knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
Research Electronic Data Capture or REDCap puts a lot of power into the hands
of those wishing to collect data, from surveys to running clinical trials. Once the data is
collected the statistician or data scientist is responsible for summarizing the collected data
into reports. R being a useful tool for this purpose, the department of
Biostatistics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has provided the community with the
package redcapAPI
to facilitate using REDCap from R.
has undergone significant growth over time, causing its previous code and interface
to no longer align with the current state of the REDCap project. The original package started
to directly expose the raw API in R and the common needs of users propagated via snippets of R code.
To address the true needs of the user, a major refactor based on user feedback was undertaken to
better address the challenges of a researcher in today's computing environments. This new interface
began with version 2.7.0.
The primary change has been in the method of retrieving records, which has shifted from using
to exportRecordsTyped
. The reason for renaming the function is to provide ample
time for systems to transition to the new interface. It is important to read over this document
and understand the changes if one is a current user of exportRecords
. However, the modifications
are considerably more extensive. This document will outline the best practices approach to using the library.
The ultimate goal is to minimize the number of calls a user needs to make to accomplish their task and have the data prepared for analysis. This can't happen without user involvement--if the library doesn't work easily for ones needs, please open an issue on GitHub and we will do our best to provide a solution.
If one wishes to reproduce these examples, see 'Reproducing this Vignette' towards the end of this document.
This document is too long! I need to get to work now.
There are 2 basic functions that are key to understanding the major changes with this version:
These two are all that required to get all the forms from databases into R objects. Open a connection and export the records.
Here's a typical call for these two:
options(keyring_backend=keyring::backend_file) # Put in .Rprofile unlockREDCap(c(rcon = '<MY PROJECT NAME>'), keyring = 'API_KEYs', envir = 1, url = 'https://<REDCAP_URL>/api/') exportBulkRecords(list(db = rcon), envir = 1)
The keyring_backend
option tells the system to use a filesystem based crypto locker for storing keys. It is recommended to put this into one's .Rprofile
. The system crypto lockers can have odd behavior, the filesystem method is consistent across all platforms.
is a reference for whatever you wish to call this REDCap project; this is the name the API_KEY for this project will be stored under in the crypto locker file. The rcon
is the variable you wish to assign it too in R memory. The keyring is a name for this key ring. If one uses 'API_KEYs'
for all your projects, you'll have one big keyring for all your API_KEYs locally encrypted. The url is the standard url for the api. The envir
call is where to write the connection object; if not specified the call will return a list.
The next call to exportBulkRecords
, defaults to exporting by form name. The first argument is specifying a db
reference to the connection opened. This can be used to specify just a subset of desired forms via the forms
argument if needed. The envir
has it writing it back to the global environment as variables. Any parameter not recognized is passed to the exportRecordsTyped
call. Looking over the documentation for exportRecordsTyped
is key to understanding all the possibilities. To really understand, keep reading.
The first thing to consider is the API_KEY. This key is what enables the export of data from a REDCap project. It is the equivalent of a user name, password and project identifier in a single character string. As such it should be protected as strongly as one's password into the systems that store one's data. In the United States, the HIPAA law has a minimum violation of $100 per private health record exposed. In a large clinical trial setting this can easily run into millions of dollars of potential risk.
Therefore, the API_KEY should never be stored in a plain text file unless
it's on a tightly monitored and secured production system that cannot work
without it.
Logging into REDCap every time one wants to work, and then juggling
multiple API_KEYs will quickly become burdensome. Copying and pasting that API_KEY
into code (plain text!) and then remembering to delete when finished is all too
easy to forget. A single git commit and simple push to share code and
the API_KEY is exposed to the world. Making a mistake is highly probable, and the risk of exposing any plain text file in a directory is high. The problem
is so rampant that at one point there was a website scanning
for API_KEYS and posting them on a rolling kiosk. Exposures were occurring every few seconds. Many of these were for other APIs, but the risk of exposure through an inadvertent commit cannot be understated.
