#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgRMatrix
#' @importClassesFrom float float32
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom MatrixExtra as.csr.matrix sort_sparse_indices emptySparse
#' @importFrom float fl dbl
#' @importFrom RhpcBLASctl blas_set_num_threads blas_get_num_procs
#' @useDynLib recometrics, .registration=TRUE
check.bool <- function(x, var="x") {
if (NROW(x) != 1L)
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a single boolean/logical.", var))
x <- as.logical(x)
if (
stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot be missing.", var))
} <- function(k, var="k", pos=FALSE) {
if (NROW(k) != 1L)
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a positive integer", var))
k <- as.integer(k)
if (
stop(sprintf("Invalid '%s'", k))
if (pos) {
if (k <= 0L)
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a positive integer", var))
} else if (k < 0L) {
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a non-negative integer", var))
check.fraction <- function(x, var="x") {
if (NROW(x) != 1L)
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a single number between zero and one.", var))
x <- as.numeric(x)
if (
stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot be missing.", var))
if (x <= 0 || x >= 1)
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be between zero and one.", var))
#' @export
#' @title Calculate Recommendation Quality Metrics
#' @description Calculates recommendation quality metrics for implicit-feedback
#' recommender systems (fit to user-item interactions data such as "number of
#' times that a user played each song in a music service") that are based on
#' low-rank matrix factorization or for which predicted scores can be reduced to
#' a dot product between user and item factors/components.
#' These metrics are calculated on a per-user basis, by producing a ranking of the
#' items according to model predictions (in descending order), ignoring the items
#' that are in the training data for each user. The items that were not consumed
#' by the user (not present in `X_train` and not present in `X_test`) are considered
#' "negative" entries, while the items in `X_test` are considered "positive" entries,
#' and the items present in `X_train` are ignored for these calculations.
#' The metrics that can be calculated by this function are:\itemize{
#' \item `P@K` ("precision-at-k"): denotes the proportion of items among the top-K
#' recommended (after excluding those that were already in the training data)
#' that can be found in the test set for that user:
#' \eqn{P@K = \frac{1}{k} \sum_{i=1}^k r_i \in \mathcal{T}}{
#' P@K = sum(reco[i..k] \%in\% test) / k}
#' This is perhaps the most intuitive and straightforward metric, but it can
#' present a lot of variation between users and does not take into account
#' aspects such as the number of available test items or the specific ranks at
#' which they are shown.
#' \item `TP@K` (truncated precision-at-k): a truncated or standardized version
#' of the precision metric, which will divide instead by the minimum between
#' `k` and the number of test items:
#' \eqn{TP@K = \frac{1}{\min\{k, \mathcal{T}\}} \sum_{i=1}^k r_i \in \mathcal{T}}{
#' TP@K = sum(reco[i..k] \%in\% test) / min(k, length(test))}
#' \bold{Note:} many papers and libraries call this the "P@K" instead. The
#' "truncated" prefix is a non-standard nomenclature introduced here to
#' differentiate it from the P@K metric that is calculated by this and
#' other libraries.
#' \item `R@K` ("recall-at-k"): proportion of the test items that are retrieved
#' in the top-K recommended list. Calculation is the same as precision, but the
#' division is by the number of test items instead of `k`:
#' \eqn{R@K = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{T}|} \sum_{i=1}^k r_i \in \mathcal{T}}{
#' R@K = sum(reco[i..k] \%in\% test) / length(test)
#' }
#' \item `AP@K` ("average precision-at-k"): precision and recall look at all the items
#' in the top-K equally, whereas one might want to take into account also the ranking
#' within this top-K list, for which this metric comes in handy.
#' "Average Precision" tries to reflect the precisions that would be obtained at
#' different recalls:
#' \eqn{AP@K = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{T}|} \sum_{i=1}^k (r_i \in \mathcal{T}) \cdot P@i}{
#' AP@K = sum(p_at_k[1..k] * (reco[1..k] \%in\% test)) / length(test))
#' }
#' This is a metric which to some degree considers precision, recall, and rank within
#' top-K. Intuitively, it tries to approximate the are under a precision-recall
#' tradeoff curve.
#' The average of this metric across users is known as "Mean Average Precision"
#' or "MAP@K".
#' \bold{IMPORTANT:} many authors define AP@K differently, such as dividing by
#' the minimum between `k` and the number of test items instead, or as the average
#' for P@1..P@K (either as-is or stopping after already retrieving all the test
#' items) - here, the second version is offered as different metric instead.
#' This metric is likely to be a source of mismatches when comparing against
#' other libraries due to all the different defintions used by different authors.
#' \item `TAP@K` (truncated average precision-at-k): a truncated version of the
#' AP@K metric, which will instead divide it by the minimum between `k` and the
#' number of test items.
#' Many other papers and libraries call this the "average precision" instead.
#' \item `NDCG@K` (normalized discounted cumulative gain at K): a ranking metric
#' calculated by first determining the following:
#' \eqn{\sum_{i=1}^k \frac{C_i}{log_2(i+1)}}{sum[i=1..K](C[i] / log2(i+1))}
#' Where \eqn{C_i}{C[i]} denotes the confidence score for an item (taken as the value
#' in `X_test` for that item), with `i` being the item ranked at a given position
#' for a given user according to the model. This metric is then standardized by
#' dividing by the maximum achievable such score given the test data.
