randomChild: Generate a random child from a given DNA profile and a given...

View source: R/randomChild.R

randomChildR Documentation

Generate a random child from a given DNA profile and a given set of allele frequencies


Generates a random child (or parent) from a given DNA profile from a given set of allele frequencies. At each locus, the child inherits the first allele of the given profile with one half, or the second allele with probability one half. The second allele is chosen at random with probability proportional to the allele frequencies.


randomChild(profile, Freqs)



A vector of length 2*nLoci. Each entry in the vector is the (coded) allele held by the individual. This represents the parent. The relationship is reflexive so it does not matter if the profile is a parent or a child.


A list containing two lists labelled loci and freqs. The second list is a list of vectors containing the allele frequencies of each allele at each locus in the multiplex.


The alleles are simply integers rather than the STR repeat numbers. This speeds up computation immensely when calculating any of the LRs or IBS.


A vector with 2*nLoci elements. Each pair of elements represents the genotpe of the random individual at that locus. The genotype alleles are always ordered so that allele1 <= allele2.


James M. Curran

See Also

randomChild, randomSample, randomSib


P1 = randomProfile(fbiCaucs)
C1 = randomChild(P1,fbiCaucs)

relSim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:33 a.m.