The library provides a helper function that uses an encrypted local file
to store API_KEYS for opening connections to REDCap. Using this function
greatly reduces the risk of exposure. It has tools to facilitate a transfer of code to an automated environment as well. See ?unlockREDcap
for those details.
Note: This functionality was originally in the package rccola
, but this
library is no longer needed. The functionality is built into redcapAPI
only requesting connections is supported. This is the preferred long term
library(redcapAPI) suppressWarnings(library(Hmisc)) library(curl) options(keyring_backend=keyring::backend_file) # Put in .Rprofile unlockREDCap(c(test_conn = 'TestRedcapAPI', # REDCap project 1 sandbox_conn = 'SandboxAPI'), # REDCap project 2 keyring = 'API_KEYs', envir = 1, url = '')
The first time this is called, it asks the user for a password that will be used
to unlock the crypto locker API_KEYs
. A keyring can contain multiple API_KEYs
and hence the name we've given it here--one is free to use any naming they
desire. The first time it is run it will prompt for each
API_KEY by the name one has given it, e.g. 'TestRedcapAPI'. If an API_KEY
does not connect the call will fail and halt execution in R and it will be
deleted from the key_ring to prompt one to enter it again. Subsequent
calls will not prompt for an API_KEY, just the password one has given
to unlock the remaining keys in the locker. It will stay open in an R session
and not prompt again. caveat: each knit button press from RStudio creates a new session, so it
will prompt each call to knitr. MacOS has a password prompt problem with getPass
; this only works from RStudio at present on MacOS.
Specifying envir=1
tells the function to create the connections
in the global environment as variables. Without this the function returns
a list of the connections.
In summary, the keyring is stored in an encrypted form accessible by a single password. If one's laptop were stolen or compromised it is far more difficult for a hacker to gain further access due to the encryption.
This library also cooperates with our production environments by looking for
these things in a plain text file yml
in the directory above execution. This
functionality is only recommended for system admins and should never be
used on a work desktop or laptop.
To prevent R from inadvertently saving API_KEYs to files, it is recommended to turn off any saving of workspace data. In RStudio this is under "Tools -> Global Options (General)", set 'Save Workspace to .RData on exit' to Never.
For command line users create an .Rprofile
file in one's home directory [simple method: usethis::edit_r_profile()
containing the following base function override:
options(keyring_backend=keyring::backend_file) utils::assignInNamespace( "q", function(save="no", status=0, runLast=TRUE) { .Internal(quit(save, status, runLast)) }, "base" )
More details on keyring management are in the keyring
package. If one forgets their password,
one helpful solution is to delete it and try again using the keyring::keyring_delete("API_KEYs")
Once again, per our design goals, our choices and recommendations do not limit the user. If one has their own system of API_KEY management, one can still open a connection directly using redcapConnection
If the easiest path is the best path, it will become the common path. We've done our best to make best security practice the easiest path.
The problem naturally arises that one has multiple target environments with a different set of projects in REDCap. A common configuration is three environments: 'dev', 'qa', and 'prod'. This now conflicts with the goal of having a single set of code that requires no modification to work against these three environments. A simple solution exists if one uses environment variables.
What can be done is to use an environment variable to denote the project state to work against and switch out the names pulled from the keyring to get the API KEYs. This pulls the string from the defined environment variable and switchs
myenv <- Sys.getenv(MY_FABULOUS_PROJECT_ENV, 'dev') # Defaults to 'dev' dbnames <- if(myenv == 'dev') { c(test_conn = 'DevRedcapAPI', sandbox_conn = 'DevSandboxAPI') } else if(myenv == 'qa') { c(test_conn = 'QARedcapAPI', sandbox_conn = 'QASandboxAPI') } else if(myenv == 'prod') { c(test_conn = 'ProdRedcapAPI', sandbox_conn = 'ProdSandboxAPI') } else stop("Unknown environment target in MY_FABULOUS_PROJECT_ENV") unlockREDCap(dbnames keyring = 'API_KEYs', envir = 1, url = '')
To switch between these one can use usethis::edit_r_profile()
and add the following line:
After editing one must restart R for it to load this variable. This equips a project to use multiple names from a keyring to control which projects are utilized when running.