#' Unlike the other metrics:\itemize{
#' \item It looks not only at the presence or absence of items, but also at their
#' confidence score.
#' \item It can handle data which contains "dislikes" in the form of negative
#' values (see caveats below).
#' }
#' If there are only non-negative values in `X_test`, this metric will be bounded
#' between zero and one.
#' A note about negative values: the NDCG metric assumes that all the values are
#' non-negative. This implementation however can accommodate situations in which
#' a very small fraction of the items have negative values, in which case:
#' (a) it will standardize the metric by dividing by a number which does not
#' consider the negative values in its sum; (b) it will be set to `NA` if there
#' are no positive values. Be aware however that NDCG loses some of its desirable
#' properties in the presence of negative values.
#' \item `Hit@K` ("hit-at-k"): indicates whether any of the top-K recommended items
#' can be found in the test set for that user. The average across users is typically
#' referred to as the "Hit Rate".
#' This is a binary metric (it is either zero or one, but can also be `NA` when
#' it is not possible to calculate, just like the other metrics).
#' \item `RR@K` ("reciprocal-rank-at-k"): inverse rank (one divided by the rank)
#' of the first item among the top-K recommended that is in the test data.
#' The average across users is typically referred to as the "Mean Reciprocal Rank"
#' or MRR.
#' If none of the top-K recommended items are in the test data, will be set to zero.
#' \item `ROC-AUC` (area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve): see the
#' \href{}{Wikipedia entry}
#' for details. This metric considers the full ranking of items
#' rather than just the top-K. It is bounded between zero and one, with a value of
#' 0.5 corresponding to a random order and a value of 1 corresponding to a perfect
#' ordering (i.e. every single positive item has a higher predicted score than every
#' single negative item).
#' Be aware that there are different ways of calculating AUC, with some methods
#' having higher precision than others. This implementation uses a fast formula
#' which implies dividing two large numbers, and as such might not be as precise
#' to the same number of decimals as the trapezoidal method used by e.g. scikit-learn.
#' \item `PR-AUC` (area under the precision-recall curve): while ROC AUC provides an
#' overview of the overall ranking, one is typically only interested in how well it
#' retrieves test items within top ranks, and for this the area under the
#' precision-recall curve can do a better job at judging rankings, albeit the metric
#' itself is not standardized, and under the worst possible ranking, it does not
#' evaluate to zero.
#' The metric is calculated using the fast but not-so-precise rectangular method,
#' whose formula corresponds to the AP@K metric with K=N. Some papers and libraries
#' call this the average of this metric the "MAP" or "Mean Average Precision" instead
#' (without the "@K").
#' }
#' Metrics can be calculated for a given value of `k` (e.g. "P@3"), or for
#' values ranging from 1 to `k` (e.g. ["P@1", "P@2", "P@3"]).
#' This package does \bold{NOT} cover other more specialized metrics. One might
#' also want to look at other indicators such as:\itemize{
#' \item Metrics that look at the rareness of the items recommended
#' (to evaluate so-called "serendipity").
#' \item Metrics that look at "discoverability".
#' \item Metrics that take into account the diversity of the ranked lists.
#' }
#' @details Metrics for a given user will be set to `NA` in the following
#' situations:\itemize{
#' \item All the rankeable items have the exact same predicted score.
#' \item One or more of the predicted scores evaluates to `NA`/`NaN`.
#' \item There are only negative entries (no non-zero entries in the test data).
#' \item The number of available items to rank (between positive and negative) is
#' smaller than the requested `k`, and the metric is not affected by the exact order
#' within the top-K items (i.e. precision, recall, hit, will be `NA` if there's
#' `k` or fewer items after discarding those from the training data).
#' \item There are inconsistencies in the data (e.g. number of entries being greater
#' than the number of columns in `X`, meaning the matrices do not constitute valid CSR).
#' \item A user does not meet the minimum criteria set by the configurable parameters
#' for this function.
#' \item There are only positive entries (i.e. the user already consumed all the items).
#' In this case, "NDCG@K" will still be calculated, while the rest will be set
#' to `NA`.
#' }
#' The NDCG@K metric with `cumulative=TRUE` will have lower decimal precision
#' than with `cumulative=FALSE` when using `float32` inputs - this is extremely
#' unlikely to be noticeable in typical datasets and small `k`, but for large `k`
#' and large (absolute) values in `X_test`, it might make a difference after a
#' couple of decimal points.
#' Internally, it relies on BLAS function calls, so it's recommended to use
#' R with an optimized BLAS library such as OpenBLAS or MKL for better speed - see
#' \href{}{this link}
#' for instructions on getting OpenBLAS in R for Windows
#' (Alternatively, Microsoft's R distribution comes with MKL preinstalled).
#' Doing computations in float32 precision depends on the package
#' \href{}{float}, and as such comes
#' with some caveats:\itemize{
#' \item On Windows, if installing `float` from CRAN, it will use very unoptimized
#' routines which will likely result in a slowdown compared to using regular
#' double (numeric) type. Getting it to use an optimized BLAS library is not as
#' simple as substituting the Rblas DLL - see the
#' \href{}{package's README} for details.
#' \item On macOS, it will use static linking for `float`, thus if changing the BLAS
#' library used by R, it will not change the float32 functions, and getting good
#' performance out of it might require compiling it from source with `-march=native`
#' flag.
