fetchBMdata: Retrieve data from Budowle and Moretti (1999) from the web

View source: R/fetchBMdata.R

fetchBMdataR Documentation

Retrieve data from Budowle and Moretti (1999) from the web


Retreives the Budowle and Moretti (1999) and compiles the allele frequency tables needed for the other parts of this package such as sim.


fetchBMdata(url = NULL, id = NULL)



- the location of the webpage this data is stored on. If NULL then hardcoded values in the function are used. The argument allows the user to get the function to work given this values may change. However, it is unlikely that it will help.


- the id of the HTML element where the data is stored on the webpage. If NULL then a hardcoded value in the function is used. The argument allows the user to get the function to work given this values may change. However, it is unlikely that it will help. NOTE: this is super flakey because of how the FBI web authors have created it. This may change in which case, the function will more likely change than the id.


The first three populations have data on 20 loci, the second three on 13 loci. The missing values (0's in the raw data) have been dropped and are not used in calculating the frequencies. This function will not work if you are not connected to the internet, or access to the internet is blocked.


A list consisting of six elements corresponding to the six populations detailed in the data set. Each of the list elements is a list in itself with three further elements named loci, profiles and freqs. loci is a vector of the 13-20 STR locus names. freqs is a list of 13-20 vectors, each vector contains the allele frequencies. profiles contains the raw profiles that the allele frequency tables were constructed from.


James M. Curran


Budowle, B. and Moretti, T.R. (1999), Genotype Profiles for Six Population Groups at the 13 CODIS Short Tandem Repeat Core Loci and Other PCR Based Loci, Forensic Science Communications 1(2).

See Also

fbiCaucs, USCaucs


## not run
## Not run: 
db = fetchBMdata()
f = db[["TRINIDADIAN"]]$freqs
dbExpect(f, k = "UN", collapse = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

relSim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:33 a.m.