## tests on methods, errors and warnings from methods
# method dim() with type
reh_loc <- randomREH
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = reh_loc$types,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
omit_dyad = reh_loc$omit_dyad,
model = "tie")
expect_equal(length(dim(out)),4) # with types
# method dim() without type
reh_loc <- randomREH
reh_loc$edgelist$type <- NULL
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = reh_loc$types,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
omit_dyad = NULL,
model = "tie")
expect_equal(length(dim(out)),3) # with types
# method dim() with simultaneous events (model == "tie") and types
reh_loc <- randomREH
reh_loc$edgelist$time <- as.Date(reh_loc$edgelist$time)
reh_loc$origin <- as.Date(reh_loc$origin)-1
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = reh_loc$types,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
omit_dyad = NULL,
model = "tie",
riskset = "active")
# expectations on output object features
expect_equal(length(out), 9)
expect_equal(length(dim(out)),6) # with types
expect_identical(names(dim(out)),c("events","time points","actors","types","dyads","dyads(active)"))
# method dim() with simultaneous events (model == "tie") and without types
reh_loc <- randomREH
reh_loc$edgelist$time <- as.Date(reh_loc$edgelist$time)
reh_loc$edgelist$type <- NULL
reh_loc$origin <- as.Date(reh_loc$origin)-1
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = NULL,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
omit_dyad = NULL,
model = "tie",
riskset = "active")
# expectations on output object features
expect_equal(length(out), 9)
expect_equal(length(dim(out)),5) # with types
expect_identical(names(dim(out)),c("events","time points","actors","dyads","dyads(active)"))
# method dim() with simultaneous events (model == "actor")
reh_loc <- randomREH
reh_loc$edgelist$time <- as.Date(reh_loc$edgelist$time)
reh_loc$origin <- as.Date(reh_loc$origin)-1
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = reh_loc$types,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
omit_dyad = NULL,
model = "actor")
# expectations on output object features
expect_equal(length(out), 7)
expect_equal(length(dim(out)),5) # with types
expect_identical(names(dim(out)),c("events","time points","actors","types","dyads"))
# method getRiskset()
## (1) when model = "tie" and omit_dyad is supplied
reh_loc <- randomREH
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = reh_loc$types,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
riskset = "manual",
omit_dyad = reh_loc$omit_dyad,
model = "tie")
## (2) when model = "actor" and omit_dyad is supplied
reh_loc <- randomREH
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = reh_loc$types,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
riskset = "manual",
omit_dyad = reh_loc$omit_dyad,
model = "actor")
## (3) error message when riskset is not manual
reh_loc <- randomREH
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = reh_loc$types,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
riskset = "full",
model = "tie")
"risk set is neither 'active' nor 'manual'.",
fixed = TRUE)
# methods getActorName(), getTypeName(), getDyad(), getActorID(), getTypeID(), getDyadID()
reh_loc <- randomREH
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = reh_loc$types,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
omit_dyad = reh_loc$omit_dyad,
model = "tie")
## (1) method getActorName()
expect_true(is.character(getActorName(x = out,actorID = c(2,3,4))))
expect_equal(length(getActorName(x = out,actorID = c(2,3,4))),3)
expect_identical(getActorName(x = out,actorID = c(2,3,4)),c("Andrey","Breanna","Charles"))
expect_error(getActorName(x = out, actorID = NULL),
"provide at least one actorID.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(getActorName(x = out, actorID = out$N+10),
"no actorID was found in the dictionary.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_warning(getActorName(x = out, actorID = c(2,3,4,out$N+10)),
"some actorID was not found in the dictionary.",
fixed = TRUE
expect_error(getActorName(x = out, actorID = as.character(rnorm(1,mean=1))),
"'actorID' must be numeric or integer.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(getActorName(x = out,actorID = c(2,3,4,out$N+10))),c("Andrey","Breanna","Charles"))
## (2) method getTypeName()
expect_true(is.character(getTypeName(x = out,typeID = c(1,2,3))))
expect_equal(length(getTypeName(x = out,typeID = c(1,2,3))),3)
expect_identical(getTypeName(x = out,typeID = c(1,2,3)),c("competition","conflict","cooperation"))
expect_error(getTypeName(x = out, typeID = NULL),
"provide at least one typeID.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(getTypeName(x = out, typeID = out$C+10),