#' }
#' @param X_train Training data for user-item interactions, with users denoting rows,
#' items denoting columns, and values corresponding to confidence scores.
#' Entries in `X_train` and `X_test` for each user should not intersect (that is,
#' if an item is the training data as a non-missing entry, it should not be in
#' the test data as non-missing, and vice versa).
#' Should be passed as a sparse matrix in CSR format (class `dgRMatrix` from
#' package `Matrix`, can be converted to that format using
#' `MatrixExtra::as.csr.matrix`). Items not consumed by the user should not
#' be present in this matrix.
#' Alternatively, if there is no training data, can pass `NULL`, in which case it
#' will look only at the test data.
#' This matrix and `X_test` are not meant to contain negative values, and if
#' `X_test` does contain any, it will still be assumed for all metrics other than
#' NDCG that such items are deemed better for the user than the missing/zero-valued
#' items (that is, implicit feedback is not meant to signal dislikes).
#' @param X_test Test data for user-item interactions. Same format as `X_train`.
#' @param A The user factors. If the number of users is 'm' and the number of
#' factors is 'p', should have dimension `[p, m]` if passing `by_rows=FALSE`
#' (the default), or dimension `[m, p]` if passing `by_rows=TRUE` (in wich case
#' it will be internally transposed due to R's column-major storage order). Can
#' be passed as a dense matrix from base R (class `matrix`), or as a matrix from
#' package float (class `float32`) - if passed as `float32`, will do the
#' calculations in single precision (which is faster and uses less memory) and
#' output the calculated metrics as `float32` arrays.
#' It is assumed that the model score for a given item `j` for user `i` is
#' calculated as the inner product or dot product between the corresponding vectors
#' \eqn{\mathbf{a}_i \cdot \mathbf{b}_j}{<a[i], b[j]>}
#' (columns `i` and `j` of `A` and `B`, respectively, when passing
#' `by_rows=FALSE`), with higher scores meaning that the item is deemed better for
#' that user, and the top-K recommendations produced by ranking these scores in
#' descending order.
#' Alternatively, for evaluation of non-personalized models, can pass `NULL` here
#' and for `B`, in which case `item_biases` must be passed.
#' @param B The item factors, in the same format as `A`.
#' @param k The number of top recommendations to consider for the metrics (as
#' in "precision-at-k" or "P@K").
#' @param item_biases Optional item biases/intercepts (fixed base score that is
#' added to the predictions of each item). If present, it will append them to `B`
#' as an extra factor while adding a factor of all-ones to `A`.
#' Alternatively, for non-personalized models which have only item-by-item scores,
#' can pass `NULL` for `A` and `B` while passing only `item_biases`.
#' @param as_df Whether to output the result as a `data.frame`. If passing `FALSE`,
#' the results will be returned as a list of vectors or matrices depending on
#' what is passed for `cumulative`. If `A` and `B` are passed as `float32` matrices,
#' the resulting `float32` arrays will be converted to base R's arrays in order to
#' be able to create a `data.frame`.
#' @param by_rows Whether the latent factors/components are ordered by rows,
#' in which case they will be transposed beforehand (see documentation for `A`).
#' @param sort_indices Whether to sort the indices of the `X` data in case they
#' are not sorted already. Skipping this step will make it faster and will make
#' it consume less memory.
#' If the `X_train` and `X_test` matrices were created using functions from the
#' `Matrix` package such as `Matrix::spMatrix` or `Matrix::Matrix`, the indices
#' will always be sorted, but if creating it manually through S4 methods or as the
#' output of other software, the indices can end up unsorted.
#' @param precision Whether to calculate precision metrics or not.
#' @param trunc_precision Whether to calculate truncated precision metrics or not.
#' Note that this is output as a separate metric from "precision" and they are not
#' mutually exclusive options.
#' @param recall Whether to calculate recall metrics or not.
#' @param average_precision Whether to calculate average precision metrics or not.
#' @param trunc_average_precision Whether to calculate truncated average
#' precision metrics or not. Note that this is output as a separate metric from
#' "average_precision" and they are not mutually exclusive options.
#' @param ndcg Whether to calculate NDCG (normalized discounted cumulative gain)
#' metrics or not.
#' @param hit Whether to calculate Hit metrics or not.
#' @param rr Whether to calculate RR (reciprocal rank) metrics or not.
#' @param roc_auc Whether to calculate ROC-AUC (area under the ROC curve) metrics or not.
#' @param pr_auc Whether to calculate PR-AUC (area under the PR curve) metrics or not.
#' @param all_metrics Passing `TRUE` here is equivalent to passing `TRUE` to all the
#' calculable metrics.
#' @param rename_k If passing `as_df=TRUE` and `cumulative=FALSE`, whether to rename
#' the 'k' in the resulting column names to the actual value of 'k' that was used
#' (e.g. "p_at_k" -> "p_at_5").
#' @param break_ties_with_noise Whether to add a small amount of noise
#' `~Uniform(-10^-12, 10^-12)` in order to break ties
#' at random, in case there are any ties in the ranking. This is not recommended unless
#' one expects ties (can happen if e.g. some factors are set to all-zeros for some items),
#' as it has the potential to slightly alter the ranking.
#' @param min_pos_test Minimum number of positive entries
#' (non-zero entries in the test set) that users need to have in
#' order to calculate metrics for that user.