An alternative would be to do the same as above but switch out the keyring used and have a keyring for each environment.
The connection objects are a much richer object than the older version of the library. During many REDCap interactions the meta data is necessary to properly interpret the data and guide data transformation. Instead of calling multiple times with each call for this data, the meta data is now cached in the connection object.
Caching saves a lot of round trip calls but brings with it the burden that sometimes it needs to be refreshed. For example, one is developing in a REDCap object and has an R environment interacting with it. After a call, it's noted that something needs changed in the project proper. Using the REDCap GUI, the project's definition is changed. This requires flushing the cache so the next call will retrieve and cached the new data.
head(test_conn$fieldnames()) test_conn$flush_fieldnames() head(test_conn$metadata()) test_conn$flush_metadata() test_conn$flush_all()
Tip: Remember to flush cache after updating project meta data in the GUI.
Another benefit of the new connection object is the idea of retry. When
developing, it's okay if the network hiccups, one can simply rerun the report
or command and try again. In a production environment, a report that makes
a lot of API calls is assuming that all of those calls are successful in order to complete execution. This is not that case 100% of the time, so a mitigation strategy
is needed on the connection object. This is implemented via the retries
and retry_quietly
parameters when calling to build the
connection objects. These are passed to redcapAPI::redcapConnection
additional parameters.
The default is to quietly make 5 retries on a call, with an interval of 2, 4, 8,
16, and 32 seconds between retries. This greatly improves the odds of
building a complex report involving a lot of REDCap calls. The user
of the package gets this for free and by specifying retries=10
it will try up to 30 minutes per call if necessary, allowing downtime to not affect report generation. This is important on automated systems that require reliability and can wait.
, redcapFactor
and redcapFlipFactor
still exist in the
library but are deprecated. These functions will no longer be updated. exportRecordsTyped
is the preferred method moving forward.
Armed with a connection from a secured API_KEY in one's R session, the
usual goal is to get the data into R, properly typed for use in an R
model. Dates and Factors need to be converted into a usable format that makes
statistical modelling easy. Type theory is a very deep theoretical topic
in mathematics and computer science and thus this topic is complex.
has made a lot of default choices which we felt will satisfy 80% of
use cases.
However, these choices are not a limitation. Care has been taken to allow user defined overrides for each of these choices and to be extensible to handle just about anything the user would prefer. The strategy chosen is called inversion of control.
Understanding the type 'casting' algorithm is important if the default choices are not satisfactory. Casting referring to the transformation of one data class in R to another (aka type casting).
REDCap stores all data as character strings. A validation on input may be
specified as a field_type
in the REDCap project. However, these might
be added later, changed or raw data from a different system pushed up. The
declared field_type
from the REDCap meta data has no guarantee to describe
the data format of the actual data. This divergence can be a source of
frustration and difficulty, thus we've designed the following steps of
the process to cast a column of data from a project:
--the empty string.field_type
.The choice of which routine to call is a defined by field_type
. The current
version of REDCap at the time of this writing is: date_
, datetime_
, time_mm_ss
, time_hh_mm_ss
, time
, float
, number
, int
, integer
, yesno
, truefalse
, checkbox
, form_complete
, radio
, dropdown
, and sql
The field_type for date_
, datetime_
and datetime_seconds
are all
truncated from the original as all of these are reported in the API as ymd.
The definition of NA may vary. An example is someone uploaded external data that says "-5" is an NA due to a code book. These values are not desired to be treated as anything but NA. In this case the user needs to specify an override.
