
#' @title A model variable incorporating uncertainty
#' @description An R6 class for a variable in a health economic model.
#' @details Base class for a variable used in a health economic model. The base
#' class wraps a numerical value which is used in calculations.
#' It provides a framework for creating classes of model
#' variables whose uncertainties are described by statistical distributions
#' parametrized with hyperparameters.
#' @docType class
#' @author Andrew Sims \email{andrew.sims@@newcastle.ac.uk}
#' @export
ModVar <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "ModVar",
  lock_class = TRUE,
  private = list(
    .description = NULL,
    .units = NULL,
    .whats = NULL,
    .whatnext = NULL,
    .D = NULL,
    .k = NULL,
    .value = NULL
  public = list(

    #' @description Create an object of type \code{ModVar}.
    #' @details A \code{ModVar} is associated with an uncertainty distribution
    #' (a "has-a" relationship in object-oriented terminology). There can be a
    #' 1-1 mapping of \code{ModVar}s to \code{Distribution}s, or several
    #' model variables can be linked to the same distribution in a
    #' many-1 mapping, e.g. when each transition probability from a Markov state
    #' is represented as a \code{ModVar} and each can be linked to the \code{k}
    #' dimensions of a common multivariate Dirichlet distribution.
    #' @param description A character string description of the variable
    #' and its role in the model. This description will be used in a
    #' tabulation of the variables linked to a model.
    #' @param units A character string description of the units, e.g.
    #' \code{"GBP"}, \code{"per year"}.
    #' @param D The distribution representing the uncertainty in the variable.
    #' Should inherit from class \code{Distribution}, or NULL if none is
    #' defined.
    #' @param k The index of the dimension of the multivariate distribution
    #' that applies to this model variable.
    #' @return A new \verb{ModVar} object.
    initialize = function(description, units, D = NULL, k = 1L) {
      # test and set description
        message = "Argument 'description' must be a string",
        class = "description_not_string"
      private$.description <- description
      # test and set units
        message = "Argument 'units' must be a string",
        class = "units_not_string"
      private$.units <- units
      # test and set distribution
      if (!is.null(D)) {
        abortifnot(inherits(D, what = "Distribution"),
          message = "'D' must inherit from Distribution",
          class = "invalid_distribution"
        private$.D <- D
      } else {
        private$.D <- Distribution$new("Undefined")
      # test and set dimension
        message = "'k' must be an integer",
        class = "invalid_index"
      abortif(k <= 0L || k > private$.D$order(),
        message = "'k' must not exceed the order of 'D'",
        class = "invalid_index"
      private$.k <- k
      # set possible "what" values for get()
      private$.whats <- c(
        "random", "expected", "q2.5", "q50", "q97.5", "value"
      # set the .value vector members
      private$.value <- rep(NA_real_, times = length(private$.whats))
      names(private$.value) <- private$.whats
      # save the components of .value that do not change
      private$.value["expected"] <- self$mean()
      private$.value["q2.5"] <- self$quantile(0.025)
      private$.value["q50"] <- self$quantile(0.5)
      private$.value["q97.5"] <- self$quantile(0.975)
      # value to return on first get
      private$.whatnext <- "expected"
      # return new object

    #' @description Is this \code{ModVar} an expression?
    #' @return \code{TRUE} if it inherits from \code{ExprModVar}, \code{FALSE}
    #' otherwise.
    is_expression = function() {
      return(inherits(self, what = "ExprModVar"))

    #' @description Is the model variable probabilistic?
    #' @details Tests whether the model variable is probabilistic, i.e. a
    #' random variable that follows a distribution, or an expression involving
    #' random variables, some of which follow distributions.
    #' @return \code{TRUE} if probabilistic
    is_probabilistic = function() {

    #' @description Accessor function for the description.
    #' @return Description of model variable as character string.
    description = function() {

    #' @description Accessor function for units.
    #' @return Description of units as character string.
    units = function() {

    #' @description Name and parameters of the uncertainty distribution.
    #' @details If \eqn{K > 1} the dimension of the distribution associated
    #' with this model variable is appended, e.g. \code{Dir(2,3)[1]}
    #' means that the model variable is associated with the first dimension
    #' of a 2D Dirichlet distribution with alpha parameters 2 and 3.
    #' @return Distribution name as character string.
    distribution = function() {
      dname <- private$.D$distribution()
      if (private$.D$order() > 1L) {
        dname <- paste0(dname, "[", private$.k, "]")