#' If a given user does not meet the threshold, the metrics
#' will be set to `NA`.
#' @param min_items_pool Minimum number of items (sum of positive and negative items)
#' that a user must have in order to
#' calculate metrics for that user. If a given user does not meet the threshold,
#' the metrics will be set to `NA`.
#' @param consider_cold_start Whether to calculate metrics in situations in
#' which some user has test data but no positive
#' (non-zero) entries in the training data. If passing `FALSE` and such cases are
#' encountered, the metrics will be set to `NA`.
#' Will be automatically set to `TRUE` when passing `NULL` for `X_train`.
#' @param cumulative Whether to calculate the metrics cumulatively
#' (e.g. [P@1, P@2, P@3] if passing `k=3`)
#' for all values up to `k`, or only for a single desired `k`
#' (e.g. only P@3 if passing `k=3`).
#' @param nthreads Number of parallel threads to use.
#' Parallelization is done at the user level, so passing
#' more threads than there are users will not result in a speed up. Be aware that, the more
#' threads that are used, the higher the memory consumption.
#' @param seed Seed used for random number generation. Only used when passing
#' `break_ties_with_noise=TRUE`.
#' @return Will return the calculated metrics on a per-user basis (each user
#' corresponding to a row):\itemize{
#' \item If passing `as_df=TRUE` (the default), the result will be a `data.frame`,
#' with the columns named according to the metric they represent (e.g. "p_at_3",
#' see below for the other names that they can take). Depending on the value
#' passed for `rename_k`, the column names might end in "k" or in the number
#' that was passed for `k` (e.g "p_at_3" or "p_at_k").
#' If passing `cumulative=TRUE`, they will have names ranging from 1 to `k`.
#' \item If passing `as_df=FALSE`, the result will be a list with entries named
#' according to each metric, with `k` as letter rather than number (`p_at_k`,
#' `tp_at_k`, `r_at_k`, `ap_at_k`, `tap_at_k`, `ndcg_at_k`, `hit_at_k`, `rr_at_k`,
#' `roc_auc`, `pr_auc`), plus an additional entry with the actual `k`.
#' The values under each entry will be vectors if passing
#' `cumulative=FALSE`, or matrices (users corresponding to rows) if passing
#' `cumulative=TRUE`.
#' }
#' The `ROC-AUC` and `PR-AUC` metrics will be named just "roc_auc" and "pr_auc",
#' since they are calculated for the full ranked predictions without stopping at `k`.
#' @examples
#' ### (See the package vignette for a better example)
#' library(recometrics)
#' library(Matrix)
#' library(MatrixExtra)
#' ### Generating random data
#' n_users <- 10L
#' n_items <- 20L
#' n_factors <- 3L
#' k <- 4L
#' set.seed(1)
#' UserFactors <- matrix(rnorm(n_users * n_factors), nrow=n_factors)
#' ItemFactors <- matrix(rnorm(n_items * n_factors), nrow=n_factors)
#' X <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(n_users, n_items, .5, repr="R")
#' X <- abs(X)
#' ### Generating a random train-test split
#' data_split <- create.reco.train.test(X, split_type="all")
#' X_train <- data_split$X_train
#' X_test <- data_split$X_test
#' ### Calculating these metrics
#' ### (should be poor quality, since data is random)
#' metrics <- calc.reco.metrics(
#' X_train, X_test,
#' UserFactors, ItemFactors,
#' k=k, as_df=TRUE,
#' nthreads=1L
#' )
#' print(metrics)
calc.reco.metrics <- function(
X_train, X_test, A, B, k = 5L,
item_biases = NULL,
as_df = TRUE,
by_rows = FALSE,
sort_indices = TRUE,
precision = TRUE,
trunc_precision = FALSE,
recall = FALSE,
average_precision = TRUE,
trunc_average_precision = FALSE,
ndcg = TRUE,
hit = FALSE,
rr = FALSE,
roc_auc = FALSE,
pr_auc = FALSE,
all_metrics = FALSE,
rename_k = TRUE,
break_ties_with_noise = TRUE,
min_pos_test = 1L,
min_items_pool = 2L,
consider_cold_start = TRUE,
cumulative = FALSE,
nthreads = parallel::detectCores(),
seed = 1L
) {
all_metrics <- check.bool(all_metrics, "all_metrics")
if (all_metrics) {
precision <- TRUE
trunc_precision <- TRUE
recall <- TRUE
average_precision <- TRUE
trunc_average_precision <- TRUE
ndcg <- TRUE
hit <- TRUE
rr <- TRUE
roc_auc <- TRUE
pr_auc <- TRUE
if (is.null(X_train)) {
X_train <- MatrixExtra::emptySparse(nrow(X_test), ncol(X_test),
format="R", dtype="d")
consider_cold_start <- TRUE
if (is.null(A) != is.null(B))
stop("'A' and 'B' must either be passed together or passed as 'NULL' together.")
if (is.null(A)) {
if (is.null(item_biases))
stop("Must pass item biases if not passing factors.")
