#' Compile one or several R Markdown reports
#' @param reports Either a regular expression (passed directly to `grep()`) that
#' matches to the report paths you would like to compile or an integer/logical
#' vector. If `reports` is an integer or logical vector then a call of
#' `compile_reports(factory, reports = idx)` is equivalent to
#' `compile_reports(factory, list_reports(factory)[idx])`.
#' @param factory The path to the report factory or a folder within the desired
#' factory. Defaults to the current directory.
#' @param params A named list of parameters to be used for compiling reports,
#' passed to `rmarkdown::render()` as the params argument. Values specified
#' here will take precedence over default values specified in YAML headers of
#' the reports. Note that the set of parameter is used for all compiled
#' reports.
#' @param if FALSE (default), the report pattern matching is case
#' sensitive and if TRUE, case is ignored during matching.
#' @param quiet A logical indicating if messages from R Markdown compilation
#' should be displayed; `TRUE` by default.
#' @param timestamp A character indicating the date-time format to be used for
#' timestamps. Timestamps are used in the folder structure of outputs. If
#' NULL, the format format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_T%H-%M-%S") will be used.
#' Note that the timestamp corresponds to the time of the call to
#' compile_reports(), so that multiple reports compiled using a single call
#' to the function will have identical timestamps.
#' @param subfolder Name of subfolder to store results. Not required but helps
#' distinguish output if mapping over multiple parameters. If provided,
#' "subfolder" will be placed before the timestamp when storing compilation
#' outputs.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to `rmarkdown::render()`
#' @return Invisble NULL (called for side effects only).
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export
compile_reports <- function(reports = NULL, factory = ".", = FALSE,
params = NULL, quiet = TRUE, subfolder = NULL,
timestamp = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_T%H-%M-%S"),
...) {
# Added this as Brian Ripley raised issues with portability and solaris
# Check to see if pandoc is installed
if(!rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) {
stop("Pandoc is not installed; please install before proceeding")
# force timestamp to evaluate as soon as function called - needed due to the
# `Sys.time` call within the default argument
# get factory root, report_sources and output folders
tmp <- validate_factory(factory)
root <- tmp$root
report_sources <- tmp$report_sources
outputs <- tmp$outputs
# get vector of reports to compile
report_template_dir <- file.path(root, report_sources)
report_sources <- file.path(report_template_dir, list_reports(root))
# error if report folder empty
if (length(report_sources) == 0) {
stop(sprintf("No reports found in %s", report_template_dir))
if (!is.null(reports)) {
if ((is.numeric(reports) && is.wholenumber(reports)) || is.logical(reports)) {
report_sources <- report_sources[reports]
if (any( || length(report_sources) == 0) {
stop("Unable to match reports with the given index")
} else {
report_sources <- lapply(
value = TRUE, =
report_sources <- unique(unlist(report_sources))
if (any( || length(report_sources) == 0) {
stop("Unable to find matching reports to compile")
# create output directory
report_output_dir <- file.path(root, outputs)
if (!dir.exists(report_output_dir)) {
params_to_print <- params
# loop over all reports
for (r in report_sources) {
# get files present in report folder and timestamps
files_at_start <- list_report_folder_files(report_template_dir)
dirs_at_start <- list_report_folder_files(report_template_dir, directories = TRUE)
# pull yaml from the report
yaml <- rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(r)
# If params are supplied, these are combined with any default parameters
# that may be set in the report header. Where there are overlaps preference
# is given to those set here. After much trial and error the current way
# we facilitate this is to alter the yaml header and save this altered
# version to a new file which we then compile.
if (!is.null(params)) {
p <- yaml$params
if (is.null(p)) {
params_input <- params
} else {
other_params <- p[!names(p) %in% names(params)]
params_input <- append(params, other_params)
out_file <- file.path(report_template_dir, "_reportfactory_tmp_.Rmd")
on.exit(suppressWarnings(file.remove(out_file)), add = TRUE)
change_yaml_matter(r, params = params_input, output_file = out_file)
params_to_print <- params_input
# display just enough information to be useful
relative_path <- sub(report_template_dir, "", r)
relative_path <- sub("\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*$", "", relative_path)
relative_path <- sub("^/", "", relative_path)
message(">>> Compiling report: ", relative_path)
if (!is.null(names(params_to_print))) {
" - with parameters: ",
paste(names(params_to_print), params_to_print, sep = " = ", collapse = ", ")
# create an additional subfolder if desired
if (is.null(subfolder)) {
output_folder <- file.path(
} else {
output_folder <- file.path(
#dir.create(output_folder, recursive = TRUE)
# render a report in a cleaner environment using `callr::r`.
# the calls below are a little verbose but currently work (can simplify
# later if we desire)
if (is.null(params)) {
function(input, output_folder, quiet, ...) {
output_format = "all",
output_dir = output_folder,
envir = globalenv(),
quiet = quiet,
args = list(
input = r,
output_folder = output_folder,
quiet = quiet,
} else {
function(input, output_folder, out_file, quiet, ...) {
output_format = "all",
output_file = out_file,
output_dir = output_folder,
params = NULL,
envir = globalenv(),
quiet = quiet,
args = list(
input = out_file,
output_folder = output_folder,
out_file = file.path(relative_path),
quiet = quiet,
# remove the temporary outfile if present
if (!is.null(params)) file.remove(out_file)
# get files present in report folder and timestamps
files_at_end <- list_report_folder_files(report_template_dir)
# work out which files are new
new_files <- rows_in_x_not_in_y(files_at_end, files_at_start)$files
# make a copy of the report and the new files
file.copy(r, output_folder)
new_locations <- sub(dirname(r), output_folder, new_files)
for (d in dirname(new_locations))
if (!dir.exists(d)) {
dir.create(d, recursive = TRUE)
file.rename(new_files, new_locations)
# remove left over folders
dirs_at_end <- list_report_folder_files(report_template_dir, directories = TRUE)
# work out which files are new
new_dirs <- rows_in_x_not_in_y(dirs_at_end, dirs_at_start)$files
# remove new directories
unlink(new_dirs, recursive = TRUE)
message("All done!\n")
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