The expected function signature is function(x, field_name, coding)
. The
following demonstrates some test data. It follows with a declaration that date
"2023-02-24" is to be treated as NA. Then, "2023-03-24" is only to be treated
as NA for the field date_mdy
. Coding is only provided if there is a
defined code book for the variable.
head(exportRecordsTyped(test_conn)[,1:10]) my_na_detector <- function(x, field_name, coding) | x=="" | x == "2023-02-24" head(exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, na=list(date_=my_na_detector))[,1:10]) my_limited_na_detector <- function(x, field_name, coding) | x=="" | field_name=='date_mdy' head(exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, na=list(date_=my_limited_na_detector))[,1:10])
One can also fill the full table for na
with a function.
head(exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, na=na_values(my_limited_na_detector))[,1:10])
It is hopefully a rare case when this is needed. The next step, validation, has an available report that should clarify when it is required.
This step based on field_type
calls a function that returns a vector of
logical specifying what is valid or not. The simplest of these is via
a regular expression or regex. Detailing construction of a regex for
validation of a field is outside the scope of this document, good tutorials
are available online such as It's helpful to have
an interactive environment to develop one, we used frequently in developing the
regexs provided by default.
The function signature once again is function(x, field_name, coding)
The default set of validations is:
list( date_ = valRx("^[0-9]{1,4}-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$"), datetime_ = valRx("^[0-9]{1,4}-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\\s([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$"), datetime_seconds_ = valRx("^[0-9]{1,4}-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\\s([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$"), time_mm_ss = valRx("^[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$"), time_hh_mm_ss = valRx("^([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$"), time = valRx("^([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$"), float = valRx("^[-+]?(([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)|(\\.[0-9]+))([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?$"), number = valRx("^[-+]?(([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)|(\\.[0-9]+))([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?$"), calc = valRx("^[-+]?(([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)|(\\.[0-9]+))([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?$"), int = valRx("^[-+]?[0-9]+(|\\.|\\.[0]+)$"), integer = valRx("^[-+]?[0-9]+$"), yesno = valRx("^(?i)(0|1|yes|no)$"), truefalse = valRx("^(0|1|true|false)$"), checkbox = valRx("^(?i)(0|1|yes|no)$"), form_complete = valRx("^[012]$"), select = valChoice, radio = valChoice, dropdown = valChoice, sql = NA # Incomplete at present )
Ignore the complex regular expressions above if unfamiliar. Let's look
at a building a simple validation for form_complete
: valRx("^[012]$")
. The
regex here starts with "^" for beginning of string, it's followed by a set
in square brackets meaning to match one of those characters, then the "$" meaning
end of string. Thus, it asks to build a validation function of the right
signature that will return a vector that is TRUE for input that is a single
character "0", "1" or "2" and FALSE otherwise.
All characters that fail a validation are returned as an attribute "invalid" on the resulting data.frame. The default print method will format this into Markdown, and all records that are not NA that fail validation will be called out.
We will use a RegEx to make a lot of numbers fail in this example, and use the [1:10,] selector to limit the output for this example.
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, validation=list(number=valRx("^5$|^-100$"))) summary(Records$prereq_number) knitr::asis_output(format(attr(Records, "invalid")[1:10,]))
This shows that the number records containing "1" did not pass the regex validation and these will become NA in the final output. The field name, type, row number and record id all help the user to quickly diagnose what is not validating.
Once again, overriding the default is expected to be a rare need, but the option is available should it arise. Casting variables to the desired class is up next.
The na and validation callback list serve to exclude what should not be attempted to cast into a class. This prevents the library from crashing when the input does not match the expected format. This is particularly troublesome with date and time casting, and excluding these failed validations ensures the cast will be successful.
The function signature for these callbacks is the familiar function(x, field_name, coding)
list( date_ = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), datetime_ = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), datetime_seconds_ = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), time_mm_ss = function(x, ...) chron::times(ifelse(,NA,paste0("00:",x)), format=c(times="h:m:s")), time_hh_mm_ss = function(x, ...) chron::times(x, format=c(times="h:m:s")), time = function(x, ...) chron::times(gsub("(^\\d{2}:\\d{2}$)", "\\1:00", x), format=c(times="h:m:s")), float = as.numeric, number = as.numeric, calc = as.numeric, int = as.integer, integer = as.numeric, yesno = castLabel, truefalse = function(x, ...) x=='1' | tolower(x) =='true', checkbox = castChecked, form_complete = castLabel, select = castLabel, radio = castLabel, dropdown = castLabel, sql = NA )
A common request is to use the internal as.Date function instead of POSIXct for handling dates.
