#' List dependencies of reports within a factory
#' List package dependencies based on the reports and scripts within the
#' report_sources and scripts directories respectively.
#' @inheritParams compile_reports
#' @param missing A logical indicating if only missing dependencies should be
#' listed (`TRUE`); otherwise, all packages needed in the reports are listed;
#' defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param check_r If true, R scripts contained within the factory will also be
#' checked. Note that this will error if the script cannot be parsed.
#' @param exclude_readme If TRUE (default) README files will not be checked for
#' dependencies.
#' @param parse_first If `TRUE` code will first be parsed for validity and
#' unevaluated Rmd chunks will not be checked for dependencies. The default
#' value is `FALSE` and, in this case, files will simply be checked line by
#' line for calls to `library`, `require` or use of double, `::`, and triple,
#' `:::` function calls.
#' @note This function requires that any R scripts present in the factory are
#' valid syntax else the function will error.
#' @return A character vector of package dependencies.
#' @export
list_deps <- function(factory = ".", missing = FALSE, check_r = TRUE,
exclude_readme = TRUE, parse_first = FALSE) {
tmp <- suppressMessages(validate_factory(factory))
root <- tmp$root
config <-, "factory_config")))
report_sources <- config$report_sources
root_report_sources <- file.path(root, report_sources)
root_scripts <- file.path(root, "scripts")
root_to_check <- c(root_report_sources, root_scripts)
# List of R files
r_files <- list.files(
pattern = "\\.[Rr]$",
recursive = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE
# List of Rmd files
rmd_files <- list.files(
root_to_check, pattern = "\\.[Rr]md$",
recursive = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE
if (exclude_readme) {
readme <- list.files(
pattern = "README\\.Rmd",
recursive = TRUE, = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE
rmd_files <- rmd_files[!rmd_files %in% readme]
# Find R file dependencies
r_files_deps <- character(0)
if (length(r_files) && check_r) {
r_files_deps <- list_r_file_deps(r_files, parse = parse_first)
# Find Rmd file dependencies
op <- options(knitr.purl.inline = TRUE)
rmd_files_deps <- character(0)
if (length(rmd_files)) {
if (parse_first) {
d <- tempdir()
fd <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(rmd_files))
fd <- vapply(fd, function(x) file.path(d, x), character(1))
on.exit(unlink(fd), add = TRUE)
fefil <- tempfile()
on.exit(unlink(fefil), add = TRUE)
fe <- file(fefil, "w")
sink(fe, type = "message")
function(x,y) {
knitr::purl(input = x, output = y, quiet = TRUE, documentation = 0),
silent = TRUE
} ,
sink(type = "message")
rmd_files_deps <- c("rmarkdown", list_r_file_deps(fd, parse = TRUE))
} else {
rmd_files_deps <- c("rmarkdown", list_r_file_deps(rmd_files, parse = FALSE))
# return unique dependencies
deps <- unique(c(r_files_deps, rmd_files_deps))
if (missing) {
installed <- basename(find.package(deps))
deps <- setdiff(deps, installed)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
list_r_file_deps <- function(filepaths, parse = FALSE) {
if (parse) {
f <- function(x) paste(as.character(parse(x)), collapse = "\n")
} else {
f <- function(x) paste(readLines(x), collapse = "\n")
dat <- vapply(filepaths, f, character(1))
colon_string <- r"---{([a-zA-Z][\w.]*)(?=:{2,3})}---"
colon_greg <- gregexpr(colon_string, dat, perl = TRUE)
colon_deps <- unlist(regmatches(dat, colon_greg), use.names = FALSE)
lib_string <- r"{(?<=library\(|require\()([a-zA-Z][\w.]*)}"
lib_greg <- gregexpr(lib_string, dat, perl = TRUE)
lib_deps <- unlist(regmatches(dat, lib_greg), use.names = FALSE)
unique(c(lib_deps, colon_deps))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.