
Defines functions Hcov

Documented in Hcov

#' Kernel bandwidth selection method based on bivariate density
#' contours coverage
#' This function implements a method for estimating bivariate kernel bandwidth
#' based on data covarage. The method starts with the plug in estimate (which
#' usually overfits the data), and then increase this bandwidth value until the
#' desired coverage is obtained. Region coverage is evaluated in an out sample
#' design, using a k fold cross validation scheme.
#' @param Y A matrix containing bivariate data values.
#' @param shape A sequence of values which controls plug in estimator increasing.
#' @param k A number indicating k fold cross validations to be performed.
#' @param tau The desired region coverage
#' @param display_plot A logical indicating if a plot must be displaying, during
#' the function estimation process, summarizing the results.
#' @return This function return a diagonal kernel bandwidth matrix.
#' @export
#' @importFrom "KernSmooth" "dpik" "bkde2D"
#' @importFrom "grDevices" "contourLines"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "abline" "lines" "plot"
#' @importFrom "sp" "SpatialPolygons" "SpatialPoints" "over"
#' @importFrom "pracma" "akimaInterp"
#' @importFrom "grDevices" "dev.off"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "boxplot"
#' @importFrom "stats" "as.formula" "na.omit" "predict" "quantile"

# Incluir funcion Hcv
Hcov <- function(Y, shape = seq(1, 10, 0.5), k = 20, tau = 0.90, display_plot = TRUE) {
  data <- Y
  train_test_coverage <- function(data = data, tau = 0.90, shape = 1) {
    ## Evaluate the bivariate region coverage in a CV scheme

    # Define a train sample
    train <- sample(nrow(data), 0.70 * nrow(data))

    # Bivariate kernel estimation
    x_train <- data[train, 1]
    y_train <- data[train, 2]
    bandwidth <- c(dpik(x_train), dpik(y_train)) # plug in bandwidht
    surf <- bkde2D(cbind(x_train, y_train), bandwidth = bandwidth * shape)

    # Estimate f(u,v) such that P(e1,e2) in f(u,v) = tau
    pts <- SpatialPoints(cbind(x_train, y_train))
    cl <- contourLines(surf[[1]], surf[[2]], surf[[3]], nlevels = 1000)
    cl <- cl[which(do.call(rbind, lapply(cl, function(x) length(x$x))) >= 10)]
    pin <- as.numeric()

    spols <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(cl)) {
      spol <- Polygon(cbind(cl[[i]]$x, cl[[i]]$y))
      spol <- Polygons(list(spol), ID = " ")
      spol <- SpatialPolygons(list(spol))
      pin[i] <- sum(!is.na(over(pts, spol)))
      spols[[i]] <- spol
      if (abs(round(pin[i] / length(x_train), 2) - tau) == 0) {
      } # esto engadino para que non busque sen falta
    pin <- pin / length(x_train)

    # Pick up the R_tau region
    rexion <- cob <- NULL
    best <- which.min(abs(pin - tau))
    best.spol <- spols[[best]]@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]
    rexion <- cbind(xcord = best.spol@coords[, 1], ycord = best.spol@coords[, 2])

    ## Evaluate the region
    pts_test <- SpatialPoints(cbind(data[-train, 1], data[-train, 2]))
    spol <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(cbind(rexion[, 1], rexion[, 2]))), ID = " ")))

    return(test_cov = 100 * (sum(!is.na(over(pts_test, spol))) / length(data[-train, 1])))

  # Perform the a train test scheme k times, for a sequence of shape parameters
  cov_shape <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(shape)) {
    cov_rep <- replicate(k, train_test_coverage(data = data, tau = tau, shape = shape[i]))

    plug_in <- c(dpik(data[, 1]), dpik(data[, 2]))
    bandwidth <- format(round(shape[i] * plug_in, 2), nsmall = 2)
    bandwidth <- paste0("(", bandwidth[1], ",", bandwidth[2], ")")

    cov_shape <- rbind(cov_shape, cbind(rep(bandwidth, k), rep(shape[i], k), cov_rep))

    if (display_plot == TRUE) {
      if (i != 1) {
      boxplot(as.numeric(as.character(cov_shape[, 3])) ~ cov_shape[, 1],
        xlab = "Kernel bandwidth", ylab = "Test coverage, %",
        main = "Best coverage kernel bandwidth", outline = F
      abline(h = tau * 100, col = 2, lwd = 2)

    if (median(cov_rep) >= (100 * tau)) {
    } # if it overcome the nominal coverage STOP

  # Interpolation of the coverage for a sequence of shape parameters
  cov_shape <- as.data.frame(cov_shape)
  colnames(cov_shape) <- c("bandwidth", "shape", "cov")
  cov_shape$shape <- as.numeric(as.character(cov_shape$shape))
  cov_shape$cov <- as.numeric(as.character(cov_shape$cov))

  t <- tapply(cov_shape$cov, cov_shape$shape, median)

  if (length(t) > 1) {
    interpol <- akimaInterp(
      x = as.numeric(names(t)), y = as.numeric(t),
      xi = seq(1, max(as.numeric(names(t))), 0.01)
    best_shape <- seq(1, max(as.numeric(names(t))), 0.01)[which.min(abs(interpol - (100 * tau)))]
  } else {
    best_shape <- as.numeric(t)

    cov_shape = cov_shape, best_shape = best_shape,
    interpolados = cbind(
      seq(1, max(as.numeric(names(t))), 0.01),

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