    #' @description Mean value of the model variable.
    #' @return Mean value as a numeric value.
    mean = function() {
      mvmean <- private$.D$mean()

    #' @description The mode of the variable.
    #' @details By default returns \code{NA}, which will be the case for
    #' most \code{ModVar} variables, because arbitrary distributions are
    #' not guaranteed to be unimodal.
    #' @return Mode as a numeric value.
    mode = function() {
      mvmode <- private$.D$mode()

    #' @description Standard deviation of the model variable.
    #' @return Standard deviation as a numeric value
    SD = function() {
      mvsd <- private$.D$SD()

    #' @description Quantiles of the uncertainty distribution.
    #' @param probs Numeric vector of probabilities, each in range [0,1].
    #' @return Vector of numeric values of the same length as \code{probs}.
    quantile = function(probs) {
      # matrix for multivariate, vector for univariate distributions; argument
      # is checked in .D$quantiles()
      q <- private$.D$quantile(probs)
      if (private$.D$order() > 1L) {
        rv <- q[, private$.k]
      } else {
        rv <- q

    #' @description Draw a random sample from the model variable.
    #' @details The same random sample will be returned until \code{set} is
    #' called to force a resample.
    #' @return A sample drawn at random.
    r = function() {
      # fetch the sample from the distribution
      rd <- private$.D$r()
      # get random sample for this dimension
      rv <- rd[private$.k]
      # return the sample

    #' @description Sets the value of the \code{ModVar}.
    #' @param what Until \code{set} is called again, subsequent calls to
    #' \code{get} will return a value determined by the \code{what} parameter
    #' as follows:
    #' \describe{
    #' \item{\code{"random"}}{a random sample is drawn from the uncertainty
    #' distribution;}
    #' \item{\code{"expected"}}{the mean of the uncertainty distribution;}
    #' \item{\code{"q2.5"}}{the lower 95\% confidence limit of the uncertainty
    #' distribution, i.e., the 2.5th percentile;}
    #' \item{\code{"q50"}}{the median of the uncertainty distribution;}
    #' \item{\code{"q97.5"}}{the upper 95\% confidence limit of the uncertainty
    #' distribution, i.e., the 97.5th percentile;}
    #' \item{\code{"current"}}{leaves the \code{what} parameter of method
    #' \code{set} unchanged, i.e. the call to \code{set} has no effect on the
    #' subsequent values returned by \code{get}. It is provided as an option to
    #' help use cases in which the \code{what} parameter is a variable;}
    #' \item{\code{"value"}}{sets the value explicitly to be equal to parameter
    #' \code{val}. This is not recommended for normal usage because it allows
    #' the model variable to be set to an implausible value, based on its
    #' defined uncertainty. An example of where this may be needed is in
    #' threshold finding.}
    #' }
    #' @param val A numeric value, only used with \code{what}=\code{"value"},
    #' ignored otherwise.
    #' @return Updated \code{ModVar}.
    set = function(what = "random", val = NULL) {
      # check argument
        message = "'what' must be a character string",
        class = "what_not_character"
      abortifnot(what %in% c(private$.whats, "current"),
        message = paste(
          "'what' must be one of",
          paste(private$.whats, collapse = "|")
        class = "what_not_supported"
      # if random, make a new draw from the distribution
      if (what == "random") {
      } else if (what == "value") {
        # if value, check and save the supplied number
        abortif(is.null(val) | !is.numeric(val),
          message = "'v' must be numeric",
          class = "invalid_val"
        private$.value["value"] <- val
      # set whatnext for next call to get(), unless required to leave unchanged
      if (what != "current") {
        private$.whatnext <- what
      # silently return updated object

    #' @description Get the value of the \code{ModVar}.
    #' @details Returns the value defined by the most recent call
    #' to \code{set()}.
    #' @return Value determined by last \code{set()}.
    get = function() {
      # if random, fetch the sample
      if (private$.whatnext == "random") {
        rv <- self$r()
        private$.value["random"] <- rv
      } else {
        rv <- private$.value[[private$.whatnext]]
      # return the stored value

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