if (inherits(item_biases, "float32"))
item_biases <- float::dbl(item_biases)
A <- matrix(1., nrow=1, ncol=nrow(X_test))
B <- matrix(item_biases, nrow=1)
item_biases <- NULL
by_rows <- FALSE
as_df <- check.bool(as_df, "as_df")
by_rows <- check.bool(by_rows, "by_rows")
sort_indices <- check.bool(sort_indices, "sort_indices")
break_ties_with_noise <- check.bool(break_ties_with_noise, "break_ties_with_noise")
consider_cold_start <- check.bool(consider_cold_start, "consider_cold_start")
cumulative <- check.bool(cumulative, "cumulative")
rename_k <- check.bool(rename_k, "rename_k")
precision <- check.bool(precision, "precision")
trunc_precision <- check.bool(trunc_precision, "trunc_precision")
recall <- check.bool(recall, "recall")
average_precision <- check.bool(average_precision, "average_precision")
trunc_average_precision <- check.bool(trunc_average_precision, "trunc_average_precision")
ndcg <- check.bool(ndcg, "ndcg")
hit <- check.bool(hit, "hit")
rr <- check.bool(rr, "rr")
roc_auc <- check.bool(roc_auc, "roc_auc")
pr_auc <- check.bool(pr_auc, "pr_auc")
if (!precision && !average_precision && !ndcg && !hit && !rr && !roc_auc)
stop("Must pass at least one metric to calculate.")
nthreads <-, "nthreads", TRUE)
seed <-, "seed", TRUE)
k <-, "k", TRUE)
min_pos_test <-, "min_pos_test", TRUE)
min_items_pool <-, "min_items_pool", TRUE)
if (nthreads > 1L && !R_has_openmp()) {
msg <- paste0("Attempting to use more than 1 thread, but ",
"package was compiled without OpenMP support.")
if (tolower([["sysname"]]) == "darwin")
msg <- paste0(msg, " See")
if (k > NCOL(X_test))
stop("'k' should be smaller than the number of items.")
if (!inherits(A, c("matrix", "float32")))
stop("'A' must be a matrix (regular or 'float32').")
if (!inherits(B, c("matrix", "float32")))
stop("'B' must be a matrix (regular or 'float32').")
if (by_rows) {
k_factors <- ncol(A)
if (ncol(B) != k_factors)
stop("'A' and 'B' must have the same number of factors.")
if (nrow(A) != nrow(X_test))
stop("'A' and 'X' must have the same rows.")
if (nrow(B) != ncol(X_test))
stop("'B' must have the same number of rows as columns in 'X'.")
A <- t(A)
B <- t(B)
} else {
k_factors <- nrow(A)
if (nrow(B) != k_factors)
stop("'A' and 'B' must have the same number of factors.")
if (ncol(A) != nrow(X_test))
stop("'A' must have the same number of columns as there are rows in 'X'.")
if (ncol(B) != ncol(X_test))
stop("'A' and 'X' must have the same columns.")
if (k_factors <= 0)
stop("Factor matrices are invalid.")
if (inherits(A, "float32") != inherits(B, "float32")) {
warning("Factor matrices are of different type, will cast to base R's type.")
A <- float::dbl(A)
B <- float::dbl(B)
if (NROW(item_biases)) {
if (inherits(item_biases, "float32")) {
item_biases@Data <- as.integer(item_biases@Data)
if (!inherits(B, "float32"))
item_biases <- float::dbl(item_biases)
} else {
item_biases <- as.numeric(item_biases)
if (length(item_biases) != ncol(B))
stop("Item biases must have dimension equal to number of columns in 'B'.")
ones <- rep(1, ncol(A))
if (inherits(A, "float32"))
ones <- float::fl(ones)
A <- rbind(A, ones)
B <- rbind(B, item_biases)
if (!inherits(A, "float32") && typeof(A) != "double")
mode(A) <- "double"
if (!inherits(B, "float32") && typeof(B) != "double")
mode(B) <- "double"
if (!nrow(X_test) || !ncol(X_test))
stop("Input matrices cannot be empty.")
if (nrow(X_test) > nrow(X_train))
stop("'X_train' and 'X_test' should have the same number of rows.")
if (ncol(X_train) != ncol(X_test))
stop("'X_train' and 'X_test' should have the same number of columns.")
if (!inherits(X_train, "RsparseMatrix"))
X_train <- MatrixExtra::as.csr.matrix(X_train, binary=TRUE)
if (!inherits(X_test, "dgRMatrix"))
X_test <- MatrixExtra::as.csr.matrix(X_test)
if (!length(X_test@x))
stop("Test data has no non-zero entries.")