"no typeID was found in the dictionary.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_warning(getTypeName(x = out, typeID = c(1,2,3,out$C+10)),
"some typeID was not found in the dictionary.",
fixed = TRUE
expect_error(getTypeName(x = out, typeID = as.character(rnorm(1,mean=1))),
"'typeID' must be numeric or integer.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(getTypeName(x = out,typeID = c(1,2,3,out$C+10))),c("competition","conflict","cooperation"))
### when no types are available
out_no_event_types <- remify::remify(edgelist=reh_loc$edgelist[,1:3], model="tie")
expect_error(getTypeName(x = out_no_event_types, typeID = 1),
"'remify' object has no event types",
fixed = TRUE)
## (3) method getActorID()
expect_true(is.integer(getActorID(x = out,actorName = c("Maya","Derek","Megan"))))
expect_equal(length(getActorID(x = out,actorName = c("Maya","Derek","Megan"))),3)
expect_identical(getActorID(x = out,actorName = c("Maya","Derek","Megan")),as.integer(c(14,7,16)))
expect_error(getActorID(x = out, actorName = NULL),
"provide at least one actorName.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(getActorID(x = out, actorName = as.character(rnorm(1,mean=1))),
"no actorName was found in the dictionary.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_warning(getActorID(x = out, actorName = c("Maya","Derek","Megan",as.character(rnorm(1,mean=1)))),
"some actorName was not found in the dictionary.",
fixed = TRUE
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(getActorID(x = out,actorName = c("Maya","Derek","Megan",as.character(rnorm(1,mean=1))))),as.integer(c(14,7,16)))
## (4) method getTypeID()
expect_true(is.integer(getTypeID(x = out,typeName = c("cooperation","conflict"))))
expect_equal(length(getTypeID(x = out,typeName = c("cooperation","conflict"))),2)
expect_identical(getTypeID(x = out,typeName = c("cooperation","conflict")),as.integer(c(3,2)))
expect_error(getTypeID(x = out, typeName = NULL),
"provide at least one typeName.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(getTypeID(x = out, typeName = as.character(rnorm(1,mean=1))),
"no typeName was found in the dictionary.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_warning(getTypeID(x = out, typeName = c("cooperation","conflict",as.character(rnorm(1,mean=1)))),
"some typeName was not found in the dictionary.",
fixed = TRUE
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(getTypeID(x = out,typeName = c("cooperation","conflict",as.character(rnorm(1,mean=1))))),as.integer(c(3,2)))
### when no event types are available
out_no_event_types <- remify::remify(edgelist=randomREH$edgelist[,1:3], model="tie")
expect_error(getTypeID(x = out_no_event_types, typeName="type1"),
"'remify' object has no event types",
fixed = TRUE)
# method getDyad()
expect_true( = out,dyadID = c(1))))
expect_equal(dim(getDyad(x = out, dyadID = c(2,3,4)))[2],4)
expect_identical(names(getDyad(x = out,dyadID = c(1))),c("dyadID","actor1","actor2","type"))
expect_identical(getDyad(x = out,dyadID = c(1))$dyadID,c(1L))
expect_identical(getDyad(x = out,dyadID = c(1))$actor1,c("Alexander"))
expect_identical(getDyad(x = out,dyadID = c(1))$actor2,c("Andrey"))
expect_identical(getDyad(x = out,dyadID = c(1))$type,c("competition"))
expect_error(getDyad(x = out,dyadID = c("1")),
"'dyadID' must be a numeric (or integer) vector",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(getDyad(x = out, dyadID = c(1), active = TRUE),
"'active' = TRUE works only for attr(x,'riskset') = 'active'",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_warning(getDyad(x = out, dyadID = c(1,1,2)),
"'dyadID' contains ID's that are repeated more than once. Such ID's will be processed once",
fixed = TRUE
expect_warning(getDyad(x = out,dyadID = c(0)),
"one or more dyad ID's can't be found in the remify object 'x': dyad ID's must range between 1 and x$D. NA's are returned for such ID's",
# getDyad without type
reh_loc$edgelist$type <- NULL
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = NULL,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
omit_dyad = NULL,
model = "tie")
expect_warning(getDyad(x = out,dyadID = c(0)),
"one or more dyad ID's can't be found in the remify object 'x': dyad ID's must range between 1 and x$D. NA's are returned for such ID's",
expect_silent(getDyad(x = out, dyadID = c(1:10)))
expect_true( = out, dyadID = c(1:10))))
expect_identical(getDyad(x = out, dyadID = c(1:10))$actor1,rep("Alexander",10))
expect_identical(getDyad(x = out, dyadID = c(1:10))$actor2,c("Andrey","Breanna","Charles","Colton","Crystal","Derek","Francesca","Justin","Kayla","Kelsey"))
expect_identical(getDyad(x = out, dyadID = c(1:10))$dyadID,c(1:10))
# method getDyadID()
## network with type
reh_loc <- randomREH
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = reh_loc$types,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
omit_dyad = reh_loc$omit_dyad,