NOTE: An exported object cast_raw
consists of NA for each of these keys. If
one desires raw data the cast function is NA.
head(exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, cast=list(date_=as.Date))[,1:10])
The date columns are now of the internal base R date
class. Various helper
routines are available on the ?fieldValidationAndCasting
help page. One
of note is castCode
which when used instead of castLabel
it will cast
to the coded value and not the labelled value.
With na, validation and cast covered a large amount of new functionality and control is in the hands of the user.
Inversion of control is available for the assignment of attributes to columns as well. There exists an assignment argument which is a list of functions that will assign their output to the attribute using the name of the list key.
The defaults add labels and units.
assignment=list(label=stripHTMLandUnicode, units=unitsFieldAnnotation)
The function signature for these is function(field_name, field_label, field_annotation)
The label for a column is created by stripping HTML and Unicode characters from
the REDCap field label. The units are done by searching the field annotation
for something of the following form: units={"meters"}
(using a regex).
If one desired custom attributes on columns based on this information it can be done with an override.
If the forms argument is specified, the return from exportRecordsTyped
the data down to only rows and columns containing information for the specified
forms. I.e., REDCap raw data is in "block sparse" format and what users really want is "long" format without extraneous empty rows.
exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, forms="repeating_instrument")
There are only 2 rows from a test project with over 20 rows of data for this form.
set.seed(442560557) forms <- c(10, 7, 12, 9) n <- length(forms) cols <- rows <- sum(forms) membership <- replicate(rows, rbinom(n, 1, 1/n)) bs <- sapply(seq(rows), function(i) { (rep(membership[,i], times=forms) == 1) & (rbinom(cols, 1, 0.75) == 1) }) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(0:1, 0:1, typ="n", xlim=c(0, cols+1), ylim=c(0, rows+1), ylab='', xlab='', axes=FALSE, main="Raw Data Example") for(x in 1:cols) for(y in 1:rows) if(bs[x,y]) polygon(c(x, x+1, x+1, x), c(y, y, y+1, y+1), col='darkblue') plot(0:1, 0:1, typ="n", xlim=c(0, cols+1), ylim=c(0, rows+1), ylab='', xlab='', axes=FALSE, main="Block Sparse Sorted Example") ord <- order(((2^(0:(n-1))) %*% membership)[1,]) bso <- bs[,ord] for(x in 1:cols) for(y in 1:rows) if(bso[x,y]) polygon(c(x, x+1, x+1, x), c(y, y, y+1, y+1), col='darkblue') box <- function(x1,x2, y1, y2) lines(c(x1, x2, x2, x1, x1), c(y1, y1, y2, y2, y1), col='red', lwd=2) box( 1, 11, 8, 14) box(11, 18, 14, 23) box( 1, 11, 22, 23) box(11, 18, 28, 31) box(18, 30, 23, 31) box(30, 39, 31, 39) box(18, 30, 35, 39) box(11, 18, 38, 39) box( 1, 11, 36, 39) box( 1, 11, 34, 35) text( 5, 5, "Form 1", pos=1, cex=0.7) text(15, 5, "Form 2", pos=1, cex=0.7) text(24, 5, "Form 3", pos=1, cex=0.7) text(35, 5, "Form 4", pos=1, cex=0.7)
Only the highlighted in red data is desired for processing.
The scope and purpose of exportRecordsTyped
was to extract the data frame in
the desired classes for analysis. Sometimes post processing of the frame
for further cleanup is desired and casting cannot do all that is required.
Several useful helper routines for post processing are provided.
