
Defines functions scrape_rba_forecasts latest_forecast_month scrape_recent_forecast_urls read_forecasts rba_forecasts

Documented in latest_forecast_month rba_forecasts read_forecasts scrape_rba_forecasts

#' Compile the RBA's public forecasts of key economic variables over time
#' @param refresh logical; default is `TRUE`. When set to `TRUE`, up-to-date
#' forecasts will be downloaded from the RBA's website. When `FALSE`, only
#' the package's internal data will be returned, which may be out of date.
#' @param all_or_latest character; default is `"all"`. When `"all"` is specified,
#' all publicly-available forecasts will be returned; when `"latest"`, only the
#' latest forecasts will be used.
#' @param remove_old logical; default is `TRUE`. When `TRUE`, any observations
#' for which the `date` is more than 180 days prior to the `forecast_date`
#' is excluded.
#' @details
#' Forecasts are not available for all series on all forecast dates. CPI
#' inflation and GDP growth are included in all forecasts. The unemployment
#' rate is included in most forecasts. Other series are included inconsistently,
#' based on their availability in the underlying source data.
#' All forecasts issued on or before November 2014 come from Tulip
#' and Wallace (2012), RBA RDP2012-07.
#' Data available: \url{https://www.rba.gov.au/statistics/historical-forecasts.html}.
#' Data from 2015 to August 2018 are scraped from the RBA's quarterly Statement on
#' Monetary Policy (\url{https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/smp/2020/aug/}).
#' Note from from Feb 2015 to August 2018 (inclusive) only include a few series;
#' those from November 2018 onwards include more series.
#' Data from November 2018 to present comes from the published 'Forecasts Archive'
#' file on the RBA website
#' (\url{https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/smp/forecasts-archive.html}).
#' `read_forecasts()` is a wrapper around `rba_forecasts()`.
#' @return A tidy `tbl_df` containing 8 columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`forecast_date`}{ The (approximate) date on which the forecast was published. Note that this is the first day of the publication month, so the `forecast_date` for forecasts in the February 2020 Statement on Monetary Policy is `as.Date("2020-02-01")`.}
#'  \item{`date`}{ The date to which the forecast pertains. Note that this is the first day of the final month of the relevant quarter. For example, a forecast of GDP in the June quarter 2021 will be `as.Date("2021-06-01")`.}
#'  \item{`year_qtr`}{ The year and quarter to which the forecast pertains, such as 2019.1.}
#'  \item{`series`}{ Short, snake_case description of the data series being forecast, such as `gdp_change` or `unemp_rate`. These are consistent over time.}
#'  \item{`value`}{ The forecast value, in per cent. For example, if GDP growth is forecast to be 3 per cent, the value will be `3`. Note that where a forecast is given as a range (eg. 3.5-4.5%) the `value` will be the midpoint of the range (eg. 4%).}
#'  \item{`series_desc`}{ Full description of the series being forecast, as per the RBA website, such as "Real household disposable income". Note that series descriptions are not necessarily consistent over time; the values here are those published by the RBA. The `series` column is consistent over time. }
#'  \item{`source`}{ For recent forecasts, this is 'SMP', meaning the RBA's Statement on Monetary Policy. Forecasts prior to 2014 are sourced from various places; see `Details`. }
#'  \item{`notes`}{ Notes accompanying the forecasts, as per the RBA's website. Note these are identical for item in a given `forecast_date`.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname rba_forecasts
#' @examples
#' forecasts <- read_forecasts()

rba_forecasts <- function(refresh = TRUE,
                          all_or_latest = c("all", "latest"),
                          remove_old = TRUE) {
  all_or_latest <- match.arg(all_or_latest)

  if (isTRUE(refresh)) {
    recent_forecasts <- scrape_rba_forecasts()
  } else {
    # Use internal data if refresh == FALSE
    recent_forecasts <- recent_forecasts

  if (all_or_latest == "latest") {
    forecasts <- recent_forecasts

    forecasts <- forecasts %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$forecast_date ==
  } else {
    # Define 'scrape priority' - if we have data from the hist_forecasts
    # we want to use that rather than from another source - that has the highest
    # priority
    hist_forecasts <- hist_forecasts %>%
      dplyr::mutate(scrape_priority = 1)

    forecasts_1418 <- forecasts_1418 %>%
      dplyr::mutate(scrape_priority = 3)

    recent_forecasts <- recent_forecasts %>%
      dplyr::mutate(scrape_priority = 2)

    forecasts <- dplyr::bind_rows(

    forecasts <- forecasts %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$forecast_date, .data$date, .data$series) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$scrape_priority == min(.data$scrape_priority)) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%


  forecasts <- dplyr::arrange(
  )  %>%
    dplyr::mutate(series_desc = dplyr::if_else(.data$series == "unemp_rate",
                                  "Unemployment rate",

  if (isTRUE(remove_old)) {
    forecasts <- forecasts %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$forecast_date - .data$date <= 180)