if (sort_indices) {
X_train <- MatrixExtra::sort_sparse_indices(X_train, copy=TRUE)
if (!roc_auc && !pr_auc)
X_test <- MatrixExtra::sort_sparse_indices(X_test, copy=TRUE)
if (nthreads > 1) RhpcBLASctl::blas_set_num_threads(1L)
if (inherits(A, "float32")) {
res <- calc_metrics_float(
} else {
res <- calc_metrics_double(
if (cumulative) {
if (!inherits(A, "float32")) {
if (precision) res$p_at_k <- t(matrix(res$p_at_k, nrow=k))
if (trunc_precision) res$tp_at_k <- t(matrix(res$tp_at_k, nrow=k))
if (recall) res$r_at_k <- t(matrix(res$r_at_k, nrow=k))
if (average_precision) res$ap_at_k <- t(matrix(res$ap_at_k, nrow=k))
if (trunc_average_precision) res$tap_at_k <- t(matrix(res$tap_at_k, nrow=k))
if (ndcg) res$ndcg_at_k <- t(matrix(res$ndcg_at_k, nrow=k))
if (hit) res$hit_at_k <- t(matrix(res$hit_at_k, nrow=k))
if (rr) res$rr_at_k <- t(matrix(res$rr_at_k, nrow=k))
} else {
if (precision) res$p_at_k <- new("float32", Data=t(matrix(res$p_at_k, nrow=k)))
if (trunc_precision) res$tp_at_k <- new("float32", Data=t(matrix(res$tp_at_k, nrow=k)))
if (recall) res$r_at_k <- new("float32", Data=t(matrix(res$r_at_k, nrow=k)))
if (average_precision) res$ap_at_k <- new("float32", Data=t(matrix(res$ap_at_k, nrow=k)))
if (trunc_average_precision) res$tap_at_k <- new("float32", Data=t(matrix(res$tap_at_k, nrow=k)))
if (ndcg) res$ndcg_at_k <- new("float32", Data=t(matrix(res$ndcg_at_k, nrow=k)))
if (hit) res$hit_at_k <- new("float32", Data=t(matrix(res$hit_at_k, nrow=k)))
if (rr) res$rr_at_k <- new("float32", Data=t(matrix(res$rr_at_k, nrow=k)))
if (roc_auc) res$roc_auc <- new("float32", Data=res$roc_auc)
if (pr_auc) res$pr_auc <- new("float32", Data=res$pr_auc)
} else if (inherits(A, "float32")) {
if (precision) res$p_at_k <- new("float32", Data=res$p_at_k)
if (trunc_precision) res$tp_at_k <- new("float32", Data=res$tp_at_k)
if (recall) res$r_at_k <- new("float32", Data=res$r_at_k)
if (average_precision) res$ap_at_k <- new("float32", Data=res$ap_at_k)
if (trunc_average_precision) res$tap_at_k <- new("float32", Data=res$tap_at_k)
if (ndcg) res$ndcg_at_k <- new("float32", Data=res$ndcg_at_k)
if (hit) res$hit_at_k <- new("float32", Data=res$hit_at_k)
if (rr) res$rr_at_k <- new("float32", Data=res$rr_at_k)
if (roc_auc) res$roc_auc <- new("float32", Data=res$roc_auc)
if (pr_auc) res$pr_auc <- new("float32", Data=res$pr_auc)
if (!as_df) {
} else {
res$k <- NULL
if (inherits(A, "float32")) {
if (precision) res$p_at_k <- float::dbl(res$p_at_k)
if (trunc_precision) res$tp_at_k <- float::dbl(res$tp_at_k)
if (recall) res$r_at_k <- float::dbl(res$r_at_k)
if (average_precision) res$ap_at_k <- float::dbl(res$ap_at_k)
if (trunc_average_precision) res$tap_at_k <- float::dbl(res$tap_at_k)
if (ndcg) res$ndcg_at_k <- float::dbl(res$ndcg_at_k)
if (hit) res$hit_at_k <- float::dbl(res$hit_at_k)
if (rr) res$rr_at_k <- float::dbl(res$rr_at_k)
if (roc_auc) res$roc_auc <- float::dbl(res$roc_auc)
if (pr_auc) res$pr_auc <- float::dbl(res$pr_auc)
if (precision) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$p_at_k)
if (trunc_precision) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$tp_at_k)
if (recall) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$r_at_k)
if (average_precision) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$ap_at_k)
if (trunc_average_precision) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$tap_at_k)
if (ndcg) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$ndcg_at_k)
if (hit) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$hit_at_k)
if (rr) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$rr_at_k)
if (roc_auc) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$roc_auc)
if (pr_auc) C_NAN_to_R_NA(res$pr_auc)
if (!cumulative) {
res <-
if (rename_k)
names(res) <- gsub("_at_k$", paste0("_at_", as.character(k)), names(res))
} else {
if (precision) res$p_at_k <-$p_at_k)
if (trunc_precision) res$tp_at_k <-$tp_at_k)
if (recall) res$r_at_k <-$r_at_k)
if (average_precision) res$ap_at_k <-$ap_at_k)
if (trunc_average_precision) res$tap_at_k <-$tap_at_k)
if (ndcg) res$ndcg_at_k <-$ndcg_at_k)
if (hit) res$hit_at_k <-$hit_at_k)
if (rr) res$rr_at_k <-$rr_at_k)
if (roc_auc) res$roc_auc <- data.frame(roc_auc=res$roc_auc)
if (pr_auc) res$pr_auc <- data.frame(pr_auc=res$pr_auc)
if (precision) names(res$p_at_k) <- paste("p_at_", seq(1L, k), sep="")
if (trunc_precision) names(res$tp_at_k) <- paste("tp_at_", seq(1L, k), sep="")
if (recall) names(res$r_at_k) <- paste("r_at_", seq(1L, k), sep="")
if (average_precision) names(res$ap_at_k) <- paste("ap_at_", seq(1L, k), sep="")
if (trunc_average_precision) names(res$tap_at_k) <- paste("tap_at_", seq(1L, k), sep="")
if (ndcg) names(res$ndcg_at_k) <- paste("ndcg_at_", seq(1L, k), sep="")
if (hit) names(res$hit_at_k) <- paste("hit_at_", seq(1L, k), sep="")
if (rr) names(res$rr_at_k) <- paste("rr_at_", seq(1L, k), sep="")
res <- Reduce(cbind, res)
if (NROW(X_test@Dimnames[[1L]]) && length(X_test@Dimnames[[1L]]) == nrow(res))
row.names(res) <- X_test@Dimnames[[1L]]
#' @export
#' @title Create Train-Test Splits of Implicit-Feedback Data
#' @description Creates train-test splits of implicit-feedback data
#' (recorded user-item interactions) for fitting and evaluating models for
#' recommender systems.