The first we'll cover is recastRecords
Users have reported that redcapFactorFlip
has been very useful for them
to switch the way the data was cast in a back and forth manner. The current
library has deprecated redcapFactorFlip
and the new method to replace it
is recastRecords
exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, fields=c("record_id", "date_dmy_test", "date_mdy_test", "prereq_yesno")) |> recastRecords(test_conn, fields = c("date_dmy_test", "date_mdy_test", "prereq_yesno"), cast = list(date_ = as.Date, yesno = castRaw)) |> head()
Recasting may be performed using a character vector of field names; a numeric vector of field indices; or a logical vector (the logical vector must be the same length as the number of columns in the data frame).
Users of Hmisc
or rms
might want multiple choice class fields added to
their resulting Record data.frame.
x <- exportRecordsTyped(test_conn) |> mChoiceCast(test_conn) x$checkbox_test
What if validations were never added to the project and one would like to take a guess at casting, i.e. not rely on the meta data? Any field that remains character can be subject to a guess based on passing validation. This strategy only works for fields that are declared to be of type 'text'. I.e., they were never assigned field type in the REDCap project.
This is kept as a separate function to ensure that the user makes a clear choice in using guesswork.
exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, fields="date_dmy_test", cast=raw_cast) |> guessCast( test_conn, validation=valRx("^[0-9]{1,4}-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$"), cast=as.Date, threshold=0.1)
Since dates are common, a helper specifically for this guess is provided.
exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, fields="date_dmy_test", cast=raw_cast) |> guessDate(test_conn, threshold=0.1)
Another potential problem is a Date field was allowed to be free form text for a period and later updated in REDCap to be a Date field with validation. This now requires some guessing for the Date format. The default methods require well formed Date strings and thus fail for a lot of cases that could be potentially dealt with.
The anytime
library in R has a robust set of date guesses that deal with a lot of different potential formats. This is a great use and example of inversion of control over type casting. Once can simply make the decision that guessing at Dates is acceptable (guessing is never the default in the redcapAPI library), and then override the defaults.
library(anytime) exportRecordsTyped(rcon, validation=list(date_=function(x,...) !, cast=list(date_=function(x, ...) anydate(x)))
Note that the validation
and cast
overrides have to be kept in sync for the desired outcome.
There are times when it is desirable to separate a data set into its forms/instruments. Most notably, this may be necessary to work with repeating instruments in projects that have complex repeating structures.
Separating forms can be done via multiple calls to the API, or it
can be done in post-processing via splitForms
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(test_conn) x <- splitForms(Records, test_conn) names(x) class(x$dates_and_times) dim(x$dates_and_times)
NOTE: The later section on exportBulkRecords
might be a better option than using splitForms.
When working with repeating instruments in REDCap the default export is a
tall and thin data frame where repeat instances are split into separate rows.
The widerRepeated
function converts this data frame into a short and wide one and ignores any data.frame that is not a repeated_instrument (this allows for post processing pipelining).
Instead of multiple rows for one record, this function will transform all the
data for each record into one row using reshape
. The function accepts a single
form and returns the reshaped data frame.
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, forms = "repeating_instrument") Records widerRepeated(Records, test_conn)
The widerRepeated
function will not widen forms passed into it without
repeating instruments. It will return these records in the original format.
This function expects that all values in the redcap_repeat_instrument
are the same. If this is not the case it will return and error.
While it is true that importRecords
will convert most data types into a
format that can be imported, it has proven to be overly rigid with blind
spots that cannot be easily overcome. In order to provide better support for
importing data, we have provided the stand-alone function castForImport
follows the same strategy of validation and casting
used in exportRecordsTyped
. It returns a data frame where the fields are
cast in a format (usually character) that can be passed into importRecords
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(test_conn, records = 10:29, forms = "multiple_choice") Records$checkbox_test___x Records$dropdown_test
The default settings of castForImport
are arranged so that most cases of
data will be recast for import as desired.
