracting imputed
#' datasets.
#' @seealso [delta_template()] for creating delta data.frames.
#' @seealso [ancova()] for the default analysis function.
#' @param imputations An `imputations` object as created by [impute()].
#' @param fun An analysis function to be applied to each imputed dataset. See details.
#' @param delta A `data.frame` containing the delta transformation to be applied to the imputed
#' datasets prior to running `fun`. See details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed onto `fun`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vars <- set_vars(
#'     subjid = "subjid",
#'     visit = "visit",
#'     outcome = "outcome",
#'     group = "group",
#'     covariates = c("sex", "age", "sex*age")
#' )
#' analyse(
#'     imputations = imputeObj,
#'     vars = vars
#' )
#' deltadf <- data.frame(
#'     subjid = c("Pt1", "Pt1", "Pt2"),
#'     visit = c("Visit_1", "Visit_2", "Visit_2"),
#'     delta = c( 5, 9, -10)
#' )
#' analyse(
#'     imputations = imputeObj,
#'     delta = deltadf,
#'     vars = vars
#' )
#' }
#' @export
analyse <- function(imputations, fun = ancova, delta = NULL, ...) {


        msg = "`fun` must be a function"

        is.null(delta) | is.data.frame(delta),
        msg = "`delta` must be NULL or a data.frame"

    vars <- imputations$data$vars

    devnull <- lapply(imputations$imputations, function(x) validate(x))

    if (!is.null(delta)) {
        expected_vars <- c(
            all(expected_vars %in% names(delta)),
            msg = sprintf(
                "The following variables must exist witin `delta`: `%s`",
                paste0(expected_vars, collapse = "`, `")

    results <- lapply(
        function(x, ...) {
            dat2 <- extract_imputed_df(x, imputations$data, delta)
            fun(dat2, ...)

    fun_name <- deparse(substitute(fun))
    if (length(fun_name) > 1) {
        fun_name <- "<Anonymous Function>"
    } else if (is.null(fun_name)) {
        fun_name <- "<NULL>"

    ret <- as_analysis(
        results = results,
        fun_name = fun_name,
        delta = delta,
        fun = fun,
        method = imputations$method

#' Extract imputed datasets
#' @description
#' Extracts the imputed datasets contained within an `imputations` object generated
#' by [impute()].
#' @param imputations An `imputations` object as created by [impute()].
#' @param index The indexes of the imputed datasets to return. By default,
#' all datasets within the `imputations` object will be returned.
#' @param delta A `data.frame` containing the delta transformation to be
#' applied to the imputed dataset. See [analyse()] for details on the
#' format and specification of this `data.frame`.
#' @param idmap Logical. The subject IDs in the imputed `data.frame`'s are
#' replaced with new IDs to ensure they are unique. Setting this argument to
#' `TRUE` attaches an attribute, called `idmap`, to the returned `data.frame`'s
#' that will provide a map from the new subject IDs to the old subject IDs.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' extract_imputed_dfs(imputeObj)
#' extract_imputed_dfs(imputeObj, c(1:3))
#' }
#' @returns
#' A list of data.frames equal in length to the `index` argument.
#' @seealso [delta_template()] for creating delta data.frames.
#' @seealso [analyse()].
#' @export
extract_imputed_dfs <- function(
    index = seq_along(imputations$imputations),
    delta = NULL,
    idmap = FALSE
) {
    x <- imputations$imputations[index]
        function(x) extract_imputed_df(x, imputations$data, delta, idmap)

#' Extract imputed dataset
#' @description
#' Takes an imputation object as generated by [imputation_df()] and uses
#' this to extract a completed dataset from a `longdata` object as created
#' by [longDataConstructor()]. Also applies a delta transformation
#' if a `data.frame` is provided to the `delta` argument. See [analyse()] for
#' details on the structure of this `data.frame`.
#' Subject IDs in the returned `data.frame` are scrambled i.e. are not the original
#' values.
#' @param imputation An imputation object as generated by [imputation_df()].
#' @param ld A `longdata` object as generated by [longDataConstructor()].
#' @param delta Either `NULL` or a `data.frame`. Is used to offset outcome values in the imputed dataset.
#' @param idmap Logical. If `TRUE` an attribute called "idmap" is attached to
#' the return object which contains a `list` that maps the old subject ids
#' the new subject ids.
#' @returns A `data.frame`.
extract_imputed_df <- function(imputation, ld, delta = NULL, idmap = FALSE) {

    vars <- ld$vars
    dat <- ld$get_data(imputation, idmap = TRUE)
    id_map <- attr(dat, "idmap")

    if (!is.null(delta)) {
        # We are injecting a variable into the dataset so are using a obscured variable
        # name to remove the chance of a clash
        oldvar <- "old_subject_variable_zkfed1fgkadwni6g4oajd2aw"
        dat[[oldvar]] <- id_map[dat[[vars$subjid]]]
        delta[[oldvar]] <- delta[[vars$subjid]]
        dat2 <- apply_delta(
            group = c(oldvar, vars$visit),
            outcome = vars$outcome
        dat2[[oldvar]] <- NULL
    } else {
        dat2 <- dat

    dat2 <- as_dataframe(dat2)

    if (idmap) {
        attr(dat2, "idmap") <- id_map
    } else {
        attr(dat2, "idmap") <- NULL