#' These splits choose "test users" and "items for a given user" separately,
#' offering three modes of splitting the data:\itemize{
#' \item Creating training and testing sets for each user in the data (when
#' passing `split_type='all'`).
#' This is meant for cases in which the number of users is small or the users to
#' test have already been selected (e.g. one typically does not want to create
#' a train-test split which would leave one item for the user in the training data
#' and zero in the test set, or would want to have other minimum criteria for the
#' test set to be usable). Typically, one would want to take only a sub-sample
#' of users for evaluation purposes, as calculating recommendation quality metrics
#' can take a very long time.
#' \item Selecting a sub-set of users for testing, for which training and testing
#' data splits will be generated, while leaving the remainder of users with all
#' the data for model fitting (when passing `split_type='separated'`).
#' This is meant to be used for fitting a model to the remainder
#' of the data, then generating latent factors (assuming a low-rank matrix factorization
#' model) or top-K recommendations for the test users given their training data,
#' and evaluating these recommendations on the test data for each user (which can be
#' done through the function \link{calc.reco.metrics}).
#' \item Selecting a sub-set of users for testing as above, but adding those users to
#' the training data, in which case they will be the first rows (when passing
#' `split_type='joined'`).
#' This is meant to be used for fitting a model to all such training data, and
#' then evaluating the produced user factors or top-K recommendations for the test
#' users against the test data.
#' It is recommended to use the `separated` mode, as it
#' is more reflective of real scenarios, but some models or libraries do not have the
#' capabilities for producing factors/recommendations for users which where not in the
#' training data, and this option then comes in handy.
#' }
#' @param X The implicit feedback data to split into training-testing-remainder
#' for evaluating recommender systems. Should be passed as a sparse CSR matrix from
#' the `Matrix` package (class `dgRMatrix`). Users should correspond to rows, items
#' to columns, and non-zero values to observed user-item interactions.
#' @param split_type Type of data split to generate. Allowed values are:
#' `all`, `separated`, `joined` (see the function description above for more details).
#' @param users_test_fraction Target fraction of the users to set as test (see the
#' function documentation for more details). If the number represented by this fraction
#' exceeds the number set by `max_test_users`, then the actual number will be set to
#' `max_test_users`. Note however that the end result might end up containing fewer
#' users if there are not enough users in the data meeting the minimum desired
#' criteria.
#' If passing `NULL`, will not take a fraction, but will instead take the number that
#' is passed for `max_test_users`.
#' Ignored when passing `split_type='all'`.
#' @param max_test_users Maximum number of users to set as test. Note that this will
#' only be applied for choosing the minimum between this and
#' `ncol(X)*users_test_fraction`, while the actual number might end up being
#' lower if there are not enough users meeting the desired minimum conditions.
#' If passing `NULL` for `users_test_fraction`, will interpret this as the number
#' of test users to take.
#' Ignored when passing `split_type='all'`.
#' @param items_test_fraction Target fraction of the data (items) to set for test
#' for each user. Should be a number between zero and one (non-inclusive).
#' The actual number of test entries for each user will be determined as
#' `round(n_entries_user*items_test_fraction)`, thus in a long-tailed distribution
#' (typical for recommender systems), the actual fraction that will be obtained is
#' likely to be slightly lower than what is passed here.
#' Note that items are sampled independently for each user, thus the items that are
#' in the test set for some users might be in the training set for different users.
#' @param min_items_pool Minimum number of items (sum of positive and negative items)
#' that a user must have in order to be eligible as test user.
#' @param min_pos_test Minimum number of positive entries (non-zero entries in
#' the test set) that users would need to have in order to be eligible as test user.
#' @param consider_cold_start Whether to still set users as eligible for test in
#' situations in which some user would have test data but no positive (non-zero)
#' entries in the training data. This will only happen when passing
#' `test_fraction>=0.5`.
#' @param seed Seed to use for random number generation.
#' @return Will return a list with two to four elements depending on the requested split
#' type:\itemize{
#' \item If passing `split_type='all'`, will have elements `X_train` and `X_test`,
#' both of which will be sparse CSR matrices (class `dgRMatrix` from the `Matrix` package,
#' which can be converted to other types through e.g. ``)
#' with the same number of rows and columns as the `X` that was passed as input.
#' \item If passing `split_type='separated'`, will have the entries `X_train` and `X_test`
#' as above (but with a number of rows corresponding to the number of selected test
#' users instead), plus an entry `X_rem` which will be a CSR matrix containing the
#' data for the remainder of the users (those which were not selected for testing and
#' on which the recommendation model is meant to be fitted), and an entry `users_test`
#' which will be an integer vector containing the indices of the users/rows in `X`
#' which were selected for testing. The selected test users will be in sorted order,
#' and the remaining data will remain in sorted order with the test users removed
#' (e.g. if there's 5 users, with the second and fifth selected for testing, then
#' `X_train` and `X_test` will contain rows [2,5] of `X`, while `X_rem` will contain
#' rows [1,3,4]).