ForImport <- castForImport(Records, test_conn) ForImport$checkbox_test___x ForImport$dropdown_test
The actual default casting list for castForImport
list( date_ = as.character, datetime_ = as.character, datetime_seconds_ = as.character, time_mm_ss = castTimeMMSS, time_hh_mm_ss = as.character, time = castTimeHHMM, alpha_only = as.character, float = as.character, number = as.character, number_1dp = castDpCharacter(1, dec_symbol = "."), number_1dp_comma_decimal = castDpCharacter(1), number_2dp = castDpCharacter(2, dec_symbol = "."), number_2dp_comma_decimal = castDpCharacter(2), calc = as.character, int = function(x, ...) as.character(as.integer(x)), integer = function(x, ...) as.character(as.integer(x)), yesno = castRaw, truefalse = function(x, ...) (x=='1' | tolower(x) =='true') + 0L, checkbox = castRaw, form_complete = castRaw, select = castRaw, radio = castRaw, dropdown = castRaw, email = as.character, phone = as.character, zipcode = as.character, slider = as.numeric, sql = NA )
At this time, we have not changed anything within importRecords
. Doing so
would require making a breaking change and we aren't prepared to do that on
short notice. However, we are considering this change in the future. For that
reason, we advise changing one's processes to utilize castForImport
to importing data.
We have encountered a special case of a checkbox function that importRecords
is entirely incapable of handling. In this case, the checkbox variable was
defined with the options
0, 0 1, 1 2, 2
In this case, the field checkbox_example___0
could actually be cast in a way
that "0" indicates the checkbox was "checked". This is a scenario that is
problematic, as the API would determine that any value of "0" is unchecked.
In order to handle this scenario, we have provided a special casting function,
, that allows the user to designate what values are to
represent a checked value.
Records <- data.frame(checkbox_test___x = c("0", "", "", "0"), checkbox_test___y = c("y", "y", "", "y")) ForImport <- castForImport(Records, test_conn, fields = "checkbox_test___x", cast = list(checkbox = castCheckForImport(checked = "0"))) ForImport
To complete an import in this scenario may require two passes with castForImport
before calling importRecords
ForImport <- castForImport(Records, test_conn, fields = "checkbox_test___x", cast = list(checkbox = castCheckForImport(checked = "0"))) |> castForImport(test_conn) importRecords(test_conn, data = ForImport)
For a user interested in pulling all the data for a project or set of projects, the exportBulkRecords
function brings all this together in a helper function. It breaks it down by form, can deal with multiple connections and apply a set of post processing choices to all pulls in a single call. Any additional arguments are sent to each exportRecordsTyped
. This is in a sense the apply
for redcapAPI
exports. If the forms argument is not specified it will default to all forms in a project.
exportBulkRecords( lcon = list(test = test_conn, sand = sandbox_conn), forms = list(test = c('repeating_instrument', 'branching_logic')), envir = 1, post = function(Records, rcon) { Records |> mChoiceCast(rcon) |> guessDate(rcon) |> widerRepeated(rcon) } ) test_repeating_instrument head(test_branching_logic)
This references the connections we opened in the unlockREDCap
section at
the beginning and provides the names we want for the resulting records.
The environment post execution contains the data.frames: test.repeating_instrument
, sand
. Each of these were retrieved, possibly using the forms
argument and all were post processed in the same manner as specified by post
Any additional arguments are passed on to the exportRecordsTyped
If forms
is not specified it defaults to all forms in a project.
The missingSummary
function provides a utility to look for missing values
within a dataset. The results account for branching logic in the instrument;
fields that are missing because branching logic did not expose them do not
get counted as missing. One may restrict the summary to fields, forms, and/or
records as well.
missingSummary(test_conn, exportRecordsArgs = list(records = 10:29, fields = "record_id", forms = "branching_logic")) |> head()
One limitation of missingSummary
, however, is that the summary operates
exclusively within each row of the data. Thus, if one's branching logic
utilizes values from previous events, this summary will not correctly identify
non-missing values.