model = "tie")
expect_error(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexander", actor2 = "Charles", type = c("cooperation","conflict")),
"'type' must be a character vector of length 1",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexander", actor2 = c("Charles","Colton"), type = c("conflict")),
"'actor1' and 'actor2' must be character vectors of length 1",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexander", actor2 = c("Alexander"), type = c("conflict")),
"'actor1' and 'actor2' must be different",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexander", actor2 = c("Chareles"), type = c("conflict")),
"input 'actor2' not found in the 'remify' object",
fixed = TRUE
expect_error(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexaner", actor2 = c("Chareles"), type = c("conflict")),
"input 'actor1' and 'actor2' not found in the 'remify' object",
fixed = TRUE
expect_error(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexaner", actor2 = c("Charles"), type = c("conflict")),
"input 'actor1' not found in the 'remify' object",
fixed = TRUE
expect_error(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexander", actor2 = c("Charles"), type = c("conflicts")),
"'type' not found in the 'remify' object",
fixed = TRUE
expect_silent(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexander", actor2 = "Charles", type = c("cooperation")))
## network without type
reh_loc <- randomREH
reh_loc$edgelist$type <- NULL
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
actors = reh_loc$actors,
types = NULL,
directed = TRUE, # events are directed
ordinal = FALSE, # REM with waiting times
origin = reh_loc$origin,
omit_dyad = NULL,
model = "tie")
expect_silent(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexander", actor2 = "Charles"))
# method plot()
## directed = TRUE
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
directed = TRUE,
model = "tie")
expect_silent(plot(x=out,n_intervals = 5L))
## directed = FALSE
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
directed = FALSE,
model = "tie")
expect_silent(plot(x=out,n_intervals = 5L))
# test on methods with active risk set
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
directed = FALSE,
riskset = "active",
model = "tie")
#expect_equal(length(dim(out)),5) # with types
# getDyad method
expect_silent(getDyad(x = out, dyadID = c(1), active = TRUE))
# getDyadID method
expect_silent(getDyadID(x = out, actor1 = "Alexander", actor2 = "Charles", type = "cooperation"))
# plot.remify() method warnings
## N > 50
out <- data.frame(time=1:100,actor1=1:100,actor2=2:101)
out <- remify(edgelist = out,
directed = TRUE,
model = "tie")
expect_warning(plot(out),"Too many actors for rendering plots with a good quality: the 50 most active actors are selected (descriptives on dyads and actors may differ from the descriptives conducted on the whole set of actors)",fixed=TRUE)
## on a subset of actors but still larger than 50 actors
expect_warning(plot(out,actors=as.character(1:80)),"Too many actors for rendering plots with a good quality: the 50 most active actors are selected (descriptives on dyads and actors may differ from the descriptives conducted on the whole set of actors)",fixed=TRUE)
## for directed = FALSE
out <- data.frame(time=1:100,actor1=1:100,actor2=2:101)
out <- remify(edgelist = out,
directed = FALSE,
model = "tie")
expect_warning(plot(out),"Too many actors for rendering plots with a good quality: the 50 most active actors are selected (descriptives on dyads and actors may differ from the descriptives conducted on the whole set of actors)",fixed=TRUE)
# plot.remify() method - errors
reh_loc <- randomREH
out <- remify(edgelist = reh_loc$edgelist,
model = "tie")
# when one or more actors supplied via the argument 'actors' are not found in the network
expect_error(plot(x=out,actors = c("0","1")), "one or more actors' names ('actors') are not found in the remify object 'x'.", fixed = TRUE)
## when N < 50 and the selection of 'actors' brings to zero events selected from the event sequence
out <- data.frame(time=1:30,actor1=11:40,actor2=12:41)
out <- remify(edgelist = out,
actors = as.character(1:41),
directed = TRUE,
model = "tie")
expect_error(plot(x=out,actors = as.character(1:10)),"no events found when selecting the set of actors (supplied via the argument 'actors').",fixed=TRUE)
## when N > 50 and the selection of 'actors' brings to zero events selected from the event sequence
out <- data.frame(time=1:200,actor1=61:260,actor2=62:261)
out <- remify(edgelist = out,
actors = as.character(1:261),
directed = TRUE,
model = "tie")
expect_error(plot(x=out,actors = as.character(1:60)),"no events found when selecting the set of actors (supplied via the argument 'actors').",fixed=TRUE)
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