#' Convert md to HTML5 Slides
#' Uses \href{pandoc}{} to convert md to HTML5
#' \href{}{DZSlides} slides or slidy and provides
#' minor modifications (e.g., embedded youtube and hanging indent text).
#' @param in.file A character vector of the md file.
#' @param out.file A character vector of the outfile. If \code{"replace"} over
#' writes the original HTML file. Default, \code{NULL}, uses the root name of
#' the \code{in.file} plus a number 2.
#' @param type A character string of the desired slide type; either
#' c(\code{"slidy"} or \code{"dzslides"}).
#' @param The title of the reference page (adds hanging indent and
#' reduces font size). If \code{NULL} references slide will not be adjusted.
#' If reference title is not found a warning will print.
#' @param refs.cex The font size to make the references.
#' @param path The path to where the documents reside/should be created.
#' Default is the PRESENTATION directory. This conveniently allows for non
#' paths to be supplied to \code{in.file} and \code{out.file}. Paths can be
#' supplied to \code{in.file} and \code{out.file} by setting \code{path} to
#' \code{NULL}.
#' @param hi.cex The font size to make the hanging indent coded text if \code{hi}
#' code chunk is used.
#' @details The user must have Pandoc installed and on their path. Pandoc can
#' be installed from: \cr \href{}{}
#' @section Code Chunks: The following convenience code chunks are implemented:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{\bold{hi} - Wrapping text with this code chunk will result in
#' hanging indentation. Use \code{hi.cex} to control the font size of the text.}
#' \item{\bold{yt} - Wrap a youtube url or tag to embed a youtube video}
#' }
#' Code chunks use the following form: \bold{[[[text]]]=code.tag} (e.g.,
#' \bold{[[[cokNUTGtoM4]]]=yt} embeds a youtube video. Currently this
#' is a convenience feature that may have unexpected results and may need
#' additional tweaking within the html output. When using embedded youtube,
#' slide titles and text are ignored but may effect the spacing of the player.
#' User additions are welcomed.
#' @author Ananda Mahto & Tyler Rinker <>
#' @references \url{}
#' @seealso \code{\link[reports]{reveal.js}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Run after running knitr on an Rmd file
#' html5() #assumes location of html file out of the box
#' }
html5 <-
function(in.file = NULL, out.file = NULL, type = "dzslides", = "References", refs.cex = 15,
path = file.path(getwd(), "PRESENTATION"),
hi.cex = 25) {
if (!is.null(path)) {
WD <- getwd()
if (is.null(in.file)) {
in.file <- dir(path)[tools::file_ext(dir(path)) == "md"][1]
if (!is.null(out.file) && out.file=="replace") {
out.file <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(in.file, "\\."))[1], ".html")
if (is.null(out.file)) {
out.file <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(in.file, "\\."))[1], "2.html")
action <- paste0(wheresPandoc(), " -s -S -i -t ", type, " --mathjax ", in.file,
" -o ", out.file)
if (!is.null( {
HI <- c(".hangingindent {", " padding-left: 40px ;",
" text-indent: -35px ;", "}")
HTML5 <- suppressWarnings(readLines(out.file))
start <- paste0("<h1>",, "</h1>")
start <- which(grepl(start, HTML5))
if (identical(start, integer(0))) {
warning(" not found; argument was ignored")
} else {
endsel <- data.frame(type=c("dzslides", "slidy"),
end = c("</section>", "</div>"))
end <- endsel[endsel[, "type"] %in% type, "end"]
end <- which(grepl(end, HTML5))
end <- end[c(end - start) > 0][1]
len <- seq_along(HTML5)
reps <- which(grepl("<p", HTML5) & HTML5 != "<p>" &
len > start & len < end)
start2 <- reps[1]
HTML5[start2:end][HTML5[start2:end] == "<p>"] <- "DELETEMEIMEDIATELY"
SUB <- paste0("<p class=\"hangingindent\" style=\"font-size:",
refs.cex, "px;\">")
HTML5[reps] <- gsub("<p>", SUB, HTML5[reps])
reprms <- which(HTML5 == "<p>" & len > (start + 1) & len < end)
splpoint <- which(grepl("Transition effect", HTML5))
if (type == "dzslides") {
NEW <- c(HTML5[1:(splpoint - 1)], HI, na.omit(HTML5[splpoint:max(len)]))
if (type == "slidy") {
} else {
NEW <- suppressWarnings(readLines(out.file))
lchunk <- grepl("[[[", NEW, fixed = TRUE)
yt <- which(lchunk & grepl("]]]=yt", NEW, fixed = TRUE))
if (!identical(yt, integer(0))) {
yt2 <- mgsub(c("<p>[[[", "]]]=yt</p>"), "", NEW[yt], fixed = TRUE)
yt2b <- strsplit(yt2, "v=")
yt2c <- strsplit(sapply(yt2b, function(x) x[length(x)]), "&")
tags <- sapply(yt2c, function(x) x[1])
yt3 <- paste0("<iframe class=\"youtube-player\" type=\"text/html\" width=\"800\" height=\"500\" src=\"",
tags, "\" frameborder=\"0\"> </iframe>")
NEW[yt] <- yt3
lchunk <- grepl("[[[", NEW, fixed = TRUE)
hi <- which(lchunk & grepl("]]]=hi", NEW, fixed = TRUE))
if (!identical(hi, integer(0))) {
reps <-lapply(strsplit(NEW[hi], "]]]=hi<br>"), function(x) {
mgsub(pattern = c("[[[", "<p>", "]]]=hi</p>"), replacement = "", x)
reps <- lapply(reps, function(x) {
paste0("<p class=\"hangingindent\" style=\"font-size:", hi.cex,
"px;\">", x, "</p>")
ends <- c(hi -1, length(NEW))
starts <- c(1, hi + 1)
out <- c()
for (i in seq_along(length(reps))){
out <- c(out, NEW[starts[i]:ends[i]], unlist(reps[[i]]))
NEW <- c(out, NEW[starts[length(starts)]:ends[length(ends)]])
cat(paste0(NEW, collapse = "\n"), file=out.file)
cat(paste0("HTML5 ", type, " file generated:\n", file.path(path, out.file), "\n"))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.