
Defines functions plot.bivRegr

Documented in plot.bivRegr

#' Plot method for bivRegr fit
#' This function takes an bivRegr object and plots the estimated effects for the
#' conditional response means, variances or correlation. summary_boot function
#' must be applied by the user in order to get the estimated effects confidence
#' intervals.
#' @param x A bivRegr fit.
#' @param eq A number indicating the model effects to be depicted; 1 = first response mean,
#' 2 = second response mean, 3 = first response variance, 4 = second response variance, and
#' 5 = correlation model.
#' @param newdata An optional data frame containing covariates values.
#' @param ... Additional plot arguments.
#' @return This function returns a plot for bivRegr mean, variance and correlation models.
#' @importFrom "gridExtra" "grid.arrange"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "legend"
#' @importFrom "stringr" "str_to_title"
#' @import "ggplot2"
#' @import "RColorBrewer"
#' @export

plot.bivRegr <- function(x, eq = 1, newdata = NULL, ...) {
  if (eq == 1) model <- x$mu1
  if (eq == 2) model <- x$mu2
  if (eq == 3) model <- x$var1
  if (eq == 4) model <- x$var2
  if (eq == 5) model <- x$rho

  model_pred <- predict(model, type = "terms")

  results <- list()
  for (i in 1:ncol(model_pred)) {
    if (str_detect(colnames(model_pred)[i], "s") == TRUE) {
      covar_data <- x$data[, which(str_detect(colnames(model_pred)[i], names(x$data))), drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      covar_data <- x$data[, colnames(model_pred)[i], drop = FALSE]

    fit_pred <- cbind(covar_data, model_pred[, colnames(model_pred)[i], drop = FALSE])
    fit_pred <- unique(fit_pred)
    fit_pred <- as.data.frame(fit_pred)
    fit_pred <- fit_pred[order(fit_pred[, 1]), ]

    colnames(fit_pred) <- c(colnames(model_pred)[i], "fit")
    results[[i]] <- fit_pred
  names(results) <- colnames(model_pred)

  myplot <- function(data) {
    if (is(data[, 1],"factor")) {
      g1 <- ggplot(data, aes(x = data[, 1], y = data[, 2])) +
        geom_point(pch = 13, cex = 5, col = "red") +
      g1 <- g1 + xlab(names(data)[1]) + ylab(str_to_title(paste0(names(data)[1], " centered effect")))
      if (eq == 1) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(model$model)[1], " mean"))
      if (eq == 2) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(model$model)[1], " mean"))
      if (eq == 3) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(x$mu1$model)[1], " variance"))
      if (eq == 4) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(x$mu2$model)[1], " variance"))
      if (eq == 5) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(x$mu1$model)[1], "-", names(x$mu2$model)[1], " correlation"))
    } else {
      g1 <- ggplot(data, aes(x = data[, 1], y = data[, 2]))
      g1 <- g1 + geom_line() + theme_classic() + geom_rug(aes(x = data[, 1], y = NULL), col = "grey")

      if (names(data)[1] %in% do.call(c, lapply(model$smooth, function(x) x$label)) == TRUE) {
        aa <- which(do.call(c, lapply(model$smooth, function(x) x$label)) %in% names(data[1]))
        first <- model$smooth[[aa]]$first.para
        last <- model$smooth[[aa]]$last.para
        edf <- format(round(sum(model$edf[first:last]), 2), nsmall = 2)

      g1 <- g1 + xlab(model$smooth[[aa]]$term) + ylab(paste0("s(", model$smooth[[aa]]$term, ",", edf, ")"))
      if (eq == 1) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(model$model)[1], " mean"))
      if (eq == 2) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(model$model)[1], " mean"))
      if (eq == 3) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(x$mu1$model)[1], " variance"))
      if (eq == 4) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(x$mu2$model)[1], " variance"))
      if (eq == 5) {
        g1 <- g1 + ggtitle(paste0(names(x$mu1$model)[1], "-", names(x$mu2$model)[1], " correlation"))


  plots <- lapply(results, myplot)
  if (length(plots) < 4) {
    return(grid.arrange(grobs = plots, ncol = length(plots)))
  if (length(plots) >= 4) {
    return(grid.arrange(grobs = plots, ncol = length(plots) / 2, nrow = length(plots) / 2))

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refreg documentation built on April 18, 2022, 5:07 p.m.