#' @rdname rba_forecasts
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `rba_forecasts()`
#' @export
read_forecasts <- function(...) {

scrape_recent_forecast_urls <- function() {
  recent_forecast_list_url <- "https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/smp/forecasts-archive.html"

  recent_forecast_urls <- recent_forecast_list_url %>%
    safely_read_html() %>%
    rvest::html_nodes(".width-text a") %>%


#' Obtain the month of the latest RBA SMP forecasts
#' @details
#' This function returns a length-one date, corresponding to first day of the
#' month of the latest RBA Statement on Monetary Policy forecasts.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' latest_forecast_month()
#' }
#' @keywords internal

latest_forecast_month <- function() {
  urls <- scrape_recent_forecast_urls()
  urls_no_preface <- gsub("/publications/smp/", "", urls)
  year_month_chars <- stringr::str_sub(urls_no_preface, 1, 8)
  forecast_dates <- as.Date(paste0(year_month_chars, "/01"),
                            format = "%Y/%b/%d")


#' Import and tidy forecasts from the published RBA SMP .xlsx file
#' Not intended to be called directly; call from `read_forecasts()`
#' @keywords internal

scrape_rba_forecasts <- function() {
  xlsx_url = "https://www.rba.gov.au/statistics/xls/smp-forecast-archive.xlsx"
  xlsx_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")
  dl_file(xlsx_url, xlsx_file, mode = "wb")

  xlsx_metadata <- readxl::read_excel(xlsx_file,
                                      sheet = "Contents",
                                      skip = 4) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$`Data Sheet`))

  colnames(xlsx_metadata) <- c("series_desc",

  sheet_names_with_contents <- readxl::excel_sheets(xlsx_file)
  sheet_names <- sheet_names_with_contents[sheet_names_with_contents != "Contents"]

  missing_sheets <- xlsx_metadata$sheet_name[!xlsx_metadata$sheet_name %in% sheet_names]

  if (length(missing_sheets) > 0) {
    warning(paste("The following worksheets are missing from the RBA forecast file: ",
                  paste(missing_sheets, collapse = ", ")))

  tidy_forecast_sheet <- function(sheet_name) {
                       sheet = sheet_name,
                       skip = 3) %>%
      dplyr::rename(date = 1) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$date)) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = !date,
                          names_to = "forecast_date",
                          values_to = "value") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c("date", "forecast_date"),
                                  lubridate::my)) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$forecast_date, .data$date) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$value)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(sheet_name = sheet_name,
                    year_qtr = lubridate::quarter(.data$date, with_year = TRUE))

  fc_without_metadata <- purrr::map_dfr(sheet_names,

  fc_raw <- fc_without_metadata %>%
    dplyr::left_join(xlsx_metadata, by = "sheet_name") %>%
    dplyr::select(-"rounding") %>%
      source = stringr::str_replace_all(.data$source,
                                        "RBA SMP")

  forecasts <- fc_raw %>%
    dplyr::mutate(series_desc = stringr::str_remove_all(.data$series_desc,
                                                        "\\(non-farm\\)|\\(quarterly, %\\)|\\(%\\)|\\(index\\)|\\(.\\)|\\(USD/bbl\\)")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(series_desc = stringr::str_squish(.data$series_desc)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(series_desc = stringr::str_to_sentence(.data$series_desc)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(series_desc = dplyr::case_when(.data$series_desc == "Nominal average earnings per hour" ~
                                                   "Nominal (non-farm) average earnings per hour",
                                                 .data$series_desc == "Major trading partner (export-weighted) gdp" ~
                                                   "Major trading partner (export-weighted) GDP",
                                                 TRUE ~.data$series_desc)) %>%
      series = dplyr::case_when(
        .data$series_desc == "Gross domestic product" ~ "gdp_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Household consumption" ~ "hh_cons_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Dwelling investment" ~ "dwelling_inv_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Business investment" ~ "business_inv_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Public demand" ~ "public_demand_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Gross national expenditure" ~ "gne_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Imports" ~ "imports_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Exports" ~ "exports_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Real household disposable income" ~ "real_hh_disp_income_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Terms of trade" ~ "tot_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Major trading partner (export-weighted) GDP" ~ "trading_partner_gdp_change",
        grepl("Unemployment rate", .data$series_desc) ~ "unemp_rate",
        .data$series_desc == "Employment" ~ "employment_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Wage price index" ~ "wpi_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Nominal (non-farm) average earnings per hour" ~ "aena_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Trimmed mean inflation" ~ "underlying_annual_inflation",
        .data$series_desc == "Consumer price index" ~ "cpi_annual_inflation",
        .data$series_desc == "Brent crude oil price" ~ "oil_price",
        .data$series_desc == "Cash rate" ~ "cash_rate",
        .data$series_desc == "Estimated resident population" ~ "population",
        .data$series_desc == "Hours-based underutilisation rate" ~ "underut_rate",
        .data$series_desc == "Household savings rate" ~ "savings_rate",
        .data$series_desc == "Labour productivity" ~ "prod_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Real average earnings per hour" ~ "real_earnings_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Real wage price index" ~ "real_wpi_change",
        .data$series_desc == "Trade-weighted index" ~ "twi",
        TRUE ~ NA_character_
    ) %>%


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readrba documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:42 a.m.