#' Construct an `analysis` object
#' @description
#' Creates an analysis object ensuring that all components are
#' correctly defined.
#' @param results A list of lists contain the analysis results for each imputation
#' See [analyse()] for details on what this object should look like.
#' @param method The method object as specified in [draws()].
#' @param delta The delta dataset used. See [analyse()] for details on how this
#' should be specified.
#' @param fun The analysis function that was used.
#' @param fun_name The character name of the analysis function (used for printing)
#' purposes.
as_analysis <- function(results, method, delta = NULL, fun = NULL, fun_name = NULL) {

    next_class <- switch(class(method)[[2]],
        bayes = "rubin",
        approxbayes = "rubin",
        condmean = ifelse(
            method$type == "jackknife",
        bmlmi = "bmlmi"

        length(next_class) == 1,
        next_class %in% c("jackknife", "bootstrap", "rubin", "bmlmi")

    x <- list(
        results = as_class(results, c(next_class, "list")),
        delta = delta,
        fun = fun,
        fun_name = fun_name,
        method = method
    class(x) <- c("analysis", "list")

#' Print `analysis` object
#' @param x An `analysis` object generated by [analyse()].
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
print.analysis <- function(x, ...) {

    n_samp <- length(x$results)
    n_samp_string <- ife(
        has_class(x$results, "bootstrap") | has_class(x$results, "jackknife"),
        sprintf("1 + %s", n_samp - 1),

    string <- c(
        "Analysis Object",
        sprintf("Number of Results: %s", n_samp_string),
        sprintf("Analysis Function: %s", x$fun_name),
        sprintf("Delta Applied: %s", !is.null(x$delta)),
        "Analysis Estimates:",
        sprintf("    %s", names(x$results[[1]])),

    cat(string, sep = "\n")

#' Validate `analysis` objects
#' Validates the return object of the [analyse()] function.
#' @param x An `analysis` results object (of class `"jackknife"`, `"bootstrap"`, `"rubin"`).
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @export
validate.analysis <- function(x, ...) {

    next_class <- class(x$results)[[1]]

        next_class %in% c("jackknife", "bootstrap", "rubin", "bmlmi"),
        msg = "`results` must be of class 'jackknife', 'bootstrap', 'rubin' or 'bmlmi'"

    if (next_class %in% c("bootstrap", "rubin")) {
        nsamp <- ife(
            next_class %in% c("bootstrap"),
            x$method$n_sample + 1,
            length(x$results) == nsamp

        is.null(x$delta) | is.data.frame(x$delta),
        is.null(x$fun) | is.function(x$fun),
        is.null(x$fun_name) | is.character(x$fun_name)


#' @export
validate.jackknife <- function(x, ...) {
    validate_analyse_pars(x, get_pool_components("jackknife"))

#' @export
validate.bootstrap <- function(x, ...) {
    validate_analyse_pars(x, get_pool_components("bootstrap"))

#' @export
validate.rubin <- function(x, ...) {
    validate_analyse_pars(x, get_pool_components("rubin"))

#' @export
validate.bmlmi <- function(x, ...) {
    validate_analyse_pars(x, get_pool_components("bmlmi"))

#' Validate analysis results
#' Validates analysis results generated by [analyse()].
#' @param results A list of results generated by the analysis `fun`
#' used in [analyse()].
#' @param pars A list of expected parameters in each of the analysis.
#' lists i.e. `c("est", "se", "df")`.
#' @export
validate_analyse_pars <- function(results, pars) {

        length(results) != 0,
        all(vapply(results, is.list, logical(1))),
        msg = "Analysis results must be a list of lists"

        length(names(results[[1]])) != 0,
        all(vapply(results, function(x) !is.null(names(x)) & all(names(x) != ""), logical(1))),
        msg = "Individual analysis results must be named lists"

    results_names <- lapply(results, function(x) unique(names(x)))
    results_names_flat <- unlist(results_names, use.names = FALSE)
    results_names_count <- table(results_names_flat)

        all(results_names_count == length(results)),
        msg = "Each individual analysis result must contain identically named elements"

    results_unnested <- unlist(results, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)

    devnull <- lapply(
        function(x) {
                all(pars %in% names(x)),
                msg = sprintf(
                    "Each individual analysis result element must be a list with elements `%s`",
                    paste0(pars, collapse = "`, `")

    for (par in pars) {
        if (!par %in% c("df", "se")) {
                all(!is.na(vapply(results_unnested, function(x) x[[par]], numeric(1)))),
                msg = sprintf("Parameter `%s` contains missing values", par)
        } else {
                all(!is.na(vapply(results_unnested, function(x) x[[par]], numeric(1)))) ||
                all(is.na(vapply(results_unnested, function(x) x[[par]], numeric(1)))) ,
                msg = sprintf("Parameter `%s` contains both missing and observed values", par)


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