#' \item If passing `split_type='joined'`, will not contain the entry `X_rem`,
#' but instead, `X_train` will be the concatenation of `X_train` and `X_rem`,
#' with `X_train` coming first (e.g. if there's 5 users, with the second and fifth
#' selected for testing, then `X_test` will contain rows [2,5] of `X`, while
#' `X_train` will contain rows [2,5,1,3,4], in that order).
#' }
#' The training and testing items for each user will not intersect, and each item
#' in the original `X` data for a given test user will be assigned to either the
#' training or the testing sets.
create.reco.train.test <- function(
split_type = "separated",
users_test_fraction = 0.1,
max_test_users = 10000L,
items_test_fraction = 0.3,
min_items_pool = 2L,
min_pos_test = 1L,
consider_cold_start = FALSE,
seed = 1L
) {
consider_cold_start <- check.bool(consider_cold_start, "consider_cold_start")
if (is.null(max_test_users))
max_test_users <- nrow(X)
max_test_users <-, "max_test_users", FALSE)
if (max_test_users <= 0)
max_test_users <- nrow(X)
seed <-, "seed", TRUE)
min_pos_test <-, "min_pos_test", TRUE)
min_items_pool <-, "min_items_pool", TRUE)
if (!is.null(users_test_fraction))
users_test_fraction <- check.fraction(users_test_fraction, "users_test_fraction")
items_test_fraction <- check.fraction(items_test_fraction, "items_test_fraction")
allowed_split_type <- c("all", "separated", "joined")
if (NROW(split_type) != 1L || !(split_type %in% allowed_split_type))
stop(paste0("'split_type' must be one of: ",
paste(allowed_split_type, collapse=", ")))
if (!nrow(X) || !ncol(X))
stop("'X' cannot be empty.")
if (min_pos_test >= ncol(X))
stop("'min_pos_test' must be smaller than the number of columns in 'X'.")
if (min_items_pool >= ncol(X))
stop("'min_items_pool' must be smaller than the number of columns in 'X'.")
if (split_type != "all") {
if (nrow(X) < 2)
stop("'X' has less than 2 rows.")
if (!is.null(users_test_fraction)) {
n_users_take <- nrow(X) * users_test_fraction
if (n_users_take < 1) {
warning("Desired fraction of test users implies <1, will select 1 user.")
n_users_take <- 1L
n_users_take <- round(n_users_take)
n_users_take <- min(n_users_take, max_test_users)
} else {
if (max_test_users > NROW(X))
warning("'max_test_users' is larger than number of users. Will take all.")
n_users_take <- as.integer(min(max_test_users, NROW(X)))
if (!inherits(X, "dgRMatrix"))
X <- MatrixExtra::as.csr.matrix(X)
if (!length(X@x))
stop("'X' contains no non-zero entries.")
if (split_type == "all") {
res <- split_csr_selected_users(
} else if (split_type == "separated") {
res <- split_csr_separated_users(
} else if (split_type == "joined") {
res <- split_csr_separated_users(
} else {
stop("Unexpected error.")
out <- list()
X_train <- new("dgRMatrix")
X_train@Dim <- as.integer(c(length(res$Xtrain_csr_p)-1L, ncol(X)))
X_train@p <- res$Xtrain_csr_p
X_train@j <- res$Xtrain_csr_i
X_train@x <- res$Xtrain_csr
X_train@Dimnames <- X@Dimnames
if (NROW(X@Dimnames[[1L]]) && split_type != "all") {
if (split_type == "separated") {
X_train@Dimnames[[1L]] <- X@Dimnames[[1L]][res$users_test]
} else {
users_nontest <- setdiff(seq(1L, nrow(X)), res$users_test)
all_users <- c(res$users_test, users_nontest)
X_train@Dimnames[[1L]] <- X@Dimnames[[1L]][res$all_users]
out$X_train <- X_train
X_test <- new("dgRMatrix")
X_test@Dim <- as.integer(c(length(res$Xtest_csr_p)-1L, ncol(X)))
X_test@p <- res$Xtest_csr_p
X_test@j <- res$Xtest_csr_i
X_test@x <- res$Xtest_csr
X_test@Dimnames <- X@Dimnames
if (NROW(X@Dimnames[[1L]]) && split_type != "all") {
X_test@Dimnames[[1L]] <- X@Dimnames[[1L]][res$users_test]
out$X_test <- X_test
if (split_type == "separated") {
X_rem <- new("dgRMatrix")
X_rem@Dim <- as.integer(c(length(res$Xrem_csr_p)-1L, ncol(X)))
X_rem@p <- res$Xrem_csr_p
X_rem@j <- res$Xrem_csr_i
X_rem@x <- res$Xrem_csr
X_rem@Dimnames <- X@Dimnames
if (NROW(X@Dimnames[[1L]])) {
users_nontest <- setdiff(seq(1L, nrow(X)), res$users_test)
X_rem@Dimnames[[1L]] <- X@Dimnames[[1L]][res$all_users]
out$X_rem <- X_rem
if (split_type != "all") {
out$users_test <- res$users_test
if (NROW(X@Dimnames[[1L]]))
names(out$users_test) <- X@Dimnames[[1L]][res$users_test]
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.