The functions offered by redcapAPI
have expanded significantly in recent
versions. The table below names all of the methods provided by the REDCap
API and indicates which are supported by redcapAPI
| System | Export | Import | Delete | Other Method | |---------|-----|-----|-----|--------------| | Arms | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A | | DAGs | No | No | No | SwitchDag (No) | | | | | | exportDagAssigment (No) | | | | | | importDagAssigment (No) | | Events | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A | | Field Names | Yes | N/A | N/A | N/A | | Files | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A | | File Repository | Yes | Yes | Yes | createFileRepositoryFolder (Yes) | | | | | | exportFileRepositoryListing (Yes) | | Instruments | Yes | N/A | N/A | exportMappings (Yes) | | | | | | importMappings (Yes) | | Logging | Yes | N/A | N/A | N/A | | Meta Data | Yes | Yes | N/A | N/A | | Project Info | Yes | Yes | N/A | createProject (No) | | | | | | exportProjectXML (No) | | Records | Yes | Yes | Yes | renameRecord (No) | | | | | | exportNextRecordName (Yes) | | Reports | Yes | N/A | N/A | N/A | | Version | Yes | N/A | N/A | N/A | | Surveys | N/A | N/A | N/A | exportSurveyLink (No) | | | | | | exportSurveyParticipants (Yes) | | | | | | exportSurveyQueueLink (No) | | | | | | exportSurveyReturnCode (No) | | Users | Yes | No | No | N/A | | UserRoles | No | No | No | exportUserRoleAssigments (No) | | | | | | importUserRoleAssigments (No) |
To reproduce this vignette one must build a copy of the redcapAPI
database. The first step is creating a new project via the REDCap web
interface and generating an API Key. Using this key create a connection
as usual, then restoreProject
will install all forms and data used
in the construction of this vignette.
In addition, there are other project helper functions available. purgeProject
will purge
all data and metadata from a REDCap project. Once can create their own archive
of a REDCap project using preserveProject
purgeProject(rcon, records = TRUE) # Delete everything in the project # Find path to project definition in package load(file.path(path.package('redcapAPI'), "extdata", "testingBranchingLogic", "TestingBranchingLogic.Rdata")) # Rebuild the Project restoreProject(TestingBranchingLogic, rcon = rcon)
calls are very specific in how they access the REDCap API and leave
very little flexibility to the user in the choice of arguments to pass to the
API. This lack of flexibility is deliberate, as it helps limit the potential
for errors and frustration to the typical user. Advanced users may, at times,
find our decisions limiting. Or there may be a need to use an API method that
does not yet offer.
Users wishing to customize their API calls may use makeApiCall
. This is a
flexible function that utilizes the redcapConnection
object, permitting
customized calls within the same code style of the rest of the package.
It has an added benefit of the retry strategy for API call failures as
mentioned in the 'Connection' section above.
For example, using makeApiCall
, we can get User-Roles, even though redcapAPI
does not have a dedicated method to retrieve those.
response <- makeApiCall(test_conn, body = list(content= 'metadata', format = 'csv', returnFormat = 'csv')) head(read.csv(text = as.character(response), na.strings = ''))
When constructing custom calls, the user should read the REDCap API
documentation carefully. Any time a parameter calls for an array of values,
the values from R must be passed in a very specific format--even if there is only
a single value to pass. redcapAPI
uses a function to format R vectors into
the proper format to be accepted by the API. The user should also adopt this
strategy in order to make custom API calls.
The vectorToApiBodyList
function returns a list that can be appended to the
list passed to the body
vectorToApiBodyList(c(1, 3, 4), "arms")
A call to export only a selection of arms from a project would look like this:
as.character(makeApiCall(test_conn, body = c(list(content = 'arm', format = 'csv', returnFormat = 'csv'), vectorToApiBodyList(c(1, 3, 4), "arms"))))
Thanks to all those that have made this effort possible for redcapAPI
as an R package, and striven to make it better.
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